Speculation Thread (Isnt it always at this point?)
posted08/24/2014 06:01 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/13/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
Since we're not getting a ton of information right now about MKX, I thought it might be fun to speculate about a topic I haven't heard much discussion about.


Since it's pretty clear that Tag Team is out and the Challenge Tower won't be making an encore, what modes would you like to see in MKX come 2015? glasses
08/22/2014 04:51 PM (UTC)
If we don't get 2v2, I hope we at least get a Team Battle mode like in Tekken.
08/22/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
I am not too familiar with tekken team battle.

But I would love to see a mode where you could have potentially 4v4 (if local passing of controller would be necessary) which ever team survives wins.

OR a team battle in which 4 local players can face the computer in a ladder type mode. Where each rung of the ladder is a 4v4 match, with various difficulties.

I would also love to see an actual tournament make an appearance in Mortal Kombat. Something akin to super smash melee's tournament where technically 64 people could be in the tournament or spots can be filled by NPC. This mode could be played online or local.

A training mode that's kinda like the Konquest mode of Deadly Alliance.

Learn how to play characters while also learning about their personalities, history and what they've been doing since MK9.

Or Model viewer. EDIT: Actually those variation pics we've been getting might be coming from Model Viewer so nevermind about the second one.
08/22/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
First thing is I DONT want MKX to feature all new modes,thats BS cuz the Test Your mini games are fun n so was the challenge tower

Survivor mode is one of my favorite modes where you see how far u can go on one life bar gaining a lil bit of life after every round

The fatality practice mode needs to allow us to do all finishing moves,even stage fatalities and let us pick our stage,no excuses.

All the Test Your mini games need to return cuz they were fun and add more to the game

Chess and Puzzle Kombat are alot of fun and would help put their online play above all fighting games

The Krypt but they dont need all that detail like in MK9,thats a waste of time. Just make it simple with a bunch of koffins but have much better unlockables like kharacters,finishing moves,stages,alt skins,etc...

08/22/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
I have to disagree about the Challenge Tower. I found it more tedious than anything else, and it actually started to bore me after a while. Same for the Test Your Luck mode. Too random; would rather see a Single Fight mode.

The Test Your *blank* games were fun, though. Wouldn't mind seeing them return.

A model viewer is a good suggestion. Nothing like reviewing every detail of your preferred fighter. grin

I can understand how Tag Team could be a little difficult to implement this time around (variations and whatnot). Not a huge loss in my book, though.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/22/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I'd like to see the Challenge Tower gone. It wore thin. STAR Labs was good from Injustice though, I think having ten per fighter was probably the difference maker for me, though I'd drastically love to see some of the more bullshit missions, rock smashing with 2 and 3 for instance, gone.

Arcade, Online, Versus, Story and Training obviously.

I wouldn't be surprised to see something like the Battle system, where you had different types of Arcade ladders in: certainly, the option to have all good or all evil was a nice touch. I think that might suit MKX well, you could have a ladder dedicated to each character, a kind of personalized mini story.

But aside from that, I wouldn't hold my breath on anything. Survivor, Time Attack, Team Battle, all the Tekken classic modes, I don't expect to see them.
08/22/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
Hoping the Fatality Theatre returns!
08/22/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
I just want Reiko and Tanya to return as playable characters. ^^
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I just want Reiko and Tanya to return as playable characters. ^^

Tanya is warming up to me, it's the mystery of how she could look in the game that's doing it. At this point i'm rooting for her so I can see how imaginative the art department can get.
08/22/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Reiko and Tanya to return as playable characters. ^^

If you ever had a catch phrase this would be it.
08/22/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Reiko and Tanya to return as playable characters. ^^

If you ever had a catch phrase this would be it.

Haha, only for MKX. :P
08/23/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
The challenge tower was fantastic in MK9 with the 300 different missions and lots of replay value. Some of them were maddening, but overall it was a nice addition and gave us something else to do besides arcade ladder and story mode over and over. With Ed Boon all but confirming it's absence in MKX, there needs to be another mode to take it's place that's just as big (or bigger) than the challenge tower. I have absolutely no idea what it will be but Ed seems pretty excited about it. Can't wait to see what it is!
08/23/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
No challenge tower, no tag mode, no krypt and possibly no mini-games...can we possibly be getting a Konquest Mode to unlock stuff?
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

08/23/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
I want the meta game that Ed keeps hinting about to be a cell phone game like Injustice.

