Stories, Rivals and Alliances, Restart them, or make new ones?
posted04/02/2009 12:49 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
With so many users here using their thought about what the next MK game, I decided to change that and ask you something else.

We're all very strcit about this new story for the game, if there is one, because it got WAY out of line... in my perspective, around MK3... of course, where the story got out of line in your views are totally different and I respect that.

So it came to thought, something should seriously change within the story. I really don't know, I can give it a shot:

Years after Armageddon, Mortal Kombat was thought to be wiped from history throughout the realms for good. The Kombatants that participated in the tournament are either long gone, or have lived life the way they planned to. Every realm is at peace and all is quiet. Though, suddenly in Outworld, something started to erupt. A new breach of evil (New boss name insert here) has awaken.

The Elder Gods knew that this new breach of evil might start something up between the realms, and they knew that the heroes that could help them out are either dead, too old, or mysteriously disappeared. The Elders know only one person who has stayed around with them, that could help them out. The Grandmaster, Sub-Zero. Only he knows how to help destroy the evil that's living in Outworld, he must help the Elders bring about many warriors that could easily destroy the creature, and make sure that the realms are back in peace.

Now, be gentle with me, I know that this story was not perfect at all, yes there are flaws, but that was just some example. Of course, anyone could make a story for the next MK game, so I gave it a try and that's what came out of it. It's not how I picture the story being, it was just something new that could happen if this was for the next MK9.

But Ice... you also mentioned about rivalries and alliances? WTF is up with that?

Well, I was just getting to that... I feel like there were not that much rivalry excitment after MK4. I was not happy that they ended the Sub-Zero/Scorpion rivalry a tad early, and I'm not happy that these other rivalries were ust that boring. Jade kills Tanya by throwing Tarkatan essance on her and they ate her up... come on, are you serious? No horrfic battle between the two? No odd twist that Jade or Tanya swtiches sides? That ending was just a shocker when I played and beaten Jade in Deception.

Another rival was between Hotaru and Sub-Zero/Kenshi. I didn't quite understand that when Hotaru had like, two other guys hating him as well. Dairou and Darrius. There's a guy who has four people hating him, yet he goes after the two that makes no sense about how and why we choose to go after the two when Darrius and Dairou made more sense in going after.

The alliances that some of the characters had were fine, just the rivals that bothered me.

So, with that looooong post I made, what am I trying to get out of this?

I feel that they should do a better job with the storyline as well as the charactrers in MK storwise, rather than anything else. That's what seems to be on everyone's #1 part of their list when it comes for them to ask what they feel should be improved in the next MK game. And well, I would like to know what you guys feel about the story. Make your own, give us ideas on why and how two characters are rivals/alliances. It's just something I would like to know what's on your mind.

Since everyone kinda beat me to the job on a few open thread topics on here. Hee he.
03/14/2009 01:59 AM (UTC)

The Mortal Kombat storyline is already too complicated. I'm sick of reading wikipedia, to catch up on what's going on.

MK9 should just restart the whole storyline. In other words, mk9 should just be a remake of MK1 or MK2. I miss the days, when mortal kombat was actually a tournament. They should base it off that. To keep things interesting, they could rewrite the fighters bios, so that they don't feel too familiar.

Or, they could tell an untold story that occured between MK1 and mk2.
03/19/2009 10:26 PM (UTC)
That story line felt a tad cliche. I support your idea on setting the plot decades after the events of Armageddon. I would not have any super powerful being be restored, instead the focus of the new Mortal Kombat game should be winning a tournament.

The only returning characters that really should come back I feel would be Liu Kang (Unplayable) and Scorpion. Sub-Zero would be great to have around but I would have his descendant claim the title of Sub-Zero and have the one we've been playing as since MK2 be old and withered as the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei.

The story could revolve around the tournament and the victor of this tournament must face the legendary champion Liu Kang.
03/19/2009 11:33 PM (UTC)
Hmm, too sides of the extreme that I can't agree with.

