Stories/Endings, Pictures or video clips?
posted09/17/2009 05:05 PM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I haven't seen this kind of a thread in a while, so I'm gonna bring it back into general topic.

What would you mostly like to see considering endings: A nicely, detailed picture of an event happening in one's ending, or a video?

To me, I wouldn't mind seeing videos... And please, spare the "There won't be enough space..." just bear with me. The pictures are great and everything, but they just seem to lack interest in it because I don't like hearing the voice for every ending and the pictures are just not too pleasing to see.

With the stories, I think each character should introduce themselves after we pick them in arcade mode. Like, telling us their biographies through a story before we play the actual mode. I mean, it'll be an odd twist.

So yeah. What would you like to see?
09/14/2009 11:04 PM (UTC)
i'd like to see both. here's what i mean. say you beat arcade mode 1 time you unlock the video ending for that character. if you beat arcade mode a second time then you would unlock an alternate ending for that character and it would be fully drawn with subtitles without sound.

plus with all that power of next gen why not have both. but if i could not have both i'd like to see the return of video endings.

that's my take on the subject.
09/14/2009 11:14 PM (UTC)
Hmm, I see what you mean... I kinda like to see two endings, you know. Here's why:

Deadly Alliance sure had other characters featured in their endings. Such as Sub-Zero and Frost...

We all know that Frost's ending came true, well... what does that mean for Sub-Zero? His wasn't? Or, somewhat there?

In Hotaru's ending, he kills Sub-Zero and Kenshi, though Sub-Zero, Hotaru was never mentioned... But in Kenshi's yeah, he was. (In fact he kills Hotaru in his) But this makes no sense. Sub-Zero doesn't go after Hotaru, despite the fact that both Kenshi and Hotaru's endings feature Sub-Zero in a way, so basically Sub-Zero's isn't cannon.

How about Li Mei's? She was killed in her ending, (Yes I know this was mentioned before in another thread, I still say, getting your own soul sucked out of your body is still technically killing you in a way) but for some reason it didn't happen in Deception.

Can there be two? I don't like seeing non-cannon endings for characters. Or endings that just somehow feature another character, but is completely ignored in another... Grr
09/14/2009 11:38 PM (UTC)
It's nearly impossible to do canon endings for everybody. An ending, for the most part, is a "what if" for a character winning a tournament--only one can win, so, consequently, most endings aren't true. Exceptions to this are twofold:

If an ending exposes a character's identity (Like in Mortal Kombat II, in Sub-Zero's ending, which states that he is the brother of the Sub-Zero in the first MK).


If an ending reveals or elaborates upon something historical to the MK universe or its characters, clarifying something in the past.

That isn't to say that some things which are stated in some endings won't happen, but just that none of the suppositional storylines that result from only a certain character winning have a definite nature until the next mk comes out and you can see for yourself.


In terms of video endings, I think it would be very expensive and time consuming. MK4/G made an attempt at it by using mostly pre-existing models in order to save time/money, but the result was generally dull, the character movements overly cartoonish, and ditto for the voice acting. Because of this, some people think it shouldn't be done in MK, but, speaking truthfully, they've missed their marks on a lot of things, which doesn't mean it can't be done....just not like that. I doubt it would happen unless they were given a big budget and, especially, more time than they customarily use. I wouldn't want the ending to be a single, continuous scene. It could have narrated elements and montage to show much more.

What would be more doable would be to do a montage of images under narration/subtitles and music. This would be more of a bonus for the player. Anywhere from 5 to 50 (in a battle-heavy ending, more might be needed to get across the extent of the violence) images, done with care, and focusing primarily on the character who wins and his/her/its story, what is done with the power, if any challenge to the power is lurking in the shadows. Two images with a few words comes off as a little miserly with all the hardware power/space available. While movies can take an extraordinary length of time to do with quality, something like a montage can be done well without making too much of a risk of a pushback of a release date, if there is one, and, if done well, it could have a cinematic feel.
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09/15/2009 03:35 AM (UTC)
I've always wanted a story mode where you could choose who you play as.

