Stage Fatalities and Fatalities
posted02/20/2010 09:49 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Forget the death traps.I want old school stage fatality to return.

Here's an idea that came to me today:

I'm lazy to describe the background, but the idea is when you execute the stage fatality, your fighter will beat near to death his opponent - like crushing arms or his head in some wall.

So the opponent is now chocking in his blood and shit,crawling, spitting his teeth and nearly death.Then some outworld grotesque creatures that like to eat carrion come and start eating him alive while he screams (use your imagination).

Your fighter will take then his victory pose and watch what the creatures are doing to the other one.


Some ideas for fatalities:

For instance when you play as Scorpion he can yell FUCK YOU, DIE, etc at the victim while his killing him.

I mean I'd like tosee really brutal MK especially after that DC shit that I won't play and buy never.

Also the brutal fatalities needs to be done, cuz MK TEAM needs to recapture the attention they had with MK 1.

Now the violence is not new, but if they take it to the edge it will be heard, and the game will be popular again + the WB shit.

Ok post some of your ideas here.
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01/24/2010 09:17 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:

Then some outworld grotesque creatures that like to eat carrion come and start eating him alive while he screams (use your imagination).

So things that eat dead things are going to eat a living thing?

Some ideas for fatalities:

For instance when you play as Scorpion he can yell FUCK YOU, DIE, etc at the victim while his killing him.

That's not an idea for a fatality. That's an idea for yelling.

I mean I'd like tosee really brutal MK especially after that DC shit that I won't play and buy never.

3D MK wasn't brutal even before DC.

Now the violence is not new, but if they take it to the edge it will be heard, and the game will be popular again + the WB shit.

Violence doesn't always equal success in today's gaming world. If it did, Madworld would have been last year's most popular game.
About Me
01/26/2010 03:45 PM (UTC)
You really need to get a life.
Adam Ronin
01/26/2010 05:27 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
You really need to get a life.

Haha. Says the guy posting on a video game forum.
01/26/2010 05:29 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
You really need to get a life.

Ha ha, this is hilarious...

But, getting back to your ideas, I like you're stage fatality concept of creatures coming out and killing your opponent, I can see this being like an alternate stage fatality for the Living Forest.

Meh, if they do have stage fatalities, I just want to see the Pit make a return and possibly the Dead Pool. But, it'll be interesting to have some stages in 2D rather than 3D... I mean, I hated how they changed the Pit and the Dead Pool to make it 3D material for Deception. I didn't like that too well.

Still, Stage Fatalities should make a return. I don't see why, just no death traps.
Historical Favorite
01/26/2010 07:58 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
You really need to get a life.

Think about that for a minute. You had enough time on your hands to not only think up shitty ideas for fatalities, but to post them on the internet. Do I need to get a life? Certainly. But I'm clearly not the only one.

Ever since MK4 ive been disappointed that we havent gotten a "The Pit IV"

I mean they could easily make a 3D bridge like they did for MK Deception. Kinda make it like the Battle Arena from MK Armageddon where there would be a different death awaiting your opponent depending on which side you knocked them off on. One side would have spikes, another grinders, another Acid.. etc...
02/20/2010 06:22 PM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
Ever since MK4 ive been disappointed that we havent gotten a "The Pit IV"

I mean they could easily make a 3D bridge like they did for MK Deception. Kinda make it like the Battle Arena from MK Armageddon where there would be a different death awaiting your opponent depending on which side you knocked them off on. One side would have spikes, another grinders, another Acid.. etc...

Brilliant. Welcome to the forums btw. The Pit 4 should also have one side where the opponent falls off and once he/she hits the ground, powerful creatures should devour the victim to death. The creatures can be Tarkatans, Raptors, Peranas (with water on the bottom), Crocodiles (with water on the bottom), Giant Snakes, and etc.

Plus, most fatalities should have characters cussing at their foes. That would be awesome. grin
02/20/2010 07:13 PM (UTC)
i don't remember which site or forum it was on but way before MK4 i remember saying MK needs profanity and vulgar language for specials and fatalities.

love the creature stage fatality ideas even though i have heard them kind of ideas plenty of times before.

i keep seeing in threads that people are asking "where the hell is the Pit 4?" i can agree with asking this myself...we have seen them take it in all kinds of directions so what if you put them all together in one stage. example a squared platform and each side has a different pit fatality...1 with spikes like MK1...2 without spikes...3 with the grinders...4 should be something not seen before like maybe the creature idea and have a water pit with sharks or crocodiles. another idea could be to have the victim get hit so hard they fall at an angle and hit a wall with spikes or hitting them so hard they splat and slide down the pit wall a bit with blood smearing and trailing. i also thought about the view of the falling...we have seen side view,we watched them fall with them facing us but we never had a bullet cam type view where we see from there eyes where they are going to fall. i think that could be neat...i don't want it to be like that the whole stage fatality but the thought of seeing myself falling face first into spikes would be an experience.

02/20/2010 09:49 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
i don't remember which site or forum it was on but way before MK4 i remember saying MK needs profanity and vulgar language for specials and fatalities.

love the creature stage fatality ideas even though i have heard them kind of ideas plenty of times before.

i keep seeing in threads that people are asking "where the hell is the Pit 4?" i can agree with asking this myself...we have seen them take it in all kinds of directions so what if you put them all together in one stage. example a squared platform and each side has a different pit fatality...1 with spikes like MK1...2 without spikes...3 with the grinders...4 should be something not seen before like maybe the creature idea and have a water pit with sharks or crocodiles. another idea could be to have the victim get hit so hard they fall at an angle and hit a wall with spikes or hitting them so hard they splat and slide down the pit wall a bit with blood smearing and trailing. i also thought about the view of the falling...we have seen side view,we watched them fall with them facing us but we never had a bullet cam type view where we see from there eyes where they are going to fall. i think that could be neat...i don't want it to be like that the whole stage fatality but the thought of seeing myself falling face first into spikes would be an experience.

Face first on the spikes? Youch! I also have an idea for the Hell stage. The character can fall into a pit where a million hands grab the opponent and rip him apart violently. I got that idea from God of War 2.
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