On the one hand, there are the people who want to reboot/reimagine the story we've been told thus far, allowing us to learn more about what happened way back when in the days when MK was in it's prime. These are usually the people that use nostalgia and "classics/icons" as their main reasoning. The problem I have is that, I don't care how much new information I'm getting if, in the end, I'm still paying for a game I've already played. How different can you make a story that you've already been told?

On the other hand, there are the people who say we need to take the story forward... way forward. They tell us to go about a hundred or so years into the future, when most of the characters we've known from MK have either died of old age (earthrealm only) or been killed. I think this comes from people who are fed up with where the story is at now, but share my feelings on a reboot. But setting a new story in the same world with the same rules and the same realms and characters that are descended from one's we're already familiar with... just doesn't sit well with me.

If you ask me (and I know you aren't, but read on anyway) I think that both of these ideas are cop-outs. You don't like where the story is, so you say, "Let's drop it, and go somewhere else in the timeline." Some look to the glory of the past, others look to the potential of the future, but either way you're trying to ignore what's right in front of you.

To be fair, yes, the story of the MK universe is in a bad place right now, but I wouldn't be able to respect the company making it if they didn't at least try to fix it.

So what do I think needs to happen with the story? Well, at least one thing needs to happen, and I think it's fairly obvious. There was just an epic battle between some of the most powerful forces in the MK universe that threatened to tear apart the very fabric of reality. Result: A fair amount of the 60+ characters we've come to know are going to have to die, and not in the sense we've come to know. Some of them will have to be heroes. Some of them will have to be "classics". And everyone else will have to deal with that.

Before anything else happens with the story, that is what I would like to see. From there, you can do any mostly sensical thing with rivalries and alliances.
03/20/2009 12:08 AM (UTC)
RoninDrake Wrote:
Hmm, too sides of the extreme that I can't agree with.

The problem I have is that, I don't care how much new information I'm getting if, in the end, I'm still paying for a game I've already played. How different can you make a story that you've already been told?

There are various ways that could make an old story seem new. Like I said, they could re-write bios and storylines to the point that they show little resemblence to the orginal source.

Are you famliar with the twisted Metal series? Do you know how Twisted Metal Black was a re-imagining of twisted metal 1. The game's storyline, setting, and feel felt very different.

Other successful reboots i can think of are the Battlestar galactica series and the ultimate marvel comic series.

These are examples on what they could do with a reboot of mk. Some of these examples might sound bad....but I'm just trying to make a point.

-They could make Scorpion and Sub-Zero biological brothers. Both brothers join the tournament to determine who's the better ninja.

-The story doesnt have to take place in Shang Tsung's Island. It could take place in Outworld for instance.

-They could change Kano's ethnicity into that of a black person's. MK needs more black ppl anyways.

-Reptile can be a female fighter instead of a male fighter.

-They could make Liu kang as a traditional bold shoalin monk. He would therefore be a pacifist who never kills. This would then create a deep contrast to Kung Lao's ways, since Kung Lao(a renegade monk) has the text "war" literally painted on his chest. Lui Kang and Kung Lao's philosophical differeces would then create a rivalry between them.

-Characters that made an appearance in MKDA-MKA could make an appearance in this game. E.g Kenshi's storlyine can be re-written to make him fit the timeline of MK1

All these minor differences creates a new perspective on a old wouldnt feel like a rehash.

03/20/2009 01:42 PM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
RoninDrake Wrote:
Hmm, too sides of the extreme that I can't agree with.

The problem I have is that, I don't care how much new information I'm getting if, in the end, I'm still paying for a game I've already played. How different can you make a story that you've already been told?

There are various ways that could make an old story seem new. Like I said, they could re-write bios and storylines to the point that they show little resemblence to the orginal source.

