12/23/2013 04:59 AM (UTC)
Yeah he certainly does need a new choice of wardrobe. Gotta be fireproof though, lol.
12/23/2013 05:32 AM (UTC)
It's a no from me. Maybe in MK11 but not MK10.
12/23/2013 02:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:
No to Blaze. I dont know who is ashrah but there seems to be an awful lot of people who say they want li mei, nitara, kia, jatakaa and sareena. Its getting too much. Start off with Frost then Tanya. These were the two most requested females for mk9. I want to see if things have changed since it was like 2.5 years ago. Also a poll would be good. Because more people will vote , there are less posters.

Don't you DARE start trashing this thread. I've ran these kinds of voting threads for the last two years and they go very smoothly when people are ON TOPIC. I WILL put my foot down if you try to throw this thread off-topic with your useless garbage like you do in YOUR threads. You stay on topic, you vote for the character that is up for debate and that is all you need to post. I do not give a damn about characters that have already been voted or isn't up for discussion yet.

Stick to the topic and everyone will be just fine. And since you already voted, I will tally it, and that is ALL you need to do in here.

So ur just gonna use characters out of thin air? How about discusiing two characters at a time? Its more efficient that way.
12/23/2013 04:53 PM (UTC)
Since tomorrow and Wednesday are Christmas Eve and Christmas, I'm going to let this character have up until 3pm (Where I'm from) to be discussed, and then onto the next character.

So far, you guys don't want him to return for the next game, let's see if anyone else has the same opinion!

hankypanky1 Wrote:
So ur just gonna use characters out of thin air? How about discusiing two characters at a time? Its more efficient that way.

I'm going alphabetical like I ALWAYS do, if you don't like the way this is run I suggest you stop coming in here then. I am not going to have more than one character being discussed because that is not how I do these threads. Either actually contribute, which you somewhat did with your first post, or stop posting in here altogether.
12/23/2013 07:04 PM (UTC)
I wil post as i see fit.
12/23/2013 07:58 PM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:
I wil post as i see fit.

Then be prepared to be mocked and ridiculed like the spoiled child you really are.
12/23/2013 08:40 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:
I wil post as i see fit.

Then be prepared to be mocked and ridiculed like the spoiled child you really are.

Well my suggestions are more creative than yours. U were suggesting angels for next mk. Dumb dumb.
12/23/2013 08:48 PM (UTC)
A little early, but I decided to change the character now. Blaze is a definite no from those who voted. The next character up for discussion is Bo' Rai Cho. Let the votes come in!

Also, I will be informing a mod the next time I see one more of-topic post from you, Hanky. Knock it off, people in here are TRYING to have a decent conversation without your ridiculous shit derailing it. Stop coming in here if you have nothing to contribute to the actual topic. And if you don't like it, then don't come in here at all. Stop being a troll for once and let people have a serious discussion.
12/23/2013 09:25 PM (UTC)
Yes for Bo'Rai Cho!

He deserves a part of the story! A part of the Shinnok saga!
12/23/2013 09:27 PM (UTC)
Angels in Mortal Kombat at least make sense from a story standpoint. More than anything, a big part of the MK story involves the Heavens and the Netherrealm, and we have had several Gods and Demons from said realms among the roster. Aside from that, they would be a unique choice of character, aside from having wings, which a few characters do. For what reason they would be a "dumb idea" from your limited brain capacity is something I don't know, nor do I or anyone else would care to know. Now I apologize to Icebaby and everyone else for further derailing this topic, from this point on, I will stay on topic and just pretend you don't exist, which, admittedly, would be better for the safety of my sanity .

