Sub-Zero supporting cast
posted03/19/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)by
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06/23/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
So far it looks like all characters that contributed to forge Sub-Zero's path during the original timeline (except for Scorpion and Quan Chi) won't be playable in this game.

- His best friend Smoke got a new costume but so far looks like he will be an NPC only fought on cutscenes.

- We know he becomes the Lin Kuei leader and the comic is going that way with the kamidogu giving him more power, but if we're going to see that during the game, he would need Cyrax and Sektor to have someone to fight for the leadership of the clan.

- His brother Bi-Han is mentioned by Quan Chi on their intro dialogues, so he's supposed to still be active as Noob Saibot, but it doesn't look like he's in the roster either.

- His potential romantic interest Sareena has her chances very low as apparently the revenants will be the main netherealm characters.

- His apprentice Frost isn't featured as a next gen character and apart from the comic cameo we don't have any info on her (except the supposedly fake image from some time ago).

So... what exactly is he going to do during his chapter in Story Mode? Literally everyone important to tell the main events of his story seems to be out of the roster... which battles will he fight? Just Scorpion and Quan Chi? Will we see the battle for the Lin Kuei in the game or only in the comic and in game after a time jump he will be the leader with no aditional explanation?
03/19/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
What you said can relate to many characters, and characters don't need to fight people they have histories with, as seen in most of MK9's story mode.

As for explanation of him becoming grandmaster, they could do a QTE fight with Sektor..

Or Sektor could be playable, and I would be the happiest person in the world!
03/19/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
Sareena is Bi-Han's love interest, period.

I realize you said potential but I'd rather not see that, as for his chapter, I think they will splice it in somehow, just like some chapters in MK9 were filler, his chapter might be filler, or we might not have the full picture yet, there might be characters you can fight against but won't be playable a la Goro/Kintaro/Shao Kahn in MK9.
Darkk Wrote:

Or Sektor could be playable, and I would be the happiest person in the world!

I would DIE of joy, SEKTOR! <3
03/19/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Sareena is Bi-Han's love interest, period.

I realize you said potential but I'd rather not see that, as for his chapter, I think they will splice it in somehow, just like some chapters in MK9 were filler, his chapter might be filler, or we might not have the full picture yet, there might be characters you can fight against but won't be playable a la Goro/Kintaro/Shao Kahn in MK9.

Darkk Wrote:

Or Sektor could be playable, and I would be the happiest person in the world!

I would DIE of joy, SEKTOR! <3

While Sareena first appeared on Bi-Han's game, there have been much more interaction with Kuai Liang when you sum up Sareena's DA story being ofered shelter by Kuai Liang because she helped his brother, her MKA Biography about how during the MKD plot she was trying to protect Kuai Liang and even saved him from Bi-Han and even her MKA ending was attached to Kuai Liang.

All that happened with Bi-Han was Bi-Han spared her life and she saw an opportunity to scape Netherealm with him but that story was cut when she was shot down at the end of that game and later Bi-Han became Noob, removing any chance of developing their story. That's why I consider there is far more "romantic potential" with Kuai Liang (and multiple fans too, that fanart of them surfing on Sub-Zero's Ice Slide is great).

About his chapter being filler, I don't think either Scorpion or Sub-Zero will be "filler". I hope some of those characters are playable, at least Sektor (who in my opinion is the real rival for Sub-Zero, not Scorpion, facing Sektor defined Sub-Zero development while Scorpion was just around being an unsuferable manipulated psychotic and Kuai Liang was probably like "oh please, not again, I have no time for this...") as that battle is too important to be just QTE.
03/19/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
I fully expect to see generic Cyborgs, at least. Sub can bop them all.
03/19/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Sareena is Bi-Han's love interest, period.

I realize you said potential but I'd rather not see that, as for his chapter, I think they will splice it in somehow, just like some chapters in MK9 were filler, his chapter might be filler, or we might not have the full picture yet, there might be characters you can fight against but won't be playable a la Goro/Kintaro/Shao Kahn in MK9.

