*Sigh* What Happened to Simplicity?
posted09/20/2009 01:24 PM (UTC)by
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11/10/2006 12:03 AM (UTC)
it's official. MKA is unmasterable. despite giving every character (1) hand-to-hand fighting style, Armaggeddon was still an unmasterable MK game. i know that i'll probably be tarred and feathered for saying this but i miss the simplicity of MK's 1-4. you know, where everyone had the same fighting style. granted, i love that each character has his/her own fighting stance and all but no one can possibly...or should i say has bothered to memorize fighting styles for over 50 characters. it's impossible! and quite frankly i'm tired of hitting the pause button just to read a button sequence on how to perform a combo. if Team MK wants to make a darker more serious MK then here are the ingredients:

Fighting System: MK4 (yes, including the Run button)
Graphics and Detail: MKA or higher
Atmosphere: Gears of War style

use this recipe, and you've got a game worthy of playing online and becoming world champion fighter. grin
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02/03/2008 11:10 PM (UTC)
TheNorthPhoenix Wrote:
Fighting System: MK4 (yes, including the Run button)
Graphics and Detail: MKA or higher
Atmosphere: Gears of War style

Wow, that's awfully limited to be so ambitious.

1. Fighting System: I despise Mk4 as a whole. I think the best thing from that game was that it had fmv endings(which were even questionable in quality back then imo). Everything else about that game was trash in my opinion.

Instead, go...UMk3 and or MkDa for the way fighting can happen. Forget about any actual system we've seen so far though, cuz we need totally new mechanics.

Go full on character specific, tie in the personality of each individual character, and use movie choreography as the overwhelming motivation. NOT specific, actual, real-life martial arts....you're not good at doing that, or playing with weapons MKteam. So do what you're good at....."playable movie stuff". Simple, and that's what the games looked like in the beginning anyway. Playable movie characters in fantasy surroundings.

Run with that for the fighting systematics and make sure everything from camera angles to point of contact is silky smooth and as tight as a noose.

I like the run button, and I would love to see it come back, but I wanna see the thing fight right first.

2. Graphics and Detail: Go get Call of Duty 4...please, go at least play it MkTeam. OmG. lol j/k

To supersede MK 1-3 or MkSm (if you wanted to source their own games) should be the ultimate goal....they're still selling those games for petes sakes.

3. Atmosphere: Gears of Wars' graphics would be a nice touch for detail and blood, but now I think the bar is set a little higher. For the arenas with more color in them, look at the coming Soul Calibur 4 for subtle examples.

Another game that has great atmosphere is Assassins Creed. I don't know how you supersede that right now. Another game to look at is Heavenly Sword. Especially for any opening movies and close ups for characters. That facial expression technology is mind blowing coupled with some great voice actors. Look at "BattleField: Bad Company" for good voice acting.


I want a truly new, refreshing Next Gen Mortal Kombat game....not much but subtle inspirations from the older MK games should be considered and or actually interpreted in the next game.

a. Art Direction is one thing that should be taken as a strong, but pure example from the old games. Color is not the enemy just because they want the game to "feel" dark. "How you die" and "How the arena reacts to a fatality" is the point, not "how black can we make the surroundings".

b. Characters that are Photo Realistic is another that should be taken right from Mk1-T...no more of the bulky looking, glossy, barbie-doll looking characters. People do not look like that.

c. The Fantasy element in the game should be drawn from the old games too. It's that contrast that sets off the photo realistic characters. It's how people dream dreams anyway. Real person, fantasy surroundings. Special powers fit in here too.

d. Some of the characters should, yes, should return. Hell, pick 5-10 most popular from the past and write like a mad man for their stories.

Everything should be optimized and taken 100 steps further. Saying we should instantly recognize alot about the game....Anything else should be completely new.

New characters, new modes//completely different vantage points on old modes, new fight possibilities, an even more ambitious Kreate a Kharacter.

Take us to new places in the realms we've been before....and for the love of god make all, completely new, character specific fatalities. Nothing regurgitated or half assed here.

There you go.
02/04/2008 09:31 PM (UTC)
I agree with the original poster to a certain degree. Yes, I believe the fighting system used in the DA engine is overly convoluted. However, I don't see it returning to the MK1-4 system per se. Something more like Tekken would be more feasible. Instead of everything being all scrambled, you have one button for left kick, one button for right kick, one for left punch and right punch, etc. I'm not suggesting that they copy the system from Tekken, I'm merely imploring them to adapt a system that is consistent and intuitive. Punches and kicks should not be mapped to the same button if you ask me. Also, there should be no dial-a-combos and many combos should be simple and intuitive enough to figure out with a little experimentation. The combos in DA-A were way too hard to pull off in comparison to other fighting games. Midway better start taking notes from the competition if they ever hope to see their glory days again.
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02/04/2008 10:44 PM (UTC)
Want to know what will help? Streamline the controls, put moves where they should be, and replace canned combos with strings. That will help a lot.
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02/05/2008 06:48 AM (UTC)
Hahaha you think that the MKDA and MKA controls and systems are convoluted? I loathe it because of their simplicity.
02/05/2008 09:40 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Hahaha you think that the MKDA and MKA controls and systems are convoluted? I loathe it because of their simplicity.

