03/24/2015 02:09 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
You would think with the universal opinion that the roster sucks utter cock, that NRS would have realized this and not done it....But I guess it shows they are still retards in a lot of areas..They just dont wanna move forward....

they build a new goretech engine, then say what they can do is limitless...yet all they do is slice people down the middle vertically...yawn....

they make a new game an sell it on being new...then fucking shit on their mk9 story an bring back all the dead....and bloat the roster with the shittest roster since mk3....fucking hell NRS ...you went full retard....

I'm pretty sure you're the one who went full retard
03/24/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
Lost me at "we need to add a young black girl to balance it out"

I seriously doubt that's why Jacqui was created.

Tasia could be modified from Skarlett, leaving out her blood theme n moves.
Just her weapon moves.

No Face, I wish was Sektor undercover tracking Tremor. Noticing Jax had similar style, let him go after discussing their situations.

I never finished SF. I always ran out of ammo.

03/24/2015 02:26 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
You would think with the universal opinion that the roster sucks utter cock, that NRS would have realized this and not done it....But I guess it shows they are still retards in a lot of areas..They just dont wanna move forward....

they build a new goretech engine, then say what they can do is limitless...yet all they do is slice people down the middle vertically...yawn....

they make a new game an sell it on being new...then fucking shit on their mk9 story an bring back all the dead....and bloat the roster with the shittest roster since mk3....fucking hell NRS ...you went full retard....

That is not the universal opinion. The people who hate the roster are a vocal minority.

The Fatalities have been the most gruesome ever, in my opinion.

How have they shit on MK9's story? By continuing it? The characters under Quan Chi's control at the end of MK9 are still are at the start of MKX. And If you do the work to make them fightable in the Netherrealm War, why put that work to waste and not have them playable?
03/24/2015 02:32 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
You would think with the universal opinion that the roster sucks utter cock, that NRS would have realized this and not done it....But I guess it shows they are still retards in a lot of areas..They just dont wanna move forward....

they build a new goretech engine, then say what they can do is limitless...yet all they do is slice people down the middle vertically...yawn....

they make a new game an sell it on being new...then fucking shit on their mk9 story an bring back all the dead....and bloat the roster with the shittest roster since mk3....fucking hell NRS ...you went full retard....

Universal opinion? So you're saying once they revealed the roster and people complained, they should have "not done it"? You are special.

It takes a big man to use "retard" so fluently. Congrats. You're quickly becoming one of the most useless members on this site.
03/24/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)
because mkx was sold to us a lot differently than it ended up...

it was hyped as NEW NEW NEW! more new people than EVER!

oh we killed off half the roster to make room for new blood!

all raidens allies are dead!

A scenario was created where, it seemed that mkx would be a very dark and bleak world were earth realm had a massively Pyrrhic victory....And had to face the next challenge almost alone...with only johnny and sonya as the main heros left...the rest would be new, with the other survivors...

what happens? New new new is , old old old new..old new....

all the dead come back, shitting on the story and purpose...Making death meaningless, therefore rendering it mute in mkx..who now will give a fuck if any one dies...when nrs will just rezarekt dem again wiv quanchee for da winz...

In a game about life or death...Death seems to seldom occur, and its fucking stupid...

And no...Check youtube, check forums, this roster is being universally panned, the supporters are the vocal minority...

And yes some of the fatalities are great...the majority are shit....slice down the middle...slice down the middle...

Ferra does it, quanchi does it, reptile does it, kung loa does it, and now fucking johnny does it...and its shit....

Its like hey yo Ed, we heard you like down the middle slice point fatalities, so we upgraded goretech so the possibilities are limitless, so now you can down the middle slice point, your slice point fatalities, and down the middle slice point your brutalities, fatalities, and down the middle slice point your fatalities :P

03/24/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)

I had meant that, NRS should have had the foresight to know that the roster would be panned, and see how shit it is...
03/24/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:

I had meant that, NRS should have had the foresight to know that the roster would be panned, and see how shit it is...

