!!!!!!//////Stage BRUTALITY Ideas\\\\\\!!!!!!!
posted05/07/2015 10:29 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

Member Since
03/23/2004 09:21 PM (UTC)
Since Ed just confirmed that the team is going to patch in a Blanch Stage Brutality next patch. It got me thinking why stop there.


Post your ideas for the Stages that don't have one using intractable's

◾ Destroyed City
1. Crushed by the Street Light
2. Head crushed by the muffler

◾ Emperor's Kourtyard
1. Beat to death with the Shield
2. Head crushed by pulley

◾ Jinsei Chamber
1. Drown on the far left side
2. Head slammed into the rock on the far right

◾ Kove
1. Get hooked ( Body would keep swinging)
2. Cannon blows opponent apart
3. Hit with a body

◾ Krossroads
1. Uppercut your opponent onto the pillar spikes
2. Throw Skull into opponents head causing it to explode but the Skull stays on there shoulders

◾ Kuatan Jungle (Should be Devoured by the Snake or Eaten by the crocodile)
1. Strangled by the vines
2. head slammed into the pillar

◾ Lin Kuei Temple
1. Set of fire by one of the flames
2. Grabbed by the skeletons

◾ Quan Chi's Fortress
1. Crush opponents head with the Wrath Hammer
3. Knock your opponent into Revenant Shao Kahn for a Bear Hug

◾ Refugee Kamp
1.Uppercut your opponent into the air and the Turret Gun shreds them.
2. Crushed by the Forklift on the far right side

◾ Sky Temple
1. Struck by Lightning
2. Burnt by ashes
3. Blanched by a Monk

◾ Outworld Marketplace
1. Blanched Happening in the next patch!!!!
2. Pig burned
3. Pissed the Tiger off way to many times

◾ Dead Woods (should be eaten by the Wolves)
1. Throw log into opponents Chest(In game already)
2. Branch Beatdown

◾ Training Room (waste of a stage)
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/07/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
Now that we know they'll be adding stage brutalities as future content, I'd like to see:

- impaled on broken post
- impaled by swinging hook
- devoured by sea serpent or shark (falls off pier after getting hit by body)

Quan's Fortress
- Attacked by creature on far left side (beneath the trap door)
- Killed by Revenant Shao Kahn
- Destroyed by Kahn's hammer

- Uppercut off the bridge into the lava river
- Impaled on one of the columns

Kuatan Jungle
- Devoured by Croc
- Devoured or constricted by snake

We don't really need much more than that...a stage brutality on EVERY arena may be fun but not necessary.

I WOULD like to see a legit pit...
No better brutality than to summon of of the animals in the backgrounds.
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