Tavens Existence In The New MK Timeline?
posted01/24/2013 02:22 PM (UTC)by
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12/29/2012 09:42 PM (UTC)
Hey all, this is my first thread on this website. Nice to meet everybody's aqauaintence..

..So with Raiden's defeat over Shao Kahn, Armageddon was apparently averted correct? We all know Daegon was prematurely awaken due to Konquest Mode in MKA as we also see him fighting in the backround of the Pit in MK8 but what about Taven? With history being alterted then there would be no reason for Orin to wake up Taven right?

“This is our tournament remember? Mortal Kombat. We fight it..”
12/30/2012 04:06 AM (UTC)
Quantile Wrote:
Hey all, this is my first thread on this website. Nice to meet everybody's aqauaintence..

..So with Raiden's defeat over Shao Kahn, Armageddon was apparently averted correct? We all know Daegon was prematurely awaken due to Konquest Mode in MKA as we also see him fighting in the backround of the Pit in MK8 but what about Taven? With history being alterted then there would be no reason for Orin to wake up Taven right?

“This is our tournament remember? Mortal Kombat. We fight it..”

This new MK Timeline gives NRS the chance to unfuck what they've fucked... and that includes (but is not limited to) Shujinko, Taven, Daegon, and Mokap.

Unfortunately the new MK Timeline also fucked new aspects of the story.

The lesser of to evils...
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“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

12/30/2012 05:44 AM (UTC)
Believe it or not I was actually a fan of Shujinko lol

Yeah Mokap was a complete joke and the whole Armageddon storyline was just set up to be an epic failure. Unfortunately it looks like we're still stuck with Daegon though. I was just curious to hear everyones take on what's to become of Taven now since Armageddon isn't set to take place anymore..

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
12/30/2012 07:50 AM (UTC)
Quantile Wrote:
So with Raiden's defeat over Shao Kahn, Armageddon was apparently averted correct?

Not so.

Raiden's goal was to stop Shao Kahn from being the last man standing and conquering the universe. He succeeded in that, but that doesn't mean the reason Blaze and the Pyramid were made in the first place has been solved at all, it just means that one particular bad guy won't be around to have a chance at winning when Armageddon happens again.
To truly prevent it, you'd probably have to find and kill Blaze early, since he controls the whole thing and I bet if he were to die before he could summon the pyramid or become his giant form, there'd be no "Prize" energy released.
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“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

12/30/2012 05:59 PM (UTC)
You know I've never considered Raiden's visions that way before and I couldn't agree with you more. Very well spoken haha. That really sets the pace for an even better altered storyline IMO too.

Blaze being defeated earlier in the timeline or not being able to reach his final form wouldn't make a difference in Armageddon taking place though. Blaze was created for the solo purpose of preventing the apocalypse, he's not the cause of it. Armageddon is supposed to take place because throughout the history of the Mortal Kombat tournament warriors would eventually become too powerful and too numerous and their intensified kombat would weaken and shatter the realms. Blaze tells Taven at the end of konquest mode in MKA that these warriors would unknowingly tap into the very forces that make reality possible. Delia foresaw this so her and Argus orchestrated the whole pyramid event to gather them all into one place to try and eliminate the threat. Blaze just happened to be their pawn.

So technically Blaze, Taven, and Daegon still serve an important role in these games. I just hope Neatherrealm Studios is able to better portray it when the time comes again..

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
12/31/2012 05:03 AM (UTC)
Quantile Wrote:
Hey all, this is my first thread on this website. Nice to meet everybody's aqauaintence..

..So with Raiden's defeat over Shao Kahn, Armageddon was apparently averted correct? We all know Daegon was prematurely awaken due to Konquest Mode in MKA as we also see him fighting in the backround of the Pit in MK8 but what about Taven? With history being alterted then there would be no reason for Orin to wake up Taven right?

“This is our tournament remember? Mortal Kombat. We fight it..”

Raiden defeat of Shao Kahn only prevented the outcome of Armageddon where Shao Kahn emerged victorious, not the cause of Armageddon itself. Armageddon for the forseeable future will happen eventually. Raiden victory change a few events that can be seen at the moment. A void to be filled on who will rule Outworld. But as far the whole bit with Taven, it will remain the same, and at the same rate of the original timeline. Unless, Shao Kahn has something to do exactly with the alert. Which from what I remember, he doesn't.
12/31/2012 08:07 AM (UTC)
Wel said, Razor. I guess I'll just do some building on it nstead of being the normal overly-smart too MK-trivia obsessed wierdo I am. But in all seriousness, yeah, Razor hit it perfect pretty much. Armageddon was meant to destroy all warriors so that their energies did not destroy all the realms. But Onaga still (I think) will return, Shujinko IS already on his quest, up until basically when he went to the Netherrealm for the second time is unaffected. Taven has ALWAYS been in his "tomb" thing, what's the point of wasting Orin and a half-god warrior if the gods themselves want it to happen.

