suggestion for uses of costumes and alternate costumes in the next MK
posted03/14/2007 08:36 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/29/2004 09:15 PM (UTC)
As we know, having a character have multiple costumes can inject a visual freshness to the game by adding visual variety to the same characters (even if it sometimes lapses from uninspired design). But I would like there to be more uses to the utilization of different costumes by the same character than merely aesthetic. In the past I may've mentioned this, without going into any detail.

By having multiple costumes, it opens up the opportunity to give the same characters different attributes, which would make the selection of costume more than a visual choice--it would become a choice of how you would like to approach the match with your character.

Things can be done such as:

if a character has facial armor, strikes to the face are slightly less damaging, while other, less protected spaces can me slightly more damaging; likewise for armor in other places.

characters laden with armor (Hotaru for instance) can be somewhat slower--an alternate uniform less laden with armor, in which the character is able to move somewhat more swiftly, would create two entirely different flows for the character. Since armor on a body part increases the mass of that part, strikes from that part theoretically should be more powerful (the difference betweeen a rubber mallet and a metal one).

Going even further, there could be a small subset of moves that are costume-specific, defensive and offensive.

This, of course, could be tweaked and tinkered with. To try it out, I suggest it be implemented minimally--so that there are slight differences to each character in each costume. Ideally, however, fully implemented, it would open up not just visual variety, but actual gameplay and fight strategy (if in arcade mode the player could pick the costume of her or his choice before each match). (as well as be a pain in the ass to get down well, on the production side)

03/14/2007 01:53 AM (UTC)
That's a pretty cool idea.
03/14/2007 02:03 AM (UTC)
even though i am supporting you all the way, they won't do this in creating the game, though i totally see where you are going and i like that. good for you! i like ppl who have creative minds... cool, you have a friend!
03/14/2007 05:40 AM (UTC)
Nice idea but Midway is kinda lazy. Good thing with Hotaru as well.

Just wondering, how would it benefit revelaing characters like Mileena? Would there be a "penalty" for characters that show more skin. Like they take more damage cause there's no protection.
03/14/2007 02:39 PM (UTC)
well the if the showing of skin thing allowed the caracter to take more dmg then it would be pointless cause then no 1 would play as themconfused
03/14/2007 03:38 PM (UTC)
More skin=less armor, which would make them swifter than armor wearing character costumes. I like this idea because it would implement yet another element of strategy, and we all know the MK gameplay is in desperate need of strategy.
03/14/2007 08:36 PM (UTC)
Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
Nice idea but Midway is kinda lazy. Good thing with Hotaru as well.

Just wondering, how would it benefit revelaing characters like Mileena? Would there be a "penalty" for characters that show more skin. Like they take more damage cause there's no protection.

i totally agree with you on them being lazy... uhh they ran out of time so only one fatality per character for deadly allinace... my ass... please, if you are going to bing back a cool game into the new generation have it to where there is enough stuff on the game itself to make one go "ooh!" i'm tired of their excuses about having little time left on their shoulders... no... life doesn't WORK like that!
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