TANYA should definately come back!
posted08/20/2005 11:38 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/26/2004 09:18 PM (UTC)
ok this is my theory, as you all know Tanya was attacked by tarkatans,a trap set by Jade, so my theory is that she turned invisible like her special move and scaped the attack and now she is full of hatred towards Jade and this is the rivalry we've all been waiting for between TANYA & JADE.

08/03/2005 07:02 PM (UTC)

Tanya's cool, I wouldn't mind if she came back. But as you know, one of MK's biggest problems is continuity, so Jade's ending isn't likely or even confirmed.

Like Scorpion's ending from MK:DA
08/03/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)
I like Tanya and would like her back.

I think she has a lot of unfulfilled potential. I'd like to see her rivalry with Jade be developed. We should learn more about their backgrounds and give them a more personal reason for hating each other.

This is not only beneficial for Tanya, but also Jade who doesn't have much developement and is, as of now, still stuck in Kitana's shadow. Having her feud with Tanya is a step in the right direction.

I'd also like to see Tanya feud with Mileena for Edenia's throne. Evil bitch vs. evil bitch. And Mileena would be the lesser of two evils there, so that'd be an interesting rivalry IMO. And again, helps get Mileena out of Kitana's shadow.
08/03/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
I think Tanya's time in MK is done. Right now, there is nothing that goes against Jade's ending happening, and many people, myself included, would be happy for it to stay this way. She was the worst choice for a comeback in MKD, and should have stayed a one hit wonder. She was never an interesting character anyway, and I don't think she can really go anywhere.

People say Tanya has potential, but I see none. She's an expendable henchperson, the female equivalent of Jarek and Hsu Hao. Like those two, she is perfectly fine for one game, but her time should have ended after MKG. She already had the betrayal storyline with Shinnok, and is doingn the same thing with Onaga. Her biggest achievement in MKD was to get her arse kicked by Jade. Only the fact that she came back from MK4, giving her a tiny bit of background, saved her from being truly irrelevant, like Kobra or Dairou in MKD. Unless they do another game like MKT, with a big mix of characters from all MK's, Tanya is best left in the past, imo.
08/03/2005 09:08 PM (UTC)
I don't want to see Tanya again. I now realize that she's truly my most hated character in the MK series. Her return in MKD was a big mistake. She got uglier and cheaper. Her storyline was weak and her ending was crap.

When it comes to a Jade/Tanya rivalry, how far can it really be taken? Don't get me wrong. The Jade/Tanya rivalry can work, but I feel that it's not enough to really boost either characters' storylines.

I do agree that Jade needs to step out of Kitana's shadow and have more to her storyline. At the moment, I'm kind of stumped as to how her storyline should go aside from helping out Sindel and trying to rescue Kitana.

08/03/2005 11:13 PM (UTC)
The thing about Jade and Tanya is we still don't know enough about their backgrounds. If we knew more about them, something could be used to build their rivalry.

For example, how much about Jade's family do we know? How much does Jade know? And more importantly, how much does Tanya know? Perhaps Jade holds some terrible secrets in her past that Tanya can use to her advantage?
One thing I think they should avoid is jealousy, because the Kitana/Mileena feud took that angle as far as it could go.

To keep it interesting, one thing I think they should try that actually hasn't been done(enough) is have Tanya win a few battles. Take the first big MK feud, Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Scorpion was the good guy by default and he won. Then Kitana and Mileena. Kitana always beats Mileena.

How about have Tanya beat on Jade for a while? Make it like, Jade's a superior fighter, but Tanya's just much smarter and far more cunning. Jade can beat and kill Tanya, but the trick is getting through the gauntlet Tanya throws at her. Have her subject Jade to all sorts of tortures and unpleasentries. Make Jade the underdog.
To use wrestling as an example, Stone Cold Steve Austin could easily kick Vince McMahon's ass, but McMahon was smarter and always had ten guys backing him up.

As far as getting Jade out of Kitana's shadow, like I said feuding with Tanya is a step in the right direction.
My idea is for Jade comes out of my idea that Kitana does something unforgivable while under Onaga's control. Kitana relenquishes her title as princess and goes off on her own to deal with whatever she did....leaving Jade to lead Edenia's armies against whatever bad guys try to invade next.
This way Jade gets attacked by both sides. Tanya attacks her personally while at the same time she is forced to take a leadership role and protect Edenia.
08/04/2005 12:09 AM (UTC)
I am a Tanya fanboy myself, and i really do hope she comes back, she does have a lot of potential, along with a long fued with Jade,
In jades ending..
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The last line was 'I Doubt she survived the encounter.