Are you famliar with the twisted Metal series? Do you know how Twisted Metal Black was a re-imagining of twisted metal 1. The game's storyline, setting, and feel felt very different.

Other successful reboots i can think of are the Battlestar galactica series and the ultimate marvel comic series.

These are examples on what they could do with a reboot of mk. Some of these examples might sound bad....but I'm just trying to make a point.

-They could make Scorpion and Sub-Zero biological brothers. Both brothers join the tournament to determine who's the better ninja.

-The story doesnt have to take place in Shang Tsung's Island. It could take place in Outworld for instance.

-They could change Kano's ethnicity into that of a black person's. MK needs more black ppl anyways.

-Reptile can be a female fighter instead of a male fighter.

-They could make Liu kang as a traditional bold shoalin monk. He would therefore be a pacifist who never kills. This would then create a deep contrast to Kung Lao's ways, since Kung Lao(a renegade monk) has the text "war" literally painted on his chest. Lui Kang and Kung Lao's philosophical differeces would then create a rivalry between them.

-Characters that made an appearance in MKDA-MKA could make an appearance in this game. E.g Kenshi's storlyine can be re-written to make him fit the timeline of MK1

All these minor differences creates a new perspective on a old wouldnt feel like a rehash.

Good ideas but some of them I would have to disagree with in your view on some characters.

I love your idea on having Kung Lao and Liu Kang rivals but I would not like those interpretations of Liu Kang and Kung Lao be told.

I feel the rivalry between Liu kang and Kung Lao stems back to their ancestry and what they depict is their fate. Liu Kang was a reluctant champion who did not want to participate in Mortal Kombat and fled to America when he heard about his destiny. I feel that Liu kang entered purely out of his beliefs on bringing down Shang Tsung and accepting his destiny as being the "Chosen One". The movie referenced to Shang Tsung killing his brother but I feel that in the canon Liu kang knows of Shang Tsung's deciet and trechary due to his manipulative ways of killing his ancestor Kung Lao by bending the rules of the tournament and taking Kung Lao's soul. Liu Kang I feel views Kung Lao as the one that should have went to the tournament instead of him but kept silent about it. Liu Kang I feel looks up to Kung Lao in some respects and after the first tournament looks at Kung Lao as the guilty consciense inside himself on his failure to act quickly.

Kung Lao I feel is the more determined out of the two, Kung Lao is the head strong monk who stands up to injustice and because he inherited the name of Kung Lao he feels that it is his right to participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament. What I think stemmed this rivalry between Liu kang and himself was the Shaolin Monk's decisions to send Liu Kang to participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament. I think this shamed Kung Lao in feeling he was not worthy to participate and felt angry in Liu Kang's attitude about the tournament, and felt he was a coward for turning his back on the temples when they first mentioned Liu Kang to go. When Liu Kang returned from the Tournament Kung Lao was the sole survivor of the Shaolin Temples and I feel he put the responsibility of all his dead brothers on Liu Kang's shoulders because Kung Lao feels that Liu Kang could have returned sooner to warn them of the incoming invasion on the Shaolin Temples.

Even if this storyline were not canon, I would not want one to retcon the assumption I made over the course of over a decade.
03/20/2009 01:59 PM (UTC)
I don't believe there is any rivalry existing between Liu Kang and Kung Lao today that could even branch into the MK9 game due to the events that took place during MK2 and MK3.

Shaolin Monks goes into detail on Liu Kang and Kung Lao's journey into Outworld and I believe in both that game and the canon both depended on each other to survive. I like to think the war symbol on Kung Lao's vest is the symbolic expression on justice against the senseless butchering of all his shaolin brothers, who he was much closer with than Liu Kang.

Liu Kang I feel during MK2 prooved to Kung Lao why he was considered the chosen one and Liu Kang understood Kung Lao's feelings towards him for years and respected his great skill. I believe both were at peace with each other before facing Shao Kahn at the end of MK2 while facing Shao Kahn with the aid of Raiden.

