Sindel doesnt exactly kill all those characters in the end of MK9...(MK9 spoilers)
posted07/06/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)by
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04/28/2003 02:49 AM (UTC)
Looking closer to the big fight that Sindel supposedly had killed in the great battle only a few actually were killed.

To start off, we know Sonya and Cage are still alive, hence Cassie Cage.

The fight starts off with Sindel facing Nightwolf, and she just kinda knocks him away to fight him later. Then she fights Cage and knocks him down, followed by Kabal... She does a roundhouse kick to his face, gets knocked to the floor then she kicks him in the chest with her heel. For all we know, we don't see the heel going into his heart, that would be the only logical way to kill Kabal, and we know he's basically cheated death before from burning to death, so what's a heel to the chest right? Maybe she kicked him in the respirator mechanism. There's a good chance he's still alive.

Up next we see Stryker getting kicked in the knee, falls to the floor then eats a Sindel knuckle sandwich, gets a bloody mouth and gets knocked down. Highly doubt you can die from a punch to the mouth.

Then we see Cyborg Subzero (Kuai Liang), who simply gets counter attacked and uppercutted... that's it.

Jax, gets a high heel poke kick to the throat. That killed him instantly. So that's the first actual death of a character after about 5 characters whom we thought were killed off.

Following this scene, we see Smoke get his neck snapped, so that's death #2.

Sonya simply gets kicked in the face and gets knocked down.

Jade dies when Sindel rips an organ out of her... death #3..

Kitanagets her ass kicked by evil mommy, then Sindel uses her magic to kinda hold Kitana in place while draining her soul, or her energy.. something of that matter. But she's still alive when Nightolf intervenes, then shortly after that fight, Liu Kang and Raiden teleport back to the scene, Kitana talks to Liu Kang for a short while before she falls helplessly to the ground. Why assume at this point she's dead? Liu Kang sees all the fallen warriors, as Kitana fell before him and assumes everyone is dead.

Nightwolf dies by sacrificing himself to put an end to Sindel, and she dies as well.

Like I said earlier, Sonya and Cage are alive. Kabal, Stryker, Cyber Subzero, and Kitana may very well be alive.

Now take a look at Subzero in Mortal Kombat X. His eyes are clearly blue. In his Cryomancer style, his arms and skin get frozen throughout kombat. Also, take a look at his cryo mask, it looks technologically enhanced. His voice in the intro cut-scenes sound kinda robotic, as does his battle cries. Maybe this Subzero is Kuai Liang after all. But my gut feeling tells me this could very well be Noob Saibot (Bi Han) after being through the soulnado. But it's something to think about, Subzero being Kuai and not Bi-Han.

In another chapter of MK9's story mode, Kung Lao dies by Shao Kahn (Edited), snapping his neck. Kung Lao might return to life by order of the Elder gods, if in fact Liu comes back as the rumored surprise boss. Only Kung Lao would know his greatest weakness, as they trained together when they were partners.

We never see Baraka, Reptile, Shang Tsung, Mileena, or Kano die. Quan Chi is very much alive, obviously while talking to Shinnok at the end of the story.

Alive characters:

-Shang Tsung
-Quan Chi
-Cyber Sub


-Kung Lao
-Liu Kang

In question?:


Then again, no one really dies in Mortal Kombat. Recently Ed tweeted that Kung Lao is not ruled out, neither is Kitana. Raiden has been mentioned in recent interviews, numerous times.

Lastly, there were visitors at NRS studios who got a tour and a chance to play the game in house. It was said that there was a render of Liu Kang, and possibility of 8 returning from MK9 that were fan favorites.

Fan favorites IMO, based on MK fans and tourneys:

1) Scorpion
2) Subzero
3) Kitana
4) Raiden
5) Reptile
6) Kung Lao
7) Mileena
8) Baraka (was in MKvsDC, in NRS eyes, he's a fan favorite)
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

07/05/2014 03:12 AM (UTC)
She did kill all of those characters. Johnny and Sonya were the only survivors. You forget: Quan Chi showed that he had possession of the dead souls of Kung Lao, Kabal, Stryker, Cyber Sub-Zero, Jax, Smoke, Jade, Kitana, Sindel and Nightwolf. They are all dead.

