Silicon Knights vs Epic Games//- UnReal 3 Engine//- Mortal Kombat 8
posted02/06/2008 11:03 PM (UTC)by
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05/29/2006 11:42 PM (UTC)
Watch this video from a Game Review show I watch called X-Play. It's about the Lawsuit between Silicon Knights and Epic Games. About 5min long...

Shane Bettenhausen for EGM and Hilary Goldstein for IGN speak with Adam Sessler, one of the Host of the show.

The thing I found interesting is how Epic is able to license out the UR3 Engine, the engine Mortal Kombat is using for MK8. They mention in this interview that it's not always a big package that developers get, and that once licensed out, alot of manipulation can happen with the engine itself, per the coding of a game. Something I kinda knew....

What I wanna know is if you think this lawsuit might effect the production of MK8 in some indirect way?

Also, Epic and Midway have a relationship, do you think Mk8 could be "effected" by the creators of this engine in one way or another? Since they're gonna know they're project better than anyone else..
01/31/2008 02:56 PM (UTC)
I thought about this too earlier, once I found out Silicon Knights is suing Epic for the engine. The relationship between Midway and Epic might help MK8 not to have the same issues as SK had with Too Human. Also Epic are fans of MK, remember Raiden was an actual in game fully utilized character in Unreal Championship 2 for the Xbox. So that said, I think they'll help the franchise their truly fans of.

Put that aside, look at Stranglehold, another game from Midway but not the MK team itself. The game looks visually stunning, perhaps not on par with Gears, but that's just a design issue. Every little detail in Stranglehold looks amazing, all the characters look great. The physics and the shadowing are right up there too.

To sum it up, I don't think and I hope that there will not be any issues of the Unreal Engine 3 effecting MK8's design and gameplay. We're just going to have to wait and see.
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02/01/2008 05:32 PM (UTC)
forgive my absence of knowlage of this. but why are they in persuit of a law suit?
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02/03/2008 11:36 AM (UTC)
The Engine was incomplete, or broken, or whatever. (Note: Gears of War was only on the 360, and Unreal Tounament 3 was multiplatformed. Thing is, Epic Games produced both those games...but they're the creators of the engine so, we'd expect them to know their program better than anyone else through and through...) Silicon Knights leased the engine, but couldn't finish the game as a consequence, so they're suing to recoup the losses(something like 750 thousand bucks) and they were just gonna build their own engine to make the game.

Problem is, there's a counter suit from Epic. Essentially saying: "We wanna make sure you're not using any parts of our engine since you've had a good look at it by let's take a look at your newly built engine". Silicon Knights says: "Fuc U" ....loosely stated of course.

How could all this effect MK8?

Well, they may also, not be able to finish their game. Hindering them from releasing, let alone multiplatform. Hence, we haven't heard a peep from the MKteam...Hence, a Nov'08 release wouldn't happen for MK8. (All just speculation on my part of though)

BUT, Epic and Midway thus far, have a very good relationship. So this might not effect MK...or any other game that leases parts of the UrEngine3..
02/03/2008 07:06 PM (UTC)
If you also watch attack of the show(I actually saw this episode today) one of the designers explains it won't have too much of an effect on game development but there might be a little delay
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02/04/2008 02:00 AM (UTC)
silicon knights is actually located down the street from me, st.paul down town st.catharines.

just knowing that its going on makes me get all excited every time i go by the building.

i hope mk7 isnt affected
02/05/2008 01:43 AM (UTC)
You mean MK8 ^


Anywho, I don't think it'll be a problem.
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02/05/2008 05:17 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
You mean MK8 ^


Anywho, I don't think it'll be a problem.

yes sir, i was typing in the dark tongue
02/06/2008 11:03 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
You mean MK8 ^


Anywho, I don't think it'll be a problem.

yes sir, i was typing in the dark tongue

Ha, ha no prob dude it happenstongueglasses
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