Should they get rid of teleports?
posted06/17/2009 12:09 PM (UTC)by
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05/14/2008 12:00 AM (UTC)
I think in the next MK game they should either get rid of teleports or make them slower so you can't spam. It seems like anytime somebody starts to lose they just start teleporting like crazy, and I think if you got rid of them it would force people to find different ways to be offensive. Please tell me your thoughts.

I'm sorry if this topic has been posted before.
04/20/2009 05:10 PM (UTC)
i dont know if they should get rid of them. they just gave to many people that teleporting move in mk vs dc. i mean sub-zero can teleport now!!....naww. it feels so forced. Raiden should only have a teleporting move anyway.
04/20/2009 09:47 PM (UTC)
Teleporting got very annoying once more and more characters started to magically perform them. I can see certain characters with teleporting moves, but majority of them makes no sense.

If more and more characters are soon having these powers then ALL characters need them then. Otherwise, why give them this move in one game then take it away the next?
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04/22/2009 05:33 AM (UTC)
i dont like scorpions tele port punch neither mileenas
i think that kenshis mind war should be changed cause it only gets you closer to your opponent and i want to be far away when playing kenshi
04/22/2009 09:02 PM (UTC)
Part of my theory is that Street figher is a successful 2D fighter, and nobody has teleports. Maybe if MK is sticking to that 2d style they should get rid of them. After all, it is one less thing to spam.
04/23/2009 02:12 AM (UTC)
Are you joking man. you must be high or somthing. lol street fighter has people who teleport its just balanced and you have use it when your opponent makes a mistake!! dhalism,m.bison,akuma,evil ryu,seth all have teleports man. you must be aint played street fighter in a long time HA!!
04/23/2009 10:46 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Are you joking man. you must be high or somthing. lol street fighter has people who teleport its just balanced and you have use it when your opponent makes a mistake!! dhalism,m.bison,akuma,evil ryu,seth all have teleports man. you must be aint played street fighter in a long time HA!!

Yah, your right I feel like an idiot. Maybe MK should take a note from street fighter, and not make it easy to spam with teleports and make them balanced.
04/24/2009 09:59 PM (UTC)
Yeah they should make it balanced like street fighter but on the side note i wonder do people ever get annoyed at us when we keep saying be like "street fighter" just wondering!!
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04/25/2009 06:23 AM (UTC)
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04/25/2009 07:02 AM (UTC)
Who's teleport is broken to the point someone could spam it to win? If you could show me someone winning solely for spamming a teleport move, I may agree with you, but in all honesty, I think the teleports should stay.
04/25/2009 05:59 PM (UTC)
i like teleports but i feel maybe 3-5 characters should use telports because it makes certain characters playable better. some have no need for it like others require one to enhance there fighting skill. here are characters that i feel need a teleport for all times raiden,scorpion,noob,rain,sektor.

raiden having his electrical teleport, scorpion eather having his teleport punch or his teleport kick, noob having his shadow telport, rain having his water teleport, and sektors pop up teleport from a grid on the ground.
04/26/2009 09:35 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
i like teleports but i feel maybe 3-5 characters should use telports because it makes certain characters playable better. some have no need for it like others require one to enhance there fighting skill. here are characters that i feel need a teleport for all times raiden,scorpion,noob,rain,sektor.

raiden having his electrical teleport, scorpion eather having his teleport punch or his teleport kick, noob having his shadow telport, rain having his water teleport, and sektors pop up teleport from a grid on the ground.

Don't forget Cyrax and Smoke with his version of it(poof, smoke and he's gone)!!
04/27/2009 12:00 AM (UTC)
Jerrod Wrote:
Who's teleport is broken to the point someone could spam it to win? If you could show me someone winning solely for spamming a teleport move, I may agree with you, but in all honesty, I think the teleports should stay.

It seems pretty clear that most people online spam Raidens and Scorpions teleports a lot. It isn't an infinite combo but, it is very annoying and it can do a lot of damage. The only balanced teleport I've seen is Sub-zeroes, because it is slower, and it is more predictable. The fast teleports are also a good way to run out the clock if you're wining. My theorey is that if there wasn't teleporting at all it would force people to be more offensive on the ground, and not jump around the map. If they do put teleports in they should be more like Sub-zeroes, and less characters should have them. I know it sounds like blastphemy to get rid of teleports in an MK game but, if it makes it better then why not?
04/27/2009 08:35 PM (UTC)
i agree with you
teleports can stay. though to make it fair, these moves should be more rigid, slower than most special moves(load time and hint before attack), and the teleport location should not be so close/give some kind of daze for the attacker so they attacker cannot pull a combo right after telepot, teleports should instead be more of changing side. only Raiden, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and like(mostly sorcerers deities and other mythical things) should teleport, because most teleport( sub zero? Liu Kang? WTF Batman(JK,he doesn't really have one)?)don't make any sense
Listen, I think teleports are, at first, a very useful move that corresponds to some of the characters, not all of them. You can use it to change side and appear behind your opponent, in order to surprise attack him/her. This is good and useful to be happening, as long as it is not used all the time, or there would be a combat no more, the battle will be transformed into a coincidental and timing based event. Let's see it under the prism of an example:

Scorpion's Lair

If Quan Chi performs his teleport, I don't find it really fair from him to just disappear, and thus, be a target no more AND, at the same time, jump over Liu Kang and stomp him on the back, reducing his energy. If they were both in "Danger", the player who controls Quan Chi could easily choose to make a stomping teleport and win the round, since using block when in "Danger" makes no effect. What can Liu Kang do to defend himself against the teleport of evil Quan Chi?
Now, when the sorcerer appears on top of Liu, the latter may block and, when the stomping fails, the chosen one will have almost a second to perform any attack ' Quan Chi would be spinning in the air, totally unguarded and unable to block. Nice story, eh? Naaahhh, I don't think so!!!

