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06/11/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
They were characters that were bland of story and exceedingly bland of design. (Tight red and black leather! Ken from SF!)

Okay, ANYONE sounds bland when you isolate two qualities and pull them randomly out of a hat. That's like saying "Fujin is an old man with a cape" or "Liu Kang is a shirtless Asian with red and black pants."

Kira pretended to be a middle eastern male and sold weapons to terrorists. That is the direct opposite of bland. Her story was weighed down by the weak "New Black Dragon" storyline, but that wasn't her fault. Also, her design looked great. How is "being red" a criticism?
06/12/2014 10:44 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
Have Raiden fuck shit up soo bad that not only did Shinnok take over, he ruled absolutely the entire time. Have him gain his amulet and successfully avoid Armageddon (by killing Blaze or w/e). An elder god with no one powerful enough to challenge him. Since he is only ruling all the realms and not merging them the remaining elder gods would do little to nothing.

You know how bleak the opening of Days of Future Past is (if you've seen it), I want it to be like that. Except no time travel to undo it.
This would be awesome, TBH, and I was hoping the same thing if we were skipping 25 years into the future. Imagine having to do quests /for/ Shinnok as your master to help stop even bigger threats he can't contain, or perhaps refuses to out of arrogance, but perhaps as the game progresses it could turn out to result in Shinnok's overthrow and restoration of independance from the fallen Elder Gods' corruption of the realms.
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