03/17/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
did we really need a useless thread for a useless person. Nope.

This is why no one on this forum likes you.

Because I'm honest? :O.

Makes sense, Nobody likes brutal honesty.

cause you called him useless for making a thread you deemed unworthy

stop being such a fucking prick.

Okay, Sorry :(.

I shouldn't have called him useless, but my point about the thread being useless still stands. There is already a bitch & moan thread, and this is what this thread is about. He is basically bitching and telling us he won't be around here for a while.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/17/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
There were spoilers in the chevo list? All I saw was things like preform a combo, do 30 brutalities and complete this and that.

Not that I'm aware of - then again I only skimmed it - but last time, this is how we learned about Quan Chi and Cyber Sub. Clearly they learned from their mistakes and knew this'd happen eventually.

Well curiosity almost killed that cat for me in that thread. Clicked a link to the achievement names and icons...yeah there's plenty of things there to be spoiled on. Only saw three of them and *CLOSE*. But the list itself isn't spoilerific.

Totally agree DeLaGeezy and Shadaloo. I originally planned my sign out date for April 1st, but it's looking like it may be sooner. Still going to work on that SOTW with ya though D, but I'm just going to end up avoiding MKX's forum. Which sucks, considering this is where the party is at. So, promoting SOTW will be a little more challenging.
03/17/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
I would assume not being on the internet for anything MK related in the first place would be the obvious choice for someone who doesn't want to be spoiled. Am I wrong?

As soon as the Scorp/Sub MKX release video came out just stay away. Even if you watched the release video, it's been spoiled that Scorp, Sub, Snow Forest, and interactables are in.

Even if you came here to speculate on the new characters, then Cassie, Kotal, Ferra/Torr, D'vorah have now been spoiled.

If you watch a stream, numerous things are now spoiled.

In no way am I trying to be a dick but I do agree that this is just a useless rant thread that takes up space, as a solution was stated by the in the OP's opener to begin with.

I've never been one to care about spoilers tho, but I would assume staying away a long time ago would be the only, obvious solution.

Sorry to see you go, hope you enjoy the game!
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/17/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

What does this have to do with anything MKX related? Nobody cares if you are no longer here :/.

did we really need a useless thread for a useless person. Nope.

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03/17/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
I don't see anything wrong with this thread. I'm probably going to dip out of this forum soon too because I don't want to get spoiled.
03/17/2015 05:19 PM (UTC)
I think the point being made here is nothing MKX relevant is being discussed.

Everyone is just saying they're "dipping" soon or not.

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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/17/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
I think the point being made here is nothing MKX relevant is being discussed.

Everyone is just saying they're "dipping" soon or not.


Here's relevance for you:

KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I would assume not being on the internet for anything MK related in the first place would be the obvious choice for someone who doesn't want to be spoiled. Am I wrong?

As soon as the Scorp/Sub MKX release video came out just stay away. Even if you watched the release video, it's been spoiled that Scorp, Sub, Snow Forest, and interactables are in.

Even if you came here to speculate on the new characters, then Cassie, Kotal, Ferra/Torr, D'vorah have now been spoiled.

If you watch a stream, numerous things are now spoiled.

In no way am I trying to be a dick but I do agree that this is just a useless rant thread that takes up space, as a solution was stated by the in the OP's opener to begin with.

I've never been one to care about spoilers tho, but I would assume staying away a long time ago would be the only, obvious solution.

Sorry to see you go, hope you enjoy the game!

What marks the difference between legitimate game spoilers and not is developer intent. Every time we watch a stream, or check out a commercial, we’re seeing things the MKX developers are offering to show us, things to whet our appetite and build anticipation for when the game releases. We’re checking out commercials and teasers. That’s understandable, to want to know as much as they want us to know, to build our interest. Otherwise, by logical conclusion, you’re just buying the game blind after seeing...what, nothing? Those aren’t real spoilers.

But right about now is when the lines start getting fuzzy. Achievement and trophy lists, leaked roster lists, supposed bios from characters we may not be sure are even in the game...these are things they don’t want us seeing, not yet. These are real spoilers.
And the bigger the spoilers get, the better the chance there is of someone flying off the handle and posting a thread in all caps with unmarked spoilers. That’s why folks are now heading out.

