Tanyas chances are slim...
posted02/14/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
I know a lot of Tanya fans will be disappointed but honestly, I don't think her chances of being in MKX are very good.

-Kitana, for starters. Tanya was originally a Kitana-rip off character who used a boomerang like Jade, and unlike other palette swaps like Ermac, she hasn't really "evolved" through recent games. Plus, with Kitana's Mournful variation, she wouldn't have much of a move-set to herself, since Kitana has picked up the boomerang move too.

-With characters like Cassie Cage, D'Vorah, and maybe Jacqui, it seems like NRS would be better suited to focus on these new females, not to mention make room for other new characters.

-Tanya was more in service to Shinnok during the "Netherrealm Wars" and since the comics are skipping over that, I don't imagine we will be seeing much of it in the game either, especially since it would be pointless to focus on such a small part when half the roster doesn't even belong in that timeline or have not been confirmed yet (like Sonya or Cage)

-Mileena seems to be one of the big bads (especially females) in the comics and possibly the game, so I doubt there would be room for Tanya to make an appearance. It would seem natural for her to be siding with Reiko but he has a thing for Mileena, apparently.

-There are just too many characters that are more deserving of the spot who would actually be integral to the story (like Fujin) than Tanya, who has always just been another sneaky underling.
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02/14/2015 12:11 PM (UTC)
I feel like this for Shinnok as well. Just be patient though the roster is nearing. We'll know soon enough. And if not. We can hope for DLC to bring these characters in. Don't forget we had a lot of females in Deception. Kira, Ashrah, Li Mei, Jade, Tanya. There's hope.
02/14/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I know a lot of Tanya fans will be disappointed but honestly, I don't think her chances of being in MKX are very good.

-Kitana, for starters. Tanya was originally a Kitana-rip off character who used a boomerang like Jade, and unlike other palette swaps like Ermac, she hasn't really "evolved" through recent games. Plus, with Kitana's Mournful variation, she wouldn't have much of a move-set to herself, since Kitana has picked up the boomerang move too.

-With characters like Cassie Cage, D'Vorah, and maybe Jacqui, it seems like NRS would be better suited to focus on these new females, not to mention make room for other new characters.

-Tanya was more in service to Shinnok during the "Netherrealm Wars" and since the comics are skipping over that, I don't imagine we will be seeing much of it in the game either, especially since it would be pointless to focus on such a small part when half the roster doesn't even belong in that timeline or have not been confirmed yet (like Sonya or Cage)

-Mileena seems to be one of the big bads (especially females) in the comics and possibly the game, so I doubt there would be room for Tanya to make an appearance. It would seem natural for her to be siding with Reiko but he has a thing for Mileena, apparently.

-There are just too many characters that are more deserving of the spot who would actually be integral to the story (like Fujin) than Tanya, who has always just been another sneaky underling.

- Tanya is not only a boomerang character, she has a lot of other moves and they can even create original moves for her because she knows Black Magic.

- Bad reasoning for why she wouldn't be in, doesn't make a lot of sense not to bring old females because there are new females.

- Tanya isn't just a Shinnok let's invade character, she has different stories. especially her character because she is a character that goes with the strong side and have no problem with backstabbing.

Plus Shinnok will be back. mark my words, Crossroads map points a lot to Shinnok because it reminds me of that one mission in MKA when Taven goes to the Netherrealm.

I can assure you Shinnok is not out of this game just yet.

-Baraka hasn't showed up yet and he showed be there at either Kotal's side or Mileena's side.

Just because Tanya is not there yet doesn't mean she won't show up sooner or later.

look at Ferra/Torr they are in the game and are supposed to be in the comics but we heard nothing about them yet.

You made some good points but all of them can be counter-argued(Yes this is a word :D).
02/14/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
I'm starting to feel this way too. But hoping against hope.

I don't understand why people say she is a rip-off of Kitana. The only thing that remotely resembles her in any way is Tanya opens her fatality with a kiss. It suits her much better anyway. So is Kitana a rip-off of Sonya then? She had her square wave punch and kiss to introduce a fatality in her debut. Faulty logic to talk a character down, imo. Also, her boomerang is not a rip off of Jade. If anything, jades projectile evolving to have boomerang like qualities is a "rip off" of Tanya.

Otherwise, I like your thoughts and analysis. I just wanted to provide countrrarguments to your claim that she's a rip off, as I disagree grin
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/14/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
In the old timeline, Tanya survives the Netherrealm War and goes on to aid the DA and Dragon King.

So until stated otherwise by NRS, it's still truth.

