The 5 factions.
posted01/01/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/23/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
So now we know the game will have an online feature where players can pick to support one of the following factions and that the game screen and other stuff will change depending on which faction gets more power from its supporting players:

- Lin Kuei
- White Lotus
- Special Forces
- Black Dragon
- Shadow Brotherhood

I think it's interesting that the factions get this kind of protagonist. Makes me think that each of them will have a heavy focus on the story mode.

We know that Sub-Zero gets to be Grandmaster so if the revenants come back on the first chapters of the game (Kung Lao should be returning early to be old 25 years later), probably with Raiden leading the living heroes to recover their teamates for the good side, Sub-Zero's chapter could focus on his quest to take control of the Lin Kuei and then making it a force of good.

Kung Lao is a member of the White Lotus, and I think this could mean that more members (scarred Liu Kang? Kai?) might be comming too to make the White Lotus more important in the crussade against Netherealm and Outworld.

The Special Forces kind of have some focus in the beginning of MK9 with the rescue mission, but little more was known of them after that, I think this time around the living heroes and new recruits will all be members of the special forces, training for the clash agains the Netherealm. Johnny and Sonya will probably get chapters 1 and 2 (like during MK9) leading the attack and rescuing their deceased comrades from Quan Chi. It also makes me think Cyrax might end up being recruited again at some point, aswell as Kenshi like in the old timeline.

The Black Dragon features Kano, but aside of MK Deception, there has never been too much of a focus on the organization itself, it was more about Kano. Maybe that's changing this time around and the organization as a whole will play a big role in the story, maybe even becoming wildcards and surprising everyone with their actions.

Finally we got the Shadow Brotherhood, with Quan Chi already in the game, and knowing Netherealm will be featured too, this gets the chances of guys like Noob, Sareena, Reiko and company returning, much higher.

It's also interesting that 4 of the factions come from Earthrealm, none from Outworld and factions like the Red Dragon (which is featured in the comics) aren't included in the mix (maybe Kano is killing all of them in the comics before the game timeline?).
About Me

Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

01/01/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
I'm actually surprised the Shirai Ryu aren't one of the factions.

My guess is that you have to gather enough points to unlock the Shirai Ryu faction, it'll be DLC, or its there but the article didn't mention it.

Knowing Ed, the Shirai Ryu will probably be the most prestigious faction or something grand.
About Me

01/01/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
The Shirai Ryu is nothing more than a forgotten, dead clan we barely know anything about.
01/01/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
James_Sunderland Wrote:
I'm actually surprised the Shirai Ryu aren't one of the factions.

My guess is that you have to gather enough points to unlock the Shirai Ryu faction, it'll be DLC, or its there but the article didn't mention it.

Knowing Ed, the Shirai Ryu will probably be the most prestigious faction or something grand.

I thought about them too, specially considering Ed Boon loves Scorpion, but that clan is the corpse of Scorpion and that's it. Maybe that new Scorpion ally from the comics? Though I think that ally is pre-death, so IDK.

The Red Dragon absence is more surprising for me considering they are heavily featured in the comic.
01/01/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
Brotherhood of Shadows please
01/01/2015 07:27 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
The Shirai Ryu is nothing more than a forgotten, dead clan we barely know anything about.

And MKX comics will fix that wink
01/01/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
The Shirai Ryu have been around since 1997 and after seventeen years we still don't know jack shit about them.
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