If you mean lack of depth, yes, I would agree with you. When I say simple, I don't mean lack of depth, I mean put together in an elegant, natural, intuitive manner.

When I say convoluted, I mean the combos are unnecessarily hard to pull off and the layout of the buttons basically makes no sense. There's no rhyme or reason to them, like in old MK's, Tekken, and virtually every other fighting game known to man. They feel cheap, shoddy and hobbled together, with no regard to aesthetics of play or or the flow of combat. They should be simple yet elegant. Easy to pick up and play but incredibly in depth and worthy of taking many years to master.

02/05/2008 11:23 PM (UTC)
predator wrote:

Go full on character specific, tie in the personality of each individual character, and use movie choreography as the overwhelming motivation. NOT specific, actual, real-life martial arts....you're not good at doing that, or playing with weapons MKteam. So do what you're good at....."playable movie stuff". Simple, and that's what the games looked like in the beginning anyway. Playable movie characters in fantasy surroundings.

ok,ssay the truth...do you want Mk franchise dying?

no really man everything you said will crush MK.Do you want to kill MK?

give up man,the only way to make a good game is as more realistical as possible(under some aspect like fighting styles).
i studied jeet Kune Do for years and with all the respect i can guarantee you that Cage from Deadly Alliance,Jann Lee from Doa4 and Jacky from Virtua Fighter have a more realistical jeet kune Do fighting style than Law of Tekken and maxxi from Soul calibur.

so actually i think that MK team can do realistic fighting mechanics and can do better than conconcorrence.
the only "realistical" fighting styles that sucks in MKDA/armageddon is wrestling with few catches and no ground grapples.

all we need is something original that can mak difference between MK and other franchise.
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02/06/2008 01:51 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ok,ssay the truth...do you want Mk franchise dying?

no really man everything you said will crush MK.Do you want to kill MK?

Eh? You gotta be kidding me dude. He's talking about the 2D games being better than the 3D games overall. If you look at those games for what they are, and the fact that they're still selling for those reasons, you'll have an easier time seeing what I, and many others here are talking about. There's no "conspiracy theory" about it either. It is what it is..

1. Just for kicks look at MK1's roster, and you will see that we've been a playing a tremendous amount of movie elements all tied together:

a. Raiden - Big Trouble in Little China, and eastern mythology
b. Cage = Jean Claude Van Dame
c. Sonya = Cynthia Rothrock
Even though she was named after Boons sister...look at Cynthias movies. Lol. Lady Dragon 1&2 ect..that's MK1-4 Sonya Blade.
e. Sub Zero = Sterotypical Ninja...Pick a movie
f. Scorpion = Ditto^ // Ghost Rider
g. Liu Kang = Bruce Lee parody
h. Kano = Terminator parody
i. Shang Tsung = Big Trouble in Little China

Look at it...You've been playing Western movie stuff for years now in MK. As far as the idea of having fighting styles and stances that are not exact perfect martial arts interpretations...What do you think the first three games were? They certainly weren't precise by any means...they were character specific.
It is the exact same thing that movies do to a character, to compliment the guy/gals' alignment...good or bad.

As were the special moves of every character....as were the stances and victory poses.

They were notable by conduct. And nothing was specific about that.

Imo, the MkTeam started falling off when they started trying to do what the other games are doing. Which is Mk4>>

So, I think if they mastered the formula that they had in the beginning, aside from the 2D element....we'd be golden. In my opinion, that "formula" translates to:

a. Movie inspired choreography martial arts(Fits better in a 3D environment anyway.."Motion Capture and Computer Greaphics".)
b. Character Personality, that makes up each characters fighting style(no holds barred.)
c. Modern media's news as a source. Modern "horror stories"
d. Mythical Fantasy

After all that, you don't have to try real hard to wrap a good story around the game.
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02/06/2008 02:47 AM (UTC)
Well, MK used to use a simpler system when they had the high punch, low punch, high kick, low kick system. Personally, I'd prefer to see a system similar to that in the future. I never liked the idea of having 1,2,3,4. You press back and Y on your Xbox and it does a sweep kick with one character and then it's a shin punch for a different character. Nearly every fighting game has dedicated punch and kick buttons. Some of them have dedicated throw buttons or counter/block buttons as well.