I don't agree with all that you said CISIS but don't even bother with what red5iver said.

He is one of those members on this site that will try to make you feel bad about yourself, as long as you don't let them they'll just stop bothering you.

You're are not useless, you have your own opinions and that was your opinion about NRS. I agree that they should have at least kept the dead characters away for one game or made them DLC but nothing we can do about it now.

Let's just try to enjoy the amazing gameplay :).
03/24/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
And no...Check youtube, check forums, this roster is being universally panned, the supporters are the vocal minority...

People who complain always complain louder. If you can find 5 000 posts or comments of different people complaining, that's still about 1,5% of the sales of MK9 had only a few shorts months after its release, a game that was released back when the general public no longer cared about MK.

What I'm trying to say is that MK has never been hotter and the complainer are an insanely small number of people compared to the amount of persons that will buy the game.
03/24/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
ok....I think some of you may be taking it the wrong way...

I love mk, I love the way this game is looking and I cant wait to get it...

I just expected something so much different, regarding the roster, I am severely let down by it is all....I dont have to peel back to the sack about everything NRS do...And i would expect them as a AAA company to put a little more effort into the fatalities...coz some of them like reptiles, are fucking terrible...johnnys too...
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03/24/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
At the end of the day it's a fighting game and what will make or break it is if the characters are original and the gameplay is fun.

What we've seen from Cassie's moveset doesn't look anything like Sonya and Cage and Jacqui is the exact opposite of Jax(Kickboxer wearing what seems to be flamethrowers on her wrists)

The "haters" of the family dynamic usually say the kids and parents will be exactly the same, but there's nothing so far that proves this. Hell, it's the opposite.

And really, with mostly all earthrealm warriors dead, who do you think is going to defend it? We still don't know what happens to the rest of them after the Netherrealm war.

It's isn't the opposite is just different, the family dynamic is exactly there to make reference to the resemblance and to reduce the rejection from fans.

And most of the Earthrealm warriors being dead was something we though NRS gave a crap about until the most popular characters got miraculously revived.
03/24/2015 03:13 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
ok....I think some of you may be taking it the wrong way...

I love mk, I love the way this game is looking and I cant wait to get it...

I just expected something so much different, regarding the roster, I am severely let down by it is all....I dont have to peel back to the sack about everything NRS do...And i would expect them as a AAA company to put a little more effort into the fatalities...coz some of them like reptiles, are fucking terrible...johnnys too...

I see what you saying, however ever since seeing how MK9 ended I figured we would have to fight the heroes in the Netherrealm War, and therefore they would be playable as well.

I agree Reptile's fatality isn't that good, and Ferra/Torr's could've been much more interesting. But, Quan Chi's and Kung Lao's have great cinematic quality to them. For evey disappointing one, such as Kitana's, there is an amazing one, like Takeda's. And Johnny's "Here's Johnny!" line makes his incredible, in my opinion. I am kinda a movie buff, though.
03/24/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
You would think with the universal opinion that the roster sucks utter cock, that NRS would have realized this and not done it....But I guess it shows they are still retards in a lot of areas..They just dont wanna move forward....

they build a new goretech engine, then say what they can do is limitless...yet all they do is slice people down the middle vertically...yawn....

they make a new game an sell it on being new...then fucking shit on their mk9 story an bring back all the dead....and bloat the roster with the shittest roster since mk3....fucking hell NRS ...you went full retard....

Well blame the fans for complaining about the characters being killed off by Sindel in the last game. As soon as they got killed off, fans kept complaing for them to return for 4 years
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/24/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)

Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/24/2015 06:24 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.

Yezzir! ^.^
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
03/24/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.

Yezzir! ^.^

It is! Great use just like...
03/24/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.

Yezzir! ^.^

It is! Great use just like...

Red are AWESOME!
About Me
Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
03/24/2015 07:13 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.

Yezzir! ^.^

It is! Great use just like...

Red are AWESOME!

Hell yes! Atrocitus ftw.
03/24/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.

