Sluggish Pre-orders?
posted08/08/2014 06:05 PM (UTC)by
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04/10/2013 09:57 PM (UTC)
I finally broke down and pre-ordered my copy of MKX yesterday afternoon @ my local Gamestop and I shot the breeze with the clerk about the next game, he's excited about MKX just like me, but according to him, we may be in a small boat together. From what he told me there are currently only 12 open pre-orders for MKX for that particular store.

Keep in mind I live in Indianapolis, which is a pretty big town, so I guess the next installment isn't exactly setting the world on fire. So if you have yet to preorder MKX, please do so now, games have actually been canceled and shelved by their publishers due to low preorders.sad
08/07/2014 10:26 AM (UTC)

MKX ain't even in the top 40:

Not Good At All!
08/07/2014 10:34 AM (UTC)
I'm not pre-ordering SHIT because of the whole DLC bandwagon.

I'll wait for MKX to be $20 on steam just like god damn MK2011 was. I could careless about being the first one to have the game. I'm busy enough in my day-to-day life where I know I won't be missing much.
08/07/2014 10:37 AM (UTC)
I don't preorder anything until the game is at least 3 months away. I don't see the point in preordering a game when it doesn't even have a specified release date yet.

Besides, they've put too much work into MKX to just quit because of something so stupid. Just wait until the game starts getting marketing, preorders are going to spike after that.
08/07/2014 11:42 AM (UTC)
It's crystal clear that pre orders aren't the good and the sales will never even get close to MK9.

Suckish news influx ain't helping.
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08/07/2014 11:51 AM (UTC)
Hi hi, I manage a GAME store in the u.k and preorders are down everywhere in general. Publishers have been quite vocal about that. I think people need to calm down a bit though considering MKX doesn't even have a concrete release date yet. At the earliest I imagine it to be April 2015. We've got so many games and Xmas to get through before we need to start preordering MKX. We give away a free poster if you do though! smile
08/07/2014 01:21 PM (UTC)
I ain't pre-ordering until I know what Kollectors editions there are gonna be, and which store gets certain pre order DLC exclusives
08/07/2014 01:26 PM (UTC)
Once the release date is announced the pre-orders will rise. Plus I am waiting for the offer's to come in. I'd rather not pre-order now then realize I missed out on a human reptile skin as pre-order bonus.
08/07/2014 01:47 PM (UTC)
Game's not even available for pre-order on Steam, so who's to blame?
08/07/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
wait... i preorder a couple days after the reveal. that means i wont get the preorder bonuses? (if there is any)
08/07/2014 02:54 PM (UTC)
I don't see a point in pre-ordering this immediately when there's no confirmed release date.

I mean, when I looked at Gamestop's list of games coming out, it listed Mortal Kombat X to be released in 2016. I even laughed at that and pointed it to my boyfriend and said, "That's wrong." Clerk behind the counter looked at me like I'm some sort of idiot and said that it's true... Yeah, okay.

Sorry, I can't trust anything that comes out of the mouth of a Gamestop employee, especially not after some false information I heard when hearing a discussion about Pokemon X and Y. Anyone believing what they have to say, you're just asking to have false information be spilled to you. Sorry for those who work at Gamestop here, I have yet to meet anyone behind the counter that actually says something factual to my face about games.
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08/07/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)
Give it three quarters of a year once they start shilling out with the real preorder bonuses. Stats'll skyrocket.
08/07/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)
3daytheory Wrote:
wait... i preorder a couple days after the reveal. that means i wont get the preorder bonuses? (if there is any)

I know for a fact that gamestop will allow you to return to the store and they will re-print your receipt for you. The bonus codes come on the receipt. So it means an extra visit to the store is all. I am not certain how other places like amazon and best buy do it.

I am mostly waiting to find out which store has the best bonus however. I know gamestop had scorpion last time and amazon had reptile. Who knows if there will even be differences in bonuses this time around. But I am waiting to find out.
08/07/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)
Well, not many have next-gen consoles yet. It is still pretty new, so pre-orders for a next-gen game might be very low. This is just guessing though, as I don't know, but that's my theory. :P
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08/07/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
I don't like preordering anything until I know the release date or at least the basic gist of the release date.
08/07/2014 03:02 PM (UTC)
If pre-orders are low it wouldn't surprise me. I think the majority of gamers will simply wait it out for an inevitable Complete Edition.

