subzero idea and new ideas.
posted10/19/2009 09:45 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/10/2007 03:21 PM (UTC)
I would like to see both subzeros come back as two character so they can have their own moves and their own costumes. I would be happy if they where one character but i would just rather them be seperate so they can have different moves, but as long as they are both in i would not mind.

I would like to also like to take a idea from wrestling, by creating your own story. the story does not have to be with mk character it could be just with your created character. i would also like to see say your favorite character is subzero or scorpion you can make a story with them training you kinda of like mkda.
i would like to create my own weapon, if that would be possible maybe not in this game or the next but i would like that come in eventually. i would like to see a combination of subzero's kori blade with frost draggers, and many others.
I will add more as i think of them. i did have a idea about motor kombat which i put in another topic. thanks for all your response in advance.
09/23/2009 12:22 PM (UTC)
flamingspike Wrote:
I would like to see both subzero come back as two character so they can have their own moves and their own costumes. I would be happy if they where one character i would just rather them to be seperate so they can have different moves, but as long as they are both in iwould not mind.

I would like to also like to take a idea from wrestling by creating your own story. the story does not have to be with mk character it could be just with your created character. i would also like to see say your favorite character is subzero or scorpion you can make a story with them training you kinda of like mkda.

I will add more as i think i did have a idea about motor kombat which i put in another topic. thanks for all your response in advance.

i would like to create my own weapon if that would be possible maybe not in this game or the next but i would like that to see like a combination of subzero kori blade with frost draggers, many others.

There aren't two Sub-Zero's anymore, there's a Sub-Zero and a Noob Saibot. Why would you want both of them to be ice warriors? I mean, I can understand if Sub-Zero and Frost were back together in the game seeing how they have similar ice moves, but both Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot have the same exact moves, it's like having Ermac and Kenshi in the same game, since they both cast the same moves.

Your second idea makes no sense either, so basically you're one of those fans who would want to see create a character to come back? We've tried making our own ending for them while we were in the process of creating them and it seemingly failed. I don't see how we can make up our own story in whatever mode you're talking about.

And lastly, you want to see some cool looking sword mixed in with daggers? This isn't Final Fantasy. Weapons ruins the fight IMO, and I think we should ditch that concept. If they wanted to bring back weapons, make it like they did in UMK3 where they just whip out an axe out of nowhere and use it in a combo. But then you're going to say, well, what about Mileena, Jade and Baraka? They use weapons all the time. Correction, Mileena, Jade and Baraka have used weapons in the 2D games anyways. They've used them in combos and such, I don't think it would be that big of a deal if no one used weapons in the next game.
09/24/2009 10:29 PM (UTC)
i see where you are saying they have the same moves but not all of the moves are the same. like i said before i would nto mind them as one character with different attires, also i do know that noob is the orignal subzero maybe have him with the old subzero attire now that i am thinking of it, it would be better.

i do like the create a character, what i am saying have a mode in the game where we deicde on the story so say you want mavado to die in your story you can put that in, but they can also have their konquest mode because they need to continue their story of what is happing to the character. i jsut thought it would be a good idea to have a new mode because mk is getting a little boring with the same thing.

as for the weapons i am saying for them to put weapons together the way the fans would like it, i have heard a couple of people that would like to characters weapons together for the look or whatever their reason is. i do like fighting every onces in a while with swords or weapons because it makes it more fun, and a better experiences. it also good if you in a bind. i just it would be good for a few ideas
10/03/2009 02:58 PM (UTC)
noob saibot used to be sub-zero in the first mortal kombat game and then a new sub-zero came out in mortal kombat 2 & 3. if you read the profile in the mortal kombat armageddon players guide it will say that noob was once sub-zero. I would like to frost in mk9 and sub-zero. but we'll see what the future
10/03/2009 07:41 PM (UTC)
I think they should use all the ice moves and give em all to subby. Combine Frost (if she isn't in the new game) and Sub-Zero's special moves and give them to Sub-Zero. It'd be cheap as shit but thats all MK is really...
10/04/2009 06:48 PM (UTC)
i know the story that noob use to be the original subzero and that his brother died. i am saying it would be nice to have them both in the game even if it would be as once character.

