Sonya Blade
posted11/21/2005 09:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/05/2004 11:12 PM (UTC)
I don't want to seem like I'm just copying Chrome but I have my own ideas for MKArmageddon.

Sonya Blade


Tae Kwon Do
Mian Chuan
Kali Sticks


Mortal Kombat. I hate those words. I had competed in that tournament against my will. Ever since I followed that boat into the Lost Sea my life has never been the same. I used to think I lived an adventurous life. Tracking down Black Dragon members as a member of the USSF. If I had have known then what I know now, I would have let Kano go to the tournament and never had to deal with other realms, gods and sorcerors. But I cannot change the past. Neither can I change what has happened to me. I am a corpse. Condemned to wander. As the thunder god led us into battle against the Deadly Alliance, I felt confident. I had faced both sorcerors on their own before and lived to tell the tale. They were outnumbered by the 6 of us. Or so I thought. Hordes of Tarkatan warriors lay ahead of us on the bridge to the palace. We were doing quite well and over the past ten years had learned to fight as a team. But I was never a good team player. If only I had have warned Kung Lao before it was too late. One down. Princess Kitana fell shortly after. The four of us kept going, the other too were already dead. I managed to make it to the palace with Raiden, my friends however did not. I was badly wounded and I knew I couldn't face the Deadly Alliance. Raiden knew that too. He entered the palace, intent on destroying the sorcerers. I was to do my best to get to Bo'Rai Cho's home where I would be safe. I left stopping at each of my fallen allies to pay my respects. I had lost so much, I was unsure if I could keep going. It was in a matter of seconds that something rather large and beastly charged upon me.

I am reborn as are my allies. I feel a sence of gratification to Onaga. Even though I know he would have destroyed everything to become the one being I can't help but feel sorry Sindel killed him in his tomb. But as long as my friends and I are alive is all that matters. I have felt joy for the first time since the dawn of this millenium. But it doesn't seem as if it will last long. The fallen Elder God Shinnok has risen once again and at his side, Princess Kitana. I was shocked to see she had turned on us. I feel such an overwhelming sense of hatred for her now. She betrayed us. (obviously I'm talking about Mileena here) I trusted her. If I should come across her I will make sure she pays with her life...

I'll do a Mileena bio next...
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/14/2005 08:10 PM (UTC)
Excellent work! I do like this bio. It's original.

You've killed Onaga, but I feel that the story should continue from MKD as it leaves off. Not have Onaga suddenly dead and gone. Sonya is free after this, but you could play around with her story and go the route of her being evil.

Here's some things about the continuity that I think you should know.

Sonya shouldn't be a corpse at the start. She was fully revived. She's also involved in the attack against Ermac, but I suppose that isn't a definite in the storyline and can be skipped.

Also, Sonya can't have left Raiden to go to Bo Rai Cho. Bo Rai Cho was on his way to Shang Tsung's Palace and Sonya was already defeated at this point. The MKD intro tells us of this.

I like the end of this bio, however. My problem here is Shinnok and Mileena together again and the fact Sonya mistakes Mileena for Kitana. I'm almost certain Sonya would know about Mileena too and since Sonya is alive, Kitana should be also and so it should be obvious that Kitana isn't with Shinnok.

The Mileena and Shinnok pair up is cool. It'd be interesting to see how that would develop given their history.

I also like how Sonya feels she is responsible for Kung Lao's death and the fact that she misses her old life before Mortal Kombat. I also like how she's thankful to Onaga for being alive again. That's a nice touch.

Good job, dude.
11/14/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Excellent work! I do like this bio. It's original.

You've killed Onaga, but I feel that the story should continue from MKD as it leaves off. Not have Onaga suddenly dead and gone. Sonya is free after this, but you could play around with her story and go the route of her being evil.

Here's some things about the continuity that I think you should know.

Sonya shouldn't be a corpse at the start. She was fully revived. She's also involved in the attack against Ermac, but I suppose that isn't a definite in the storyline and can be skipped.

Also, Sonya can't have left Raiden to go to Bo Rai Cho. Bo Rai Cho was on his way to Shang Tsung's Palace and Sonya was already defeated at this point. The MKD intro tells us of this.

I like the end of this bio, however. My problem here is Shinnok and Mileena together again and the fact Sonya mistakes Mileena for Kitana. I'm almost certain Sonya would know about Mileena too and since Sonya is alive, Kitana should be also and so it should be obvious that Kitana isn't with Shinnok.