Also, Shao Kahn took Shang Tsung's soul and gave it to Sindel to empower her, so he's probably dead.
07/05/2014 03:16 AM (UTC)
I thought Kahn killed Kung Lao.

And I'm pretty sure, to me at least, it looked like Stryker got his nose cartilage knocked up into his brain... I'm pretty sure he is dead.

The others... eh... I'm pretty sure they are all dead, hence Quan Chi having their souls. But we will see.
07/05/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I thought Kahn killed Kung Lao.

He did in fact.
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07/05/2014 03:31 AM (UTC)
The deaths are confirmed later in story mode when you fight them in hell.

The only ones in question would be Liu Kang and Noob Saibot.
07/05/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
Who knew we'd still be seeing threads about MK9 spoilers 3 years later
07/05/2014 03:47 AM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
She did kill all of those characters. Johnny and Sonya were the only survivors. You forget: Quan Chi showed that he had possession of the dead souls of Kung Lao, Kabal, Stryker, Cyber Sub-Zero, Jax, Smoke, Jade, Kitana, Sindel and Nightwolf. They are all dead.

Also, Shao Kahn took Shang Tsung's soul and gave it to Sindel to empower her, so he's probably dead.

Yeah I know that part. Didn't think of Stryker's nose bone going into the brain scenario, that could've killed him for sure. Still, there's a possibility that I'm trying to point out. Not saying it's set in stone.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I thought Kahn killed Kung Lao.

He did in fact.

Oops, I was going by memory. Thought it was Kintaro.

razz2d2 Wrote:
Who knew we'd still be seeing threads about MK9 spoilers 3 years later

That's for the people living under a rock. There are some who haven't played MK9 believe it or not.
07/05/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
This thread reads like you never saw the end of story mode where Quan Chi zombifies all of the dead heroes in the Netherrealm to take on Raiden. They're all certainly dead, although they're more undead now as minions to Quan Chi.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

07/05/2014 04:32 AM (UTC)
Dude, they're dead. There is no "possibility" when you're in hell blowing Quan Chi.
07/05/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
I WOULD agree with you (and boy I wish I could), if it weren't for the souls you fight in the Netherrealm. But because of that scene the only two characters I have hope for are Noob Saibot and Liu Kang. I have no idea where Shang Tsung's soul went (last we saw of him he was absorbed into Sindel and who's to say where he went after she died).

I would have believed that Kitana really died though, as the final nail in the coffin as far as Liu Kang's trust for Raiden goes, just like how many people believe Liu Kang is dead as to REALLY hammer in the fact that Raiden screwed up (as if everything else wasn't enough). That, and there was no apparent signs either of them were alive.

I would have though that Sub-Zero, Stryker, and possible Kabal survived along with Sonya and Johnny. But death is hard to put together in Mortal Kombat; For me to accept a character is dead I need overwhelming confirmation or evidence (like their souls being in the Netherrealm); even when a death seems confirmed by another character or appears completely dead it doesn't end up being true. Unfortunately, I do accept the evidence for most of these characters.
07/05/2014 07:32 AM (UTC)
I mean this is also being posted in the MKX forum soooo yeah
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07/05/2014 09:08 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I thought Kahn killed Kung Lao.

And I'm pretty sure, to me at least, it looked like Stryker got his nose cartilage knocked up into his brain... I'm pretty sure he

which is actually physically impossible due to your skeletal structure.

Then again, he was tripping on Tsung-juice.
07/05/2014 12:08 PM (UTC)
The only characters that are a shame are kabal, shang tsung, kung lao, noob saibot, nightwolf, sindel, jade and smoke.

