04/02/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Goro gets his own spot because he is ON Disk. He's not DLC. He may be the unlockable character, but he gets his own spot because he is already on the disc. All the DLC Characters will be where the question mark is.

I'm calling it now :)

He's not the unlockable story mode character because you'll be able to purchase him if you didn't pre-order.
If It was Havik I'd be overjoyed but it probably won't be him.

Can't wait for the game to leak. I'm too old for surprises and swerves in vidya.
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04/02/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
They have never officially said you can purchase Goro if you don't pre-order. Every time the question is asked, watch them because they are very vague about how they answer. They always say yes "Goro will be available to people who don't pre-order" They don't say how.

I don't have internet at home so won't be able to download to combat pack for a while... so When I went to GameStop to pre-order I asked if there would be any benefit to pre-ordering since I wouldn't be able to download the goodies.. And they said with Goro I won't need internet to get him because they will give me a code that will make him immediately selectable.

I.E he's on disk
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/02/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Breathing heavily because I just noticed something.

Character symmetry is at work on the select screen. This is rough, but...observe:

Top left, top right: Kung Lao, Kung Jin, family
Second right, second left: Jax, Jacqui: family
Third right, third left: Sonya, Cassie: family
Fourth right, fourth left: Kenshi, Takeda: family
Fifth right, fifth left: Kitana, Mileena: Family (technically)
Sixth right, sixth left: Scorpion and Sub-Zero - mortal enemies, traditionally

There's not too much going on on the bottom level:

Bottom left, bottom right: Shinnok, Goro, MK4 boss figures.
(And if you wanna be funny, second left, second right - Kano, Quan Chi - both previously played by Richard Divizio :p)

But there are SOME relations when considering adjacent characters on both levels:

Sonya, Johnny: family
Kitana, Liu Kang: Often paired together as lovers
Scorpion, Ermac: Ninja subgroup
Sub-Zero: Reptile: Ninja subgroup

It'd be impossible to directly tie absolutely everyone together for every case, but there's an obvious intent going on here IMO.

Only person without any possibility of a partner is Kotal, whom the ? block is immediately above.

Remember that Trophy/Achievment "There Is a Ruler?" Remember whose armor was in the image?

Emperors adjacent, perhaps?

I wouldn't say with 100% certainty, but fucking so much is building to it. Ermac has his soul. His armor is in the Netherrealm. They seem to be trying to grow him a new body.

One thing's for certain: If it ain't Shao Kahn, I'm pretty sure that ? block is reserved for whoever DOES become Emperor.
04/02/2015 10:39 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
They have never officially said you can purchase Goro if you don't pre-order. Every time the question is asked, watch them because they are very vague about how they answer. They always say yes "Goro will be available to people who don't pre-order" They don't say how.

I don't have internet at home so won't be able to download to combat pack for a while... so When I went to GameStop to pre-order I asked if there would be any benefit to pre-ordering since I wouldn't be able to download the goodies.. And they said with Goro I won't need internet to get him because they will give me a code that will make him immediately selectable.

I.E he's on disk

Yes, he's on the disc however he CAN be paid for, he's on the X-Box Live store. He'll be available at a later date. They even said on one of the previous streams if you don't pre-order and get him for free, you'll have to pay for him in the Q&A section. I'd suggest going back and watching it again.
04/02/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
I think it'll be Reiko.
04/02/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Breathing heavily because I just noticed something.

Character symmetry is at work on the select screen. This is rough, but...observe:

Top left, top right: Kung Lao, Kung Jin, family
Second right, second left: Jax, Jacqui: family
Third right, third left: Sonya, Cassie: family
Fourth right, fourth left: Kenshi, Takeda: family
Fifth right, fifth left: Kitana, Mileena: Family (technically)
Sixth right, sixth left: Scorpion and Sub-Zero - mortal enemies, traditionally

There's not too much going on on the bottom level:

Bottom left, bottom right: Shinnok, Goro, MK4 boss figures.
(And if you wanna be funny, second left, second right - Kano, Quan Chi - both previously played by Richard Divizio :p)

But there are SOME relations when considering adjacent characters on both levels:

Sonya, Johnny: family
Kitana, Liu Kang: Often paired together as lovers
Scorpion, Ermac: Ninja subgroup
Sub-Zero: Reptile: Ninja subgroup

It'd be impossible to directly tie absolutely everyone together for every case, but there's an obvious intent going on here IMO.