..That means that she can come back, but even with more originality to herself, she can be can have scars across her from the tarkatan fight (which obviously she escaped), then she would get revenge for Jade, letting the fued start.

<3 Tanya
08/04/2005 11:41 PM (UTC)
Tanya is the worst character in Mortal Kombat, if you pretend Mokap doesn't exist. In fact, I'd rather see Meat than I would Tanya again...

In my opinion, all Tanya does is weigh down the already struggling Edenian storyline with a completely useless character. Her MK:D bio is basically a mirror of her MK4 bio.

"Tanya deceives someone. Tanya allows big menace person into Edenia to take over. Tanya flees because she's a coward."

If you take out the word "Onaga" and replace it with "Shinnok", you basically can see her MK:D bio in MK4. There are very few differences, and the MK4 storyline for her was horrid to begin with... as someone once said in a thread, the only thing I want to see Tanya in next game is something along the lines of a casket.
08/04/2005 11:51 PM (UTC)
well we everyone needs a practice dummy. no im jk. Tanya is a good character, maybe her story in Deception wasnt as, good. thats why she needs to focus more on Jade. i would definetly want her in a couple more games.
08/05/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
I definately agree that Tanya should come back. I like that she's an evil Edenian who will do anything to play on the winning side. Not to offend anyone, but she seems like the type to lay on her back to get what she wants. Hell I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she had a fling with Quan chi to spare her lifetongue. I see her as a naughty girl from an overall "pure" race/realm.

With that said, I love having a variety of female characters: the good girls, the bitches, and the vixens(villainesses?) I especially love my vixens and Tanya is no exception. My only problem with Tanya is there is no motive. Why would she betray her realm and people? Does she have a personal grudge against her race or is it just business? Her background should definately be explored to answer these questions.

I am really, really interested in her rivalry with Jade. This rivalry could also help Jade and her background as well. I think that Jade has been in Kitana's shadow for far too long and deserves a story of her own. There are so many unanswered questions for her, as well. However, I do not want these two to be related. I don't want a Kitana/Mileena redux. I will take a risk and say add Rain into the mix.

I want Rain to come back as a neutral character. I read somewhere that in Konquest(DA or D ?) Jade was looking for Rain, who has become a renegade, is this correct? If so, I can see Jade wanting him to help Edenia in Kitana's absence and Tanya trying to persuade( or seduce) him into joining the dark side once again. Afterall, he betrayed Edenia once whose to say he won't do it again. It's not as if he will be working for Shao Kahn again anyway. He would be conflicted between the two women, their promises, and his future. Does he choose the path to redemption or regression?

To XiahouDun84,
Although I love your idea about Tanya/Mileena, I have to disagree. Don't get me wrong I would like for the two vixens to go head to head for Edenia's throne, just not now. First off, I think Mileena should get the throne. As of Deception, I felt that she finally stepped out of Kitana's shadow; I just hope Baraka's ending isn't true because I would love for him to rule Edenia along with her and become king or, at the very least, her champion. Gotta love that couplegrin. Secondly, I want her past and rivalry with Jade explored first. Thirdly, I would like for her to step away from being just a flunkie or henchman who just betrays people. Finally, I want Tanya to ally herself with Mileena and become a poweful duo against Jade and Kitana. Naturally, she later betrays Mileena( afterall, that's what she does best) and that can kickstart their feud. So your idea could definately work.

I read in another thread that you wanted Rain as a love interest for Kitana. I also find myself disagreeing about this. I don't want him to be enveloped in her shadow like Mileena, Jade, and Sindel. Not to mention, he would just be a prop for Liu Kang and Kitana. I enjoy love triangles as long as they're not one-sided. Lets move him to other more available women. On the other hand, this could give Lui Kang more story and a rival. I can see Rain having a crush, perhaps an infatuation. I'm just afraid that this could make him into a stalker and demonize his character. Who knows whether he may be grateful to Kitana for telling the truth or he may resent her for it. Think about it, he was living his life in blissful ignorance and she tells him the truth about his past. His life is ruined. He can no longer work for Kahn, something he's done for an extremely long time. He's alone and confused. I don't think he died on his mission, if anything, I think he chickened out. Unable to live with his shame, he goes into hiding. This could eventually tie in to my aforementioned idea of meeting both Jade and Tanya.
I Hope I Didn't Offend You With My Disagreements!

I also liked her outfit in Deception, just not her hair and eyes. Like Jade, her outfit wasn't too over-the-top. It was sexy without making her look...well, I can't think of the word right now.

As for her ending, I do not believe it for a second. Too good to be true...for her. As for Jade's ending, I hope Tanya escapes somehow.

I see potential in Tanya and it is up for the writers to help it grow or it will wither up and die along with the character.

