posted09/11/2005 04:17 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/31/2005 01:22 PM (UTC)
Want do you all think should Sonya come back I think she is the BEST woman of al mortal kombat en i want her back in 7 because i mist her in Deception she is my favorite charactergrin

So what do you think do you agree with me that she must come back in the future mortal kombat games?
08/31/2005 01:36 PM (UTC)
she should definate;y come back..but not with her DA look...that threw me off...i think she should stick with the mk3 costume
08/31/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
Not unless she gets a MAJOR revamp in both look AND story.

I have been disappointed with Sonya since MK4. She used to be a favourite of mine, but now I really dont have much like for her at all. But taht could be so easily rectified.
09/01/2005 12:39 AM (UTC)
Sektor13 Wrote:
she should definate;y come back..but not with her DA look...that threw me off...i think she should stick with the mk3 costume

I totally agree.

She will be in MK7 for sure cause of Ermac's ending. She needs a fresh storyline, not this chasing Black Dragon members forever.
09/01/2005 01:50 AM (UTC)
*I absolutely see Sonya again in a future Mortal Kombat*.....Ed Boon words in her Bio Card (MKD).

The original female of Mk has been around ever since the first Mk. We have seen her battle against the forces of evil protecting her world and friends in the chaotic war between the realms. She leads and has in her command the most powerful technological Organization of earth, and as Mk4 states, she is "a deadly weapon for the forces of good".

In MKDA, she joins her friends in order to defeat the new menace and find her missing partners. There, she learns of a new danger that threatens her world, the Red Dragon clan, and she ignores that Kano is still alive. She fell in battle during the final events of MKDA, yet she played the role of one of the evil bodyguards of Onaga during Deception. She was brainwashed and turned evil. This event could lead her character to a whole new direction, giving her a new storyline with huge potential.

Also, her relation with Johnny Cage should be developed; enough clues have been given on the games, movies and even comic books about a possible love, its time to go deep on this.

Sonya has always been in Mk, one way or the other, she plays a role in the storyline and is involved with many characters. She is one of the 3 Original chosen warriors, and still is the only chosen female that represents earth in battle.

Will she return evil? Will she return good? Only time will tell...and by the looks of Deception, and taking Boons words for true, she will most likely return.

Special moves: 9

Leg Grab
Ring Toss
Fire Ball Blast
Wave Punch
Bicycle Kicks
Cartwheel Kicks
Air Throw
Fly Kick

Sonya is a must. BTW, her MKDA look is my fave. She looks tough and beautiful.
09/01/2005 01:55 AM (UTC)
I think she should come back and I really love XiahouDun's MK7 storyline idea. For those who haven't read his bios thread yet, I strongly suggest you should.

Look-wise, I like her MKDA costume and I think the face needs work a wee bit...kind of...but I guess that just has to do with the way they were rendering things...*shrugs* I would also like to see her in her MK4 costume. I really like that look for her.

Fighting-wise, that depends on the system. Generally speaking, I think she should have good speed and be a punching and kicking type fighter (a bit more on the kicking part than the punching) and maybe a couple of takedowns...

If they are stll going to use martial arts styles, I think Tae Kwon Do suits her perfectly and she should definitely stick with that. However, I think she needs to use a different TKD style...more like the one Hwoarang from the Tekken games uses. If they are going to use two unarmed styles, I'd say the other one should be Kenpo Karate like she had in MKDA or she could have Savate which is French Kickboxing. Her weapon could either be the Windmill Blade (or whatever it was called) from MK4 and MKG or the Kali Sticks like in MKDA.

I'd like to see her with all of her special moves from the games she's been in except for the Flying Kick.
09/01/2005 02:03 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I think she should come back and I really love XiahouDun's MK7 storyline idea. For those who haven't read his bios thread yet, I strongly suggest you should.

Look-wise, I like her MKDA costume and I think the face needs work a wee bit...kind of...but I guess that just has to do with the way they were rendering things...*shrugs* I would also like to see her in her MK4 costume. I really like that look for her.

Fighting-wise, that depends on the system. Generally speaking, I think she should have good speed and be a punching and kicking type fighter (a bit more on the kicking part than the punching) and maybe a couple of takedowns...

If they are stll going to use martial arts styles, I think Tae Kwon Do suits her perfectly and she should definitely stick with that. However, I think she needs to use a different TKD style...more like the one Hwoarang from the Tekken games uses. If they are going to use two unarmed styles, I'd say the other one should be Kenpo Karate like she had in MKDA or she could have Savate which is French Kickboxing. Her weapon could either be the Windmill Blade (or whatever it was called) from MK4 and MKG or the Kali Sticks like in MKDA.

I'd like to see her with all of her special moves from the games she's been in except for the Flying Kick.

You said it bro! smile

Zubir, have you been getting any of my pms??? sad The system still doesnt work properly for me...I hope you are doing alright. (I replied to your last pm btw)
09/01/2005 03:37 AM (UTC)
Good thing you at least got my PM but I didn't receive any of your messages. What about AIM or e-mail?
09/04/2005 09:18 AM (UTC)
I realy liked sonya from MKDA but the alternate costume i didn't ilke at all..

