Shujinko in Future MK?
posted09/07/2012 07:51 PM (UTC)by
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02/03/2004 07:45 PM (UTC)
Seriously, do you think we're going to see Shujinko in any future MK game? Or at least mentioned? I'm very curious about this, especially since he was supposed to be behind the scenes of almost every MK up to MKD (according to Deception's Story Line). Now that the time line has been altered, his quest should be completely altered as well. What do you guys think?
08/01/2011 12:22 AM (UTC)
GoshinX03 Wrote:
Seriously, do you think we're going to see Shujinko in any future MK game? Or at least mentioned? I'm very curious about this, especially since he was supposed to be behind the scenes of almost every MK up to MKD (according to Deception's Story Line). Now that the time line has been altered, his quest should be completely altered as well. What do you guys think?

Well, if he were to make a comeback, there would obviously be great changes to be made for his quest since a lot of the people he has interacted on Earthrealm has been killed.

I'm not sure how this quest of his would work. But I certainly will say this, that is if he were to make another appearance, for heaven's sake, give him his own moves instead of other's.

My goodness, that made me raging mad when I saw that he was able to perform Sub-Zero's and Scorpion's moves...
08/01/2011 12:58 AM (UTC)
LOL I definately agree, his new moves (if he's present) should be uniquely his own. Or, at the very least, give him something that utilizes his ability to absorb other warrior's powers; like a 'Mimic' type move where he can counter/absorb another's special move/projectile and then use it as his own for the duration of that round. I know that might sound kinda lame, but I'm only saying if they were to bring him back and get lazy about giving him his own moveset.
08/01/2011 11:12 PM (UTC)
Personally i was not a big fan of Shujinko but if he appears i hope he was original moves.
08/01/2011 11:43 PM (UTC)
I'm all for giving him his own moves, but I have to admit I found it funny to use his spear on Scorpion, with Shujinko saying "get over here" in his own way. Superb way to mock Scorpion.

I'd like to see his MKA ending become partially canon, with him going mad and becoming power-hungry.
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big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

08/02/2011 04:23 AM (UTC)
Agreeded,he should have his own moves...i like shujinko until I did konquest and he copied others abilities
08/02/2011 12:47 PM (UTC)
I would love to see him agian but like many have said with his own moves this time instead of copying other fighters. I am sure Taven will be there too.
08/02/2011 02:05 PM (UTC)
DarthLazious Wrote:
I would love to see him agian but like many have said with his own moves this time instead of copying other fighters. I am sure Taven will be there too.

I almost forgot about Taven & Daegon; yeah, they should definately return, especially Daegon since he's supposed to be the founder of the Red Dragon Clan.
08/02/2011 07:26 PM (UTC)
Similarities between C/Khameleon and Shujinko: -Both copy moves from different characters
-Both appeared in 2-3 games

Only difference, Shujinko has a Story while Chameleon has squat

Long Story short, if Shujinko can get his own moveset and stop being a boring old man, then yes, I'll accept him
08/05/2011 03:48 PM (UTC)
He will not be as an old man in this timeline but in his younger days.
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08/05/2011 04:49 PM (UTC)
DarthLazious Wrote:
He will not be as an old man in this timeline but in his younger days.

I'm guessing that I'm the only one who liked Shujinko's Fu-Manchu look?sad
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08/05/2011 06:42 PM (UTC)
Meh, I don't want Shujinko to have his own moves. His story explained why he copied them,

I'd prefer if he had a little more variation on them.
08/07/2011 10:31 AM (UTC)
Dragon36 Wrote:
DarthLazious Wrote:
He will not be as an old man in this timeline but in his younger days.

I'm guessing that I'm the only one who liked Shujinko's Fu-Manchu look?sad
grin Nope, I do as well!! I think that look is badass for characters, like Wang from Tekken lol
08/08/2011 07:10 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see Shujinko come back, he definitely needs his own move set, but I feel he could be great if given the proper treatment.
07/08/2012 11:20 PM (UTC)
It would be cool if shujinko came back but i need a few changes

(mostly give him new specials/give a projectile block that allows him to use that projectile once) also have raiden warn him about his quest
07/09/2012 03:39 AM (UTC)
No, I hope he never returns.
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07/25/2012 11:15 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see Shujinko return. He gets a lot of hate, but I think he's one of the more solid additions to the cast in the last generation. He has so much back story and it would be interesting to see how the new timeline adjusts his quest. I'd assume Raiden would have a vision of him, so he could inform Shujinko of Onaga's Deception and recruit him to fight against Shinnok.

