Should there be more realms in the MK universe?
posted05/17/2006 02:23 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/23/2006 02:34 AM (UTC)
Now is your chance to debate on more realms in the MK universe...okay so you can mention your point of view, realm names, realm ideas, or just saying that there is enough realms in the MK universe.

04/25/2006 01:09 AM (UTC)
Sure, the more the better. (As long as they are thought out and neat realms, not half-assed ones.) I personally want to see Nitara's vampire realm. I wonder what it would be like?
04/25/2006 01:19 AM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
Sure, the more the better. (As long as they are thought out and neat realms, not half-assed ones.) I personally want to see Nitara's vampire realm. I wonder what it would be like?

Ah yes, now that would be more than awesome!
I actually thought of that idea in Nitara's ending in Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. How she was sent back to her Oni world of Vampires (if I remember correctly). I have some thoughts on what that would look like.

It would be actually a very beautiful scenary, not some piece of trash where blood is seen everywhere, that just isn't how I picture her world. Like, have mountains, and have clouds constantly formed, but let's have it be swormed by vampyres, and Onis.

I actually pictured the whole place with water, since Vampires are "anti water", this would be how the story of water came to be.
The Vampires were seen as no threat to Shao Kahn, thus, to proove their worthyness, they chose to live in a world full of their hate, water. Or something around the lines of that. But now, for one of my own ideas:

Ice Realm:
Is it me, or does it seem like every ninja in MK besides Sub Zero and Frost have their own homeworld? (well, not origin based, but where their people came from).

Reptile: Living Forest
Scorpion: Earthrealm
Ermac: Outworld
Rain: Edenia/Outworld

All of those listed above we know where they came from, but we don't know anything on Sub Zero's or Frost's main origin. I was thinking that they could have their own realm, discovered somewhere along the lines of MK8 or MK9.

As you could picture, it would be pure ice. Ice temples, no life seen, frozen waterfalls, etc. The people there would obviously be like Sub Zero, and this would make an excellent edition to Mortal Kombat I think. Thoughts?
04/25/2006 11:26 PM (UTC)
No offense or anything dude, but the Cycromancers came from Outworld and have all but vanished. The Living Forest is also located in Outworld, and is not a realm on its own.
Legacy Wrote:
No offense or anything dude, but the Cycromancers came from Outworld and have all but vanished. The Living Forest is also located in Outworld, and is not a realm on its own.

wots to say that both the cryomancers and the living forest weren't once upon a time independent realms, conquered either by Onaga or Shao Khan. Nitara and Kitana got their realms back and there's nuthin to say these 2 possible realms can't once again break free.
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04/26/2006 03:37 AM (UTC)
Personally, I never liked the idea of adding realms to MK. I wasn't even really thrilled with the idea of Outworld, though it is kind of a foil to Earthrealm and a sort of cautionary tale to those that need to see what losing in Mortal Kombat results in. If I were making the next MK game (after Armageddon of course), I'd probably do something like this:

Heaven (The home of the righteous dead as well as the many dieties in Mortal Kombat)

Earthrealm (Duh)

Hell (Home of the evil schemers and tortured souls that brought pain and misery to others in their past lives)

I wouldn't make the game about religion specifically, but I would have a battle between Heaven and Hell. This time, control of Earth is at stake, with the distant watchers, the Gods of Heavenrealm versus the Gods and soldiers of the Damned. Since MK has never really been staked in Christianity, I don't mean to have this post imply that it should start now. Not at all. By "Hell," I simply mean the place where Scorpion was, the Netherealm. It's just easier to explain it as Hell. Either way, what do you think?
04/26/2006 09:22 PM (UTC)
But there is no info that they were seperate realms so we can only assume for now they have always been part of Outoworld.
04/27/2006 12:44 AM (UTC)

There already is a Hell in MK (Netherrealm)

But, I think MK can make a Underworld, from Greek Mythology, that would be awesome!

