posted06/06/2014 10:35 AM (UTC)by
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06/03/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
I think if the Dragon King`s story is included then there`s a good chance that he`ll be a part of MKX...
06/06/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
I think there is a chance he could come back, but if he does, he will have a different backstory and it would probably be a younger version of him. Personally, I do not see him returning to the series
06/06/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
I don't want to see the Dragon King's story again. Nor do I want Shujinko.

I've said this several times, and I'm sticking to it...

I don't think the point of the reboot using the "time travel" type storytelling, is to simply redo each of the games and stories they have already done. The whole point is to change the direction of the story, earlier on in the series, in order to carve a whole new path. So redoing MK4, Deadly Alliance, Dragon King, and Armageddon...wouldn't make any sense. It'd also be quite boring.

MKX is going to have elements of MK4(Shinnok as a threat), but I fully expect the series to veer off from there.

Which is also why I don't expect the majority of MK4-MK:A debuting characters, to be re-introduced this time around. That way we can focus on only the ones that really have potential and deserve to come back.
06/06/2014 01:03 AM (UTC)
I hate Shinjinko. Everything about him is boring IMO.
06/06/2014 01:37 AM (UTC)
I would certainly hope not.
06/06/2014 02:23 AM (UTC)
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blackcyborg Wrote:
I don't want to see the Dragon King's story again. Nor do I want Shujinko.

I've said this several times, and I'm sticking to it...

I don't think the point of the reboot using the "time travel" type storytelling, is to simply redo each of the games and stories they have already done. The whole point is to change the direction of the story, earlier on in the series, in order to carve a whole new path. So redoing MK4, Deadly Alliance, Dragon King, and Armageddon...wouldn't make any sense. It'd also be quite boring.

MKX is going to have elements of MK4(Shinnok as a threat), but I fully expect the series to veer off from there.

Which is also why I don't expect the majority of MK4-MK:A debuting characters, to be re-introduced this time around. That way we can focus on only the ones that really have potential and deserve to come back.

This, all this. People seem to think were getting a whole series do over. Not to mention it CAN'T HAPPEN. There is no deadly Alliance anymore. No need for reptile to accidentally become the dragon king. I'm hoping for a new story free of time travel or a multi verse.

As for Shujinko, ya I'm just dieing for a generic Asian martial artist/ traditional hero.glasses Kai will easily fill his role.
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06/06/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
>Raiden thought his visions of the future have stopped
>one more vision comes through
>sees Shujinko gathering the Kamidogu
>Shinnok and Quan Chi sense this as well
>it's a race against each other to see who will reach Shujinko first

This shit writes itself, people.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/06/2014 03:07 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I don't want to see the Dragon King's story again. Nor do I want Shujinko.

I've said this several times, and I'm sticking to it...

I don't think the point of the reboot using the "time travel" type storytelling, is to simply redo each of the games and stories they have already done. The whole point is to change the direction of the story, earlier on in the series, in order to carve a whole new path. So redoing MK4, Deadly Alliance, Dragon King, and Armageddon...wouldn't make any sense. It'd also be quite boring.

MKX is going to have elements of MK4(Shinnok as a threat), but I fully expect the series to veer off from there.

Which is also why I don't expect the majority of MK4-MK:A debuting characters, to be re-introduced this time around. That way we can focus on only the ones that really have potential and deserve to come back.

Preach and preach. They are definitely setting this up to go down a fresh new path, which means new stories, new threats, new characters ect. I don't know why people keep thinking they're doing the opposite.

This is the main reason why I'm not expecting a huge number of MK4-MKD characters to be featured in MKX. Now, I want a high number of them to return, but I'm not going to be silly and expect more than 5...if we get that many. They kept mentioning new characters over and over in the press release- while some people think they could simply be meaning characters that weren't in MK9, I think they actually mean new characters. So I'm basically expecting a cast full of the usual suspects(Scorp, Subby, Raiden, Sonya, Liu ect) with a huge batch of new characters and a few of the development team's favorite MK4-MKD characters possibly sprinkled in.
06/06/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)
I don't think this game is going to be at ALL what we're expecting...

I'm wondering if they're gonna pull a total DBZ and do something similar to Trunks coming back in time to kill Frieza and his father, King Cold. Only in the MK universe, Raiden travels back in time to before everyone is killed and he brings them to the future where they defeat Shinnok and Quan-Chi before they can take over...


Raiden declares he is going to destroy all the realms and other timelines to prevent any future (or PAST) threats to Earthrealm, so the survivors of the original-altered timeline (Cage and Sonya) and the pre-dead-original-latered timeline heroes (Liu Kang, Cyber Sub, Stryker etc) decide they have to team up to stop Raiden...