You see, in my opinion teleports can be adjusted a little, in the sense of usefulness and fairness. Well, Liu Kang IS the chosen one and it is a little hard for someone to break his defenses and find an opening in his fighing stance. So, Quan Chi runs out of tricks and decides to use teleport to attack. Since he is not the strongest being ever existed and not perfect, he may appear right behind the back of Liu Kang, but then, he may not. If beaten up a little, his concentration may not be so good and he might appear just a little out of jump's range, and not behind him, at a random position in the arena, maybe at the brink of falling into the magma.

After the teleport, it is very natural that the sorcerer cannot perform another one for a short time, he is trying to take a breath from the effort that transported him into another place, which is no easy task. This means that Quan Chi can have two different teleports (a sorcerer's ability), one to avoid his opponent fir a little while and one to attack him, always with the risk of harm.

Because Liu Kang may appear to have a pure heart and an innocent mind, but he is no fool. If he sees Quan Chi appear on the verge of falling into the melting bosom of Hell, he can use that and simply kick him right into (Death Trap)! It is also known that Liu, being that strong, he can sense his opponent's presence. When Quan Chi tries to teleport attack Liu, a slow motion scene would be good, during which Liu tries to detect the attack (the player tries to quickly press the right buttons that appear randomly on the screen), avoid in and hit hard the attacker, as he deserves to.

But Liu Kang possesses no arts of wizardry and he cannot perform a teleport at all. That doesn't thwart him to destroy his adversaries and prove himself over the tournaments held in order to conquer the Earthrealm.

Sorry for the large answer.
05/27/2009 09:50 AM (UTC)
I find teleports fun.
05/28/2009 12:00 AM (UTC)
So Liu Kang shouldn't teleport because he is human? but he can shoot fireballs out of his hands? hmmmmmmm
05/28/2009 06:08 AM (UTC)
Correction: he can shoot fireballs out of his kneecaps.... I think.

The way i see it, they shouldn't get rid of teleports completely, but any character that does have one as a special move, it shold make sense for their character.

Some people like Frost's recent teleport move, but I question how she manages it when her brand of magic is focused on ice.

Any of the teleports that involve falling backwards into a splash of something (sub-zero, rain, meat, etc.) should go. The move looks nice enough, but give it to someone it would make sense for them to have the ability.

Essentially, leave teleportation to the appropriate magic users or magical beings. As long as teleports are a fairly balanced rarity, rather than being handed around like candy, I'll be fine with them staying in the game.
immortalkombat Wrote:
So Liu Kang shouldn't teleport because he is human? but he can shoot fireballs out of his hands? hmmmmmmm

Well, thank God you didn't use as a statement that Kano can throw infinite pairs of knives and Johnny Cage hurls a fireball that is, strangely, green and not yellow! This is a game, my friend, and things that are pretty unusual in real life may happen. The point is, whether these unusual occurrences make sense or not. For if they not, players would choose but a small variety of MK characters who will have advantages superior to others.
06/07/2009 09:36 AM (UTC)
Just make the teleport more dangerous to execute. If someone is spamming them, a block should leave them WIDE open for retaliation, like the old MKs. A block would bounce them straight up, and you could pick your poison as to what to do against them.
06/09/2009 03:52 AM (UTC)
Duck and uppercut, son.
06/15/2009 12:37 PM (UTC)
Teleports have always been one of the most fun aspects of mk. I think that by the time mkd and mka came out too many people had them though.

I think that only characters who have a reason should have them. Sorcerers, specters, ninjas, gods, etc.

Yes Liu Kang shoots fireballs but it is a video game and it makes him competitive. Kung Lao's hat regenerates as well. It is an in game allowance we make for those characters.

But in mkd for instance, why does Kobra have a teleoport? In mka why does Dairou have one?

In mk vs dc Sub Zero had one, which while I enjoyed it he should never have again. I don't mind it so much since the basic premise of the game was characters picking up extra powers and such. In game there was an explanation for it.

In regards to spamming teleports, I have never had a problem beating teleport spammers. I have won many a match against Quan Chi spammers in mk4 for instance. Bait them into performing one and you get an easy uppercut. Same with Mileena in all her various game appearances. Easy block and uppercut if you control the match.

06/15/2009 04:48 PM (UTC)
No. If a person's reflexes are not quick enough to notice a teleport while fighting in a game, then they deserve to get hit.
06/15/2009 05:30 PM (UTC)
Gho$t Wrote:
No. If a person's reflexes are not quick enough to notice a teleport while fighting in a game, then they deserve to get hit.

good point
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