I didn't like the costume off sonya in MK 4 i don't like hats and all of that the costume was okay but MKDA was much better.

I think that Sonya and Kira will have to fight each other.

Read my toughts about MK 7 that's also the name of the subject: My thougts about MK 7grin
09/04/2005 12:05 PM (UTC)
Shell come back, dont worry. I like her MKDA look, she looked awesome in that game. Anyway, she is the original character in the series.
About Me

"There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power"

09/04/2005 04:36 PM (UTC)
Yeah Sonya should come back and I have no doubt that she will. She is a cool character with a lot of potential. She was the original female fighter in the series and will continue to be one of my favourites. I do hope however, that her storyline changes and she possibly either kills Kano for good or possibly finds another objective. A rivalry with Kabal, Kobra and Kira against Sonya and Johnny Cage would be cool. Possibly Sonya and Lei Mei have a massive feud. That would probably be the best. After all Sonya was manipulated by Onaga, and Lie Mei is Onaga's princess.

Anyway, she is cool and I agree with you all - she MUST return.
09/05/2005 01:03 AM (UTC)
Jonno Wrote:
Yeah Sonya should come back and I have no doubt that she will. She is a cool character with a lot of potential. She was the original female fighter in the series and will continue to be one of my favourites. I do hope however, that her storyline changes and she possibly either kills Kano for good or possibly finds another objective. A rivalry with Kabal, Kobra and Kira against Sonya and Johnny Cage would be cool. Possibly Sonya and Lei Mei have a massive feud. That would probably be the best. After all Sonya was manipulated by Onaga, and Lie Mei is Onaga's princess.

Anyway, she is cool and I agree with you all - she MUST return.

Eh, I think rivalries with her and other Black Dragon members may be too predictable, imo. That sounds more or less on the same path to me. Kano may be dead. I'm pretty sure Mavado's ending happened since Mavado did defeat Kenshi and was granted the chance to fight and take down Kano in kombat.

What about an evil Sonya like in XiahouDun84's storyline idea? I think that would really be something good for her and would make her much more interesting.
09/05/2005 07:43 AM (UTC)
Everything is fine by me as long as she is in MK 7.

If she is evil it's cool as long as she won't be killed i would hate that and she will become good again.

About Me

"There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power"

09/05/2005 05:09 PM (UTC)
You are probably right. More rivalry with the Black Dragon would kinda be similar to the Kano storyline. As I said before she needs something fresh that will drag her away from the boring 'Special Forces'. As I said before a rivalry with Lei Mei would be pretty cool. She could maybe take revenge for Lei Mei betraying everyone and siding with the Dragon King. But then again I think that would be slighlty boring and not the most original of storylines. If Liu Kang is dead and if Kung Lao's MKT ending is correct, it would be pretty cool if Sonya becomes the new 'Chosen one', and in defeating any threat to outworld to repay her sins of killing innocents while under Onaga's power. The idea of 'the one being' could bring something very fresh as far as storylines go, not just for Sonya. Or maybe Jax could do something to piss her off like betray her.

As for evil Sonya, I do not think it would work. We have too many evil characters in Mortal Kombat, and to make the best and original female fighter evil would be pretty corny. She is Earth realms only female fighter and so it would be good for her to remain good but just find some other storyline. Besides, if Ermac's ending was true in Deception, all of the Earth realm warriors were freed from Onaga's spell.

Any more suggestions???

Peace out wink
09/05/2005 06:39 PM (UTC)
Nah, I disagree. I think Sonya being evil and embracing it would be something good. I don't think just because she is the only female character from Earth who is fighting on the side of good that she should stay good. That just doesn't sound like a good reason to keep her good. I don't think Ermac's ending should fully happen. I think at least Kung Lao and Jax should be freed, but others like Kitana and Sonya should stay evil. As for Johnny Cage, well, I'm not too sure, but he definitely needs a story boost.

Anyway, I wouldn't want to see Sonya be the new "chosen one" nor would I like to see Jax betray Sonya. I think that Sonya would still be under Onaga's control if Li Mei were to join his side. Even if Sonya is freed, a revenge storyline involving Li Mei wouldn't make much sense to me, especially since they never met each other before and don't really know of each other.

I think with an evil Sonya, there could be an interesting development between her and Jax in that Sonya would want to convince Jax to join her while Jax wants to try to save Sonya. It would be nice to see Sonya turn against her former friends and allies and have more depth to her character.
09/05/2005 07:42 PM (UTC)
I have a sence that sonya might come back to mk7 because most of the gilrls used in mk:deception will not be used like li mei, ashrah, tanya, and jade and I think this because li mei will not be an example as a female to use for three games straight in a row....


But I have seen her in two games in a row, and do not want to see her again, but I would not mind to see her again......there is a big possibility for sonya to come back, with her old abilities like, death kiss, and spiral beam, or something, but if she does return to mk7, midway could make a gigantic improvement on JAREK, and make him like tanya, so sonya and jarek fight again...
09/06/2005 01:10 AM (UTC)
I 100% agree with you buddy. Like Zubir says, evil Sonya would add so much depth to her character, and it would also give depth to others related to her if the team decides to explore more on their relations such is the case of Johnny Cage (possible romance as shown in MKDA, movies and comics) and her friendship with Jax.