Quan-Chi, who actually SURVIVED Raiden's plot, travels back in time to the original-altered timeline during the events of MK2011 to warn (second) Shinnok and (second) Quan-Chi about Raiden's time travel plans, bringing them back to the future-original-altered-timeline just in time before Raiden and the heroes can defeat (third) Shinnok and (third) Quan-Chi...

What do you guys think?
06/06/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I don't think this game is going to be at ALL what we're expecting...

I'm wondering if they're gonna pull a total DBZ and do something similar to Trunks coming back in time to kill Frieza and his father, King Cold. Only in the MK universe, Raiden travels back in time to before everyone is killed and he brings them to the future where they defeat Shinnok and Quan-Chi before they can take over...


Raiden declares he is going to destroy all the realms and other timelines to prevent any future (or PAST) threats to Earthrealm, so the survivors of the original-altered timeline (Cage and Sonya) and the pre-dead-original-latered timeline heroes (Liu Kang, Cyber Sub, Stryker etc) decide they have to team up to stop Raiden...


Quan-Chi, who actually SURVIVED Raiden's plot, travels back in time to the original-altered timeline during the events of MK2011 to warn (second) Shinnok and (second) Quan-Chi about Raiden's time travel plans, bringing them back to the future-original-altered-timeline just in time before Raiden and the heroes can defeat (third) Shinnok and (third) Quan-Chi...

What do you guys think?

Something I wouldn't see coming is the MK characters realizing their video game characters or something lol. Everyone's already speculating time travel and mult-verses.
06/06/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
And perhaps WE are the Elder Gods?
06/06/2014 04:47 AM (UTC)
I don't want to see him again. Period
06/06/2014 06:28 AM (UTC)
Hopefully in this timeline Shujinko slips on a banana peal and dies early on so that we don't have to waste our time once again....and No Dragon King please.wink
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/06/2014 06:50 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
And perhaps WE are the Elder Gods?

Man....we were jerks....even WE hate ourselves.
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06/06/2014 07:59 AM (UTC)
We cannot be the Elder Gods. Not one of us is stupid enough to come up with the shittiest of plans to keep the realms merging through a martial arts tournament.

About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/06/2014 09:42 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
We cannot be the Elder Gods. Not one of us is stupid enough to come up with the shittiest of plans to keep the realms merging through a martial arts tournament.

Humans are idiots, so are the Elder Gods.

But anyway, what would YOU have done, besides murder the people who try to merge the realms, cause that's a no no.
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06/06/2014 10:02 AM (UTC)
Xman321 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
We cannot be the Elder Gods. Not one of us is stupid enough to come up with the shittiest of plans to keep the realms merging through a martial arts tournament.

Humans are idiots, so are the Elder Gods.

But anyway, what would YOU have done, besides murder the people who try to merge the realms, cause that's a no no.

If the aforementioned entities are below you, as none of the people who tried merging, conquest (Onaga, Kahn, Tsung) aside Shinnok are as powerful as one Elder God, the best solution is to act as one and eliminate them personally.

In the case of Shinnok, the rest of the Elder gods could have acted, as Shinnok semmingly only confronted Raiden.

And no, murder is not a no-no. If someone is threatening all existence, than the objective moral imperative is to eliminate the person. You assume that murder in this case is morally wrong. It is not.

About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/06/2014 10:24 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Xman321 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
We cannot be the Elder Gods. Not one of us is stupid enough to come up with the shittiest of plans to keep the realms merging through a martial arts tournament.

Humans are idiots, so are the Elder Gods.

But anyway, what would YOU have done, besides murder the people who try to merge the realms, cause that's a no no.

If the aforementioned entities are below you, as none of the people who tried merging, conquest (Onaga, Kahn, Tsung) aside Shinnok are as powerful as one Elder God, the best solution is to act as one and eliminate them personally.

In the case of Shinnok, the rest of the Elder gods could have acted, as Shinnok semmingly only confronted Raiden.

And no, murder is not a no-no. If someone is threatening all existence, than the objective moral imperative is to eliminate the person. You assume that murder in this case is morally wrong. It is not.

I meant to the Elder Gods, but yes.

And Technically, All Existence was created because some Jerkish people attacked the One Being, and made it turn into realms.

Not a nice pair of people are the elder gods.
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06/06/2014 10:35 AM (UTC)
Heavy-Rain Wrote:
I hate Shinjinko. Everything about him is boring IMO.

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