The Mileena and Shinnok pair up is cool. It'd be interesting to see how that would develop given their history.

I also like how Sonya feels she is responsible for Kung Lao's death and the fact that she misses her old life before Mortal Kombat. I also like how she's thankful to Onaga for being alive again. That's a nice touch.

I never really liked Onaga so the quicker I could get rid of him the better. Sorry Onaga fans.

As for being a corpse I wanted a kind of reanimated dead look. Sonya has always been clean, tidy and practically perfect. I wanted a change

I thought Bo' Rai Cho met them as they were entering the palace and he was leaving after rescuing Li Mei. I'm probably wrong.

I assume that after the battle the warriors were seperated at some point. In a battle between Kitana and Mileena the little tarkatn ho kicks her ass. Oh yeah! grin

As for Mileena and Shinnok. Mileena is powerful now. For the first time in her life she has the ability to enact revenge. Shinnok may have resurected Mileena but he treated her as an inferior. Mileena is in charge and Shinnok is the lacky. Kinda reversed roles from MKG
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/14/2005 09:03 PM (UTC)
Ah yes, you're right about Bo and Li Mei. That's my mistake.

Mileena is only in charge as long as Kitana isn't good. So with you bringing back sonya and Onaga being dead, that means Kitana is free also. Kitana and Sindel can take back the Edenian armies. Sindel would of course be the key here. With Kitana free, Mileena is left in a pickle and not in a smuch power as you think. Also, Shinnok is a god. Mileena could never hope to rule over him without godlike power of her own.

Nice sketch, btw.
11/14/2005 09:10 PM (UTC)
Mileena is still posing as the princess, killed original princess and Sindel thinks its Kitana. Shinnok has lost all power since his last battle, no amulet either.

This is getting brain! Oh wait, ain't got one...ah.....
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/14/2005 09:21 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Mileena is still posing as the princess, killed original princess and Sindel thinks its Kitana. Shinnok has lost all power since his last battle, no amulet either.

This is getting brain! Oh wait, ain't got one...ah.....

You're forgetting the story. Lol! You had Sindel kill Onaga just like in her ending. So Kitana is free and will be with Sindel upon her having defeated Onaga. Remember that Jade fends Kitana off whilst Sindel does what she does and that Sindels whole story saw her go to Kitanas aid. also, Sindel will more thna likely be aware of Mileena. Given that they won't even encounter one another anyway, Sindel would never be folled.

With Kitana back and Sindel at her side, Mileenas game is basically up. Shinnok doesn't necessarily need the amulet to be powerful. In a way it'll have helped amplify them I suppose. Plus he's in the Netherealm. I don't see Mileena going there to get him, especially if as you say, he's lost all power. wink You can hate me later, bud! tongue
11/14/2005 09:45 PM (UTC)
Ah bollox! I forgot that slag was fighting Jade. sadgrin

I'll rewrite it. tongue
11/14/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)

You guys must remember that not all endings happen the way they are shown. Most of the endings that are cannon in the end, are not as the story shows, only a part of them. For example:

Noob Saibots Ending. It could be cannon, in the end he would be the brother of Sub-Zero, but he would NOT kill him like he does in MKD. We have seen this sort of endings happen with many characters ever since Mk1.

In Mk3 for example, it is confirmed Sonyas ending is cannon, she faces and kills Kano on a top hill, but she never gets to Kahn or Motaro.
11/14/2005 09:54 PM (UTC)
Sindels ending could had happened in MKD, but the end could be very different, like Keith said, she could kill Onaga, but Jade could had killed Kitana (self-defense), or Kitana could had escaped in the process and the spell would had never been broken entirely with Kitana (since she had been tainted with evil before when she was Kahns assasin).

See my points?

Excellent story Keith! You are right about the Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei part btw, dont change that. Good job! I love the pic btw, she looks very cool.

I really liked how you started the bio: Mortal Kombat...I hate those words. Awesome!

