Skarlet, Kenshi & Rain
posted06/06/2014 05:54 AM (UTC)by
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12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Are the three DLCs gonna join the roster?

It would be nice for Skarlet to get involved and perhaps interact with Nitara since they're related to the blood element.

And Kenshi lost his chance of destroying Shang Tsung.

And perhaps Rain makes an alliance with Shinnok. Perhaps Reiko too.
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06/05/2014 08:37 PM (UTC)
I think Rain and Kenshi are likely to appear, but I'm not sure about Skarlet. I wouldn't be surprised, but I wouldn't count on it.
I could see Kenshi easily making it in, and maybe Rain. I really think they'd add someone other than Rain. Despite Rain being an incredible fighter in MK9. Skarlet, lol no. She was fun, but fully fan made for the game. Literally she was only in MK9 because of the storyline they used from MK1-3. No other reason than people thinking they saw a red Kitana in MK2 i think.
06/05/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
Kenshi is probably the most popular post MK3 character and the special forces will be searching for recruits so I'd say he will be there.

Rain could have some interactions with Tanya and the now rulerless Edenia. Ermac could confront them too given how the dominant personality is the king and the ones that kept him under control are gone.

Skarlett wasn't developed too much. I guess she could serve as bodyguard to Mileena if she ascends to the throne (so now we would have Kitana-Jade versus Mileena-Skarlett).
06/05/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Skarlet is a weapon. It is precisely this that the Empress of Outworld (Mileena) need when Quan Chi command an invasion of his kingdom.
06/05/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
I'd assume all three have moderate-to-certain chances for a return in MKX.

Skarlet had absolutely no character, but her MK9 ending gives hint that she'd be after Quan Chi for conspiring against Shao Kahn.
The entire reason for her being set free by Shao Kahn during MK9 was to spy on Quan Chi.

Kenshi will almost certainly be returning. He's a fan favorite, and one of the few remaining Earthrealm heroes.

Rain likely would work for Shinnok with the promise of power. Perhaps he'd conspire with fellow Edenian traitor, Tanya.
06/05/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Kenshi - 100%.

Rain - 75%.

Skarlet - 15%.
06/05/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
I hope so. I loved all three of them in MK9. ^^
06/05/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
Kenshi will be back but I doubt scarlet will.

Rain is kind of up in the air in terms of the story and his popularity but if this is a fancy next gen MK, then having Rain in would be a no brainer IMO. They could really show off some impressive tech with a fighter uses water pressure as a weapon.

... and please don't have Kenshi join the special forces. He's incredibly out of place.
06/05/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Kenshi will be back but I doubt scarlet will.

Rain is kind of up in the air in terms of the story and his popularity but if this is a fancy next gen MK, then having Rain in would be a no brainer IMO. They could really show off some impressive tech with a fighter uses water pressure as a weapon.

... and please don't have Kenshi join the special forces. He's incredibly out of place.

I agree with that, Kenshi is an awesome character but doesn't fit in with the US Special Forces at all
06/05/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
It's obvious that Kenshi will be there....meh. Skarlet should return and maybe feud with Mileena or join her?
This would be only if Kitana is not there and I sure hope not.

I'd want any or all of these females...

Lei Mei
Jataaka- New

No Sonya or Kitana grin
06/05/2014 10:19 PM (UTC)
Skarlet is a junk character whose biggest role was being chained up in the Arena stage.

Rain is pretty iffy considering how threadbare his storyline is.

Out of all of them, Kenshi has the biggest shot of getting in.
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06/05/2014 10:31 PM (UTC)
Rain would be a great choice, especially from a gameplay stand point. There is no other character like him with the ability of water. I'm not going to get my hopes up but I'm praying he makes it in. And I also want to see a Tanya/Rain alliance. Yellow & Purple FTW.

For me though the chances are-

Kenshi- 99.9%

Come on, the fans love him and so do Neatherealm Studios. He's easily probably the most liked character from the MKDA-MKA era, if he could make it in a game that strictly revolved around characters from the first 3 games, then he could easily make it into MKX. I really think he has a super high chance.