I believe in that time period between MK2 and MK3 Liu Kang and Kung Lao decided to create a new chapter in the Shaolin order by recruiting young monks and training them in the way of the White Lotus and the Shaolin way. This is where I feel Kung Lao played a more passive role in the MK canon. I don't know where Kung Lao's head was at but it was stated that towards the end of MK3 Kung Lao was fataly wounded during the fight with Shao Kahn which gave Liu Kang the edge he needed to defeat Shao Kahn and free Earth.

Kung Lao however survived the encounter and wanted everyone to think he was dead so he can find enlightment in his own journey and possibly have Liu Kang inheret the honor of his ancestors. Perhaps Kung Lao took a bow and in order to be enlightened he had to detach himself from his emotions, which probably had a great emphasis on his title as Kung Lao, perhaps Kung Lao wanted that name to be dead with him. That is untill he heard of Goro hunting after Liu Kang for enduring a great loss at the first MK Tournament.

Kung Lao I felt needed one last task before putting the name of Kung Lao to rest and that was to give Goro the challenge of a life time rather than kill him in revenge. Kung Lao did just that as he scared Goro's chest (MK Gold) If only Goro kept the scar on his chest in Deception and Armaggeddon. I feel that encounter with Goro gave Kung Lao great pride in himself and he finally let go of the past and what happened to his ancestor. With that peace of mind and sense of purpose I believe Kung Lao returned ot the Temples to aid Liu Kang in bringing foward a new age of the Shaolin.

After that we all know what happens in Deadly Alliance with Liu Kang dying.
03/22/2009 04:50 PM (UTC)
Firstly some of the ideas u guys have are very gd I think mk should hire some of us to write story lines for the new games! Here's my idea:

I like the idea of setting it after armageddon that can open doors for numorus story lines here's mine if u think its gd or can b improved then plz let me no!

After the dust settled after armageddon Scorpion as champion of the elder gods had deafeted blaze and his clan the shiri ryu was ressurected along with his family. Quan Chi did kidnap Scorpions son but he tracked him down soon after and got him back. Years after this Scorpion came across a grusome discovery 5 mutilated bodies of his clan this enraged him he suspected the lin kuei so he sent undercover warriors warriors into the lin kuei camp to learn more they did indeed kill the warriors as they feared the shiri ryu was growing too powerfull Scorpion sent a messenger to Sub-Zero declaring war between the clans upon hearing this the White Lotus Society sent messengers to both sides trying to get them to reconsider because the war could tear the realm apart and claim thousands of innocent lives if they did then the White lotus will fight both sides to try and stop the chaos they would be led by Lui Kand and Kung Lao. But other realms had heard of the war they decided that this coukd become a war to rule all the realms Hotaru the now wise old general of seido rallied his troops and prepared them for war. Havik gathered his followers to war aswell. Kano and Kobra the two masters of the Black dragon clan had gathered huge numbers of warriors since the red dragon clan was destroyed during armageddon many surviving members including mavado had joined making then a forct to be reckoned with they joined the war. Baracka and his tarkaten would also fight. Outworld had no ruler as neither Onaga or Shao Kahn has been seen in years Shinnock has also gone missing. Shang Tsung realised that now was his chance to seize control of outworld he went to battlefields and ressurected dead warriors to fight for him. Quan Chi had also built an army through sorcery an army of skeletons like he used against jax during armageeddon. A small matter between clans has transpired into a war of the realms the victors will rule all.