Yezzir! ^.^

It is! Great use just like...

Red are AWESOME!

Hell yes! Atrocitus ftw.

sharefrock Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Cuz having 10 ninjas representing all the colors of the rainbow and then some would be a far better use of space.

Yezzir! ^.^

It is! Great use just like...

Red are AWESOME!

Hell yes! Atrocitus ftw.

YEAH! Haha.

I really like their oath, I find it better than the Green Lantern oath.

"With blood and rage of crimson red,
We fill men's souls with darkest dread,
And twist your minds to pain and hate,
We'll burn you all — that is your fate!"

And yes before anybody asks, I like Skarlet... A lot. :p
About Me

"Sonya Blade, this is Grandmaster Sektor of the Tekunin Clan. Our consciousness is no longer bound to flesh."

Sonic 2 Meets Mortal Kombat?!

03/24/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
because mkx was sold to us a lot differently than it ended up...

it was hyped as NEW NEW NEW! more new people than EVER!

oh we killed off half the roster to make room for new blood!

all raidens allies are dead!

A scenario was created where, it seemed that mkx would be a very dark and bleak world were earth realm had a massively Pyrrhic victory....And had to face the next challenge almost alone...with only johnny and sonya as the main heros left...the rest would be new, with the other survivors...

what happens? New new new is , old old old new..old new....

all the dead come back, shitting on the story and purpose...Making death meaningless, therefore rendering it mute in mkx..who now will give a fuck if any one dies...when nrs will just rezarekt dem again wiv quanchee for da winz...

In a game about life or death...Death seems to seldom occur, and its fucking stupid...

This. I expected the good Earthrealm characters to be mainly the few survivors left.; J Cage, Sonya, Raiden and some Lin Kuei (eg. Cyrax or Frost... Subby died, but I was 100% certain that he would return anyway), along with some new blood. The new Earthrealmers are cool, but it would've been nice to not have so many have such strong ties to the Special Forces.

The amount of returning characters who were dead in MK9's story mode is surprising, and ultimately, disappointing for me, as it does diminish the impact of a character's death in MK even more so than in the past. Granted, I definitely expected the return of one or 2 dead warriors in the form of Crunchy's revenants, but the amount of returnees is huge.

That being said, I'll hold off definitive judgement until the game comes out and we are able to examine the story mode in it's entirety.
03/24/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
The main problem I had with these characters being all in the same roster is simply there personas or personalitys, bar Jax, they are all similar in regards to there corny lines and there tongue in cheek attitudes, I don't think that's needed across 4 characters, Johnny and Sonya do just fine alone..
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-sig by MINION

03/24/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
KotalKhan Wrote:
The main problem I had with these characters being all in the same roster is simply there personas or personalitys, bar Jax, they are all similar in regards to there corny lines and there tongue in cheek attitudes, I don't think that's needed across 4 characters, Johnny and Sonya do just fine alone..
Six characters if you count them as well lol. But yeah I'm keeping hope alive since we've seen very little of the Special Forces 4 so hopefully when we see more of them they'll have other personality traits outside of sarcastic assholes.
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03/24/2015 09:12 PM (UTC)

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
The "haters" of the family dynamic usually say the kids and parents will be exactly the same, but there's nothing so far that proves this. Hell, it's the opposite.

Aaand a little of this:

jimmykricket Wrote:
They seem to be taking over, yes; I'm loving it! smile

Hold the salt.

EDIT: The only real roster "flaw" I personally see is the swift resuscitation of dead MK9 characters, especially those with no apparent story relevance. This is regardless of their faction associations.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

03/24/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah Special Forces was one of my least favorite of the storyline.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/24/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Yeah Special Forces was one of my least favorite of the storyline.


The original members (Sonya, Jax) were also never appealing to me. I only came around to Sonya recently in MK9, but strictly due to her gameplay. And I can't make that claim for Jax....yet. But somehow I just imagine his MKX style won't be too far off MK9's. Which won't help his case.
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