I would prefer a simpler system for delivering moves, with the depth coming from a better combo system and cooler, more individualized basic attacks. Seriously outside of Cage's double flip kick, why is it that hardly ANY characters in MK have signature basic moves like flip kicks, double jump kicks, individual throws, etc etc etc etc? These characters are supposed to have real fighting styles, but it seems like they just took the same boring kicks and punches and recycled them for every character. The only thing that really separates characters is their fighting stance. C'mon, it doesn't have to be super realisic either, maybe taking some of the more out there, extreme moves from the more interesting fighting styles would benefit the characters. Give them exciting moves that can be strung together for old school style juggling combos to go with simplified B,A,A,A,A type regular combos.

Just my two cents. It's not a matter of "simplicity." It's a matter of doing what makes sense. It's have a game that's easy to pick up and play, but through a deep system can challenge advanced players as well. This is what Soul Calibur has had practically since the begining and it's what MK needs to have if they are to seriously improve in this latest reinvention. Stop doing things that are counterintuitive like the button layout, the way that combos are done, the way that the move system is so inflexible and how rigid the characters feel.

Oh, and I think that Predator makes a lot of good points. I think by "movie style" he means something similar to what I'm trying to say. Taking the best parts of fighting styles to make the action more fun and exciting than simply giving 60 characters the same basic attacks but with different fighting stances and special moves. That's boring and it's very, I dunno, two or three generations ago.

Last thing... Realistical is not word grin
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02/06/2008 01:22 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
It's not a matter of "simplicity." It's a matter of doing what makes sense. It's have a game that's easy to pick up and play, but through a deep system can challenge advanced players as well.

Yes, right on. It's also a matter of what looks good, because that, right there, is what MK is good at. The thing there to notice too, is how "Hollywood" that idealism is.

I mean if you look at it from a stand-point of employing someone to do a job(we employ them to entertain us through this video game..ect), you always want to find out, and exploit the strong points of an employee. Which there's nothing wrong with doing that at all, because it makes the company more profitable(MKTeam), and satisfies the customer(Us).

Now, what does Hollywood do? They spend millions upon millions of dollars on special effects, props//costumes, actors//actresses, and scenery. All this just to make a movie look good enough to go see. So many movies fail story wise, but just because they look good, we get all these sequels and re-makes.

I'm saying that Midway//Mortal Kombat has totally missed, or only skimmed the surface of alot of the prominent reasons why people buy the games, and each time a new game is released, they miss points again.

To me, that looks like either they haven't fully realized why the games are still selling, or they're ignoring the factors that make the game a desirable buy for the sake of "re-newing" the series over and over.

Check this out....Remember this arena?:

Of course you do, now ask yourself:

a. Why do you remember that arena? What for? Why is that arena significant?

b. What would sell you a whole new game just based off having that arena back in a new one?

Now if I were to answer those questions myself, this is what my answers would look like:

a. Because somebody told me there was some secrets underneath where you fight. I can knock my opponent down there some kind of way, and the spikes will kill them. THEN, there's supposed to be a green ninja named Lizard, or Reptile or something down there I can fight to get some money or something.

b. Because I wonder if you can go anywhere else down there, and find something//somebody else new to fight. Maybe I can get some more points for my score or something that way too.

Those were the rumors back in the day. Right?

What happened to that arena though?

That one, is the straight trace of the original one, BUT there are almost 20 of the arenas in MKA that have the feature that "lets you knock your opponent into a different part of the arena" now.

What is wrong with that?

Well, Nothing, as far as the capability of technology is concerned. Because exploration in a new game is a beautiful thing to have there.....BUT in MK, there is supposed to be a threat, or a sense of "somebody is watching you but you can't see them" there,....one that has been watching the whole time you've been playing but you can't find it. Waiting for you to figure out that a code has existed from the time you thought about buying the game. Lurking in the shadows of the arena so that when you do finally figure it out....it will kill you over.....and over......and over again for doing so.

