08/07/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't see a point in pre-ordering this immediately when there's no confirmed release date.

I mean, when I looked at Gamestop's list of games coming out, it listed Mortal Kombat X to be released in 2016. I even laughed at that and pointed it to my boyfriend and said, "That's wrong." Clerk behind the counter looked at me like I'm some sort of idiot and said that it's true... Yeah, okay.

Sorry, I can't trust anything that comes out of the mouth of a Gamestop employee, especially not after some false information I heard when hearing a discussion about Pokemon X and Y. Anyone believing what they have to say, you're just asking to have false information be spilled to you. Sorry for those who work at Gamestop here, I have yet to meet anyone behind the counter that actually says something factual to my face about games.

Wow. Sorry to hear that. Your Gamestop must really blow. I've personally have never had a bad experience with my local Stop. Everyone behind the counter knows their shit and are quite friendly. confused
08/07/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Wow. Sorry to hear that. Your Gamestop must really blow. I've personally have never had a bad experience with my local Stop. Everyone behind the counter knows their shit and are quite friendly. confused

The problem is that it was more than one Gamestop.

It's kinda sad that I'm relying on an iPhone app for news now. Flipboard, I highly recommend downloading it because it does have a good chunk of news.
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-sig by MINION

08/07/2014 06:23 PM (UTC)
Remonster Wrote:
The game is going to sell like crazy. MK2011 was the best selling Mortal Kombat so far, and It's the 9th game in the series. Not to mention it's coming out on 5 systems. so they're covering a lot of ground.
I wonder if NRS neglecting the 360 and PS3 will effect sales.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

08/07/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Wow. Sorry to hear that. Your Gamestop must really blow. I've personally have never had a bad experience with my local Stop. Everyone behind the counter knows their shit and are quite friendly. confused

The problem is that it was more than one Gamestop.

It's kinda sad that I'm relying on an iPhone app for news now. Flipboard, I highly recommend downloading it because it does have a good chunk of news.

There's only one guy at my Gamestop that I go to info for 'cause he actually knows his shit and gives great recommendations without lying to your face. The rest don't know shit!
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/07/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I don't preorder anything until the game is at least 3 months away. I don't see the point in preordering a game when it doesn't even have a specified release date yet.

Besides, they've put too much work into MKX to just quit because of something so stupid. Just wait until the game starts getting marketing, preorders are going to spike after that.

This. I'm probably not pre-ordering until closer to release.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/07/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
Pre-order talk about a game that has not got a release date and is many months away? Really? I mean seriously REALLY?

NRS have not even began the marketing. Just releasing information. When we see adverts and proper marketing closer to the release then pre orders will jump sky high.
08/07/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Remonster Wrote:
The game is going to sell like crazy. MK2011 was the best selling Mortal Kombat so far, and It's the 9th game in the series. Not to mention it's coming out on 5 systems. so they're covering a lot of ground.
I wonder if NRS neglecting the 360 and PS3 will effect sales.

I wouldn't think so. Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Battlefield 4 and even Call of Duty: Ghosts were all games with Next Gen/PC focus that released inferior versions on the X360/PS3 and they still sold gangbusters.

Mortal Kombat may not have the hype of Watch Dogs or the insane popularity of Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty, but it's still one of the most popular fighting games out there. Your general consumer isn't going to know the difference between the console versions, and if they do they won't care because they already have a perfectly good X360 or PS3 sitting at home.

And only the hardcore will pay attention to whether or not Netherrealm is making which version. To the average gamer, it really doesn't matter.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/07/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
Way too soon. Gots to get my Kollector's Edition(s) info first.

If they're going to spread it thin like 2011...where Amazon had this, Walmart had that, Gamestop ect ect, (No, they couldn't just have the Ultimate set that included everything. I get the skins, but statues vs fight-stick? C'mon.....besides, HOW could you deny that fight-stick?!) then I'll be pre-ordering at multiple places.

Ain't about the $$$ to me either way though. MK is the only game I ever do this for.
What a terribly pointless topic once again. Most people don't pre-order, and if they do they wait to see what they're even pre-ordering. With no news on a set release, or what any of the editions will be, no shit the pre-orders are "sluggish". Stop the presses!
08/07/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
I called my Gamestop here in Chattanooga,TN a month ago cuz I wanted to pre-order MKX. The guy told me, after he looked to see if they were taking pre-orders at this time, that since there was no official release date they were not taking any pre-orders. He told me to check back in a few months. I'm surprised that your Gamestop let you pre-order the game. I'll go to Gamestop tomorrow and ask if I can go ahead and pre-order it. I'll let u know my results.
08/07/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
If they're going to spread it thin like 2011...where Amazon had this, Walmart had that, Gamestop ect ect

Anyone with half a brain shouldn't shop at Wal-Mart in the first place. Just sayin'.
08/07/2014 11:12 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Remonster Wrote:
The game is going to sell like crazy. MK2011 was the best selling Mortal Kombat so far, and It's the 9th game in the series. Not to mention it's coming out on 5 systems. so they're covering a lot of ground.
I wonder if NRS neglecting the 360 and PS3 will effect sales.

I sure hope not, It is time for next gen. People need to just accept the future, no sense in making a game worse for the sake of the people who are reluctant to change.

(If it is a financial problem then I can understand that) but put away 15 bucks a week until the game releases and you will have your $460 needed to play a better version.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/07/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
If they're going to spread it thin like 2011...where Amazon had this, Walmart had that, Gamestop ect ect

Anyone with half a brain shouldn't shop at Wal-Mart in the first place. Just sayin'.

Guess I'm in the minority. I buy 75% of my groceries from Walmart. v.v

When you live in the Stix, options are fairly limited.
About Me

08/07/2014 11:47 PM (UTC)
C'mon OP...just...c'mon man.

MKX is going to sell a bajillion shmasmillion copies. The mere announcement trailer had 11 million views between April - June.

Aslo, lets not forget MK9 sold 4 million units!
08/08/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
Who cares about pre-order numbers this far in advanced? I'd be shocked if they were any higher than they are. Usually people wait 'til the release date is set, and all the other editions are announced etc. We're still a good 9 months away.
08/08/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
Shit. That reminds me: I need to head to town tomorrow and pre-order F-Zero Wii U.
08/08/2014 05:47 AM (UTC)
People are waiting to see what the pre-order bonuses will be, who is offering what pre-order incentive, and whether there will be a Kollector's Edition or not.

Once those are announced, pre-orders will pick up. Also, I think last-gen console owners aren't sure what the difference will be between....for example....the PS3 version and the PS4 version. So they're waiting.

These reasons are exactly why I haven't placed my pre-order yet.
08/08/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
This game is #1 on my list and I havent pre ordered it. This doesnt mean shit. There's a bunch of good games coming out before then and we dont even know MKX's release date yet. They could even push it back more for all we know
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/08/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)

Ahem...the game is still a year away.
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