For modes I want the Krypt with hidden fights.
Model viewer mode
Fatality theater mode
Test your Luck
3 vs 3
Fatality trainer where we pick the stage
Motor Kombat or a kitty Katapult game

If there is a place to view Fighter's I want spots for DLC Fighter's
08/23/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)
Online tournament mode is something I would like to see, bracket style. It would also be cool if you can spectate if you happen lose before the final match.

I liked the level system in Injustice, so maybe bring that back. Also we could bet on the matches of the tourney and gain experience if we are correct, and get a massive boost of points if you win the whole thing.

King Of The Hill was fun.

I used to like Chess Kombat and Motor Kombat but I don't see those returning.

I also enjoyed Konquest mode but I don't see that returning either, If I had to choose I would go with MK9's story mode with cinematic over Konquest anyway.

Survivor mode or whatever it was called was cool too.

I loved the Challenge Tower for the most part so I would like to see it come back but that's obviously not happening so hopefully they come up with a good replacement.

08/23/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
The modes I think are essential for MK are Story Mode, Arcade Ladder, Versus Mode, Online Mode and Training Mode. Everything else is just extra goods. Challenge Tower was a fun and nice way to give the game some more replay value. As was Test Your Luck.

The mini-games, such as Motor Kombat and Puzzle Kombat, though they are fun, just feel like unfinished and half-assed versions of other games. Konquest Mode is the same - I'd rather have a full-on seperate adventure game instead.
08/23/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
Hi guys, i'm new here, been a silent reader for a little while

Kustomization modes for each kombatants will be nice, unmasking scorpion or even strip sub-zero completely tongue
08/23/2014 04:47 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
The modes I think are essential for MK are Story Mode, Arcade Ladder, Versus Mode, Online Mode and Training Mode. Everything else is just extra goods. Challenge Tower was a fun and nice way to give the game some more replay value. As was Test Your Luck.

The mini-games, such as Motor Kombat and Puzzle Kombat, though they are fun, just feel like unfinished and half-assed versions of other games. Konquest Mode is the same - I'd rather have a full-on seperate adventure game instead.

Couldn't agree more, I've never played any post-MK4 games except MK (2011), and as a casual player myself, I find konquest mode, motor kombat or puzzle kombat are completely fucked up and seem desperate, not interesting at all
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/23/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
I said this years ago and I'll say it again.

Endurance Mode.

- One life bar.
- Beat the opponent until their health is gone (no two rounds).
- They blow up, in comes another opponent
- Repeat until you are beaten.

And for the love of god, no fixed set characters, such as:
"Oh you fight the ninjas of the game first. Then the girls of the game. Then the freaks...etc etc..and eventually you fight the (sub)bosses of the game".

MK9. Playing as Raiden fighting nine characters was the best thing about the Story mode to me. The only thing that ruined it was fighting three of them and then it loads to another three. Keep the action going damn it.
08/23/2014 08:47 AM (UTC)
I'd love to see Test Your Luck return and be playable online(not really sure if it was in MK9). It'd also be cool if they added new slots to TYL post-release as the patches start rolling in.
08/23/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
I'm hoping for an in-depth Training Mode. Something along the lines of Street Fighter 4 or Killer Instinct. I found those training modes to be challenging and entertaining.
08/24/2014 06:01 AM (UTC)
-The only way i would like Tag mode to return is if they have a tag team fatality combination

-An in-depth Training/practice mode (Choose a move, its located on screen for you to see and do. Once complete it automatically's goes to next move whether it be basic, kombo or special) Also a demonstration mode that shows how the move should look.

-Krypt to return but with more useful prizes. Whether it be for Alternate Kostumes, Classic fatalities, stages, BTS for EACH characters developement & more in depth information for character.

-Kustomizations- Nothing too crazy but subtle stuff. (Kano- Different Knives, maybe a changeable face plate/cybernetic eye)

-Test your Might. Its a Classic (Be able to choose your character instead of having one already for you each level.)

-Kharacter specific fatalities- Performing an X-ray or Fatality on Kano or characters that have a distinctive features been shown differently and not generically. For i.e.- If D'Vorah was to perform her face eating bugs upon Kano, his face plate should remain when they're complete instead of just a regular bloodied skull.
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