I'm saying that the MKTeam missed the FULL point of that kind of arena. They missed the point of Why to ever bring something like that back. Which should have been to let us meet with a threat, face the fear of a lurking on-watcher, and have an intense fight with the inhabiter. A few of the characters on the roster qualify for "those kinds of threats", and would have been perfectly introduced to the series if done in this manner.

a. Reptile(yep, put him back down there for whatever reason..looking for the egg or whatever)
b. Chameleon (PERFECT secret character find)
c. Khameleon (PERFECT secret character find)
d. Jarek (only for MKA cuz, he fell off a cliff right?)
e. Zombie Liu Kang(what a way to find out about him. Could have had him get up out of his grave or leave that sanctum or something, and fight you first under Raidens re-animation)
f. Shinnok(go up somewhere, instead of down in the pit)
g. Taven or Daegon...or even that Dragon that overlooks(this is a stretch)
h. Ashrah (She thinks you're a demon since you're down there with her?)
i. Sareena("why is she in the pit?")
k. Baraka (MKSm thought)
l. Meat (PERFECT secret character find)
m. Motaro ("what the hell was that?!....What the hell happened to him?!?")
n. Drahmin AND Moloch(they were both down there anyway)
o. Goro (i thought he was dead)

tah-dah If these characters, especially the new ones to the playable roster, were introduced to us like that, nobody would have a real problem with them all being on the roster in MKA. In fact, I think they would have bigger fan bases if they were done in a similar fashion to this.

Same thing for the Deadpool though...same for the Living Forrest...same for the Evil Tower..ect ect. We should have had characters coming out of everywhere if they knew why people liked those arenas early on. Things that should happen in the main line of Mortal Kombat Games....but they only really got exploited in MKShaolinMonks. (I'm so glad they at least made that game right on these parts)

==========One more============

Another thing they have been missing the full extent of the point of, is the "Emotional Attachment" people are supposed to have when they fight with their favorite characters.

This has a balanced responsibility that sits on the shoulders of Graphics, Story & "What will happen if you are loosing, or completely loose the fight"//Gameplay.

You are supposed to care what happens to your character. lol Otherwise, you're just trying to win for wins sake(like a reward whore). I'm saying, if that's the case, WHY EVER GET BETTER? Why try to be the best player, if you can't care what happens to your favorite character? Why train//practice? Why know all their moves and power potential? Why make a Kreated Kharacter, and spend hours modifying it to fight and look like you want it to? Why do all that, if when I fight with my favorite character...."Oh Well, I Lost. I'll just use this one move, or exploit a glitch, or something from now on".

Because it's Fun? Fun is old and dry, Fun needs critical assistance nowadays. lol

In saaay The Matrix, you could argue that people really cared about what was happening to Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus. Note, like I was saying earlier, that this is pure Fiction//Fantasy. You were only supposed to go in, and watch the movies "for fun". But I remember one thing about a good movie...People laugh, cry, get pissed at the t.v., scream out "helpful tips" at the t.v. and everything.

This was the same thing I witnessed playing early MK games. People lost alot of perfectly good controllers over loosing fights in that game cuz they knew what their character was capable of...it just didn't work for whatever reason that time.
Saying that MK has had "movie" intertwined within it since the beginning...what's the problem(s) now?

1. Story: A good, complete story should put you in the shoes of your character. It should...set the mood for the kind of fighter you are, with that character. Same effect that saying "I'm from Italy" or "I'm from the Hood" should do, when you meet a person. It provokes questions about that person. Like: "What is it like over there in Italy?" or "So I guess you're a hard ass since you're from the Hood hu?"

Story realizes the character to the player through secrets beyond special moves and fatalities.

2. Gameplay: If it is distinct, if it is personalized, game play will make you FEEL like, nobody else can play with that character but you. That's why I've stated that Personality(Story) should absolutely be a part of the way a character fights.

See, to generalize all characters based on a REAL martial arts style is ludicrous anyway...because everybody doesn't fight the same. Nobody takes the same things from a sensei that the next person does. Some people move on to incorporate other fighting styles that eventually make up their own style altogether....like Bruce Lee did.

We should rarely see an all around fighter("the one"//Liu Kang type) for this matter. We should be seeing people who "specialize", or are especially good at certain things. Like 1 ground tech person, 1 "boxer", A "weapons tech", or 1 "grappler"...ect. Some people actually do stick with their thing until training is "finished"(so to speak).

At the same time, other characters should be able to change stances and such right in the middle of a fight to accommodate being beaten at one "style" in their arsenal of moves...your character should "sense this", and just do it
(make it a health bar trigger or something. Health goes down too fast, or when it gets to a certain point to quickly...A.I. switches the stance to a different style you've learned in your profile and story). You see this ALOT in martial arts flicks. Crane to Tiger to Boxing to Wrestler....

Doesn't say that moves are assigned to the stance, OR that you "have to" fight exactly like the style warrants you should(it rarely looks like that anyway), it just means that the A.I. should sense defeat in what you're doing in the fight....and change something. Even if it is just a visual effect to intensify the battle.