As for the Mileena-Kitana issue. I think that if she was able to practically fool the entire realm including Bo, Li Mei and the rest of the warriors involved in the edenian battle, she can also fool Sindel and her other friends...just a thought.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/14/2005 10:01 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Ah bollox! I forgot that slag was fighting Jade. sadgrin

I'll rewrite it. tongue

Lol! I told you already you don't need to. As queve has said, things can happen differently. Jade may have been fighting Kitana or she may not. Ieven if she was killed as queve says, the story may still not work. Being the queen, Sindel can obviously override any command given to her armies. She has power where Mileena does not. Kitana is just extra leverage in the power struggle. You're doing a fine job. Just go with the flow.
11/20/2005 08:48 PM (UTC)
Hows the Mileena story coming out keith? Will you add more to this story? You said you were going to change a few things.
11/21/2005 07:51 PM (UTC)

(Picture coming soon)

I was surpised to see that Bo' Rai Cho and Kitana's militia had so easily defeated Baraka's diversionary squad. But I cannot say I was troubled by it. I was in control of the most powerful army in existence after all. However I knew Baraka would not be so pleased for me. He felt I had betrayed him. He sent word for me to meet him in the ancient Beetle Lair. I knew it was a decoy and not Baraka. What did that bastard take me for? I was hungry and the Tarkatan made an excellent meal but I still craved for Baraka. His treachory fueled me to hunt him down. When I finally caught up with him I fought him, face to face. Baraka was a formidable opponent but his dependancy on his blades was his weakness. I defeated him and enjoyed my reward. But there was still one thing I yearned for. Kitana's head.

After the warrior Ermac released the Earthrealm forces from Onaga's spell I followed Kitana. Just as she reached the portal to Edenia I grabbed her and pulled her into the Netherealm. The transformation was magnificent. Her flesh seared and her face withered as the Netherealm took its toll on her pure soul. Weary, I chained her up in the Netherealm wastelands and left her to feed the Oni. Now she knows what it feels like to be trapped in that hideous place. Maybe now she understands how I felt! All those years!
As I left the Netherealm, taking Kitana's blue veil as my trophy I encountered Shinnok. Stripped of his powers since his last attempt to destroy Edenia. A worthless piece of shit. Well, not entirely. His powers may be gone but his knowledge of the realms exceeds anyone able to traverse them. I offered him a deal to help me to do what so many infedels have failed to do. Conquer the realms. And why have the failed? No plan. No true desire. They lust for power they already have. They have nothing to prove. They have no suffering like I do! I will prove I am superior. And those who oppose me will perish!

11/21/2005 09:05 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:

(Picture coming soon)

I was surpised to see that Bo' Rai Cho and Kitana's militia had so easily defeated Baraka's diversionary squad. But I cannot say I was troubled by it. I was in control of the most powerful army in existence after all. However I knew Baraka would not be so pleased for me. He felt I had betrayed him. He sent word for me to meet him in the ancient Beetle Lair. I knew it was a decoy and not Baraka. What did that bastard take me for? I was hungry and the Tarkatan made an excellent meal but I still craved for Baraka. His treachory fueled me to hunt him down. When I finally caught up with him I fought him, face to face. Baraka was a formidable opponent but his dependancy on his blades was his weakness. I defeated him and enjoyed my reward. But there was still one thing I yearned for. Kitana's head.

After the warrior Ermac released the Earthrealm forces from Onaga's spell I followed Kitana. Just as she reached the portal to Edenia I grabbed her and pulled her into the Netherealm. The transformation was magnificent. Her flesh seared and her face withered as the Netherealm took its toll on her pure soul. Weary, I chained her up in the Netherealm wastelands and left her to feed the Oni. Now she knows what it feels like to be trapped in that hideous place. Maybe now she understands how I felt! All those years!
As I left the Netherealm, taking Kitana's blue veil as my trophy I encountered Shinnok. Stripped of his powers since his last attempt to destroy Edenia. A worthless piece of shit. Well, not entirely. His powers may be gone but his knowledge of the realms exceeds anyone able to traverse them. I offered him a deal to help me to do what so many infedels have failed to do. Conquer the realms. And why have the failed? No plan. No true desire. They lust for power they already have. They have nothing to prove. They have no suffering like I do! I will prove I am superior. And those who oppose me will perish!


I honestly enjoyed reading that. What a perfect bio and depth of character! You really got me. I actually felt disgusted and happily pleased to see her monstrous yet seductive nature. She is a PSYCHO!

I love that about Mileena, she can be so vile, so full of hatred and desire for revenge, but not just any kind of revenge, this one is really personal, really deep, it goes beyond the death of a loved one, it makes you feel and think like its all justified, like she has the right to do what she does because she has suffered what others havent.

She knows no love. She is a monster. She didnt ask to be like that, she didnt ask to be created, and she has to live with the idea she will always be second, the clone.

You get 100/10 for this story Keith, much better then the Sonya one. You should make a different thread for this, say you include a pic too so people will come to see. I love it!
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