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01/02/2013 07:55 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Quantile Wrote:
So with Raiden's defeat over Shao Kahn, Armageddon was apparently averted correct?

Not so.

Raiden's goal was to stop Shao Kahn from being the last man standing and conquering the universe. He succeeded in that, but that doesn't mean the reason Blaze and the Pyramid were made in the first place has been solved at all, it just means that one particular bad guy won't be around to have a chance at winning when Armageddon happens again.

To truly prevent it, you'd probably have to find and kill Blaze early, since he controls the whole thing and I bet if he were to die before he could summon the pyramid or become his giant form, there'd be no "Prize" energy released.

Yeah, basically this. I'd also wonder though if getting rid of Blaze would solve the problem though. Didn't the reason why Armageddon began have more to do with there being too many powerful warriors and it was affecting the worlds or something along those lines?

I can't watch the intro right now, but I thought that was the whole issue. Unless I'm thinking of the whole Rage issue in MKvDC.
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“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

01/02/2013 09:14 PM (UTC)
Blaze was not the cause of Armageddon. Removing him from the equation wouldn't help anything it would actiually just make things worse. Blaze is an elemental safeguard put into play by Argus and Delia to try to prevent Armageddon. He in no way shape or form originated it.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
01/03/2013 04:21 AM (UTC)
Now that I think about it, the cause of Armageddon would be the One Being. Ever since being shattered by the Elder Gods, it has been to unite the realms so that it can united its consciousness. It had work using many in the past including Shao Kahn and Onaga. This is one of the reason why Shao Kahn seek to conquer a lot of realms and merge it with Outworld. And in order to conquest, one must win Mortal Kombat. In order to win Mortal Kombat, one must have a decent amount of competitors. And a whole lot of competitors led to Deliah prophecy coming true of the Mortal Kombat is being corrupted with two many powerful competitors.
01/05/2013 04:57 AM (UTC)
Quantile Wrote:
Blaze was not the cause of Armageddon. Removing him from the equation wouldn't help anything it would actiually just make things worse. Blaze is an elemental safeguard put into play by Argus and Delia to try to prevent Armageddon. He in no way shape or form originated it.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

Blaze was not put in place to prevent Armageddon, he was put in place to end it as quickly and safely as possible.

He himself said that Armageddon was inevitable, and that either Taven or Daegon would have to fight him.

Neither Taven or Daegon have anything to do with the MK storyline prior to Armageddon, excluding the Red Dragon, so anything that happens prior to it will not affect them at all.
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“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

01/05/2013 08:36 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:

Blaze was not put in place to prevent Armageddon, he was put in place to end it as quickly and safely as possible.

Blaze was created and put in place specifically to prevent Armageddon.

Quote directly from Blaze and Taven in MKA Konquest Mode:
Blaze: “Unfortunate. It was not intended that the brothers kombat eachother. Daegon has fallen. Now you must fulfill your obligation.”
Taven: “Obligation? The quest destroyed my family. Explain to me why I should care?”
Blaze: “Your mother, my creator, forsaw the coming Armageddon. That through Mortal Kombat, warriors would unknowingly tap into the very forces that make reality possible. Those warriors are in the crater below. Êngaged in Mortal Kombat.”
Taven: “All of them? But with that many fighting in one place..”
Blaze: “This crater will be the origin of the apocalypse unless something is done to prevent it. The Elder Gods demanded that your father orchestrate a solution. He decided to kill them all when the time came. But your mother argued to nearly strip the kombatants of their special abilities, as some were heros, undeserving of death. In the end they conceived of a contest between you and your brother. Like a coin toss, one side would disarm the warriors. The other would destroy them all.”
Taven: “Which side of the coin am I?”
Blaze: “It is unknown even to me. Your armor is the cataylist. The fate of the kombatants will be revealed when our battle is done. But you must not let anyone else kombat me..”

