Smoke Wish List
posted11/14/2007 03:39 AM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 07:59 PM (UTC)

IF Smoke is in mk 8. How would you like him to be? Appearance wise, move wise, story wise????

If you dont care about Smoke, please dont muddle up this post with bashing him and his chances for the next game. This is a wishlist for people to say what they would like to see for Smoke.

APPEARANCE- Okay, they tried to be creative in the last couple instalments, but it didnt work. PLEASE people have been asking for human Smoke, not see-through demon mask smoke. Just make him look EXECTLY like he did in mortal kombat 2 and people will be happy!!! And for gods sake, make puffs of Smoke come off him again!! OR make him look like this link, which is the best fan render of what Smoke should like like that ive ever seen ---

MOVES- Okay, Id like Smoke to have His robo-teleport punch, his invisibility, his smoke puff, and... his Harpoon. Yes I said it, his harpoon. You might be asking Wont that just make him a scorpion ripoff again? NO. first with his teleport punch, you can follow that up with his harpoon to set up a combo, scorpion isnt able to do that anymore, which enables you gameplay wise to go in different directions with each character even tho they have a similar move.. So- Teleport punch, harpoon, invisibility, smoke puff. This could make him a powerful character.

STORY- Its time for Smoke to branch off from Noob. Time for him to be his own person. Being SubZeros friend, its time Subby helped Smoke free himself of the NanoCrap. Subzero could help restore his human self. OR- the power that blaze released that passed through taven into the other fighters could have restored Smoke.. There are several possibilites that could Humanize Smoke once again.

Anyways, thats my wishlist for Smoke. What about you other Smoke fans out there?? What would you like to see??

10/13/2007 02:19 AM (UTC)
you only made this because you bumped a year old fan submission of smoke and you were dramatically complimenting the guy... wow... i laugh. oh and no, i'm not signing this pathetic waste of time.
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10/15/2007 02:37 PM (UTC)
wow.. you have nothing better to do with your time than go on here and be a D*ck to people for no reason? I made the post because ive been a fan of Smoke since MK2... and there are many other Smoke fans out there.. If you dont like reading posts about Smoke... DONT OPEN THEM. Its not rocket science genius.

ANYWAYS, what do fans want to see happen for Smoke?
10/15/2007 08:08 PM (UTC)
All I really got for Smoke right now is he should rejoin the Lin Kuei (the new Lin Kuei with Sub-Zero of course). Maybe as an advisor or second grandmaster.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/16/2007 06:41 AM (UTC)
I personally hope Smoke is dead. i've had enough of the raping of the smoke charactar.
10/16/2007 10:34 PM (UTC)
I feel your pain, man...
When I saw him in MK3, I couldn't believe it...and then I read the bios on MKD, said Noob found Smoke dumped on a, that was some cold s**t! In MKA i've done nothing but try to come up with the perfect KAF Smoke, but it just isn't the same!!!
I want Smoke to be magically brought back to life, I don't care how stupid the story of how he came back is...I just want a human Smoke, that bleeds red blood!!! He should look exactly how he does in Shaolin Monks, that was so damn chingon, but with spiked shoulder pads!
10/16/2007 10:49 PM (UTC)
oh, and i forgot...FATALITYS!!!

okay, his first fatality should be something like this...

-The arena quickly get covered in smoke, then Smoke dissapears, and slaps the opponent in the head, the guy's all "wtf?!?!" and turns around, but then his arms get ripped off from out of nowhere! He desperately starts looking around to see what the hell's going on, and then "POOF!" Smoke appears all chingon standing right behind him, and "HIYA!" kicks their head off! Yeah, kinda like the one in MKD, but cooler!

And his second fatality should be like the one in MK Trilogy, but made cooler, kinda like this...

-Smoke turns into a cloud that goes inside the opponent and smog starts coming out of the opponents mouth and eyes, and his body starts going all crazy, and he blows up!!!
10/16/2007 11:17 PM (UTC)
rodrigomaru: We have the "Edit Message" feature for a reason. You should've used it to add your second part to the message you already posted.

Anyway, Smoke is one of those "give or take" characters, imo. If he doesn't return, it wouldn't surprise or bother me. If he does return, he needs to really be fleshed out and do something significant.

Gameplay-wise, I'd like to see some of his moves return like the Smoky Cloud. I'd like him to keep Mi Tzu Chuan as his style and maybe also have him with something like Chu Gar or Ti Au Tonglongkuen (Iron Ox Praying Mantis Fist), which are both Southern Praying Mantis styles, so they don't imitate the Mantis.

Look-wise, it depends on if he stays as a cyborg or somehow becomes human again. I don't know...

Overall, it can go either way.
10/28/2007 05:45 PM (UTC)
I think smoke should regain some memories and abandon noobs army (if his ending is true), find sektor and cyrax, rejoin the lin kuei and start a war between the two, also resparking a sub-zero and saibots rivalry

If he becomes human again, I wouldn't mind, but it better be a more coherent reason than mine...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Optimus Primal from Beast Machines used the Oracle to strengthen his human aspect so it could bust the mechanical circuitry like in Cyrax's MKA ending, except without godly power.

If he was a cyborg again, I wouldn't mind.

If he gets a weapon, an awesome idea would be that spear like how Aculeus draws them.
11/10/2007 01:11 AM (UTC)
i dont see why we cant allow him three costumes(mka cyborg, mka ninja, mk2 human)

however i think we should stick to the current cyborg storyline....and he should leave noob to rejoin subzero
11/14/2007 03:39 AM (UTC)
latvia101 Wrote:
i dont see why we cant allow him three costumes(mka cyborg, mka ninja, mk2 human)

however i think we should stick to the current cyborg storyline....and he should leave noob to rejoin subzero

wrong fucker!furious

how the hell would that be benificial to his storyline? its time to make smoke a human again!furious
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