i dont think it would be good to have frost as a combine character with subzero because although they have the same type meaning if they are two totally different character. i would not want a repeat of noob and smoke together, i think that they should be seperate because they use different stance and moves even if they had them as a alternine it would not work.

it was just idea i was think of.!!
10/05/2009 07:23 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot is a better character the way he is now.
SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

10/07/2009 05:47 PM (UTC)
Because of the newcommers like this MK has gone worse with every new release from MK4. Weapons? This is not Soul Calibur! Character kreation? Please..... Motor Kombat? Play Mario Kart!

The only thing which should happen with Sub-Zero to put him back finally as a neutral or more like a negative character because he is a freakin assassin but now they made hero of him..... He definately has to be more deadly and evil. He was more evil than Scorpion back in the days when Tobias was in the lead, but Vogel ruined everything because he is uncreative.

Vogel also ruined the whole Sub-Zero concept with making Noob Saibot (a fun character which should not supossed to be taken seriously) as older Sub-Zero.

For the sake of MK please Warner Bros bring back John Tobias as the leader storyboard writer and character creator!
10/07/2009 06:49 PM (UTC)
[SUB-ZERO Wrote:
The only thing which should happen with Sub-Zero to put him back finally as a neutral or more like a negative character because he is a freakin assassin but now they made hero of him..... He definately has to be more deadly and evil. He was more evil than Scorpion back in the days when Tobias was in the lead, but Vogel ruined everything because he is uncreative.

Vogel also ruined the whole Sub-Zero concept with making Noob Saibot (a fun character which should not supossed to be taken seriously) as older Sub-Zero

For the sake of MK please Warner Bros bring back John Tobias as the leader storyboard writer and character creator!

Tobias made the younger Sub-Zero heroic. Vogel just continued the development.

Undoing Sub-Zero's character evolution because making him evil/neutral would supposedly make him "bad ass" (to you) is an awful idea. That's what they've been doing with Scorpion and his story's in the shitter now.

Tobias also was the one who made Noob Saibot a legitimate character with a story. And frankly, revealing he was the older Sub-Zero was a pretty decent twist.

Stop living in the past chief. The 90's are long over.
About Me

10/07/2009 06:56 PM (UTC)
Just because he fights alongside the forces of Earth and shares some pacifistic views, Sub-Zero is still an assassin. Doing necessary dirty work for example.

My sugestion? Give him mittens.
10/07/2009 07:03 PM (UTC)
Create a character would be fun if they did it better than Armageddon but I'm not too worried about it. It's just nice to be able to have some creative freedom when it comes to Mortal kombat. Soul Calibur is fun n' all but Mk could do it better.

And about the two sub-zero thing, I'll have to agree with everyone else and say that they should just put one in. Noob Saibot if added in to Mk9 should defiantly have his older moves instead of all that ninja star crap. I want the smoke blast that makes people not be able to attack or defend again, but maybe make it weaker or not last as long, cause you could spam the shit out of it in MkT.

10/18/2009 05:23 PM (UTC)
The need to change subs moves. The freeze he throw out is harder to get someone with than ever. I think is should be a pro move that makes it go slower/faster and where you can't jump over it. The self freeze i don't like, you can't do combos after it. As for his overhead ice(worst move) ditch it, you can ONLY use it to end a combo....rediculous.
10/19/2009 09:45 PM (UTC)
Younger Sub-Zero has NEVER really been an assassin. MK2 was his FIRST mission and he DIDN'T kill anybody. He even had the chance to and spared someone instead, which is how Scorpion could tell him apart from his brother.
He's been a hero from his very first appearance.

Christ, if you're gonna be a fan of a character, it would probably be a good idea to know who they are and what they've done.
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