The stance changes to something else that is of the characters personality and training(because your stance is a reflection of comfortability). But punches and kicks get sloppier, so it really doesn't matter how you stand at this point if you're getting your ass handed to you. If you actually connect with a couple of your sloppy jabs or power punches//kicks, your character builds confidence that you can do it again....and your character straightens that stance up. Center of balance is re-established and everything, like you would if you were in a real fight.

And this is just A.I., this has nothing to do with fighting styles per se. You could have saay kung fu within some of the moves you can do, but in your style, you could also incorporate Jujitsu, kick boxing, and a bunch of other stuff for possibilities.

That is personalizing a characters fighting style...It should look like Sub Zero or Raiden would fight "like that", it should feel like Sub Zero or Raiden need to fight "like that" in order to exist in Mortal Kombat....Nothing stuck, nothing confined to one style cuz that's ridiculous. Especially for some of the ageless characters. It should look and feel like they know alot. They might have one or two more special moves than everyone else depending on how old they are, and their back stories. Why fear Raiden just, as a god if he only fights one way and his powers are never exploited? Ridiculous...

3. Graphics: This is simple...if it doesn't look like me....why should I even care what happens to it? Like an ant or a fly, I'll just kill it and move on. Why play that game? Why pay attention to this game at all if I can't like what it looks like.

I think this has alot to do with personalization too though...


Sry, novel again..
02/06/2008 08:14 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ok,ssay the truth...do you want Mk franchise dying?

no really man everything you said will crush MK.Do you want to kill MK?

Eh? You gotta be kidding me dude. He's talking about the 2D games being better than the 3D games overall. If you look at those games for what they are, and the fact that they're still selling for those reasons, you'll have an easier time seeing what I, and many others here are talking about. There's no "conspiracy theory" about it either. It is what it is..

1. Just for kicks look at MK1's roster, and you will see that we've been a playing a tremendous amount of movie elements all tied together:

a. Raiden - Big Trouble in Little China, and eastern mythology
b. Cage = Jean Claude Van Dame
c. Sonya = Cynthia Rothrock
Even though she was named after Boons sister...look at Cynthias movies. Lol. Lady Dragon 1&2 ect..that's MK1-4 Sonya Blade.
e. Sub Zero = Sterotypical Ninja...Pick a movie
f. Scorpion = Ditto^ // Ghost Rider
g. Liu Kang = Bruce Lee parody
h. Kano = Terminator parody
i. Shang Tsung = Big Trouble in Little China

Look at it...You've been playing Western movie stuff for years now in MK. As far as the idea of having fighting styles and stances that are not exact perfect martial arts interpretations...What do you think the first three games were? They certainly weren't precise by any means...they were character specific.
It is the exact same thing that movies do to a character, to compliment the guy/gals' alignment...good or bad.

As were the special moves of every character....as were the stances and victory poses.

They were notable by conduct. And nothing was specific about that.

Imo, the MkTeam started falling off when they started trying to do what the other games are doing. Which is Mk4>>

So, I think if they mastered the formula that they had in the beginning, aside from the 2D element....we'd be golden. In my opinion, that "formula" translates to:

a. Movie inspired choreography martial arts(Fits better in a 3D environment anyway.."Motion Capture and Computer Greaphics".)
b. Character Personality, that makes up each characters fighting style(no holds barred.)
c. Modern media's news as a source. Modern "horror stories"
d. Mythical Fantasy

After all that, you don't have to try real hard to wrap a good story around the game.

you're faunny really man!:)
do you want to become my pal?

now please continue with the list?
or do you need my help?
ok let's continue...


so unoriginality is a problem regarding just MK?
just for not talkign about Lizard Man a true plagiarism to Reptile.
Or Nightmare from a guardian forces-elemental from Final fantasy saga(don't remember the name tough).
Or Voldo frightening too similar to baraka(in some aspects).

so if you're complaing about unoriginality..please don't point out your finger only to MK.

now i have a serious questio for you:
can you explain why almost all franchise-saga fanboys are compalng about their favourite franchise-saga?
I knw a lot of tekken fanboys complaining about tekken
same for Virtua Fighter,Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur.
The only franchise with ery few complaints is DoA.

is it strange?
or maybe ALL franchise are suckin right now?
02/06/2008 09:31 PM (UTC)
Throwing my 2 cents into it:

To TheNorthPhoenix: You have the wrong idea about MKA's fighting system. The characters are easily masterable, because the system is quite flawed that you only need a few moves per character to be successful. The MK1-MK4 fighting system is outdated and bringing it back would ruin MK even more.

To lastfighter89: If you truly studied Jeet Kune Do, you'd know that it is NOT a fighting style. By turning Jeet Kune Do into a fighting style/system, you've destroyed the foundation and significance of Jeet Kune Do.