Only person without any possibility of a partner is Kotal, whom the ? block is immediately above.

Remember that Trophy/Achievment "There Is a Ruler?" Remember whose armor was in the image?

Emperors adjacent, perhaps?

I wouldn't say with 100% certainty, but fucking so much is building to it. Ermac has his soul. His armor is in the Netherrealm. They seem to be trying to grow him a new body.

One thing's for certain: If it ain't Shao Kahn, I'm pretty sure that ? block is reserved for whoever DOES become Emperor.

Holy shit, Shad. Awesome theory! How the fuck did you notice that shit? lol Maybe it will be Kahn or even Reiko after all?
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-sig by MINION

04/02/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I wouldn't say with 100% certainty, but fucking so much is building to it. Ermac has his soul. His armor is in the Netherrealm. They seem to be trying to grow him a new body.
Ugh, I hope not.

Shadaloo Wrote:
One thing's for certain: If it ain't Shao Kahn, I'm pretty sure that ? block is reserved for whoever DOES become Emperor.
Jarrod freed from Ermac tbh.
04/02/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Breathing heavily because I just noticed something.

Character symmetry is at work on the select screen. This is rough, but...observe:

Top left, top right: Kung Lao, Kung Jin, family
Second right, second left: Jax, Jacqui: family
Third right, third left: Sonya, Cassie: family
Fourth right, fourth left: Kenshi, Takeda: family
Fifth right, fifth left: Kitana, Mileena: Family (technically)
Sixth right, sixth left: Scorpion and Sub-Zero - mortal enemies, traditionally

There's not too much going on on the bottom level:

Bottom left, bottom right: Shinnok, Goro, MK4 boss figures.
(And if you wanna be funny, second left, second right - Kano, Quan Chi - both previously played by Richard Divizio :p)

But there are SOME relations when considering adjacent characters on both levels:

Sonya, Johnny: family
Kitana, Liu Kang: Often paired together as lovers
Scorpion, Ermac: Ninja subgroup
Sub-Zero: Reptile: Ninja subgroup

It'd be impossible to directly tie absolutely everyone together for every case, but there's an obvious intent going on here IMO.

Only person without any possibility of a partner is Kotal, whom the ? block is immediately above.

Remember that Trophy/Achievment "There Is a Ruler?" Remember whose armor was in the image?

Emperors adjacent, perhaps?

I wouldn't say with 100% certainty, but fucking so much is building to it. Ermac has his soul. His armor is in the Netherrealm. They seem to be trying to grow him a new body.

One thing's for certain: If it ain't Shao Kahn, I'm pretty sure that ? block is reserved for whoever DOES become Emperor.

Never noticed this, good find bro.. An I think your theory in regards to kotals sort of pairing even backs up the idea of it being Reiko even more! kudos..
04/02/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
whoever it's gonna be, they better be really badass
Oh man wouldn't it just be a komplete kick in the balls if it was Shao Kahn?

Like We can barely have one game not having to do with Shao Kahn or have SK in it.
04/02/2015 10:55 PM (UTC)
Kick in the balls? No.

Big ass hammer to the balls? Uh yeah.
04/02/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh man wouldn't it just be a komplete kick in the balls if it was Shao Kahn?

Like We can barely have one game not having to do with Shao Kahn or have SK in it.

It better be Fujin or Reiko or something. If it's Kahn I'll be incredibly pissed. He needs to go away for a while.
04/02/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh man wouldn't it just be a komplete kick in the balls if it was Shao Kahn?

Like We can barely have one game not having to do with Shao Kahn or have SK in it.

It better be Fujin or Reiko or something. If it's Kahn I'll be incredibly pissed. He needs to go away for a while.

Don't worry, it won't be Shao.

I'm leaning more towards it being Fujin or Reiko.
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04/02/2015 10:57 PM (UTC)
Yeah watch... Its going to be Revenant Shao Khan.....
04/02/2015 10:59 PM (UTC)
Every character just needs to die and be given a Revenant makeover by Quan Chi. The cool factor gets upped ten fold
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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04/02/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Yeah watch... Its going to be Revenant Shao Khan.....