And yes, it’s fine that some people don’t care if others are leaving, just as it’s fine for those of us who are to agree now’s a good time to bow out, and maybe get others to think about doing the same. This discussion has plenty of merit.
03/17/2015 06:20 PM (UTC)
EDIT: Quote FAIL, I'm new here idk what the hell I'm doing and cant fix it

What marks the difference between legitimate game spoilers and not is developer intent. Every time we watch a stream, or check out a commercial, we’re seeing things the MKX developers are offering to show us, things to whet our appetite and build anticipation for when the game releases. We’re checking out commercials and teasers. That’s understandable, to want to know as much as they want us to know, to build our interest. Otherwise, by logical conclusion, you’re just buying the game blind after seeing...what, nothing? Those aren’t real spoilers.

But right about now is when the lines start getting fuzzy. Achievement and trophy lists, leaked roster lists, supposed bios from characters we may not be sure are even in the game...these are things they don’t want us seeing, not yet. These are real spoilers.
And the bigger the spoilers get, the better the chance there is of someone flying off the handle and posting a thread in all caps with unmarked spoilers. That’s why folks are now heading out.

That's a very good point. I never really looked at it that way before. I actually did feel a little bit of that when those bios leaked. However something "leaked" or "spoiled" could be bullshit if it hasn't been officially confirmed. We don't always know.

I think my only logical conclusion (if I didn't want spoilers) would be to stay away from the forums for awhile before release, but I think that's obvious. In this case, like November.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/17/2015 06:58 PM (UTC)
I genuinely don't care about spoilers regarding MK. I don't find the story particularly exciting or interesting. I care more about gameplay and due to this I kind of like to know who is going to be in and playable. That said I completely understand if others feel the need to protect themselves from spoilers.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 07:08 PM (UTC)
I also couldn't give a rat's ass about the story. I'm more focused on that roster.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

03/17/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
I agree with you, OP. I will also leave in the not so distant future. I have no interest in seeing character alts, story details, other finishers, game modes, and what not this close to release. I don't even need any more character reveals to be honest. Just give me information regarding the netcode and show me some Goro gameplay and you won't see me on these forums for a good while.
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Props to MINION
03/17/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
The acheivement list didnt spoil anything, the images related to them just confirmed things we already guessed

But it will only get worse from here. Thats a guarantee
03/17/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
I love this forum...

Several months of "Why is there no new info?? Stop leaving us in the dark NRS!"

*months later*

"Why are they showing us everything?? Slow down NRS!"
03/17/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
I've heard rumblings that someone has what they claim to be a full list of character variations....so those who wanna leave may wanna consider packing up sooner rather than later. lol I have a feeling shit's gonna kick off at least by the beginning of next week.
03/18/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I love this forum...

Several months of "Why is there no new info?? Stop leaving us in the dark NRS!"

*months later*

"Why are they showing us everything?? Slow down NRS!"

LOL. Youre so right. I cant understand these people too.
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03/18/2015 01:41 AM (UTC)
themkr Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I love this forum...

Several months of "Why is there no new info?? Stop leaving us in the dark NRS!"

*months later*

"Why are they showing us everything?? Slow down NRS!"

LOL. Youre so right. I cant understand these people too.

It's pretty simple, people wanted to know things like if their fav character was in. People don't want to risk entire roster/costumes/story being spoiled. I planned on not coming here in like two weeks to be safe but with these leaks already happening I'm probably just going to try and fully stay away. I don't ever want to know everything about a game I'm buying because for me getting suprised by stuff is part of the fun.
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03/18/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

What does this have to do with anything MKX related? Nobody cares if you are no longer here :/.

did we really need a useless thread for a useless person. Nope.

Who the fuck do you think you are? I was going to let this slide, but you decided to keep posting stupid shit in a thread that you clearly had no business being in, since your idea from the beginning was to bash on me and derail the thread. As you've seen, there was a point to this thread as other users feel the same way as me. So let me tell you something: shut the fuck up.