Anyway, MK's fighting system and controls need to be revamped. I'd personally go for something close to Tekken's controls but instead have lead and rear punches and kicks instead of left and right. Instead of a run button like in MK3-MKG, I'd rather see a good back dash and forward dash. Having a block/guard button is fine, but I don't want it to be like in Virtua Fighter or DOA in the placement of it. Also, the defense system needs to be worked on while the combos need to be strings. Parries, throw escapes, and a proper wake up game are also essentials.
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02/07/2008 01:25 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
so unoriginality is a problem regarding just MK?

You missed the point of the list I made. Entirely & Clearly.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
so if you're complaing about unoriginality..please don't point out your finger only to MK.

I'm not complaining about unoriginality...that is a moot point.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
now i have a serious questio for you:
can you explain why almost all franchise-saga fanboys are compalng about their favourite franchise-saga?

I'm not a "fanboy" by fan definition, number 1. Number 2, I don't care about all of the fighting games out there....I like MK and Soul Calibur for the most part. One is my hand to hand fighter, and one is my weapons fighter.

Anyway yea, I'll take a stab at why all fighting games have unsatisfied customers.

It's most likely because we haven't seen a satisfactory evolution in game play, or immersion for quite some time. Nothing's new. People are getting bored of doing the same things with a new fighting game...punch, kick, special move..beat the big bad guy at the end...THE END.

There's also relativity. Fighting is always relative to the year we're in...but what you're fighting for should evolve. Read the newspapers, watch the best movies out in the last 2-5 yrs and span back 30yrs, listen to politics...ect. All these things should become parts of why a fighting game should be made in the first place. This is a part of immersion....Otherwise, it's just a frivolous project to start.

I believe the last evolutions in the fighting game genre were

a. when we could go into different parts of a single arena. When we could affect the arena in some way. All fighting games are starting to incorporate this kind of thing now.

b. Also notable, is being able to create your own character. Most of the franchises realize that people want to do this.

c. Mini-games might fit in here, but they've been around since MK1 too.

d. Then, I guess the coming of the "conquest-type mode" is pretty new to the fighting genre....but then that's attributable to Mario Bros & Zelda bare bones. 3D was the revolution before that.

Beyond things along those lines, we haven't seen anything revolutionary since blood and finishing moves. Or since the technical fighters mastered their fighting mechanics.

Also, on a side note, we haven't seen a very successful transition to the movie theaters since Mortal Kombat 1, the movie. It's still in the top 10 for best video game movies of all time underneath Tomb Raider & Resident Evil.

Main problem I believe to be there, is "Laws//Rules and Regulations", and "Responsibility". I don't think the demographic for fighting games has changed much...but I think that the demand for more mature elements in fighting games has grown throughout the years. Problem with that, is being able to put those elements in the games without getting in trouble with the Law. Lawsuits and all that are avoided, and is much more lucrative a business venture, if you just don't have them in the games at all.

Now though, I think that it's more apparent that expression of an idea is the key....and Law enforcers won't screw around with the constitution(freedom of expression..ect ect).

lastfighter89 Wrote:
is it strange?
or maybe ALL franchise are suckin right now?

No, they're not "sucking" right now....they're figuring it out, searching, or exploring. However, "demand" is impatient.
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02/07/2008 06:56 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Throwing my 2 cents into it:

To TheNorthPhoenix: You have the wrong idea about MKA's fighting system. The characters are easily masterable, because the system is quite flawed that you only need a few moves per character to be successful. The MK1-MK4 fighting system is outdated and bringing it back would ruin MK even more.

ya know, sometimes bringing back old things revitalizes a series. how much would you pay for a remake of MK1 complete with fully photo-digitized characters...all in glorious, free 3-D movement? it's just.......*has stroke*

but anyway, on to your comment about mastering. can you honestly tell me that you have completely memorized a character's ENTIRE moveset (yes even the little baby punches and kicks) without having to retreat to the Pause Menu? and no, your Create-A-Fighter doesn't count. if you did, koodos. now you've only got 49 to go. wink you are correct on one aspect though. the system is indeed flawed. practically, you can't do any hand-to- hand move without fear of it being immediately blocked and YOU getting hammered b/c recovery takes too long. i favor MK4's fighting system so much because it was simple, intuiative, and fast. personally, i was at my 2-Dimensional best with that game. as of late, the current MK's have just felt heavy and sluggish. i don't want MK4's exact fighting system per se but i would like to see a revision of it with a tweek or two there.
02/07/2008 07:43 PM (UTC)
sub-zerothe7th wrote:
To lastfighter89: If you truly studied Jeet Kune Do, you'd know that it is NOT a fighting style. By turning Jeet Kune Do into a fighting style/system, you've destroyed the foundation and significance of Jeet Kune Do.

