12/10/2014 02:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Anyone stating that the "Playstation" group would freaking love Sweettooth as a guest character please speak for yourself.

As a member of the Playstation forums, I can honestly say they would be pretty happy with Sweet Tooth as the representative for Playstation. Hell, most people on this board would be happy with it. With the exception of 2-3 people (The rest being anti-guest), everybody else would take Sweet Tooth with open arms.

It has a lot to do with Sweet Tooth being the oldest Playstation character around. Twisted Metal is the only first party franchise to appear on every major console. (Excluding handhelds here but it did get a PSP game) It is synonymous with Playstation. I also think there really aren't many other PS characters who could even fit the bill like ST can.

Someone said Cole or Delsin from Infamous, but there's no way Sucker Punch would allow them to be dismembered, disembowled, etc. There's Nariko from Heavenly Sword, but too obscure. Joel from The Last of Us, but he really wouldn't fit the aesthetic. Gabe Logan from Syphon Filter, but has the same problem as Joel and Nariko. You suggested Corvo, and he would make a nice candidate. Except there's nothing Playstation about him, he could just as easily be an Xbox guest character. Jennifer Tate from Primal would work well, but again too obscure.

So you see, lot of potential guests, but none have the familiarity that Sweet Tooth does. Now If you don't want Sweet Tooth, that's perfectly fine. I'm just saying to most people he makes sense to represent Playstation.

As for TM2012, if you're only gripe is the 3 drivers thing I can kind of get that. They thought the cars were what made the characters, but it was really the drivers. Having said that, the game is definitely worth a try. The mechanics are great and the game itself is fun to play.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

12/10/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Sorry for all the fans out there for this character, it's just when you've been a fan of a series and seen it just collapse under a new developer who obviously never paid attention to the first two games (989 Studios, fuck you) and then it gets resurrected with a supposed "dark turn" to it and then seeing the brand new game that only has three fucking drivers driving the other well-known vehicles... Yeah.

And don't get me wrong, I know that there are other games, more so for the hand held devices, unfortunately I don't invest all of my time playing video games so I don't own hand helds.

...that's a whole other can of worms.
12/11/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
The TM game is good Icebaby.
The story and SP is hit or miss but the MP is good(which it has always pretty much focused on).
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