Tanya will make the cut. Don't you worry!

02/14/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
I think she has a good chance.


This tweet shows they were seriously considering her for MK9. They know she is a highly requested character to return. Now with Jade being cut from the game, Tanya may be the female to take her spot. Don't rule out Tanya just yet.
02/14/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
I hope not, I'd rather have a new character than Tanya to be honest.
02/14/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Tanya is the only female or edenian who knows black magic. She should be in. This series does have a lack of sorceresses.
02/14/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
I don't know why people think that the Nether Realm was isn't going to be a focus of the games. It's obviously not a focus of the comics for a reason. Plus, we're going to have to see how characters like Kung Lao and Kitana got revived. MK9 played through three "arcs," and I'm guessing so will MKX: The Nether Realm War, The Rise of Kotal, and the Fall of Kotal.

Tanya was the lone female on team Shinnok. Why wouldn't she reprise her roll? As a Tanya fanboy, I'll admit that her chances are about 50/50, but I'm optimistic. Besides, MKX could use a few more bad girls on the roster.
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02/14/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
I don't really see her chances being slim since we see Reiko in the comics. He may have her be one of his lackeys on the story mode.wink
02/14/2015 03:09 PM (UTC)
LMAO. I am NOT impressed with this thread.

Tanya is an unbothered, epik, elusive Edenian. A yellow legend.

Tanya almost appeared in MK9, despite the fact that she is not a Trilogy kharakter whatsoever. That goes to show you how great she is. glasses

Fingers krossed for Tanya. smile
Mileena Stan
02/14/2015 03:11 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
As a Tanya fanboy, I'll admit that her chances are about 50/50, but I'm optimistic.

More like 10/90.
02/14/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
You really need to get off your fetish for Tanya.
02/14/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
Kan you stop using "K" whenever there is a "K" in a word ohhh shit you got me doing it now.

Your venom spreads I Kan't stop it... It's Kontrolling me

Ahhhh Help Klear my soul from this evil that Krushes my bones.

Kill the Karrier.
02/14/2015 03:13 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Kan you stop using "K" whenever there is a "K" in a word ohhh shit you got me doing it now.

Your venom spreads I Kan't stop it... It's Kontrolling me

Ahhhh Help Klear my soul from this evil that Krushes my bones.

Kill the Karrier.

Read his profile, there's no salvation.
02/14/2015 03:18 PM (UTC)
People komplaining about alphabetikal letters and profiles and fetishisms and whatever the freak else.


I am not here for this.

Freaking yawning so hard. sleep

I am too zen for this mess.

I EXIT this boring thread, now.

Next. smile
02/14/2015 03:21 PM (UTC)
Please exit the forum as well, thanks.
02/14/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Please exit the forum as well, thanks.

*Maria_Linda drinks her delicious peppermint tea, completely unbothered and peaceful* smile
02/14/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Please exit the forum as well, thanks.

*Maria_Linda drinks her delicious peppermint tea, completely unbothered and peaceful* smile

Oh you're still here. Liar.
02/14/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Please exit the forum as well, thanks.

You are the guy that was recreating MK4 endings lol.

Good job on that, I like how Reptile's head exploded.

Maria_Linda Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Please exit the forum as well, thanks.

*Maria_Linda drinks her delicious peppermint tea, completely unbothered and peaceful* smile


You said "completely" it's kompletely haha what a fool. learn to speak correctly please.
02/14/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
Please exit the forum as well, thanks.

*Maria_Linda drinks her delicious peppermint tea, completely unbothered and peaceful* smile

Oh you're still here. Liar.

Oops, I changed my mind.

But now, this will be my last post in this thread. This one right here.

*Maria_Linda shrugs, drinks her tea with her fingers krossed for Tanya*

Before I truly exit this thread, I remind you all that Tanya has a chance.
She was ALMOST in MK9. Yes, indeed. Ed Boon and his Mortal Kombat buddies KLEARLY like the kharakter.

Next. smile
About Me

02/14/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
I have seen infants with more mental integrity than here in this thread...

Look, if she wants to communicate like a five year old,let her. It is not like she insults or spams the threads....
02/14/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I have seen infants with more mental integrity than here in this thread...

Look, if she wants to communicate like a five year old,let her. It is not like she insults or spams the threads....

It's not about Tanya, It's about sending a message.
About Me

02/14/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
TBH the douchebag part of me really hopes Tanya only makes it in as pre-order DLC. I would find it amusing to watch people bitch about the ethics of pre-order content, while giving in over the obsession of a mediocre character.

I am an asshole, I know.
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