Game title; Mortal Kombat War of the Realms

Shiri ryu
Led by: Scorpion
Numbers 10,000 Shiri ryu ninjas 1,000 Elite Warriors

Lin Kuei
Led by: Sub Zero
Second in command: Frost
Numbers: 9,000 Lin Kuei Assassins

White Lotus Society
Led by: Lui Kang & Kung Lao
Officers: Jax, Sonya, Jonny Cage, Kitana
Numbers 8,000 Shaolin Warriors

Led by: Baraka
Officers: Mileena, Reptile (no master so alligened with Baraka)
Numbers: 8,000 Tarkatan

Seido Army
Led by: Hotaru
10,000 Soldiers

Chaos Realm
Led by: Havik
Numbers 7,000 Chaos followers

Possessed Undead
Led by: Shang Tsung
Numbers : 9,000

Led by: Quan Chi
Numbers 12,000
03/22/2009 07:42 PM (UTC)
jenko Wrote:

Game title; Mortal Kombat War of the Realms

03/23/2009 01:26 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
jenko Wrote:

Game title; Mortal Kombat War of the Realms



Though, Jenko, I don't quite understand why you have seprate armies from Earthrealm going after each other. Lin Kuei, White Lotus... wouldn't they be helping each other seeing how Liu, Kung Lao and Sub-Zero are somewhat allies?

But anyways... I'm liking what I'm seeing in this thread. Nice ideas.
03/24/2009 06:52 PM (UTC)
Yea icebaby I no but the earthrealm clans aren't really friendly 2wards each other and I just thought the more armies the more fun!
03/30/2009 06:29 PM (UTC)
alliances i'd like to see are
scorpion and reptile.
baraka and millena.
cyrax and sub zero.

rivals i'd like to see are
kung lao and liu kang.
kabal and kenshi.
quan chi and shinnok.
fujin and raiden.

the rivalreys are getting stale and they should maybe switch how things are approached. feuds are in the past. why not make old feuds into new friendships or teams. explained through cinmatic playable cutscenes similar to soul calibur3 where if you hit the right button you can change the outcome of the battles and etc.
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04/01/2009 01:33 PM (UTC)
Firstly, I would like to address the storyline in the original post. I know I am only nit-picking but it kind of bothered me a little. Anyway... you say the only person left after all the others have died (mostly to old age) would be Sub Zero. But going by his appearance in Deadly Alliance, he's probably the oldest out of all the characters, I mean he was old and grey in DA.

Secondly, someone said they would like to see the story go back to show the events between MK1 and MK2, well... that's what Shoalin Monks is, so there's no need for that.

Anyway, on to my own opinions.
I wouldn't mind them going to the next generation (say 20 years after Armageddon), but I would actually prefer to see the aftermath of the Armageddon battle.

As for alliances and rivalries, I'm sick of seeing Scorpion fighting Sub Zero when that rivalry ended in MK2 (the ending was that Scorpion vowed to protect Sub Zero for killing his brother). I want to see more Scorpion VS Quan Chi, or even better still Scorpion VS Noob Saibot (his REAL rival - the original Sub Zero).

Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing Scorp and Subz being allies - after all Scorp did vow to protect Subz and I think he owes him one after kicking his butt in MK4.

I also have a problem with the Noob/Smoke alliance, when it was Smoke and Sub Zero (younger) that were best friends.

There are just too many contradictions in the rivalries and I think Midway should have put a little bit more effort into it.

04/01/2009 10:46 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero's appearance in DA had more to do with the dragon medallion than his actual age. I'm pretty sure they specifically said that it made his appearance shift to an older state.

As for his actual age... well, we know that he has ancestors from Outworld (the cryomancers) and the people we've seen from there thus far seem to be pretty long-lived, so he'd probably still have some of that, if a bit of a watered down version.
04/02/2009 12:30 AM (UTC)
What about the female characters? Lol, no one has mentioned about them yet on here.

Jade and Tanya
Ashrah and Nitara
Frost and Sareena?

Just a thought!
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04/02/2009 12:49 AM (UTC)
I wasn't really a big fan of the chicks in MK so I don't really know their stories. I preferred the ninja characters, mostly Scorpion, Noob, human Smoke, original Sub Zero, and Rain (except for that crappy costume he had in Armageddon).
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