Tag Team and Fight Show !!!
posted09/02/2007 01:34 AM (UTC)by
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03/12/2007 07:48 AM (UTC)
It would be cool in a future MK game to be able to do some Tag Team fight
online with more then 2 players...

4 players conected, when a player die the teamate come in and kill the opponent then he have to kill the second opponent. I've already seen this in some other games but online with each player control his character that would be awesome !!!


Another thing is i would like to see some online fight... like when 2 player are fighting, you can connect and watch the fight or the serie. A Show option that you can unable or disable when you fight. Just like Unreal Tournament.
That would be very nice, now we have to record our fight and post them on youtube.com... sad

I think it's some good idea, Tell me what you think about that. wink

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08/15/2007 06:55 AM (UTC)
NEST1 Wrote:
It would be cool in a future MK game to be able to do some Tag Team fight
online with more then 2 players...

4 players conected, when a player die the teamate come in and kill the opponent then he have to kill the second opponent. I've already seen this in some other games but online with each player control his character that would be awesome !!!


Another thing is i would like to see some online fight... like when 2 player are fighting, you can connect and watch the fight or the serie. A Show option that you can unable or disable when you fight. Just like Unreal Tournament.
That would be very nice, now we have to record our fight and post them on youtube.com... sad

I think it's some good idea, Tell me what you think about that. wink


thats the greatest idea ive ever heard .

i like the option to watch somebody's fights .

and the 4 players connected thing is brilliant . good shit nest .

08/15/2007 07:00 AM (UTC)
I think it would be kinda cool

At the same time... lag would probably have a big impact on the performance of the fight as well.... I'll bet it would be ugly unless every player has a good solid connection.

But the idea is nice... and I wouldn't mind it for the next MK
08/15/2007 07:11 AM (UTC)
Very good idea, Nest, especially the watch fight feature. I think that should definitely have been in MKA, to be honest. One thing's for sure, I think it would provide humiliation for scrubby players.
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08/15/2007 07:12 AM (UTC)
krayziebonethug Wrote:

thats the greatest idea ive ever heard .

i like the option to watch somebody's fights .

and the 4 players connected thing is brilliant . good shit nest .

Thanks Bone. grin

I think it would be kinda cool

At the same time... lag would probably have a big impact on the performance of the fight as well.... I'll bet it would be ugly unless every player has a good solid connection.

There must be a way to do that with NO influence
on the connection between the players...

To keep a decent connection with no more lag. I hope !! smile

Azuro Wrote:
Very good idea, Nest, especially the watch fight feature. I think that should definitely have been in MKA, to be honest. One thing's for sure, I think it would provide humiliation for scrubby players.

That's good... wink
08/15/2007 07:31 AM (UTC)
Hellz yeah!!!
I like the tag team, I thought of that but not with 4 players, that would be pretty kool. Would make for one hell of a battle.
Watching would be kool to but yeah the lag might be an issue, but like you said, an option to turn it off, or... like in racing, set how many people can watch.
I always said that we need this!!!!!!! good idea NEST!!! wink

we need to post that in the midway forum!!! grin

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08/15/2007 10:00 AM (UTC)
Awesome idea. Similar to DOA4 but with the added stipulation of actually teaming up with other players to become one.

Good shit Nest! I'm looking forward to the first press conference on MK8. Maybe they can incorporate new ideas into the game.

I'm not too worried about lag because connections are getting better all the time. Telco companies are constantly upgrading their network to deliver better quality of service. So in let's say, 3years time, everyone should be on good enough DSL to run general services e.g online gaming across the net without much lag.

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08/15/2007 01:21 PM (UTC)
Its an awesome idea. Honestly, I thought this was going to be one of the features in MKA. What do you know, to my suprise tag team was not an option. My g/f and I were really hoping that would have been there. It would bring a new generation to the clan idea on MK.
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08/15/2007 01:51 PM (UTC)
oh man that would be very kool but ut would be so messed up at the same time
hopefully there wont be any scrubs doin this (if bosses would be playable) phew i wouldnt believe how many scrub tag teams would be online

other than that it'll be a cool idea
08/15/2007 02:37 PM (UTC)
SCRUB TAG TEAM all the way.
now you thinking about something like a noob-smoke tag team or all 4 players beating on each other @ the same time?
and it would be deadly to watch other people matches, specially when you waitining for their slow ass.
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08/15/2007 07:17 PM (UTC)
funkopath Wrote:
it would be deadly to watch other people matches, specially when you waitining for their slow ass.

Yeah Man...

sometimes it's long and when he finish the serie, he disapear...furiousfuriousfurious


Thanks for your comments everybody... grin

ChaosTheory Wrote:
It's a great concept. I thought I remembered seeing this concept in the Krypt of... Deception? Deadly Alliance? I don't know, one of them.

It would definitely be fun, but it also totally depends on how the next game runs online. I don't know too much about this lag-type stuff, but it would seem to me that whatever troubles you have with 2 players would only increase with 4 players. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

And then, as you would expect, the graphics and all will be improved with the next game as well. Wouldn't that be more data that needs to travel between players and thus possibly more lag? Then again, I don't know what the state of general internet connections will be by then. Still probably 2 years away.

