08/18/2005 04:32 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
oooooooooo i get it, basically it was more higher on the top. well it would be a BIG change if they changed the color. besides if her hair is as short as the mka sindel, you can forget about her hair whip

Another thing I'd like to see is have pupils for her. I don't necessarily mind the no pupil thing for her, but I would like to see some.

i guess it doesnt look so bad, but still, Sindel's..... Thang, is no pupils, long hair, and thick vocal chords smile
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08/18/2005 11:06 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I guess it could kind of work, but then again, Hotaru has to worry about Darrius since he's bent on trying to take control of Seido.
yeah thats true...well not a lot of people liked him maybe he dies or just won't be in this game. or maybe he'd be in leauge with havok to try and take down the orderrealm which would mean the edenia could have an ally if this story is true, which it isn't but still.
did MyQueenSindel just say thangconfusedwow
08/19/2005 12:35 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
did MyQueenSindel just say thangconfusedwow

lol, yes i did grin
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08/19/2005 03:16 AM (UTC)
i thought so
08/19/2005 07:09 AM (UTC)
I think Sindel and her abandonment issues with Kitana are interesting and I would like to see them explored.

As far as her appearence goes, I like that she's a good guy, but still looks like a crazy witch. I always thought the white hair with black streak and the blank eyes were a part of her resurrection from Shao Kahn.
Since the picture of her MK3 ending took place in the past(Kitana was still a child) I always thought Sindel's hair was naturally white; with a black streak AFTER she was resurrected by Kahn. Which in a way makes sense: she'd have a black streak after Shao Kahn corrupted her; white corrupted by black.
This was a concept pic I made of her for the futrue: Sindel Concept

The problem with Sindel in terms of storyline is, as of now, she's pretty much only "Kitana's protective mother;" which limits what she does to whatever Kitana's doing.
Expanding on a feud with Shao Kahn is a good idea, but one idea I thought of for Sindel deals with Edenia's past and mythology:
The reason other realms are able to invade Edenia so easily is Edenia's god/goddess is dormant. When Shao Kahn conquered the realm, Edenia's god/goddess was forced to relinquish his/her power and disappeared.
So we could have Sindel could go on a quest to reawaken Edenia's god/goddess.

And that could be expanded upon. What if Edenia's god/goddess is insane from Shao Kahn's conquering?
Also, we could reveal certain aspects about Edenia's history that have yet to be explored: perhaps Sindel has a rival to the throne that want's power, etc.?

There is plenty of potential in SindeI, dealing wih her past and Edenia's past, that I would like to see explored.
08/19/2005 04:38 PM (UTC)
thats actually not such a bad concept, but i would want it as a second costume cuz 1st would be the annihalation. its true that she shoulda got her eyes back when she turned good, but her damn creator ruined it all.

I actually thought of a good story for Sindel. After Onaga is killed shao Kahn returns and wants revenge against all the people who killed him in mk2 and 3. but first he wants to reclaim his queen. So he and Mileena travel to Edenia and Kahn sends Mileena to beat the crap out of her. She does and after that Kahn comes and takes her to his outworld palace. Now that Kahn has lied and said that she was betrayed by her own daughter, she trusts him now that he "saved" her. If Kitana wants her mother back she will have to win the tournament, and since sindel doesnt trust her anymore it will take a lot more than just a couple of words to turn her against her emporor. Kitana however cannot be named queenn of edenia yet, because everyone thinks she's Mileena! cuz Mileena pretended to be Kitana and stole her army. So Mileena turns Edenia agianst Kitana and lets shao Kahn make it into a part of Outworld.fortunatly for kahn, not one person can save Sindel, cuz her two allies are being her off by their worst enemies, (jade/tanya kitana/mileena) and the edenian army is under the control of hom they think is kitana.

wadya think?!?!?!!?!?!?
08/19/2005 07:29 PM (UTC)
I thought Sindel already has rivals for the Edenian throne: Mileena and Tanya (possibly)?