So, what do y'all thinktongue?!!!
08/06/2005 07:11 PM (UTC)
I also like the idea of Tanya getting the upper hand on Jade for awhile. Good doesn't always triumph over evil!! That was kinda of the problem with the Kitana/Mileena rivalry. I absolutely love this rivalry! However, Kitana always won. Mileena was the one who died once or twice. It became one-sided with Kitana always winning and Mileena always loosing. I wished that the stakes could have been raised by having Mileena kill either Sindel or Liu Kang, the two people that Kitana loves the most. However, I like Kitana finally dying and becoming evil again, and Mileena posing as Kitana and, hopefully, ruling Edenia even better. What a way to beef up their rivalry!

Anyway, back to Tanya and Jade....I would definately like for Jade to be the better fighter and Tanya to be the smarter and more cunning fighter. Tanya had to have been smart to have been able to worm her way into the position that she has. Jade was a secret assasin who mainly relied on stealth, that says something about her skill as well.

All I want is a two-sided rivalry where both sides win and lose.
08/06/2005 08:41 PM (UTC)
i like your ideas illandra!

But i would rather see Tanya ally with also Rain, maybe even a love interest, i do not like seeing Rain becoming good, he has to be evil! Maybe even this love interest where Tanya falls in love, Rain takes advantage, he breaks her heart, its payback time.

Tanya and Rain = Bonny and Clyde
08/06/2005 09:53 PM (UTC)
Oohhh! I love your ideas, too!

I, for one, wouldn't mind Rain going evil as long as he's not working for Shao Kahn. I stand by my want for him to be a neutral character that way he could do good and bad things.

I absolutely love the thought of a Jade/Rain/Tanya love triangle as opposed to a Rain/Kitana/Liu Kang. It could definately contribute to his decision whether to fight for good or evil. The problem with the latter triangle is that Rain would more than likely go the good side, if only to impress Kitana. I would like for him to be conflicted about his choice. This way Rain could join Jade and the good side or he could join Tanya and the evil side. My favorite type of love triangles answers this question: Do you choose the person who accepts you for who you are (flaws and all) or do you choose the person who inspires you to be a better person (or to better yourself)? This definately works for the character of Rain better than Kitana. On the other hand, perhaps Kitana going evil might make her love triangle work. Her evil side could want Rain, while her good side may still want Liu Kang. BTW, Does anyone know if she and Rain had a relationship while they were both working for Kahn?

I hope I didn't offend any Rain/Kitana fans; I wasn't trying to put y'all down. I could definately be down for the Rain/Kitana/Liu Kang, but I'm just afraid that he would either become a goodie-two-shoes, demonized (character destruction), or just a prop (or shadow) to Liu Kang and Kitana.

Sorry babe, but Mortal Kombat already has its "Bonny and Clyde" and it's Mileena and Baraka. JUST KIDDING!!!!grin Sure those two are going through a lover's tift, but it's nothing a little kiss and makeup sex can't fix, righttongue.
08/07/2005 07:02 PM (UTC)
I *think* Kitana and Rain did have a fling, but im not sure, but you are right, the rain and kitana thing would be far better.
08/07/2005 07:46 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry Vampyre, but I think you misunderstood my last post because I said that Jade/Rain/Tanya would be a better triangle as opposed to Rain/ Kitana/Liu Kang. That's okay though because I think the other triangle could possibly work too.

I hope that my long posts aren't too confusing for anybodysad?
08/08/2005 12:57 AM (UTC)
Huh? I've never heard of Kitana and Rain having a fling. Kitana has always been with Liu kang. Where did you get this from?

I know a lot of people hate Tanya and that she didn't improve in MK: D but I kinda think she has. I find her way better in moves. She just needs a touch up in her fatalities and her Hara-Kiri. Storywise it is similar to the one in MK4. I'm guessing that the reason Jade hates her is maybe Tanya was with Shao Kahn in the past. Tanya really hates Sindel and Sindel was with Shao Kahn before. Don't forget these people live for thousands of years (I find that a little ridiculous, how do they live that long and look 27?).

Basically I'm trying to say that maybe Tanya was romantically linked with Shao Kahn and he then went on with Sindel. Tanya now wants Sindel dead but Jade is best friends with Sindel. So Tanya has a revenge storyline. If Shao kahn becomes boss for MK7 then she could help him kill Sindel and Jade, not to mention rekindle their relationship.

And if Rain does return, I don't want him to be romantically involved. We already have Kitana and Liu Kang. If he ends up with Kitana then Liu will get jealous and kill Rain off. If you put him in a love triangle with Jade/Tanya then he'll just look like a cheap male slut and do it Jerry Springer style. Hmmmm, maybe that might work out. But Rain has to be the whore. Plus we really don't have a male one anyway in MK. Most of the women are tarts and whores so why no men?

