12/05/2008 09:02 AM (UTC)
Gho$t Wrote:
Supapupa Wrote:
RomanK Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
PrincessMeta Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
Dark_No0B Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
No more crossovers.
12/12/2008 01:46 PM (UTC)
As a comic book I think that would be a cool idea, but as for a game itself I think i'd like to see a few more games pushed out before coming back to that idea.
12/13/2008 06:18 AM (UTC)
Although I enjoyed the game we have now, I wouldn't want them to have another cross over. Not because of the blood or anything, but because it draws the spotlight away from Mortal Kombat and more toward the other brand.

If I HAD to choose a series or franchise to pair up against Mortal Kombat, it would have to be the Spawn series. I can definitely see that working.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

12/24/2008 03:56 PM (UTC)
well, i'd be ok with it if Marvel deosn't care about killing their characters(they already killed Captain America)

if everyone gets a Fatality, i wouldn't care

Spider-man could have somethings similar to Sindels Hair-nado Fatality from MK3 with webs instead

but...a large part of Marvel demographic is the children, and some little kid is going to say "cool, Spider-Man, Mommy, can I get this game?"

Mom:Oh sure
and so the random made up family finally goes home and pops the disc into their 360, then the 360 breaks because they got the PS3 version, the kid cries, and the Dad is pissed when he gets home because he got it yesterday, and it was expensive.
~~Alternate ending~~
The child pops the disc of the game into his 360. It turns out to be the correct disc, so it starts to load, the child goes to Arcade mode and picks Spider-man, he didnt change the difficulty, so he's playing on Super Hard mode, he gets creamed by Ghost Rider
in the second match he shoots webbing into the Riders eyes, but it has no effect due to the fact that the Rider is a skeleton, Rider's eyes start glowing and he goes into Enraged Mode! he then unleashes a 2,000 hit combo killing Spidey instantly, he then takes out his chain and starts swinging toward the enemy, the result is worse than that room in the First Resident Evil movie with that energy bar that could cut through anything, the child goes crying to his mother who sues the company for the incessant violence. They win and there is never another MK game again

The Morals:
1. Never put a PS3 disc into a 380
2. Never let Midway create MK vs. Marvel.
12/30/2008 06:25 AM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
Gho$t Wrote:
Supapupa Wrote:
RomanK Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
PrincessMeta Wrote:
Nightcrow Wrote:
Dark_No0B Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
No more crossovers.
01/02/2009 04:59 PM (UTC)
The Should do Dc vs. Marvel.smile
01/12/2009 05:29 PM (UTC)
NO!! Not that I found MKDC not entertaining, but it was plenty enough with DC. The traditions and brand of MK has been lost in this... bad soulcalibur setup. Mortal Kombat is all about breaking every limit of the imagination and create a fighting-game that you could expect ANYTHING to happen. But now the conquest has turned out to be a short story with no other gaming-experience, they have cut out the fighting styles, making a lesser varied figthing-experience, dropped the minigames, and the fatalitys are so boring they almost just could let that go to. How many characters does actually end their opponents life with jumping on them or something boring like that. The okey ones with a little more to it, like Kitanas "kiss" or Scorpions "fireblow" has all been a taken from the first MK-games kindest fatalitys. And even back then it was tougher than now. And this is all to satisfy DC Comics. Who knows what Marvel would have been demanding. Its not worth it again!! Free Mortal Kombatwink
01/12/2009 10:12 PM (UTC)
NO! Although, Baraka vs Wolverine would be one hell of a fight!
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