Blaze is clearly notating here that Argus and Delia created him for the purpose of stopping Armageddon. If it wasn't for his role in preventing the apocalypse then he wouldn't exist.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
01/06/2013 02:34 PM (UTC)
The problem is that Blaze was created to prevent Armageddon in THEORY.

In PRACTICE, though, he ended up being the CAUSE of Armageddon.

Because the battle in Delia's vision ONLY happened because Shinnok, who WANTED Armageddon to happen, TOLD everybody about where Blaze would be and how they could fight him to get godlike power, causing everybody to be in the crater at once and have a war.

The problem isn't "too many fighters with powers" just plain existing. The problem only happens if that many fighters with powers all gather into a single place at once and use their powers to tear each other up, it's too much energy being slung around all at the same time, that's when the fabric of reality is in danger of tearing.

Delia's vision became a self-fulfilling prophecy, by creating Blaze, she actually caused it all to happen. If there's no Blaze, that battle will never happen because there won't be a REASON for 60+ superhumans to have a battle royal in that crater.
I suppose you could just destroy Shinnok and that would prevent him from telling everybody...but I think as long as Blaze and the brothers and swords and armors and pyramid all still exist, then Armageddon can still happen one day. It's like...if you know somebody is destined to be shot with a specific gun, you could go after everyone who might shoot the gun, but wouldn't it be much easier to just destroy the gun? That way no one can ever shoot it. Blaze is a gun, one day SOMEONE, it doesn't matter who, is gonna shoot it. So just fucking destroy Blaze!
01/06/2013 08:30 PM (UTC)
Quantile Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

Blaze was not put in place to prevent Armageddon, he was put in place to end it as quickly and safely as possible.

Blaze was created and put in place specifically to prevent Armageddon.

Quote directly from Blaze and Taven in MKA Konquest Mode:
Blaze: “Unfortunate. It was not intended that the brothers kombat eachother. Daegon has fallen. Now you must fulfill your obligation.”
Taven: “Obligation? The quest destroyed my family. Explain to me why I should care?”
Blaze: “Your mother, my creator, forsaw the coming Armageddon. That through Mortal Kombat, warriors would unknowingly tap into the very forces that make reality possible. Those warriors are in the crater below. Êngaged in Mortal Kombat.”
Taven: “All of them? But with that many fighting in one place..”
Blaze: “This crater will be the origin of the apocalypse unless something is done to prevent it. The Elder Gods demanded that your father orchestrate a solution. He decided to kill them all when the time came. But your mother argued to nearly strip the kombatants of their special abilities, as some were heros, undeserving of death. In the end they conceived of a contest between you and your brother. Like a coin toss, one side would disarm the warriors. The other would destroy them all.”
Taven: “Which side of the coin am I?”
Blaze: “It is unknown even to me. Your armor is the cataylist. The fate of the kombatants will be revealed when our battle is done. But you must not let anyone else kombat me..”

Blaze is clearly notating here that Argus and Delia created him for the purpose of stopping Armageddon. If it wasn't for his role in preventing the apocalypse then he wouldn't exist.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

It seems that Armageddon begun the moment everyone began to fight, and the apocalypse would be the result of it.

But maybe I shouldn't be separating the two...
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
01/08/2013 02:17 AM (UTC)
I get what people are saying, but to get a little sci-fi hasn't Rayden essentially created an infinite loop? From MK 1 to Armaggedon, a new baddie could win the final fight.
About Me

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”

01/13/2013 02:54 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The problem is that Blaze was created to prevent Armageddon in THEORY.

Delia's vision became a self-fulfilling prophecy, by creating Blaze, she actually caused it all to happen. If there's no Blaze, that battle will never happen because there won't be a REASON for 60+ superhumans to have a battle royal in that crater.

Well said brother. You really hit the nail on the head there. A quote from Yoda in Star Wars Episode III popped into my head when I read your reply: “Careful you must be when sensing the future Anikan. The fear of loss is a path to the darkside.” lol.

“Those were $500 sunglasses Asshole.”
01/17/2013 06:18 AM (UTC)
First of all I think that NRS fucked themselves with MKA, and what will happen after mk9 if half the kombatants are dead, maybe their fighting energies will calm down because all of the good characters are dead, evil has no need to fight, no fighting, no broken realms, no broken realms no Armageddon.
01/17/2013 07:01 AM (UTC)
mwgrant0 Wrote:
First of all I think that NRS fucked themselves with MKA, and what will happen after mk9 if half the kombatants are dead, maybe their fighting energies will calm down because all of the good characters are dead, evil has no need to fight, no fighting, no broken realms, no broken realms no Armageddon.