Darkk Wrote:

Or Sektor could be playable, and I would be the happiest person in the world!

I would DIE of joy, SEKTOR! <3

While Sareena first appeared on Bi-Han's game, there have been much more interaction with Kuai Liang when you sum up Sareena's DA story being ofered shelter by Kuai Liang because she helped his brother, her MKA Biography about how she was trying to protect Kuai Liang and even saved him from Bi-Han and even her MKA ending was attached to Kuai Liang.

All that happened with Bi-Han was Bi-Han spared her life and she saw an opportunity to scape Netherealm with him but that story was cut when she was shot down at the end of that game and later Bi-Han became Noob, removing any chance of developing their story. That's why I consider there is far more "romantic potential" with Kuai Liang (and multiple fans too, that fanart of them surfing on Sub-Zero's Ice Slide is great).

About his chapter being filler, I don't think either Scorpion or Sub-Zero will be "filler". I hope some of those characters are playable, at least Sektor (who in my opinion is the real rival for Sub-Zero, not Scorpion) as that battle is too important to be just QTE.

Yeah it always seemed that Sektor is more of a rival to Sub-Zero than Scorpion is, Bi-Han is Scorpion's rival but Kuai Liang is Sektor's rival.

But we will never have it this way, because most people will only see the yellow ninja vs the blue ninja, and yes I do agree that there battle shouldn't be QTE( To be honest,I'm totally bias here, cause I want Sektor playable tongue) but if that's not going to happen, I at least want closure for Sektor, I don't want him to die off-screen :'(. I want to know what happens with him, if Subby takes the Lin Kuei back, I want to know where is Sektor and Cyrax, what happened to them.

Also the Kuai Liang and Sareena thing, I know what you mean, but for me, I always thought of Sareena as Bi-Han's love interest, I was a bit upset that they didn't take that anywhere, But yeah there is more potential for Kuai Liang and Sareena, Than Bi-Han and Sareena.

I just mean for me, It'll always be Bi-Han and Sareena, probably because I played MK:SZM over 100 times when I was a kid, lel.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/19/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)
The story trailer made it look like he is going to be some kinda mentor to the new blood heroes. The way Raiden was for the last generation.

I'd much rather see him try to liberate Bi-Han from the Noob Saibot persona.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

03/19/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
Sareena as Bi-han's love interest is one of the reasons I do think Bi Han becoming normal again could be interesting.

Noob Saibot as a mysterious wraith that has his own agenda and screwing with people can be still good regardless if He is still bi-han or not.
03/19/2015 01:40 AM (UTC)
I feel like if Sektor is in story mode, maybe as a QTE fight, it could cause higher demand for him as DLC(as long as they don't make Sub Zero just kick his ass and kill him in a few hits), which would be nice. Although sadly(but not too sadly because he's a badass as well) Cyrax will probably get in over him.

0RI0N Wrote:
The story trailer made it look like he is going to be some kinda mentor to the new blood heroes. The way Raiden was for the last generation.

I'd much rather see him try to liberate Bi-Han from the Noob Saibot persona.

I do wonder how much Bi-Han is actually influenced by an evil force. I don't think it's much, honestly.

I feel like that story would consist of:

Kuai: Brother, you must be restored!
Bi-Han: No thanks Kuai Wang, I like being a cool shadow guy
Kuai: You are not thinking straight
*Kuai beats the shit out of Bi-Han and somehow restores him while he is unconscious*
Bi-Han: What the hell man
*Bi-Han kills himself and becomes Noob again*
About Me

03/19/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
Whatever, doesn't matter, he is in because he's Sub-Zero, like Scorpion a role will be created exclusively for him no matter what the story is about, the comics hints some things that could potentially define his role in the future. However, it is my belief most if not all of the revenants will have small supporting roles. They're just in because of fan demand not for story needs, imo.
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