Spoilers considered: Did they change the roster post-E3?
posted04/06/2015 07:58 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
I've had a look through some of the story spoilers and I'm wondering if they changed the roster to include more trilogy characters after the E3 reveal?

I'm betting that they'd started work on Fujin, Tanya, Rain, Frost, then shit themselves post-E3 reveal and cut them out the roster to focus their resources and work on Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, (possibly) Jax instead. They all seem like complete after-thoughts and seem to barely feature in story mode.

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04/05/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
I've had a look through some of the story spoilers and I'm wondering if they changed the roster to include more trilogy characters after the E3 reveal?

I'm betting that they'd started work on Fujin, Tanya, Rain, Frost, then shit themselves post-E3 reveal and cut them out the roster to focus their resources and work on Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, (possibly) Jax instead. They all seem like complete after-thoughts and seem to barely feature in story mode.

Would not surprise me. Especially after all of those "NO KITANA, NO BUY!!!1111" rants and rages and threats of suicide. Though I think Kitana was always planned to be in, I'm just using the demand over her as an example.

At this point, we'll never know. Sigh.
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04/05/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
Honestly, I believe that this was always the intended roster. The amount of work and planning required to make a character isn't really something that could be taken lightly. It's always possible that they could have rearranged their priorities but nah.
04/05/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
They probably thought of putting Tanya and Rain on the main roster but thought Tanya would sell as DLC and then they couldn't think of shit for Rain.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
They probably thought of putting Tanya and Rain on the main roster but thought Tanya would sell as DLC and then they couldn't think of shit for Rain.

They could think of three variations for Sonya, Kano, Jaqui, and Reptile, but nothing for a water wielding demi-God? O.o

Yeah, doesn't work that way. They think first, not after they put characters in the game. "Shiiet mane, Rain gon' be tight! Spent all dis time modeling him and putting him in the story and having people fight against him, can't wait for hiz fans to play with him! Uh oh, can't think of hiz variations! Oh well, fuck dat bitch.
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04/05/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
Nah. This is the roster we were always going to get. The only kind of baffling exclusion is Tanya tbh.
04/05/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
nah when you consider voice acting, motion capturing moves and actually writing the story and dialogue, these characters were probably planned before E3, not finished but planned and also the comic that has to go along side the game. skins are also something because it's possible DLC characters won't have alternate outfits (like injustice)

you really have to take into account how much goes into each individual character.

if anything the roster was probably bigger and then cut down to DLC characters. i won't be surprised if people find DLC data on disc when the game drops.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/05/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Nah. This is the roster we were always going to get. The only kind of baffling exclusion is Tanya tbh.

I only put Rain right there with Tanya because he's on the same exact level with her in that regard. Both are Mileena's "protectors", both have the same story relevance, both have new designs, both are fightable. So it would seem logical to just add both to the game initially than only leaving one for DLC and the other...well just out in the cold.
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04/05/2015 05:37 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

I only put Rain right there with Tanya because he's on the same exact level with her in that regard. Both are Mileena's "protectors", both have the same story relevance, both have new designs, both are fightable. So it would seem logical to just add both to the game initially than only leaving one for DLC and the other...well just out in the cold.
I don't really consider Rain cause Boon doesn't seem to like him very much so I think his chances will always be very low.
04/05/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
They probably thought of putting Tanya and Rain on the main roster but thought Tanya would sell as DLC and then they couldn't think of shit for Rain.

They could think of three variations for Sonya, Kano, Jaqui, and Reptile, but nothing for a water wielding demi-God? O.o

Yeah, doesn't work that way. They think first, not after they put characters in the game. "Shiiet mane, Rain gon' be tight! Spent all dis time modeling him and putting him in the story and having people fight against him, can't wait for hiz fans to play with him! Uh oh, can't think of hiz variations! Oh well, fuck dat bitch.