As for his gameplay, I had an idea. Why not make him into a Mokujin-like character? Have him mimic a random character's gameplay, making him a character to be used by experts.
07/26/2012 02:38 AM (UTC)
I'll just say no. I don't like Shujinko and I feel that he would have waaay too much attention paid to him when others like Kai would be more original and better characters to revamp and pay more attention too.
07/26/2012 05:44 PM (UTC)
If Raiden kills shujinko, then Damashi/Onaga would only find another pawn to do his bidding. Raiden should warn Shujinko about his quest so that they both would have the advantage.
07/26/2012 10:36 PM (UTC)
corayfor Wrote:
If Raiden kills shujinko, then Damashi/Onaga would only find another pawn to do his bidding. Raiden should warn Shujinko about his quest so that they both would have the advantage.

I'm hoping he has already. Jade anyone?
07/31/2012 04:59 AM (UTC)
No. By the Elder Gods, No. I so hope that a dropped scene from the MK story had Raiden showing up and killing that idiot. No one else would be dumb enough to actually believe a ball of light which can't even keep its lies straight...Crap...There are tons of people dumb enough to fall for it. We're doomed.
08/04/2012 04:35 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Well, if he were to make a comeback, there would obviously be great changes to be made for his quest since a lot of the people he has interacted on Earthrealm has been killed.

I'm not sure how this quest of his would work. But I certainly will say this, that is if he were to make another appearance, for heaven's sake, give him his own moves instead of other's.

My goodness, that made me raging mad when I saw that he was able to perform Sub-Zero's and Scorpion's moves...

Actually there would hardly be any changes to his quest. Remember, Shujinko started his quest almost 40 yrs before MK 1 upto his training with Nightwolf just before the first tournament began. After that he roamed the Netherealm to get back the evil taint as instructed by Damashi till the time of deadly alliance. His original story could still work with some minor tweaks.

But yea, he should have a variation of different specials and moves that he learnt from others and improvise it in his own way.

Shujinko as the main hero for MK10 anyone?grin
08/04/2012 07:30 PM (UTC)
LadyRaiden Wrote:
No. By the Elder Gods, No. I so hope that a dropped scene from the MK story had Raiden showing up and killing that idiot. No one else would be dumb enough to actually believe a ball of light which can't even keep its lies straight...Crap...There are tons of people dumb enough to fall for it. We're doomed.
Well, Johnny Cage is still alive, and this is around the MK4 storyline, so, wouldn't he be able to free Shujinko from his cell\ and help him on the quest? Cage would fall for it, and it's MK we're talking about, people won't be dumb enough to fall for Damashi, they're used to seeing blades fly from people's arms and seeing fire and ice blast from each other's palms. What's so different about a ball of light talking to people? In the Chaosrealm, people just get animated into flying energy balls and fly across the entire realm, only to return to their humanoid state. it's not that they're dumb enough to all for it, it's that it's normal to them.
08/04/2012 07:50 PM (UTC)
It's not like Shujinko blindly believed in Damashi. Remember before he started his quest, Damashi instilled in him the power to copy and replicate fighting styles and powers of warriors. It's just natural to believe beings who hold such high power as someone close to the Elder Gods. I'm pretty sure almost all who played the konquest mode thought Damashi was actually a messenger of the Elder Gods until the end, there was no indication otherwise. So do keep in mind, whenever you call Shujinko dumb you are most likely referring to yourself lol.
08/04/2012 10:33 PM (UTC)
Damashi starts acting really suspicious about halfway through the game though. And none of it ever really seemed to bother Shujinko, he'd just sigh and go "Yes Damashi, I will do as you ask." The only thing that ever got to him was hiring Dairou to bust him out of jail.

When you have a mystery in a story and make it obvious enough that the player can tell there's something not right, but the character you're playing as never catches on, it never works. Makes it seem like they're blind to all the clues around them.

Also, it probably didn't help that the opening cinema that plays as soon as you boot up Deception features Shujinko as narrator going "The Dragon King tricked me!" Kinda spoils the fact that when you're playing Konquest Mode, someone is fucking tricking you.
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