Sonya Blade
posted02/20/2015 07:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/29/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Seeing Sonya is as good as confirmed

Being in the tower where she is saluting
Being in the faction
That Halloween costume

I have a few questions

What do you think or want her variations to be like.
And what should be her moves and fatalitys
02/17/2015 10:40 PM (UTC)
Don't forget the newer costume in the comics.
02/17/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
Yeah i love her new costume in the comics.
She looks great i hope it Will be her primary costume.
02/17/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
Don't forget her Automatic ????
02/17/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
Who knows, but im interested to see what they come up with.
02/17/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
For a while I was like uggh, Sonya, for whyyyy.

I've never really been one to select Sonya, I respect her place in the MK universe, but it maxed out about there.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this three variation system might be exactly what characters like Sonya need.

Kano and Quan Chi for example have never been interesting to me either, but having the three variations highlight aspects of their personality and abilities makes them more interesting as characters overall. I'm actually very excited to see what they'll endow Sonya with, as I think it will add more change and life to her than she's seen in a long time.
Give her the MK1 Kiss of Death.
02/17/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
As for her moves i Would like to see

Rising bicycle kick
Energy ring blast
Leg grab
Arc kick
And a new move

For her fatalitys i Would like

Kiss of death ( fire one in a new style )
Neck braker
02/17/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
What do you think or want her variations to be like.
And what should be her moves and fatalitys

boring, like always
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02/17/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
I would like one variation to really focus on her leg moves. Bicycle kicks, leg grab, maybe some kind of frankensteiner, cartwheel etc.

She's always been quite acrobatic, which I think looks perfect - like her arc kick in mk9 which I found to be one of the handiest moves in the game.

Although, even as a Sonya fan, I'm terrible at coming up with variations. I want everything in one stance! haha
02/17/2015 11:33 PM (UTC)
Out of all the original characters, Sonya has always had the most craptastic Fatalities.

I don't see that changing if she makes the roster.
02/17/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
I would like one variation to really focus on her leg moves. Bicycle kicks, leg grab, maybe some kind of frankensteiner, cartwheel etc.

She's always been quite acrobatic, which I think looks perfect - like her arc kick in mk9 which I found to be one of the handiest moves in the game.

Although, even as a Sonya fan, I'm terrible at coming up with variations. I want everything in one stance! haha

I know what you mean. Her arc kick was epic.
I loved her millitary stance to maybe that could be a variation.

Like mkda i loved her tae kwon do. But I'm with you hope they Will concentrate on her leg moves. She has one of the best moves in my opinion. Hope her fatalitys Will get better. I always loved her Kiss of death so i hope that makes it in.
02/17/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Out of all the original characters, Sonya has always had the most craptastic Fatalities.

I don't see that changing if she makes the roster.

I agree but i loved her Kod in Deadly Alliance

One of her variations should focus on her classic moveset, other on her chi abilities like kiss of death, and the 3rd and oldest one, on her newly learned moves and abilities
02/17/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Out of all the original characters, Sonya has always had the most craptastic Fatalities.

I don't see that changing if she makes the roster.

I agree but i loved her Kod in Deadly Alliance

One of her variations should focus on her classic moveset, other on her chi abilities like kiss of death, and the 3rd and oldest one, on her newly learned moves and abilities

I hope one of her variations is of "chi abilities" too specifically the rings of energy.
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02/17/2015 11:55 PM (UTC)
I haven't given this a lot of thought (still reeling from all the pseudo-confirmations), but what I think I'd like to see for her in terms of variations is something like:

1. Chi-Based: A variation that stresses her Chi abilities; namely the pink mist, although I wish/hope they attribute it more of a purple color, both to differentiate her from Mileena's "glow", and also because I don't like pink... Erm.

Anyway, this variation would give her the Stun Kiss from the previous iterations, albeit more powerful than before. You'd be able to combo into it like in MK:DC, for one, and it would activate quicker than in MK9, where it served mostly as a bait move, when it served at all. It also would need a new animation, something cooler than just blowing the mist from her hand; maybe grab the opponent by the throat and fucking spit the mist in their face or something haha. I don't want it to look too girly, it doesn't suit her.

Also some kind of defensive Chi-based attack, maybe a Centralized Blast of sorts to put distance between her and offensive opponents (like letting off an energy-grenade in her immediate vicinity).

Finally, they could add the purple Chi to her fists, to slightly enhance damage output.

So this would be her defensive variation.

2. Gadgets: A half-defensive, half-offensive variation that grants her an arsenal of Sci-Fi-ish weaponry. Cool shit, not just Stryker's grenades or a pistol like Cassie's. I'm talking real high-tech, secret Special Forces shit, like you'd see in a Sci-Fi action movie.

I think most of the unique attacks of this variation could come from a more "techy" version of her gauntlet: high-powered projectiles with variable directions and speed, timed explosives for mix-ups and baiting, maybe a temporary shield of sorts to reduce damage intake.