You've been in this site a couple of months and all you've done is run your mouth on people. I see that because I made you look stupid in more then one thread you have a grudge against me. That's fine. You're hurting. Every user that has made you look stupid you hold a grudge against and at any chance you get, you want to get back at them. You're pathetic. As another user stated here, no one gives a fuck about you. No one likes you on this forum. What have you contributed to this site aside from running your mouth on users here?

Calling me a useless person? Haha. You're fucking retarded. I'd love to meet you in person and see if you run your mouth this much in person.
03/18/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

What does this have to do with anything MKX related? Nobody cares if you are no longer here :/.

did we really need a useless thread for a useless person. Nope.

Who the fuck do you think you are? I was going to let this slide, but you decided to keep posting stupid shit in a thread that you clearly had no business being in, since your idea from the beginning was to bash on me and derail the thread. As you've seen, there was a point to this thread as other users feel the same way as me. So let me tell you something: shut the fuck up.

You've been in this site a couple of months and all you've done is run your mouth on people. I see that because I made you look stupid in more then one thread you have a grudge against me. That's fine. You're hurting. Every user that has made you look stupid you hold a grudge against and at any chance you get, you want to get back at them. You're pathetic. As another user stated here, no one gives a fuck about you. No one likes you on this forum. What have you contributed to this site aside from running your mouth on users here?

Calling me a useless person? Haha. You're fucking retarded. I'd love to meet you in person and see if you run your mouth this much in person.

Wow, wow, clam down man, I didn't mean to get you all fired up.

First, not everyone on this thread agreed with you, some actually agreed with me, because they know we don't need threads like this, It's an "MKX" section, not an "about me" section.

Second, you just showed me how delusional you are, you never really made me look stupid, maybe in your little mind you believe that, but that goes again to prove that you are in fact delusional.

Third, calling me a "retarded" is not a nice thing, you do realize that it's a serious things, using the word "retard" as a bad thing is not very nice because you are not just insulting me(Although I don't get how this is supposed to insult me), you are insulting other people.

Fourth, I never had any problem with you, until you called me a "kid" the first time we ever talked, you didn't make me look stupid, you called me a "kid", I only treated you the same way you treated me.

Fifth, It doesn't matter how long I've been here, I enjoyed my stay here, talking to amazing people on this forum, and I'm hoping I'll stick around for the longest while.

Before blaming me for not respecting you, you should remember what you said to me the first time we talked, and what you called me.

I'm the nicest person to people who are nice to me, you were being a dick the first time we talked, and you expect me to respect you? I don't think so.

The last thing I want to say, I had a valid reason to ask what I asked, I might have went over board by saying you are useless, so I do apologize for that.

But my question was still valid, we don't need people making threads about themselves, especially not people like you.
03/18/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
Ahhhh the internet...bringing us together to hate on each other since '93
03/18/2015 07:08 PM (UTC)
If ur gonna leak something then ALL titles must say SPOILERS in it,period! Ur choice if u want to know or not
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/18/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

First, not everyone on this thread agreed with you, some actually agreed with me, because they know we don't need threads like this, It's an "MKX" section, not an "about me" section.

I never said everyone agreed with me you idiot. Some did, some didn't. But this was a thread created for people that shared the same opinion as me. I didn't make it about me, I shared that I was going to step away from the MKX forum, but encouraged others to share their thoughts.

sharefrock Wrote:
Second, you just showed me how delusional you are, you never really made me look stupid, maybe in your little mind you believe that, but that goes again to prove that you are in fact delusional.

Oh I definitely did. It's eating away at you because as I said, every chance you get to find me or another user who you have had a problem with on this forum, you try to bash them/get back at them. Want to know how I know I made you look stupid? When your only defense to an argument is "Oh I can say whatever I want because it's my opinion", which is what you did plenty of times, is because you have nothing else to say and want to avoid looking more stupid.

sharefrock Wrote:Third, calling me a "retarded" is not a nice thing, you do realize that it's a serious things, using the word "retard" as a bad thing is not very nice because you are not just insulting me(Although I don't get how this is supposed to insult me), you are insulting other people.