I know this won't happen but for comedy reasons, have Rain seduce Jade. Then he has a fling with Tanya. He accidentally gets her pregnant........Jerry time! Plus imagine seeing a fat Tanya walking around ROFLMAO!

08/08/2005 01:55 AM (UTC)
OMG! This is the first time I heard of a possible Tanya/Shao Kahn pairing. In a weird way it could make sense. The problem is if Tanya is Kitana's age then there's no way this could work. Does anyone know Tanya's age? I could totally see Tanya playing the jealous mistress. I always thought that she was the "use what you got to get what you want" type. I don't see Shao Kahn as the abstinent type, either. For all we know, he could have had hundreds of concubines, mistresses, and whores scattered across Outworld. As for Sindel, I doubt she would have cared if he was sleeping around as long as it wasn't with her. However, she would have definately regarded Tanya as a traitor.

I would like to see Tanya and Shao Kahn pair up in the future whether as allies or lovers, it doesn't matter to me. That is if she doesn't turn out to be related to himwink.

As for Rain, I don't want him paired romantically with anyone too soon. Just allies or friends. You said exactly why I don't want Rain with Kitana. I don't want him ruined to prove that Liu Kang is the hero who could do no wrong. I could definately see Rain with either Jade or Tanya.

I think the idea of Rain being a manwhore is hilarious. That would be a change.

LMAO at your Jerry Springer scenario! Takes me back to the good old days when I used to watch the show. Now I watch Maurytongue.
08/09/2005 02:11 AM (UTC)
Yeah my little story is funny....

Tanya is about the same age as Kitana because she mentions it in her MK: D bio.

"I had been called an enforcer of the Deadly Alliance. I preferred the
term "ambassador." It was my duty to impose the will of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung upon the denizens of Outworld. But the sorcerers' rule was short-lived and I found myself leaderless, longing to return to my birthplace in Edenia. When Baraka caught up with me, he gave me a choice: Serve his new lord of Outworld - or die. I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions. I pledged my service to the Dragon King."

She says she has lived for thousands of years here. Hope this helps.
08/09/2005 06:44 AM (UTC)
Tanya was so... sleep ...yeah in MK4. In MK Deception they gave her full justice and make her a very, very exciting character to me. She deserves to be brought back again in her evil little way. wink
08/09/2005 04:01 PM (UTC)
I thought of the Shao Kahn/Tanya pairing too, I think she would of used her body to him for better respect on outworld, or to get something. I actually like the idea of them both too, the perfect evil couple.

I could see a bitch fight over
Dragon King and Li Mei and Shao Kahn and Tanya tongue
08/09/2005 09:27 PM (UTC)
Hell Yeah!!! That's what I'm talking about! I want to see those two paired up in the future. Besides, I honestly think that she might have slept with Quan chi.

I also want Li Mei to stay the Dragon Queen for a little bit longer. However, I think her rival for the title should go to Khameleon. Don't forget that the Onaga is using Reptile's body as a vessel. Khameleon needs Reptile to start a new race because they are the only ones left. She can't do that if he's with another woman. She would do all she can to revert him back to his original self or she would take him as he is now, seeing as he is supposedly all-powerful. And Li Mei (as she is now) wants him all to herself and isn't gonna stand for it.

With that out of the way, I still wouldn't mind Shao Kahn/Tanya vs. Dragon King (Onaga)/Li Mei.

08/10/2005 02:29 AM (UTC)
I would love to see tanya back... but with a little more personality... in deception they barely touched the surface... I think Tanya is just waiing to be exploited...
I'd like to see her all deformed and maimed from Jade's ending... that'd bee cool...
Also I want her to have more interesting and personalized weapon/powers
08/10/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
Deformed and maimed, huh? That could be interesting. The problem is I think that would inch her a little too close to Mileena for me.

I thought the boomerang was her weapon of choice?
08/14/2005 08:45 PM (UTC)
SHE MUST DIE!!!!!!! [BY THE HANDS OF SUB-ZERO]gringringringringringringrin

Please refrain from posting your replies all in caps and insulting users on the forum. Thanks.

08/14/2005 09:30 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
SHE MUST DIE!!!!!!! [BY THE HANDS OF SUB-ZERO]gringringringringringringrin
u seriously need to shut the fuck up for once! And find the damn caps lock u fucktard. And stop with the smileys please. And tanyas ok i dont think she should come back though.

Please refrain from flaming and insulting users on the forum. Thanks.

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