Don't be shocked to see news of lower-than-expected sales once the game is released.
08/07/2014 03:02 PM (UTC)
3daytheory Wrote:
wait... i preorder a couple days after the reveal. that means i wont get the preorder bonuses? (if there is any)

You'll get the preorder bonuses. Not to worry. I already have mine preordered. I'm sure that I'll be picking up one of the Kollector's Editions. Hopefully, one of them will come with an arcade stick.
Uppercut Editions
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08/07/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
1. The game is still pretty far out, with no REAL release date.

2. The game's preorder bonuses haven't been announced.

3. There are sure to be at least 2 premium editions announced at some point, so folks might be waiting for that.

I, myself, paid off the SE of the game already just to allocate those funds, but I'm fairly certain one of those 3 reasons plays into it.

Also, the hype has kind of died down. Most games have extensive stuff out there around this point. MKX is just trickling out screen shots of variations. Not exactly exciting, if you ask me.
08/07/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
1. The game is still pretty far out, with no REAL release date.

2. The game's preorder bonuses haven't been announced.

3. There are sure to be at least 2 premium editions announced at some point, so folks might be waiting for that.

I, myself, paid off the SE of the game already just to allocate those funds, but I'm fairly certain one of those 3 reasons plays into it.

Also, the hype has kind of died down. Most games have extensive stuff out there around this point. MKX is just trickling out screen shots of variations. Not exactly exciting, if you ask me.

This. Not to mention we still are at least 9 months out. Thats... depressing.
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-sig by MINION

08/07/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
I'm not pre-ordering SHIT because of the whole DLC bandwagon.
I'll wait for MKX to be $20 on steam just like god damn MK2011 was. I could careless about being the first one to have the game. I'm busy enough in my day-to-day life where I know I won't be missing much.
Same. I'll probably never buy another WB game at launch ever again lol.
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08/07/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
So if you have yet to preorder MKX, please do so now, games have actually been canceled and shelved by their publishers due to low preorders.

That never happened.

Ninja_Arts Wrote:
1. The game is still pretty far out, with no REAL release date.
2. The game's preorder bonuses haven't been announced.

This guy gets it.

blacksaibot Wrote:
I'm not pre-ordering SHIT because of the whole DLC bandwagon.

*high fives*

I wanna see how they're going to milk the pre-order store exclusives this time.
08/07/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
I'm not pre-ordering SHIT because of the whole DLC bandwagon.
I'll wait for MKX to be $20 on steam just like god damn MK2011 was. I could careless about being the first one to have the game. I'm busy enough in my day-to-day life where I know I won't be missing much.
Same. I'll probably never buy another WB game at launch ever again lol.

What these two guys and WeaponTheory said.

Ever since MK9 (which I pre-ordered) every game I buy I wait on. Sometimes they warrant a GOTY/Complete edition (and that's the version I buy) sometimes they don't. Either way I'm paying less in the long run.

Plus as Oracle alluded to, WB is notorious for doing this. (Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Akrham Origins, Injustice, MK9 just to name a few.)
08/07/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
It'd be smarter to wait for the Komplete edition but I just can't wait. Right when it becomes available I go and get it. Getting MK on launch has become a tradition for me.
08/07/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
This thread is a great example of people freaking out and making extreme "predictions" over literally nothing.

The game is going to sell like crazy. MK2011 was the best selling Mortal Kombat so far, and It's the 9th game in the series. Not to mention it's coming out on 5 systems. so they're covering a lot of ground.

SlickRick is right. Preorders are down for pretty much everything. People are learning that you don't have to preorder a game to get it, hence publishers going crazy with preorder exclusives to try and bring preorder numbers back up.
08/07/2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
We've known about the game for a whopping two months.

The (undetermined) release date is a long ways away.

There's all of seven characters confirmed so far.

But it's nonetheless panic time simply because preorders are down. Seriously, what the hell is with this alarmist reporting? I myself wouldn't preorder anything that I barely know about or doesn't even have a confirmed release date, for Pete's sake.
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
games have actually been canceled and shelved by their publishers due to low preorders.

No way on God's green earth is this game getting canceled. Relax.
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