Rain- 65%

Most of the demand for Rain was really out of completion sake. Even people who didn't care for his character was begging for him to be in, simply so we could say that everyone from the first 3 games made it. Now that he did make it in MK9 as DLC, Neatherealm could simply call it a day and leave him out of MKX- or they could've realized that he is actually a pretty cool character and as I said above, pretty unique as we don't have a character that controls water, on top of that he's a ninja and we know they have a hard on for ninjas. I think it would be a very wise choice to include him but it's just too early to know right now. I'd rather prepare for the worse though. Best prepare for the worse and be pleasantly surprised he made it than the alternative.

Skarlet- 10%

I don't see her returning. At all. I'd want her to, but I just don't see it. Skarlet didn't seem like a character they invented for the long haul. She'll sadly go the way of previous new characters.
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06/05/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
Kenshi is likely. He's been the stickiest "new" character they've ever made. Rain has a loyal and extremely vocal fandom so he might make it in too. unnecessary. She was made with Shao Kahn's magic so maybe she should die with him.
I am a 99.99% sure that Kenshi will come back, NO WAY in hell will they throw this character out of the window. Anyone that played with him can notice that they put A LOT of hard work in his cool moves + cool fatalities.
I dont really use him that much but hes definately (in my opinion) the most fleshed out from the DLC for MK9. (moves wise + design)
06/06/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
I would love to see Rain come back. His story and personality is finally starting to really develop. Count me in for those who would like to see a lustful, treacherous, overly ambitious relationship between Rain and Tanya. I don't know if they will bring him back, but I think it would be great.

Skarlet would be welcome back as well. She is probably my best character in MK9, so I have that bias toward her. But I don't know how they will keep her story going. I don't think she'll be back (sadly).

I like Kenshi. But I wouldn't care too much if they left him out. But he probably will be back.
06/06/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
I think all 3 should be in.
06/06/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
Kenshi is definitely very likely to come back I think, and I hope he does! His moves and fighting style is great and unique and he's also a fan favorite. He's definitely one of my favorites. Considering that he's one of two post MK3 characters that's playable for MK9, I definitely think this game is his time to be in the initial roster. Story-wise, he most likely would be one of the new recruits for Raiden and I think he has a lot of potential to be a major character in story mode.

I think Rain should be in too. He has so much potential and if Tanya's in, I feel like they'd play off each other perfectly in the story. His moves and fighting style are also pretty unique and I think he definitely has a place in the next game after being DLC in MK9.

For Skarlet, it could go either way for me. Her story could easily be on hold, or they could further develop it. However her lack of connection to any other character besides Shao Kahn makes me wonder how easily she could integrate into the story without being overshadowed by others. Either way, I wouldn't really be opposed to her inclusion.
Rain & Tanya are the highest ranking Edenians left, after Kahn, Sindel, Kitana are out of the picture. Until Quan gets Shinnok into Outworld/Edenia, he's technically in charge. Ermac could return to aid/oppose, Baraka/Reptile aren't Royalty, and Kuatan seems to be a lesser realm... Mileena...

Skarlet would be even more out of control with Kahn gone, and she adds to the female roster.

Kenshi, probably gets recruited due to mass casualties. Dunno about his feud with Shang, if he's truely gone or not...

Rain definitely has a place in the story, imo is the most likely to return.

It's a tossup between the other 2, because I like both their styles. I'm leaning towards Kenshi, but they may go with Skarlett. Red vs Yellow

06/06/2014 02:02 AM (UTC)
I dunno if there's some official statement anywhere lol but do you guys think Kenshi is the most loves post MK 4 character or Havik?
06/06/2014 05:54 AM (UTC)
I'm looking forward to seeing Skarlet, Kenshi and Rain return.

For me, it was just cool flippin-shit that a long time rumored character was finally brought to life.
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