actually you're right,but with my statement i only mean about fighting mechanics in game.
and for wha i studied i think Cage fighting style is beter than Law of Tekken.
just my point,i was taling about moves,not about behaviour and phiosophy.
i know that bruce lee refers to Jeet Kune Do not as martial arts,but way of life.

about Predator:

actually you call it in different ways.
you call it "need to rejouvenate","bring some new elements","evolution of the genre",etc.
with a single word i call it "originality".

i don't think that the mechanics are the only problem of Fighting games.
look at crysis and what it did with FPS:the mecanics are the same,but crysis brin a lot of new stuff with a stunning graphic and good storyline.

the fighting games don't need to totally change,just need to be as more enjoyable as possible,more extreme as possible,etc.

atmosphere plays a important role here,and right now i think mk is taking the right path(even tough killing the old chaacter is a bad idea)
02/07/2008 09:58 PM (UTC)
To TheNorthPhoenix: When you mean photo-digitized characters, are you referring to the same manner as in the 2D MK games or are you talking about photo-realistic humanoid characters for the graphics? For a remake of MK1, they would have to really do justice with it. Rehashing the fighting system is going to take MK backwards. I'd prefer a new fighting system, one that's actually solid and contains the essentials (wake up game, parries, throw escapes, etc.).

About mastering the characters, first off, I wasn't bringing KAK into this. Memorizing a character's entire moveset does not mean mastery of the character. Mastery has to do with knowing how the character plays and how to use the character to his/her maximum potential. Tweeking MK4's fighting system a bit is still going to make the gameplay crap. Although I think MK4 is fun to play, it's overly simplistic and way too fast. I don't know how you got the idea that MK4 is intuitive.

To lastfighter89: My bad about the JKD thing. However, I'm not sure why you think that JC's JKD is better than Law's.
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02/08/2008 12:33 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Wow okay..I can see you insist on being stuck on "originality". Read carefully then, I guess...

Whether or not ANY game out right now is "Original"...is a moot point. A.k.a, just because you keep saying that, doesn't make the point more valid in this thread. A.K.A. ...Nothing that any of them will come up with, will be truly "Original". Especially if it's not a new way to play-the-games = mechanics & systems.

This thread was created to converse about the differences between the Old Mk games and the Newest ones, it's game play, AND how its graphics could improve by example of Gears of War graphic engine....So focus, and stop bringing irrelevant content into the discussion.

On a side note, you shouldn't itemize or critiquing my grammar and linguistics. It's a bad idea for you to do, considering you're spelling and sentence compositions lack. A.K.A....don't tell me how "I call it". I write clear messages. -- -- And before you "fade to black" and start typing all crazy at me.... Yea, I can tell that English may not have been your first language....It's why when I quote you, I give you the benefit of the doubt, and not say anything about your "imperfections". I am not without reason, and I don't feel like getting all "personal" with you( I really don't even care man). Take it how you want but, I'm choosing to move back to the thread topic.


Now, since that's all done....

Neither do I think that any one area is the sole problem for fighting games as a whole. It all depends on the game you're talking about, and the flaws therein. Which could then be argued and attributed solely, to the persons opinion.

I agree, fighting games don't need to change fundamentally, but why don't you offer up any inkling of a possible solution? You simply choose to complain about things.

...I think, that if they considered my idea(movie choreography), we'd get a gaming experience that let us "control" more things with the buttons on the controller, that motion capture animations are able to liberate us from(i don't think anybody wants to play a game where the computer does all the work for you..). This is all based on the principal that you'd need to critically alter mechanics in order to accommodate all the possibilities in a fight with any two, totally different characters. Because nobody fights the same way.

The style of a fight, the whole experience would be more immersible if we could have a character that fought like saay, Jackie Chan. That, theatrical martial artist; that, heavy ground tech and environmental practitioner.
And then, pit him up against a totally different character, that was able to do moves majorily with his legs, or that incorporated sorcery with his martial arts, or only with a weapon.

You'd likely have to program "mini" fighting systems around each character in order to let us control the things that they can do, in the movies. There's enough flare and flash from an individual character like Jackie Chan, to have mechanical programming dedicated to him. I mean, if we take a look at Jackie Chan's body of work, there's pretty much nothing in an arena, nothing with a limb of his body that he can't touch or do during a fight.

I'm saying, you couldn't adequately interpret a wide range of what "Jackie Chan" is capable of, without him having his own dedicated section of programming. His fighting possibilities alone has too long a list.

He's jumping around, using items in the room against you, actually running off the walls in the room....THEN you gotta worry about how good he is with his hands and feet...and any weapon that he might posses.