To the topic at hand, I wouldn't mind seeing Bo Rai Cho in the next game, just, lose the farting.
12/23/2013 09:30 PM (UTC)
Yes. In fact, I think Bo' Rai Cho should've been in MK9. The game's story mode should have started with characters' backstories, before they all get on the boat, instead of starting at the island.
12/23/2013 10:46 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Angels in Mortal Kombat at least make sense from a story standpoint. More than anything, a big part of the MK story involves the Heavens and the Netherrealm, and we have had several Gods and Demons from said realms among the roster. Aside from that, they would be a unique choice of character, aside from having wings, which a few characters do. For what reason they would be a "dumb idea" from your limited brain capacity is something I don't know, nor do I or anyone else would care to know. Now I apologize to Icebaby and everyone else for further derailing this topic, from this point on, I will stay on topic and just pretend you don't exist, which, admittedly, would be better for the safety of my sanity .

To the topic at hand, I wouldn't mind seeing Bo Rai Cho in the next game, just, lose the farting.

Angels are far from unique. They're predicatable. If u have read any of holy books u will know theres an angel who writes all the good things u do, then theres another angel who writes all the bad things u do. Angels would not mingle with mere humans. Angels are superior. Which is why my ideas are have more of a chance of fitting in. Such as Vampire Samurai, Samurai, Power Ranger, pirate, vampire pirate.

Bo Rai Cho in mk 10. I say yes because we dont have a varied roster when it comes to body size. Not everyone has the same athletic build when u go to the gym. Same applies to MMA. There should be varied body sizes.
Icebaby Wrote:
A little early, but I decided to change the character now. Blaze is a definite no from those who voted. The next character up for discussion is Bo' Rai Cho. Let the votes come in!

Also, I will be informing a mod the next time I see one more of-topic post from you, Hanky. Knock it off, people in here are TRYING to have a decent conversation without your ridiculous shit derailing it. Stop coming in here if you have nothing to contribute to the actual topic. And if you don't like it, then don't come in here at all. Stop being a troll for once and let people have a serious discussion.
Oh I see, so it's fine for u to trash other people's threads e.g. Posting I wear a purse on all of my threads but it's not fine when someone makes a suggestion on your thread however much it makes sense. Spare me the bullcrap.
12/23/2013 11:32 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
To the topic at hand, I wouldn't mind seeing Bo Rai Cho in the next game, just, lose the farting.

But then what would you replace his moves with then since majority of them have his um... bowl movements as a weapon?

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Yes. In fact, I think Bo' Rai Cho should've been in MK9. The game's story mode should have started with characters' backstories, before they all get on the boat, instead of starting at the island.

This I actually agree.

hankypanky1 Wrote:

Bo Rai Cho in mk 10. I say yes because we dont have a varied roster when it comes to body size. Not everyone has the same athletic build when u go to the gym. Same applies to MMA. There should be varied body sizes.

I am literally stunned that you haven't kept to your word about this character since you have a very different opinion in this thread about Bo' Rai Cho. You did a Milaana... goddamnit.

hankypanky1 Wrote:
Oh I see, so it's fine for u to trash other people's threads e.g. Posting I wear a purse on all of my threads but it's not fine when someone makes a suggestion on your thread however much it makes sense. Spare me the bullcrap.

I don't trash your threads, by the time I enter them, they're already trashed by your nonsense. When someone tries to have a serious discussion with you, your troll gears start rolling and begin acting like a little baby to people if they don't want to talk about your fashion shit or your love triangle stories (I mean, don't you see what you posted to Spider about how you're more creative than him? Yeah, that's seriously something that people here don't respect). Maybe if you can actually take people's advices for once and stop acting like a troll here, we can be nice to you finally and actually take what you post seriously. But if you can't do that, I guess enjoy more of your threads being taken less seriously than what you want them to. I mean, your Rain topic clearly shows what I'm talking about, maybe if you can act like a decent user here, we'll be much kinder to you.