Half the cast of MKA was people who'd died at least once before. They all keep resurrecting or escaping Hell.

And we already know Quan Chi and Shinnok are planning to attack Earth and Outworld, and use all the people who died in 9 as slave soldiers.
01/20/2013 07:20 PM (UTC)
Well I’m not the author so I do not know what the developers or producers intend, as an ...Unsuccessful... Writer I can say sometimes fans responding are who write it. Say a character Charlotte was intended to retire in Tibet, however people get outraged since she was so popular. In the next sequel she appears and a cliff note might say, “Daegon recruit’s her in the Red Dragon Clan while Searching for Taven in the Himalayan Nepal Territory.” That’s all hypothetical of course; Not to mention that Nothing said Blaze was Destroyed by Kahn. In the opening of MK9 it showed several Dead Fighters but I don’t think every single solitary fighter was dead. It was probably intended to show that Raiden was getting mutilated and it seemed desperate and so in a last ditch effort to avoid losing he sent a message. Remember in Kahn’s Armageddon Ending he went insane after not being able to keep going to war with other realms. In Raiden’s Armageddon Ending He destroyed every Realm except for Earthrealm. Neither one is particularly a happy one.
01/20/2013 11:21 PM (UTC)
@drenaline Wrote:
Not to mention that Nothing said Blaze was Destroyed by Kahn.

Boon and Vogel have both said on Twitter, Kahn is meant to be the one who killed Blaze, in the opening scene of MK9.

Also, y'know the part in the opening where Kahn starts glowing yellow right before he kills Raiden?

Shao Kahn doesn't have yellow powers anywhere else in any of the games. The yellow is the energy he gained from killing Blaze.
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01/21/2013 01:51 PM (UTC)
Kind of shitty of them not showing who killed Blaze on screen, or what happened to Taven etc...
01/21/2013 09:12 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Said;
Boon and Vogel have both said on Twitter, Kahn is meant to be the one who killed Blaze, in the opening scene of MK9.

Also, y'know the part in the opening where Kahn starts glowing yellow right before he kills Raiden?

Shao Kahn doesn't have yellow powers anywhere else in any of the games. The yellow is the energy he gained from killing Blaze.

Hmmm... Is that so?!? I didn't hear that from anywhere. Shows what I know. I hope that somehow the MK 2011 and MK Armageddon are Amalgamated. I guess that's why I'm not writing for NeitherRealm Games. I just assumed that Daegon struck the final Blow with the Sword meant for Taven. Resulting in Taven becoming Protector of Edenia or whatever. Since one of the endings said, They're parents weren't really dead. They wanted to find out who was worthy. And in the opening to the 2011 MK it showed Lui Kang, Millena, Kenshi, Nightwolf, Shiva, and Kabal were dead. So like the offical Canon is after all the other games Evil Wins? ...Bummer.
01/24/2013 02:22 PM (UTC)
@drenaline Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Said;
Boon and Vogel have both said on Twitter, Kahn is meant to be the one who killed Blaze, in the opening scene of MK9.

Also, y'know the part in the opening where Kahn starts glowing yellow right before he kills Raiden?

Shao Kahn doesn't have yellow powers anywhere else in any of the games. The yellow is the energy he gained from killing Blaze.

You might very well be correct, I hope I don't sound like a petty Bourgeois gamer who is trying to sound like an expert. I'm really curious and I don't use twitter. I was looking up about Dan Forden, There was some article in it that claimed to be from Ed Boon and John Tobias. But since it was on a Wiki site (the other was on Comic Vine) it might not be 100% offical. Anyway it said that the ending was meant to have Taven Defeating Blaze and his Armour and Sword were the keys to preventing all the realms from destruction. But Daegon who was starting the Konquest much earlier snagged the wrong armour, and swiped both of the swords resulting in Taven using the original one from the very begining of the Botan Jungle all the way to the pyramid. So Taven became the Gaurdian of Edenia, but Shao Kahn was left standing and Raiden got beaten. So anyway back to the original question, Taven in the new MK Timeline? Well Technically if the Original Timeline doesn't exist anymore because of what Raiden manipulated. Taven is still in a pillar guarded by a Dragon awaiting Blaze's signal. When he does come too he'll get a quest perhaps learning about the God's Beaten by the Elder Sub Zero. Smoke still a human might be with the Lin Kuei and instead of fighting Kabal who is a good guy now he'll learn about Skarlet and Meat.
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