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04/02/2015 11:11 PM (UTC)
Well Boon has said he wants the Boss to be playable.. So It will probably be whoever the final boss is.."The Blood God" Or whoever becomes him.
Idk for me Goro kinda is and isn't DLC?? You can get him if you pre-order, yes. But everytime they talked about "what if I don't pre-order" question they answered "if you pre-order, you get Goro for free. If you don't pre-order... 'not-so-free'". It was like they hinted at him being unlockable (effort to complete the Story Mode maybe?), not something towards cash you pay for after the game's released.

What u guys think?
The ? button is a Random Select, you can even see when they pass the cursor on it. I wish they removed it tho

04/02/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
The ? IS random select. It says it when they scroll over it. And no, they wouldn't make a functioning random select button just to remove it before the game comes out.

However that doesn't affect the chances of a secret character, there are many other places they could put him/her.
04/02/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
Idk for me Goro kinda is and isn't DLC?? You can get him if you pre-order, yes. But everytime they talked about "what if I don't pre-order" question they answered "if you pre-order, you get Goro for free. If you don't pre-order... 'not-so-free'". It was like they hinted at him being unlockable (effort to complete the Story Mode maybe?), not something towards cash you pay for after the game's released.

What u guys think?
The ? button is a Random Select, you can even see when they pass the cursor on it. I wish they removed it tho

WB has an incredibly bad habit of making their pre-order bonuses available for cash later on. They do it with the Batman Arkham games all the time so I have complete faith in saying Goro will be available for $5 at a later date for those who didn't pre-order, he won't be unlocked via in-game otherwise that defeats the whole point of him being a "pre-order exclusive."
04/02/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
Likely just a random select..But if not totally hoping its Havik, or Fujin! grin
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Oh man wouldn't it just be a komplete kick in the balls if it was Shao Kahn?

Like We can barely have one game not having to do with Shao Kahn or have SK in it.

It better be Fujin or Reiko or something. If it's Kahn I'll be incredibly pissed. He needs to go away for a while.

Reiko Kahn would be...fuckit it'd still be better than Shao. Really don't see it as Fujin though.

Them dancing around Havik being deconfirmed instead of just saying "well yeah him too but it's actually Jade" is very suspicious to me.

Kotal Kahn is vastly superior to Shao. Shao Kahn was a big dumb moron with stale saturday morning cartoon motives. Shao is worst Kahn and would be anti-hype for the tease for 11.

And yet I totally see them doing it too so fuck.
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04/03/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Breathing heavily because I just noticed something.

Character symmetry is at work on the select screen. This is rough, but...observe:

Top left, top right: Kung Lao, Kung Jin, family
Second right, second left: Jax, Jacqui: family
Third right, third left: Sonya, Cassie: family
Fourth right, fourth left: Kenshi, Takeda: family
Fifth right, fifth left: Kitana, Mileena: Family (technically)
Sixth right, sixth left: Scorpion and Sub-Zero - mortal enemies, traditionally

There's not too much going on on the bottom level:

Bottom left, bottom right: Shinnok, Goro, MK4 boss figures.
(And if you wanna be funny, second left, second right - Kano, Quan Chi - both previously played by Richard Divizio :p)

But there are SOME relations when considering adjacent characters on both levels:

Sonya, Johnny: family
Kitana, Liu Kang: Often paired together as lovers
Scorpion, Ermac: Ninja subgroup
Sub-Zero: Reptile: Ninja subgroup

It'd be impossible to directly tie absolutely everyone together for every case, but there's an obvious intent going on here IMO.

Only person without any possibility of a partner is Kotal, whom the ? block is immediately above.

Remember that Trophy/Achievment "There Is a Ruler?" Remember whose armor was in the image?

Emperors adjacent, perhaps?

I wouldn't say with 100% certainty, but fucking so much is building to it. Ermac has his soul. His armor is in the Netherrealm. They seem to be trying to grow him a new body.

One thing's for certain: If it ain't Shao Kahn, I'm pretty sure that ? block is reserved for whoever DOES become Emperor.

God, yes!
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
04/03/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
*crosses fingers for Reiko or Fujin*
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