So basically there is one story (the cannon one) that is played out from different perspectives depending on who you choose to play as.

This mode should have video cut scenes for key parts of the story (start, end, meeting other major characters, fatalities etc). Characters that die in this story are out of the series (unless they somehow come back in an undead form like Noob Saibot and Scorpion).

As for the Arcade, this should have the picture endings where the player character is the champion / winner over everyone else (like how they had it in the old MK games).

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09/15/2009 12:41 PM (UTC)
We could get.It's WB's MK now.
09/15/2009 03:04 PM (UTC)
I would like to see story mode implemented into arcade mode somehow. Maybe have it so there are character specific cut scenes and mini konquest type games between fights to tell the story. As for endings I still stay firm with comic book style with voice overs.
09/15/2009 07:34 PM (UTC)
I want a story mode that behaves like MKDA Konquest, where in between every single fight, you get story. And not all of it is actually plot, some is just details about the characters' personalities, fighting styles, more detail about events from past games, etc. The whole life story picture. The opening and ending should be a cinema though, to better set the mood and feel more like a real video game story mode.
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09/16/2009 12:36 AM (UTC)
MethMaker Wrote:
It's nearly impossible to do canon endings for everybody. An ending, for the most part, is a "what if" for a character winning a tournament--only one can win, so, consequently, most endings aren't true

I think it's easier than that. Just write from the perspective of the games central storyline. Some characters interact with it, others don't. And when the story is over, where ever whoever went, is where they actually did go.

Treat it like a sitcom or a movie trilogy in a sort of graphic novel format and we're golden...


As for the topic, I could go both ways. On the one hand, of course I'd love to see FMV endings. But there's time//money and space as the hurtle.

On the other, I actually like the still-images with the readings. I'd just hope they'd continue to let us save them like they did in MKD (either way actually, FMV or stills I'd want to be able to save them). That was wonderful, and how they manipulated Boons voice was great. Even in MKvsDC.

I could go either way because I like both. I'm not really a fan of mixing them in any way that I've seen either. Maybe if they started with an image and then went into a video, that could work (surprise). Or if they gave us an opportunity through a secret code to unlock a video at the end or something, that could work. Bring an attribute of, without actually bringing back the Blood Code? idk.

I hated the MKA kata-endings though. Just because those felt like what I think the Bio/Profile should be like. Animated, but nothing extravagant so that the focus remains on the content..I'd love to see Ed or someone read those with some cool music too actually. Maybe give us control of the audio as well. (play, pause, stop, fast forward, rewind)

I don't know what else at the moment I'd do with the endings though. Maybe something will come to mind later.
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09/16/2009 05:15 PM (UTC)
Pictures, they just work better.
09/17/2009 02:12 AM (UTC)
Warlady Wrote:
Pictures, they just work better.

09/17/2009 04:38 PM (UTC)
for me i think they shouldnt worry about making "what if" endings just because the character wins the tournament in arcade mode i just want to see what actually happened to them during the story i mean a lot of endings were canon but didnt mention that they actually beet the boss their storys just told what happened after the tournaments which shows the team at midway needs to stop with the "what if" endings now and start giving us the actual true endings to the characters MK vs DCc worked well almost all the characters endings tied with eachother. and yes i think the endings should be in video form now yes there is plenty of space for every characters ending in fact a fighting game doesnt take up that much space as much as like adventure games fighting games only have 2 characters on one screen and levels that are small not big ass environments like in adventure games, i go to school to work on games so i know they can put video endings for this new game no excuses, also some people dont want the video endings because they got the idea that they will be bad because of the MK4 endings , listen if midway can do good story videos in MK vs DC then the video endings will be good in MK9 the MK team has grown since MK4
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09/17/2009 05:05 PM (UTC)
I think pictures work better because a little movie can be entertaining to watch, but is uselessly expensive and restrains the facts that can be shown to the close future.
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