Haha. Don't even fucking go there. Just don't. Don't play this innocent/SWJ role, you're not suited for it.

sharefrock Wrote:Fourth, I never had any problem with you, until you called me a "kid" the first time we ever talked, you didn't make me look stupid, you called me a "kid", I only treated you the same way you treated me.

You throw the word kid around to every user on this fucking forum. Even to well-established members of this site. Don't even go there. I'm not even going to recall why I called you a kid, but knowing you and the stupid shit you say, is because you deserved to get called out. How many arguments have you had with users here? Doesn't that say something about the kind of person you are? And because of this one incident, you want to go and stalk me to get back at me. You purposely posted on this thread to insult me and derail this thread. Don't you have anything else to do?

sharefrock Wrote:Fifth, It doesn't matter how long I've been here, I enjoyed my stay here, talking to amazing people on this forum, and I'm hoping I'll stick around for the longest while.

You've enjoyed your stay here. I'm sure a lot of people would say the complete opposite about having you here. Stick around until you get banned.

sharefrock Wrote:Before blaming me for not respecting you, you should remember what you said to me the first time we talked, and what you called me.

Read above ^

sharefrock Wrote:I'm the nicest person to people who are nice to me, you were being a dick the first time we talked, and you expect me to respect you? I don't think so.

I don't give two fucks if you respect me or not. I don't give two shits about you. But you have nothing else to do but stalk the shit I do on this forum, waiting for any chance you get to back at me. You came into this thread with only one purpose: bash me, bash the opinion I have, and derail the thread and only and I repeat only acknlowedged the users that agreed with you, but never acknolwodged the users who did agree with me. It's funny because this is a pattern with you. You only want to see things your way, when others have a different opinion then you, it becomes a problem. You only quote and agree with those who agree with you and if anyone else disagrees, it's not worth noting. Grow the fuck up.

sharefrock Wrote:The last thing I want to say, I had a valid reason to ask what I asked, I might have went over board by saying you are useless, so I do apologize for that.

What was your valid reason? "It isn't MKX-related" ?. It is MKX related. The leaks about MKX is MKX related, and people that want to have an opinion on the leaks, are talking about MKX related things. There are many users who do care about the leaks and what it means for their own experience of the game.

sharefrock Wrote:But my question was still valid, we don't need people making threads about themselves, especially not people like you.

Again, this wasn't about me. It started with my own opinion, and gave the floor for users to share their own opinions on this matter. "Especially not people like you"? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Who are you to judge whether I'm able to create a thread or not?
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03/18/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy, it's not worth it, man. We see what you're saying, don't stress yourself further with this.
03/18/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
Too long to quote the angry person above me.

but just from reading the first line you contradicted yourself buddy, you say that it's eating away at me and that you don't give to fucks about what I think, and yet you take personal time from your life to write me an essay.

So I wonder who is the real idiot here.

You say that I hide behind the "Oh I can say whatever I want because it's my opinion" argument, but what does that have to do with me calling you out on a mistake you did.

Calling someone a "retard" is never a good thing, I'm not acting like you, I don't act like I'm nice and using this as something against you.

I'm not the one who acts like he doesn't "give two fucks" and yet go on to write an essay, which proves that I do in fact give a lot of fucks.

You are just a sad person, and I feel depressed just talking to you, that's how sad you are.

I don't want to get you to cry and write three more essays for me, that feel like love letters, so

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/18/2015 07:39 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
DeLaGeezy, it's not worth it, man. We see what you're saying, don't stress yourself further with this.

On another note, I can't wait for NRS to reveal some more info or another character. Something that they actually WANT us to know.
03/18/2015 07:55 PM (UTC)
@DeLaGeezy - It's not worth it. Sharefrock will keep being a troll who seeks attention. Why people keep giving it is something I don't have an answer for.

unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
DeLaGeezy, it's not worth it, man. We see what you're saying, don't stress yourself further with this.


On another note, I can't wait for NRS to reveal some more info or another character. Something that they actually WANT us to know.

I'm hoping to get some Jacqui gameplay so people can hopefully stop bashing her for being "bland" and a child of another character when all we have seen of her is the trailer footage. Yet they praise Cassie who is bland and a child character.
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