Some ideas for storylines for old characters in the next MK
posted11/04/2006 01:51 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/23/2006 01:45 PM (UTC)
This is my first attempt at ever doing this sort of thing... so please be kind lol. Here are the old characters I would bring back... this would ofcourse be fleshed out with some new characters too!

With chaos spreading throughout the realms The Elder gods become sick of mortals endangering them so they awaken and control the undead 4 time Mortal Kombat champion Lui Kang to kill the worlds strongest warriors. Little do the realms know that the Elder gods no longer wish to protect them, they wish to eliminate all life.

Elder God

Lui Kang(zombie)... Under the control of the Elder Gods he uses his power to destroy all warriors who face him


Fujin - Representitive of the Elder Gods... told that Lui Kang must win at all costs... will oppose anyone who stands in the way

Raiden - Seen as a traitor to the "Elder Gods"... but is undoing the "Elder Gods" evil work

Kung Lao - Raidens one faithful friend... Forced to kill his ex comrade

Ashrah - Kangs newfound influence is seeing her fighting her old ways... she must kill him at all costs

Shujinko - In the massive fight with Onaga, he managed to steal one of the Kamidogu and flee, therefore not alowing Onaga to fuse the worlds together

Onaga - With one of the Kamidogu missing his plan for instant domination was foiled... however, With chaos around him, he has easily taken hold of Ordrerealm, Edenia , Chaosrealm and Netherrealm... his old home Outworld is next on the list!

Lei Mei - Onaga believed that she fought for him and made her his bride giving her extra powers, however... knowing no one could beat him in Mortal Kombat she seeks to assasinate him.

Baraka - Taken over outworld... he is obscessed with killing the last surviving race... Zaterians... he will kill anyone who is harbouring them

Mileena - Her love / hate relationship continues with Baraka, ruling by his side... has Kitana, Jade and Reptile secretly Imprisoned

Tanya - Mileenas head assasin, captured all the prisoners

Kitana - gone mad with torment from Mileena, fights everyone in her path for her freedom

Jade - Badly beaten in the fight with Onaga she finds herself the target of Mileenas sick game... Putting the maddened Kitana in the same compound as her, making her defend herself against her best friend.

Reptile - Secretly kept in Mileenas prison to anger Baraka... leaving her to influence decisionmaking.

Khamelion - Trying to save her man Reptile from Mileena.

Sindel - Torn between her kingdom and her daughter, she chose to leave Edenia before Onaga took control inordrer to save her daughter

Quan Chi - Taken Scorpions son

Scorpion - Looking to Kill Quan Chi

Scorpions Son (older) - Tainted by Quan Chi... he seeks to kill Scorpion

Frost - To keep attention away from her own plans, Frost seeks to ignite the fued between Sub Zero and Scorpion again by killing Scorpions son and making it look like it was Sub Zero.

That is a fairly rough version of something I would like to see. What sort of storylines would you like to see?
10/31/2006 06:42 PM (UTC)
I like your concept for the story. The bio's are nice too......good job.

I too think the Elder Gods should play an important role in a future MK game, especially being a threat. You can check out my Elder God thread if you want.
11/02/2006 10:41 PM (UTC)
Shinnok- if A was canon, then he'll be fighting his clone in the next game if he's in it. I think he should ask Raiden if the clone gets too strong, and Shinnok asks for forgiveness. Raiden denys him, and he attacks raiden, and they go into a long battle, and for once Shinnok wins! He takes some of Raiden's power and defeats the clone! That's what i'd like to see.grin
11/04/2006 01:51 AM (UTC)
Raiden-Stays "dark" and tries to destroy all the realms so as to protect earthrealm, however the human fighters do not see this a something Raiden would do and turn agaisnt him and they help the other realms defeat him. But then Shinnok(if he survives armageddon) intervenes and kills Raiden and in the process takes his soul and powers and becomes an all powerful Elder god once more. I know this kind of goes into a posible MK9 story, but hey why not?
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