If it works, though; hell yeah, do it. I like watching others' matches anyway. And obviously I like playing. This way you could do both.

mkflegend Wrote:
I had the same idea a few years ago prior to MK:D's release with the tag team and hope they really do do this sometime.

Only thing is mine is a little different, I would give the option for 4-6 players to have either 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 like UMK3 style.

I also want them to do this for MK8 which Midway actually hinted at(Boon in an older interview) that they will highly consider a similar route to what they did with UMK3 360's layout, round robin style.

Where there's 4 in a room, winner stays and everyone takes turns trying to become the new king to take down.

This idea would rock with up to 6 players personally in MK8. That's an idea that I have.

I think this would be just as fun as tag-team mode, round robin with up to 6 players in MK8=awesome!

Sure, 6 players would be awesome. wink
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08/15/2007 07:24 PM (UTC)
That is funny.

This was actually "kind of" the idea for MKA but it fell through. There was supposed to be room where 8 ppl could be in (just like the Motor Kombat) and we were supposed to be able to fight one guy and have the other 6 watching and you could speak on the headset to each other and everything...

The idea was brilliant,This was before Motor Kombat was even thought of yet. Oh well...Maybe they will do it for MK8.

We shall see..

I like your idea as well thoughYour tlaking kinda like a Marvel vs Capcom type of Tag Team? See the only thing is,There was always a way to switch your opponent by pressing a button. Now if you were to try to do this,but your opponent isnt ready or away from the game it would cause alot of problems so to say lol.

Its a good idea,but i just dont think it would work especially with like Arcade said Lag. It would be Horrendous unless you and your team mate had same conn and it was atleast 3 stars..
08/15/2007 08:26 PM (UTC)
MK has already had something along these lines in MKT and I think UMK3, it was 2v2, but then it wasn't for 4 different player 2v2, unless you pass the controller. But also back then nothing was online. There was also the tournament mode that was I think 8 players...
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08/15/2007 11:45 PM (UTC)
Sounds like a great idea Nestysmile
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08/16/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
VERY NICE Nest, Thats what we need Tag teams, I hope no kak or bosses
on next mk. wow

GOOD WORK Bro wink
08/16/2007 03:16 AM (UTC)
I love the concept of this idea!I would really like to see something like this happen in MK8,it would vastly improve gameplay.

I think it would make an excellent addition.

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-Isaac Watts
08/16/2007 06:58 AM (UTC)
Its a good idea,but i just dont think it would work especially with like Arcade said Lag. It would be Horrendous unless you and your team mate had same conn and it was atleast 3 stars..

You bring up a good point. Gamespy or whomever provided the online servers for MK8 would have to dedicate twice as many resources to keeping online play stable.

Also, they'd have to fix the problem that I and others have in terms of their connection. What I mean is, my connection for MKD was perfect. No lag issues on my end, unless it was someone else's connection. But now, my connection is crap for some reason confused There has to be some kind of consistency from game to game. And something like what Nest is proposing will need that somehow given people would want to be spectators.

The question is, can Gamespy or someone else do it effectively?


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08/16/2007 07:01 AM (UTC)
It's really cool to read all that comments... smile

GhostDragon Wrote:
The question is, can Gamespy or someone else do it effectively?

I hope so... wink
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MKA Tags: Rippa / R199A

08/17/2007 10:57 PM (UTC)
lol, I've been thinking about this for a while...never mentioned it 'cause I figured everyone would be like 'Man, that's some dumb shit, gtfo with that.' But anyways, good idea Nest.
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08/17/2007 11:30 PM (UTC)
Now I had to check this part and I like what i saw a genius of an idea.. I agree with Karate on the motor Kombat it does hold 8 ppl and heck that was kick ass.. just the fighting besides just two maybe three on three or 8 on each other? W more a possiable lag would happen, but I'm not so sure on that part.. hmm maybe like an idea like Tekken tag which besides the bowling game heh can't help that part.. but also was picking a load of chars you can use maybe also for Mk like a team tournament sort of... hell can't really think more on it my brain alil fuzzy from lack of sleep lately.

So yeah I love the idea.. and maybe more side steps of the game maybe puzzle be thrown back in there wiames such as survival mode with a char like tekken for MK instead when it gives you ideas how far can you go?
08/20/2007 08:20 PM (UTC)
i like that idea.and i have an idea to go with that one.what if you can do the tag team but also with kreated characters.
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08/20/2007 11:01 PM (UTC)
OMFG!!! this is awsome idea NEST tag team just like tekken tag nice.. i hope that cames w/MK8 tonguetongue
kukulkan Wrote:
i like that idea.and i have an idea to go with that one.what if you can do the tag team but also with kreated characters.
OK... no Kaks please tongue thank u grin
08/22/2007 06:44 AM (UTC)
i like the idea
haha think of this
easy to beat and pig hut on a tag team
oh my god
invincible please?
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08/27/2007 04:54 AM (UTC)
R199A Wrote:

DarkEve Wrote:

kukulkan Wrote:


PumkinKing93 Wrote:

Thanks a lot for your comments guys... grin
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