I definately like the idea of exploring Edenia's past more. Shouldn't they have done that in Konquest (D or DA)? I think it would be more fitting if Edenia had a goddess. Regular goddess or Elder Goddess? Good or evil? I could take either one.

I already stated that her past and potential rivalry with Shao Kahn should be explored. This could definately cover those abandonment and suicide issues.

I like her look because it makes her stand out, besides she's always had white hair. I wish they could change her outfit a little. I loved her outfit in Mortal Kombat Annihilation. Maybe that could be used as an alter.
I agree with whoever said that her weapon should be either a sceptor or a whip. Personally, I prefer the sceptor. I think it would make an awesome weapon as long as it doesn't remind me of Sailor Moontongue.
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08/20/2005 03:17 AM (UTC)
i doubt sindel would have a heart shape rod that she constantly spins around
08/20/2005 02:35 PM (UTC)
what about her fatalitys? am i the only one who thought the helicopter one sucked?
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08/20/2005 02:40 PM (UTC)
No, your not alone, but I think her whole character concept is wrong. Not to mention she's ugly.
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08/20/2005 03:35 PM (UTC)
well i like the way she looks now, she used to be real ugly though...she looked...old...and short, but yeah i didn't like that thing she did with her kwan dao...it would've been better if she'd done it with her hair
08/20/2005 09:29 PM (UTC)
What do you mean by her whole character concept is wrong?
08/20/2005 09:52 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
No, your not alone, but I think her whole character concept is wrong. Not to mention she's ugly.

i can say the same about hotaru
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08/20/2005 10:40 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
No, your not alone, but I think her whole character concept is wrong. Not to mention she's ugly.

i can say the same about hotaru

And without proper backup most probably, yes. Go on, and retaliate with an attempt to induce protective behavior. Sadly, it won't work however.

Sindels good part in Mk was that she was the dimensional link between Earth and Outworld. But however that's all I like about her. Her looks were disgusting for my standards in MK3, and it didn't improve that much in MK Deception. She has no looks, no charisma, no behavior in battle, hell even her fighting styles doesn't resemble anything majestical. Theese are how-ever subjective things.

What makes Sindel look minimal in my eyes is the fact, that her storyline is defying action/reflection, not to mention her MKD ending. Sindel appears out of nowhere, and destroyes the DK? Plain dumb if you ask me for several reasons:

-Sindel served no catalism for anything in the MK world. She was just there, awoken to her conciousness and...thats it. Pretty passive.
-it's kinda dumb that she wasn't even mentioned during from MK4 to MKDA, and since she's queen, where the hell was she?
-suicide in the past: thats OK by my standards, a fair bit unique.
-serves no apparent centrical purpose: Sindel is only an add-on to Kitana, he has no purpose of her own. Rescued her daughter, please...for once it's cliche, for second, she's completely hollow. We an get a fair bit of pro-per picture out of most MK characters behavioor, but Sindel is either bland, or Midway didn't even bother with her character.

Why make one of the most underdeveloped characters a possible ender? It pains me the most, since Sindel has no build up to do such thing, se-cond, there are far more logical ends for the conflict (Shujinko -bit cliche? No, very much cliche, but it brings proper closure) (Scorpion-geez, now they made te guy into a proper character with a purpose). Sindels ending is overly superficial, overspiralized, forced, faked with emotion, and bland.

And the last sequence has left me with an apparent disgust towards both her, and her daughter, who's storyline has weakened so much through the years (started with the character portrayal in MK4/Gold).
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08/21/2005 12:38 AM (UTC)
well thats why we want her story to be canon, so her very bland story can finally go somewhere.
and i mean come on she left her only child alone for 10,000 years i think she has 10,000 years of protection and love to get out
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08/21/2005 12:49 AM (UTC)
uh-uh. You get the wrong idea. It's not wether that ending should help her or not, it's about if she deserves such protagonistic role: ultimately no. her background storyline is stale as water. Thats the similar problem with Kang, that he both undeservedly won in an unexplained manner.

