Should there ever be real-life organizations/groups in future MK games?
posted12/07/2011 11:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
By real, I mean organizations such as the KKK, Al Qaeda, the Tea Party etc.

I realize some may consider incorporating any of these as politically sensitive, but I enjoy controversy. And to me, not only would I be fine with having any new characters that are part of these organizations/groups in a MK game, I'd welcome them. Not to play as them though, I do not care if they're unplayable, but to kill them brutally and sadistically. With violence and fatalities like the MK franchise's, victims to me are always a must. Sure, they do not need to be nazis, someone like Kobra can do, but jerkoffs like these would be even better.

I am not suggesting the inclusion of real life individuals, however. It's something else I'd be fine with, but I know it'd be very unlikely to happen. Al Qaeda and the Tea Party might already be controversial as it is, but the presence of someone such as Sarah Palin in a MK game would cause even more of a stir. What I'm suggesting are made up characters connected to those groups.

To me, they'd make great villains. If they end up being playable, then they should be ridiculed by losing in their own endings, or perhaps accidently killing themselves during their own fatalities (and any other "alities"). Only under these circumstances might I enjoy playing as them.

Again, I understand this is a very touchy subject, but one I think is worth discussing. Your thoughts?
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11/27/2011 09:08 PM (UTC)
Ha ha, wow. I think it's hilarious that you included the Tea Party, a political movement / party in with a hate group like the KKK and a terrorist organization like Al Queda.

That aside, including real life groups in MK, I can't say that I'm for it and I seriously doubt they'd do it. Can you imagine the lawsuits it'd open WB and NRS up to if they had Tea Party people in the game getting hacked to pieces while being portrayed as villains?

11/28/2011 12:25 PM (UTC)
^What do you mean "portrayed?" grin
11/29/2011 01:52 AM (UTC)
Jax could become the leader of the Black Panther Party?
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

11/29/2011 03:08 AM (UTC)
Um...why? I don't think it would really add anything to the game. Having characters from the organizations you suggested would really only alienate are large portion of the audience. Also why include characters from Al Qaeda when there are already pre-existing terrorist organizations in the Mk universe? confused
11/29/2011 01:09 PM (UTC)
Mecha Hitler.

That is all.
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12/02/2011 11:24 AM (UTC)
Parodies, sure.

If you think about it though, some of the elements of such groups already exist in MK. Here are some examples:

1.) Sonya, Jax, and the US Special Forces vs Kano and the Black Dragon = USA vs Al Qaeda.

2.) Darrius and the Resistance vs Hotaru and the Order Realm authorities = Black Panthers vs KKK. Or, more broadly speaking, it could equate to Americas struggles with oppression. This is in large part of why I've never liked Darrius (I don't like what the character is about, but in particular, it's that hideous alternate costume) or Jax's stereotypes ever.

3.) A big one everyone should recognize easily is Sub-Zero (Quai Liang) & Smoke (and somewhat, Cyrax, pre-automation) vs Lin Kuei = Rage against the Machine.

Those are just a few on the sub-plot level. Pretty sure there's more lines that could easily be drawn like that though. I think these are just a few of the obvious ones. They made it very apparent when they wrote some of these things into the story. Particularly, Vogel did a better job of kind of hiding these sorts of things within the games post MK4.

Things before MK4 were really more simplistic....more late 1980's driven. "Bad guys, vs Good guys" in general, and so on...Vogel seemed to be alot more specific concerning the area of societies conflics, and the characters he was trying to involve in a story in whatever way with MKDA on.

12/07/2011 01:52 PM (UTC)

We already have "real-life" organizations anyway... thanks to John Tobais basing all his shit off of real myths.
12/07/2011 11:08 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:

We already have "real-life" organizations anyway... thanks to John Tobais basing all his shit off of real myths.

john tobias was a fucking beast and if he comes back i would be the happiest person
he did so much good for the series hes the heart of it
12/07/2011 11:17 PM (UTC)
UNdiscovered Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:

We already have "real-life" organizations anyway... thanks to John Tobais basing all his shit off of real myths.

john tobias was a fucking beast and if he comes back i would be the happiest person
he did so much good for the series hes the heart of it

You took my reply as though I don't like John Tobais?
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