I'm happy with the other deaths. Couldn't care less about Kitana, C-Zero, Stryker, Motaro, Shao Kahn, Jax and Liu Kang.
07/05/2014 01:24 PM (UTC)
Doesn't really matter either way.

Nobody stays dead in MK. They killed Johnny Cage off early and brought him back. They snapped Liu Kang's neck, brought him back as a zombie, then brought him back fully restored.

The MK team would never outright kill one of the characters so that they could never return. That's painting oneself into a corner. There may be characters who never show up again though.

I roll my eyes at people who get all bent out of shape about so-and-so being dead like it is some finite problem that will never be resolved.
07/05/2014 03:09 PM (UTC)
creating good characters is not an easy task qnd NRS knows this all too well which leads me to believe that they will somehow bring a lot of those characters.
07/05/2014 03:38 PM (UTC)
Everyone Sindel fought is dead, even if it looked like she hardly did anything to them. The problem was with that scene is that A.) they didn't make the scene longer and B.) they made it to where the heroes looked like they hardly could gain a victory against her.

They practically made that scene that way just to kill them off much quicker than have them having a chance to survive. That's literally the only complaint about the story I had with the game. Had they given this scene a bit longer to go, I'm sure they could have had better deaths.
07/05/2014 03:57 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Everyone Sindel fought is dead, even if it looked like she hardly did anything to them. The problem was with that scene is that A.) they didn't make the scene longer and B.) they made it to where the heroes looked like they hardly could gain a victory against her.

They practically made that scene that way just to kill them off much quicker than have them having a chance to survive. That's literally the only complaint about the story I had with the game. Had they given this scene a bit longer to go, I'm sure they could have had better deaths.

So Johnny VS Sonya and Jax VS Johnny were all cool parts in the storyline? Also all badguys as cannon-folder?
07/05/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
Unlike a lot of people here, I liked the story of the last game. If you don't, that's your opinion.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/05/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
Meh I wish you where right.

I don't mind deaths but just to see one character just 1-hit-KO our heros one after another was shitty.

I was pissed at Styker and Smoke mostly because after years of little to character development they were great in MK9 and then dead in the same game.
07/05/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Unlike I lot of people here, I liked the story of the last game. If you don't, that's your opinion.
I enjoyed it as well. Raiden just pissed me off a lot. But I forgive him.
07/05/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
What they should have done is during the great character cull in MK9 is that you play as Sindel (or Sektor as well seeing as he didnt get a look in) and then something nice and brutal happens after each character.

While a good chunk of their injuries was definitely not life threatening their souls were claimed by the Quanster and Shinnok.

What I love is the whole

If that statement was true I'd be a bit more positive about Sheeva's chances in MKX.

Fact is, there was a reason there was an online character usage checker and no doubt NRS will be looking at it and even looking at possible things (moves) that made certain groups of characters(grappling, countering etc) popular and others not.

That character usage checker will be used more than canon and lore and storyline relevance in deciding who returns and who doesn't.
07/05/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
RoyalChakra Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Unlike I lot of people here, I liked the story of the last game. If you don't, that's your opinion.
I enjoyed it as well. Raiden just pissed me off a lot. But I forgive him.

Same here. grin
07/05/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I thought Kahn killed Kung Lao.

And I'm pretty sure, to me at least, it looked like Stryker got his nose cartilage knocked up into his brain... I'm pretty sure he

which is actually physically impossible due to your skeletal structure.

Then again, he was tripping on Tsung-juice.

That Tsung-juice is some powerful shit, man.
07/05/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Dude, they're dead. There is no "possibility" when you're in hell blowing Quan Chi.
07/05/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Fact is, there was a reason there was an online character usage checker and no doubt NRS will be looking at it and even looking at possible things (moves) that made certain groups of characters(grappling, countering etc) popular and others not.

That character usage checker will be used more than canon and lore and storyline relevance in deciding who returns and who doesn't.

Last I heard, the leaderboards say the five most used (on average across all consoles) are Johnny, Liu, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Raiden, and the five least used are Mileena, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Sindel, and Sheeva.
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