I see great potential on that. BTW, Jonno, have you been getting my Pms?

Limeicarol Wrote:
I have a sence that sonya might come back to mk7 because most of the gilrls used in mk:deception will not be used like li mei, ashrah, tanya, and jade and I think this because li mei will not be an example as a female to use for three games straight in a row....


But I have seen her in two games in a row, and do not want to see her again, but I would not mind to see her again......there is a big possibility for sonya to come back, with her old abilities like, death kiss, and spiral beam, or something, but if she does return to mk7, midway could make a gigantic improvement on JAREK, and make him like tanya, so sonya and jarek fight again...

I fully agree! Sonya has high chances of coming back, even Ed confirmed that she would return in possible future games. As for Jarek, though I think he was a waste in Mk4, he definitely has potential to evolve like any other character has.

I also want to see hre Leg grab and other special moves back. she has a ton! The vertical bycicle kicks, the many cartwheels, the leg grab, the ring toss, the kiss, the wave punch, the fly kick,
09/08/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
Of course Sonya should be back shes the first original female character ^_^
If she was to return i want her to have her bicycle kick,Leg Grab and her Fireball
09/08/2005 01:36 PM (UTC)
Forgive me if I repeat what anyone else has said, but I'm about to get some sleep and didn't really want to read all of the posts here (plan to later).

Yes I want Sonya to come back, is one of the originals and the only one to have never been killed. (To my knowledge) Liu died in MK:DA, Scorp in almost everyone, Raiden in the intro to MK Deception, Kano in MK2 (or was it 3), Johnny in beginning of MK3, the original Subby at the end of MK1, even Shang and Goro have died at least once. That shows just how strong that woman really is.

As for looks, I kinda liked her MK:DA look only problem I had was that it looked like and excuse my language...a boob job. I know that MK is targeted to teen to twenty year old men/boys who can't seem to get a date, but please. Let Kitana, Mileena, Jade and Li Mei be the eye candy for you boys and let Sonya be the strong, military woma she is. I don't mean make her butch, only less slut.
09/08/2005 04:48 PM (UTC)
Sonya was killed at the end on MK:DA along with Jax, Kung Lao, Kitana, and Johnny Cage.

Anyhoo, I think Sonya's return is very likely. She's a mainstay and has a solid fanbase. She does however, need a break from the Black Dragon story for a while IMO.

Like Sub-Zero_7th, I think Sonya could benefit very much from remaining under Onaga's control for a bit longer. He could use her to cripple Earth's military bases and the Special Forces, making an invasion easier. It would provide potentially interesting conflicts with related characters.
And in my storyline, give D-list characters like Gemini, Tasia, and Stryker a reason to return.

Not to mention the repercussions of Sonya being evil will provide interesting conflicts with herself when she's freed from Onaga's control. Since the one thing Sonya fears is loss, naturally she'd be more than a little freaked out if she discovered while under Onaga's control she helped him destroy the Special Forces, invade Earth, and attack her friends.

And even after Onaga's dead, I think it'd be cool if Jax doesn't turn good again. Not only would this provide an obvious conflict for Sonya, it would also give Jax a much needed story boost.

And even when that's all said an done, by then the Black Dragon/Red Dragon/Tekunin/Lin Kuei war should be under way, which would most likely force Sonya to get involved.
09/11/2005 04:17 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Sonya was killed at the end on MK:DA along with Jax, Kung Lao, Kitana, and Johnny Cage.

Anyhoo, I think Sonya's return is very likely. She's a mainstay and has a solid fanbase. She does however, need a break from the Black Dragon story for a while IMO.

Like Sub-Zero_7th, I think Sonya could benefit very much from remaining under Onaga's control for a bit longer. He could use her to cripple Earth's military bases and the Special Forces, making an invasion easier. It would provide potentially interesting conflicts with related characters.
And in my storyline, give D-list characters like Gemini, Tasia, and Stryker a reason to return.

Not to mention the repercussions of Sonya being evil will provide interesting conflicts with herself when she's freed from Onaga's control. Since the one thing Sonya fears is loss, naturally she'd be more than a little freaked out if she discovered while under Onaga's control she helped him destroy the Special Forces, invade Earth, and attack her friends.

And even after Onaga's dead, I think it'd be cool if Jax doesn't turn good again. Not only would this provide an obvious conflict for Sonya, it would also give Jax a much needed story boost.

And even when that's all said an done, by then the Black Dragon/Red Dragon/Tekunin/Lin Kuei war should be under way, which would most likely force Sonya to get involved.

Agreed. I loved your bios.

I actually hope to see a Sonya VS Sektor part in Mk7. It would be interesting to see her challenge his great army of Tekunin. Not only that, but she could join forces with the Lin Kei as Sub-Zero is also an enemy of Sektor, but Sektor could also from anlliance with the red or black dragons...

There is so much potential for these characters.
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