Sindel lacks any charisma, popularity, or creativeness to be the main hero. Even Shujinkos storyline was more interesting (Konquest out) becouse of the size and importance of his life. Shujinko sacrificed his whole life for a futile and dark goal, being responsible for the ne'er destruction of all, whe-reas Sindel missed her daughter for her adulterating. Guess which holds more importance.

Im also irritated that Kitana /thus Sindel/ ties into so many plotlines, yet Edenia is not as significant as fanboysims makes it out to be.
08/21/2005 02:59 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
No, your not alone, but I think her whole character concept is wrong. Not to mention she's ugly.

i can say the same about hotaru

And without proper backup most probably, yes. Go on, and retaliate with an attempt to induce protective behavior. Sadly, it won't work however.
What? all i said was that Hotarus story is boring and he's ugly as f***.

Besides, Sindel has the face of an angel and the bod of a God... ess.
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08/21/2005 03:07 PM (UTC)
Suit yourself. I also find Hotarus facial expression dumb, but the armor is an unique and proper aproach for a fighting game. But it's all personla preference over subjective matters: no matter what you will say, I will find Sindel instinctively ugly - whorish. Her story is conciously decided as stale.
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08/21/2005 04:34 PM (UTC)
" Im also irritated that Kitana /thus Sindel/ ties into so many plotlines, yet Edenia is not as significant as fanboysims makes it out to be" ~~~~~~~~~ i agree totally and completely...thats whay i want sindel's ending to be true so something could happen. even if she doesn't deserve it it could atleast be a step to make her and everyone she's tied to more interesting, plus we might be able to get ninja reptile back
08/21/2005 04:49 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Suit yourself. I also find Hotarus facial expression dumb, but the armor is an unique and proper aproach for a fighting game. But it's all personla preference over subjective matters: no matter what you will say, I will find Sindel instinctively ugly - whorish. Her story is conciously decided as stale.

okay, and what would you do if your child was kidnapped?
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08/21/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
I questioned Sindels overall propelling motivation, not her actions in MKD. That one was fairly logical.
08/22/2005 05:27 PM (UTC)
Ok, wtf is a propelling motavation! i dont even understand ur posts. besides i made this thread to talk about a way to improve sindel.
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08/22/2005 09:23 PM (UTC)
Propelling motivation: the angle that is given to a character in a certain story for example: Shao kahns propelling motivation is the conquering of Earth, Raidens is the protecting of it. In simple words, a purpose of his constant actions. Sindel alck this. She only has occasional roles like breaking away from Kahn in MK3, and rescuing Kitana in MKD.

She lacks long-term motivation, what is unique from the rest of the crew (for example the earthly heroes all have the same agenda, but spiced with different plotlines for each episode, like Kung Lao having a vendetta against Tsung in MKDA).

if she has no long term angle, she cannot be a permanent character, only having an episodic purpose of appearance. There you have a few issues to help improve her, though I think her as a now useless add-on of Kitana.
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08/23/2005 03:00 AM (UTC)
well constant motivation is protecting her daughter and her realm, both of which she let down in a big way in the past. i would like to see that change in the future but it probably won't happen until she kills the dragon kinggrin
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08/23/2005 06:20 AM (UTC)
Well thats the problem IMO: while as others have long standing active agendas what take action/reaction, Sindel "just" protects her daughter (egad, already sounding stupid enough. An assassin that can't protect herself, Jesus). For example:

an active agenda: Kahn taking over Earth: he used a sorcerer, a lure tour-nament, a full scale invasion, layed low for a time, and cloned himself. He took actions with reaction and reflection and something actually happened to him (the consequences).

whereas Sindel actually doesn't have his own active account: She was awoken by her daughter in MK3, she protects her daughter and so on. OK, she was imprisoned by Tanya, on that admit, but tht was only a backgro-und change for the origin of her actions of MKD.

Therein lies her whole translucent storyline.
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