The aesthetics of Outworld
posted06/13/2014 01:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Something a poster in a thread on the MKX board left me wondering: Are Outworld's aesthetics consistent?

You have the purple sky of the wastelands, the dark sky of the living forest, both of which probably at night-time. These are just two examples of the diverse aesthetics of Outworld.

Me personally, I believe Outworld, like Earth, is a very diversified world. In the United States alone, you have states where it snows, and others where it doesn't, like Florida. Though there's also the fact Outworld is several realms merged with one another. We've never really known what it implies for it's environment. If Earth was merged with Outworld, would we see the trees of the living forest in certain parts of a town?

Whatever the merging of realms do to the realms' environments, and while Outworld looks otherwordly compared to our world, none of the Outworld stages seem mixed in crazy ways, like the Living Forest's trees in Jade's desert. Perhaps the merging only allows "logical" fusions. If our world was merged with Outworld, Las Vegas might find itself relocated near Jade's desert, rather than the wastelands. All of this is really fascinating.

The Netherrealm is also a place with diverse aesthetics. We've seen the high-tech prison of souls, the volcano-like hell of MK:SM, and a town in MKD. I like to think that all these places are part of the netherrealm, instead of constant redesigns.
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06/11/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
Do not forget that Edenia in the original timeline was a part of Outworld. The inconsistency could be chalked up to having several worlds pushed together.

Now think. Earth has about 400-500 different cultures that create nations. Now imagine five or more Earths pushed together. What you get is a cultural puree.

Cultural puree. I like the sound of that.
06/11/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
It seems like when realms are merged, those elements become part of a territory as opposed to spread out across the landscape.

Also, Kahn tends to strip the life out of everything he takes and make it a wasteland, so everything new would theoretically be a little too dead to leave a lasting impression.

Skyscrapers probably would've made a pretty big difference, though. Outworld's never been merged with a realm that had modern technology or architecture.

As far as we know, there's only been 3 or 4 worlds annexed: Edenia - which is apparently all just villages of huts and shit like Outworld already has, it was just more grassy and beautiful, Zaterra - which according to an unused MKDA stage was a swamp-world, Vaeternus - which we've never seen but being a vampire world probably looks a lot like the stereotypical Castlevania shit Outworld already has, and maybe Shokan - if it was indeed its own realm once and not a natural part of Outworld. Which goes back to my territory comment, the Kuatan land is as far as we know a unilaterally volcanic area.

Chrome Wrote:
Now think. Earth has about 400-500 different cultures that create nations. Now imagine five or more Earths pushed together. What you get is a cultural puree.

It's suggested that Earth has a way larger population than other realms do, which is why it's such a prize for a guy who feeds on mortal souls in bulk like Kahn.

And like I said, he tends to strip realms of most of their life when he takes 'em and enslaves the rest i.e. what happened to Reptile. Vampires are obviously remaining scarce as well. Edenia seemed to get off lucky having enough survivors for there to be rebels (probably one of those mercies Sindel begged for during their shortlived marriage), and the Shokan obviously made peace with Kahn and earned his favor to keep their own monarchy and way of life intact.
06/11/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
I believe we still haven't seen Outworld in it's entirety, so for all we know, certain realms merged with Outworld, like Nitara's, had skyscrapers that either looked similar to ours, or were more futuristic, in fact.

As for what we saw of Edenia in MKD's Konquest mode, remember that none of the worlds we explored, including our own, were very large. We didn't see any modern buildings in MKD's Earth. Outworld was laughably small, and there were so many areas we didn't explore at all, like Kuatan, or the prison of souls in hell. So we can't say Edenia's all huts and villages. Blaze's stage, and the parts of Edenia we did explore in MKA were certainly proof of that. Though it's funny to imagine that desert and the pyramid being right outside those villages.

What is your opinion on all these different parts of the Netherrealm that we've seen so far, like the prison of souls and MK:SM's volcano-like areas? Are they all part of hell, or are they each constant redesigns? NRS has been ignoring the Netherrealm's technological roots for a long time now.

06/12/2014 01:14 AM (UTC)
It's well established that Hell has multiple layers, like in Dante's Inferno.

The "Scorpion's Lair" area we see the most with the lava and caves and columns made of skeletons, is the 5th Plane. It's specifically a place for torture and punishment of the damned, that's why Sareena was sent there when she betrayed Shinnok and her human-looking form was killed at the end of MKM. And it's why Drahmin lives there, his actual job as the "Oni-Tormentor" is to punish sinners.

Nekros, the Necromancer city from Konquest, is on the First Plane. As are, one presumes, the Prison of Souls and Quan Chi's Pyramid from Mythologies, since they have a sky.

All the places with human-looking demons and technology are supposed to be that way because Shinnok is trying to make the realm look more like Earth and this is as close as he can get.

Presumably, the explanation for the "redesigns" done since MKM or areas that don't have tech and look like traditional Hell, is because either his magic doesn't reach everywhere, he didn't care to change planes lower than the First because they're below the surface, hidden from his eyes, or his power over the realm has waned since his defeat in MK4.
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06/12/2014 07:49 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
traditional Hell.

he, fun note: the layering of hell came about because of Dante. Now on the other hand, the heavens, now those are different things altogeher.
06/13/2014 01:17 PM (UTC)
Why was this thread moved to the MKX board?
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