She'd also have something akin to a Grappling Hook, to give her player some choices of where to be in the arena strategically, without having to rely on arena interactables. She could grapple off-screen away from the opponent, to the middle of the arena, or all the way to the other side. This would keep the opponent on their toes, having to trap her in order to hit her, and having to guess where she's gonna be next. This would also allow each one of her players to have their own unique approach and play-style when choosing this variation.

3. Brawler: I really hope they implement something like this for Sonya. I fucking loved Military Stance in MK9, it made playing as her so much fucking fun. The mix-up opportunities alone! Plus, a lot of the attacks therein looked really cool, especially the throw and the double snap-kicks with 4.

A Brawler variation would build on this to make Sonya a close-quarters offensive nightmare. I especially want her to have Reversals/Parries, cuz I fucking love characters with hard-to-pull off, high-reward parries, like Nina in Tekken and Joker in Injustice (my favorites of each respective game). I see Kano has this and Kitana somewhat has this, but there are plenty of ways to make Sonya's unique enough that you wouldn't even consider them the same.

High, Mid, and low Reversals, high-risk/high-reward. Pulling it off rewards her player with a somewhat low-damage reversal attack and big chance for mix-ups, requiring good timing and intelligence to reap the most benefit from the commands. Fucking awesome!! This variation would also add her Military Stance from MK9, even if a perhaps toned-down version with just the throw and some acrobatic high/low/mid kicks.

Additionally, one would be able to Meter-Boost her reversals. Meter-Boosting Reversals allow Sonya to not only attack the grappled limb of the opponent, but actually snap the respective bone of the limb, dazing the opponent and allowing her a short period to follow with a combo (think a much shorter-lived version of Scorpion's spear or Sub's Ice Projectile). They could even add a really quick X-Ray animation to the broken bone (without all the zooming-in and the showmanship), to make it even cooler-looking!

Oh my sweet baby Jesus, if she had a variation just like this, I would fucking freak, probably go on a murder rampage cuz I just can't keep the hype tucked away in my body...

Normal specials (executable in every variation) would be Energy Rings, Leg Grab, and Arc Kick.

Alright, I guess I just did give it all that thought I hadn't given before.
02/18/2015 12:00 AM (UTC)
^Mileena is dark pink/magenta and not light pink.
02/18/2015 12:12 AM (UTC)
Forget about what i said, aside from her chi based variation, it would ve AMAZING if they gave her a cqk (close quarters kombat) variation, something similar to how Cammy from Street Fighter has. It would be fitting for Sonya and her military background.
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02/18/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
Fatality Ideas!

1. Beatdown: Sonya grabs the back of her victim's throat with her left hand, and delivers a disgustingly brutal punch to the face (they'd add a really gruesome sound effect and camera angle/zoom on impact). Her victim falls, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and the camera zooms into their face; she proceeds to kneel over them and deliver another punch, then another, then another... Sonya essentially doesn't stop, adding to the damage of the face, which you can plainly see up-close. Eventually the victim's face would be morbidly fucked up (bones sticking out, eye popping out of its socket, caved-in), right in YOUR face, so you can behold all the glory.

2. Kiss of Death: Sonya lightly touches her hands to the sides of her victim's face, and leans in for a kiss. Just before her lips touch theirs, she exhales a cloud of the Chi mist into their mouth.

The victim falls on their back, and starts having a seizure, contorting, groaning, and finally screaming out in pain. Pinkish/purplish veins throb out from within flesh; Blood starts rushing out of their eyes, nose, and mouth, a mixture of blackened red and deep pink. Gashes open up all over their skin, releasing the pink poison and blood in a gaseous mixture. The screaming eventually stops and they expire, their face frozen in horror, their body unnervingly contorted on the floor.
A Kick-focused variation that gives her the upwards Bicycle Kick and a Normal Bicycle Kick of her own to honor her fallen ally.

Unless Liu avoids the Jade treatment then nevermind
02/18/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
I still don't view her as confirmed, I'm praying to the elder gods she's not in.
02/18/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I still don't view her as confirmed, I'm praying to the elder gods she's not in.

It's a little late for that, better start praying for her absence in MK11...
02/18/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I still don't view her as confirmed, I'm praying to the elder gods she's not in.

Yes... pray to the worms KrayzieCyrax. As your world ends.
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Props to MINION
02/18/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I still don't view her as confirmed, I'm praying to the elder gods she's not in.

Lol we've seen her face for the special forces faction

We've seen her in the towers

She is in a different attire, and is prominent in the comic

. . . ya she definitely isn't going to be playable tongue
02/18/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
I still don't view her as confirmed, I'm praying to the elder gods she's not in.

Lol we've seen her face for the special forces faction

We've seen her in the towers

She is in a different attire, and is prominent in the comic

. . . ya she definitely isn't going to be playable tongue

"But that faction pic could just be an alt for Cassie"

"But her being in the towers doesn't mean she's playable, she's just a cameo character like Tremor in MK9"

"But the new attite may just be comic only, and she's prominent in the comic but she's most likely going to die before the game releases"
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/18/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
^Your post and the Sonya avatar is confusing.
Not sure if serious...
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