At the same time, if you're the programmer of "Jackie Chan", you'd have to consider that he can block from everywhere. High> mid> low. Then on the ground, high(lay down and protect your head)> mid> low. Then standing, but turned around with his back to his opponent, high>mid>low. Leaning in-to an opponent, falling back, ducking, rolling around on the ground....he can block.

He can also parry from everywhere...He can be mid jump and deflect a weapon attack. Jumping away, or forward. He might come out of some acrobatic jumping move and deflect you....he could be running on the wall, or rolling along the wall while standing, use a curtain or picture to his advantage, and still give you a challenge for trying to hit him. He can parry with his legs and feet... Everywhere, there is a possibility for "Jackie Chan" to fight you.

Jackie Chan is a great example here because, the dude can be literally anywhere, and be in an intense fight with somebody. But he is just one type of "universal" fighter like that...There is Jet Li, Michael Jai White, Chuck Norris, Chow Yun Fat, Tony Jaa, Donnie Yen, and many, many more...
Notice the history, and time span that those fighters encompass. All different fighting styles, distinct when you watch them.

The question is, if you made them into types of characters in a modern fighting game(Scorpion, Sub Zero, Raiden ect), how do you give them mechanical// game play justice? So that we can feel the difference that we can see from each of them, in the movies? How do you program what they can do, even the personality in how they fight in a movie, in-to each of them, on a roster of 10-20 totally different -- Totally distinct characters??

I mean, when I finish playing with Raiden, (after hours and hours pass lol) I should feel like I just got done frighting through that characters personality. Nothing generic or regurgitated about that because the moves, and just, the way he should even throw a blow, should be unique to only him. Something we got a glimpse of during the early games because they were actual people we played with. Who were there and actually did the moves.

That's why I think "Movie Choreography Style Game Play" is still just an idea at this point.
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Live life to the fullest with fear or regret. Afterall, you're only promised just one.

02/08/2008 04:25 AM (UTC)
my, how big my little thread has gotten. grow, my pretty. GROW!
02/08/2008 08:21 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Wow okay..I can see you insist on being stuck on "originality". Read carefully then, I guess...

Whether or not ANY game out right now is "Original"...is a moot point. A.k.a, just because you keep saying that, doesn't make the point more valid in this thread. A.K.A. ...Nothing that any of them will come up with, will be truly "Original". Especially if it's not a new way to play-the-games = mechanics & systems.

This thread was created to converse about the differences between the Old Mk games and the Newest ones, it's game play, AND how its graphics could improve by example of Gears of War graphic engine....So focus, and stop bringing irrelevant content into the discussion.

On a side note, you shouldn't itemize or critiquing my grammar and linguistics. It's a bad idea for you to do, considering you're spelling and sentence compositions lack. A.K.A....don't tell me how "I call it". I write clear messages. -- -- And before you "fade to black" and start typing all crazy at me.... Yea, I can tell that English may not have been your first language....It's why when I quote you, I give you the benefit of the doubt, and not say anything about your "imperfections". I am not without reason, and I don't feel like getting all "personal" with you( I really don't even care man). Take it how you want but, I'm choosing to move back to .

ok you have to tell me what the heck you did smoke before posting this shit.

i don't offended your grammar.
i just say that we mean the same ting caling it in different ways.
read again.
and i'm italian so i ahven't any right to jdge your grammar(you're american so isn't a secret that your english is better than mine).

and again you don't understand anything of my post.

i just say that every franchise about fighting games is lowering his quality.
look at Tekken 3 and now Tekken 4 or 5(very dissapointeing).
same for Virtua Fighter,the fourth chapter was good,the fifth isn't that good.

and the same for Mk:the previous games(more or less the 2D era) were better than actual.

what i mean is that this general getting worse" isn't a MK specific problem.

you actually give me words that i never spell.
you shoudl relax more and be less aggressive.
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OptimusGrime Wrote:Li Mei needs to be series mainstay. She betrayed goddamned planets because she wanted to fuck a dragon. Best character in anything ever.

02/10/2008 12:37 AM (UTC)
"i don't offended your grammar."

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Bring Jade, kitana & Mileena back!

09/20/2009 01:31 AM (UTC)
Truly, I can't stand the mkda fighting
gameplay. The whole, "fighting styles",
thing bugged the crap outta me.
09/20/2009 01:49 AM (UTC)
Geeeberry Wrote:
Truly, I can't stand the mkda fighting
gameplay. The whole, "fighting styles",
thing bugged the crap outta me.

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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
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"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
09/20/2009 01:24 PM (UTC)
DarzieP Wrote:
"i don't offended your grammar."


As DrZoidberg suggested, please do not bump old threads.

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