But I am not going to continue this nonsense here as this isn't the place to do so. I will take it to a PM with you if you want to continue discussing this issue. I mean, I'll actually answer a PM from you since you clearly don't have a problem spamming my inbox with nonsense messages that you can't ask me in one of these threads.
About Me


12/23/2013 11:48 PM (UTC)
Bo' Rai Cho: YES. Given his inclusion in the non-canon Shang Tsung ending means NRS hasn't forgotten him, and the timing of the story progression is about right. He's the 'comic relief' character that needs to fill that role after JohnnyCage's more serious turn at the end of MK9's story. Not to say that his motives aren't serious though.
12/24/2013 04:15 PM (UTC)
Spider and Ice, I'm just going to say this. Stop responding to him. Don't even waste your time giving him attention. You both just wait for any little thing for him to say and come down on him. He's a troll and you're both wasting your time by even responding to him. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Yes for Bo, but keep his puking and farting. It's not like he'd do it in cutscenes, just in his outro maybe. His name is "Drunk" in Spanish, they have to keep at least some of his goofiness.
12/24/2013 07:55 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Spider and Ice, I'm just going to say this. Stop responding to him. Don't even waste your time giving him attention. You both just wait for any little thing for him to say and come down on him. He's a troll and you're both wasting your time by even responding to him. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Yes for Bo, but keep his puking and farting. It's not like he'd do it in cutscenes, just in his outro maybe. His name is "Drunk" in Spanish, they have to keep at least some of his goofiness.

so what does that make u, a valued member? pfft youre just as lame as guy who wants angels. U low value americans like tp get involved in everything, dont u? Thank god the mods are high value americans and canadian alike.
12/24/2013 11:26 PM (UTC)
So far you all want him to return, and that's a shocker. I'll be changing him probably around late tomorrow or the twenty-sixth.

Also, since I have asked nicely, I have no choice but to inform a goddamn mod to get this annoying trolling to stop. I don't care if I'm just feeding it, this has gone far enough. So from now on, just care about the topic, and we'll see what happens when they respond.
12/25/2013 01:32 PM (UTC)
I definitely think that Bo' Rai Cho should return, especially considering that there is no ruling power in Outworld. He is still such an underrated and somewhat misunderstood character. Gameplay-wise, he can be great, utilizing his vast knowledge of the martial arts (especially Drunken style Kung Fu) and having some specials that involve his jō. Story/character-wise, he can be that great mentor as well as a tactician.
12/26/2013 05:11 PM (UTC)
Time is up for Bo' Rai Cho, not a single no and that's awesome. Next up is Chameleon!
12/26/2013 11:01 PM (UTC)
That's easy. NO! If there's only gonna be one "chameleon" it should be the FEMALE!
12/27/2013 12:47 AM (UTC)
Eh... No

I liked him in Armageddon, but there's no reason for him to be in the next game.
12/27/2013 03:20 AM (UTC)
Considering he literally has no backstory, there's really no reason for him to "exist".

If he WERE going to be in the games, MK9 is the only time he'd have really fit since that was the Trilogy remake. He'd only really make sense as a servant or creation of Kahn's, and Kahn is gone now so it's too late.
12/27/2013 08:58 PM (UTC)
I think Chameleon should not exist as a separate entity, but I think he should be fused with Rain. So then we get like a Neon Rain. Neon Rain would be cooler than Rain because since Rain is half-god, he should be able to change the colour of Rain as he pleases like Chameleon. Maybe Rain's name should be changed to Reon. Reon means King Descendant Of The King and since Rain is royalty, wink wink. This is not a troll post-the point of this post is to say everything to do with Chameleon should be fused with Rain except being from planet Zettera or whatever (same origin as Khamelen).
About Me


12/27/2013 11:13 PM (UTC)
I'm gonna go ahead and say probably NO to Chameleon as well, because although i liked him a LOT in Armageddon, the time and place for him (and Khameleon) would have been MK (9), as more than just "was that..." moments in the background of the story.
12/28/2013 12:37 AM (UTC)
I have to say "no" to Chameleon, because I never really cared for him. He was and is barely a character. Sure, there have been characters that have been developed into something more, but I don't think we need another male ninja character. Also, where to really fit him in the series is an issue.
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