Then i guess they gave him a new design and good voice actor and an important role in the story just so he can get his ass kicked over and over again
04/05/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
HBoogie Wrote:
nah when you consider voice acting, motion capturing moves and actually writing the story and dialogue, these characters were probably planned before E3, not finished but planned and also the comic that has to go along side the game. skins are also something because it's possible DLC characters won't have alternate outfits (like injustice)

you really have to take into account how much goes into each individual character.

if anything the roster was probably bigger and then cut down to DLC characters. i won't be surprised if people find DLC data on disc when the game drops.

Well, use Fujin as an example here.. He's featured heavily in chapter one, his design is lush and he's made into a complete bad-ass. It *seems* he was planned to be part of this cast - the main roster. All the signs are there. Some are outright shocked he's not a secret unlockable.

So where is he?

Either he was loosely planned as DLC so designed as completely as possible to save time later on (maybe still is), or he was cut mid-development to focus those designers and resources on a different character. Even Kitana's "wind" element to her special moves are too well realised and seem like they are designed for a greater purpose such as Fujin's specials.

"Oh, we have too many goodies - let's halt development on Fujin and get those designers to rush out a Kung Lao". I could see that conversation at NRS.. -
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04/05/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
The only they could have changed by E3 is DLC characters and even that is unlikely, since they require planning and could've been made on separate budget, than the rest of the game. It actually could've explained some strange lack of promotion for the game between August and January. But, stil unlikely.

So, no. I don't think they've changed anything.
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04/05/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
Maybe at some point during very early development but the safe roster was decided on long time ago, is just that trying to move the story forward while forcefully keeping the popular core characters will lead to some of them being out of important roles in the story and others like Fujin, Tanya, Rain not playable, even though they should have. The whole thing is quite messy.
04/05/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
Wow......you 3D era enthusiasts will NOT. LET. THIS. GO., will ya?

04/05/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Fujin, Rain, Smoke, Sindel, Baraka & Frost...some or all will be DLC if MK players plead enough and speak up. The developers I am sure would be more than happy to make characters that already have models as DLC than start from scratch.

I honestly would LOVE every single one of them playable. I mean yea, I'd love Havik, Noob, Ashrah, Sareena, Sheeva and others too...but we have the models already in the game so lets make it happen!!!! Maybe there are even more models in the game, I wouldn't fully know as I have done my best to stay away from most spoilers.
04/06/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
I think a more likely theory is that a bunch of post-3D era character fans are in denial and are looking for someone to blame, when in actuality there is no one to blame except the game creators for not putting in the characters they wanted.
04/06/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
I think a more likely theory is that a bunch of post-3D era character fans are in denial and are looking for someone to blame, when in actuality there is no one to blame except the game creators for not putting in the characters they wanted.

Kitana has a crappy part in the game. Tanya should of been a part of the main game well kitana should of been dlc. If you look at the story you can see this.
04/06/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
I know right!!!!

That Boon bitch keeps lying and abusing us! Throw a molotov coktail at NRS studios and show him who's boss!

04/06/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
It's a possibility, but I've always held the belief that it's likely they originally had more ideas for new characters, but decided to not use them when they resembled currently existing characters too much. Thus, they just used the character that already existed.
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04/06/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Kitana has a crappy part in the game. Tanya should of been a part of the main game well kitana should of been dlc. If you look at the story you can see this.
They have the same part. Lackey for a bigger bad.
04/06/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
Someone made this same suggestion months ago.

As a counterpoint, someone pointed out that the concept art for Kitana's default costume is dated 2013. Well before E3.
04/06/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
Call it justice then. Because Kitana was planned to be in MK4 and Deception on early stages but was taken out in favour of other females, now it's all the other way around.
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04/06/2015 07:58 PM (UTC)
Kitana's finalized default design for example was dated 2013, check the date on the original artwork:


Story, concept art, modeling, mocap and voice recording takes a lot of time, it's not something they would change last minute.

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