And some Darkrealm, that is pitch black, and the only thing that lights up the realm is torches that burn along the pathways.wink
04/27/2006 02:05 AM (UTC)
I was thinking of the next MK being a war between Heaven and Hell. Lucifer could make a comeback in Hell, since he was apparently de-throned by Shinnok. Of course it would be some sort of thing where maybe Earthrealm has become such a corrupt place, that it just opens into the gates of Hell, allowing Lucifer to enter the realm and conquer. Those in Heaven would of course join with the chosen ones and drive the Devil back to Hell.
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04/27/2006 06:20 AM (UTC)
Legacy, did you just thief my idea? Or were you just taking the concept and going in your own direction? Either way, no big deal. It just struck me when I read your post. No worries. I like where you were going with what you said.

What do you guys think about this.

"Armageddon has passed. The sweeping tide of destruction and war nearly tore the Earth asunder. As we begin to crawl out from beneath our fallen cities, a widespread realization begins to take hold. This is not the last battle between good and evil. Indeed, this is ending is only the beginning.

A new power is rising in the depths of Hell. The river of fire has dried away, allowing the wretched souls to receed into nothingness. But the way of things suggests that nothing is truly gone, lest something new be created. He was once a diety of dust and bone, a power that pulled magma from the scorched bowels of emptiness. For too long, he has lingered in the shadows, balancing the scales between this world and the next. For too long, he has remained hidden among the dead.

The armies that he has already begun amassing will be swift and relentless in pursuit of their ultimate ambition: The realm of Heaven must fall. Only then may they reclaim what they lost so long ago. I now believe the words of the ancient prophecy: Death has been made flesh once more, and the chosen battleground shall be Earth. Fellow chosen ones, there is no time to lose. We must prepare quickly, if we are to have any hope of surviving the coming storm."

-- Rajinashee "The God of Balance"

What do you think?

04/27/2006 11:40 PM (UTC)
Dude, I was agreeing with your idea, not trying to steal it. And your above story is very good, write some more - I like where you're going.
04/27/2006 11:53 PM (UTC)
Great Ideaswink

dude no offence to your idea, (i actually quite like it wink) but after the threat of the one being has been dealt with nothing after that will feel so threatening, i just think MK has shot itself in the foot with MKA sad
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04/28/2006 04:56 AM (UTC)
Legacy, definitely no problems man. I'm cool. I hope you didn't think that I was angry or anything like that. I liked what you were doing, I just wasn't sure where you were starting from. If I sounded like I was at all bent out of shape, I really didn't mean to come off that way. So it's all good. I'm kind of curious what else you could come up with as well in regards to the whole heaven and hell thing. Just curious what you'd think.

CrispyDragon, where are you getting that Armageddon will have anything to do with the One Being? Do you know something that I don't? Just wondering because Armageddon looks like it's going to be a big all out war, but I don't remember Ed Boon or anyone saying that the storyline will be fixed around, or have anything to do with the One Being. Could you clear that up for me? Thanks man!

sorry if you think i implied that the one-being would be the ultimate boss, that is something i nor anyone out of midway knows one way or the other.

i was really referring to MK Deceptions story about how the One-Being was working through Onaga to reform the realms using the Kamidogu and amulet. i simply meant that if Onaga or anyone else for that matter managed to combine the realms than existence as we know it would have ended, no one would exist at all expcept the One-Being and Elder Gods. thus i percieved this as the ultimate threat, one that affected everybody on a scale never seen before.

i was doubting midway, (if they kept to mk stories after MKA), ability to come up with a threat that surpassed that.

again i like your idea, i wasn't dissing it but dissing midway
04/28/2006 02:55 PM (UTC)
I dont want a heap of realms. Currently there are too many, really. I would prefer the realms to be limited to Earthrealm, Outworld, Netherealm and possibly Chaosrealm. Orderealm bites seriously, and i hope it is destroyed or merged or something. Personally i would like a massive event between MK:A to cause 3 realms to remain.

Eathrealm, protected by Raiden.
Underworld, a merger of Outrealm and some of the netherrealm,ruled by Shao Kahn
Afterrealm, A planet divided in two, with remaining fragments of the netherealm and all otherrealms merged. Disputed between two waring factions. Only those deamed worthy enough may assend to the afterrealm where they will fight in the ultimate tournament of mortal kombat, a timeless ritual that will determine the greatest warriors born of earthrealm and of underealm. Who would compete with the opposed ruler (Raiden or Shao Kahn) to dethrone them in the name of their homeland, and bring ultimate rule of the 3 realms to their master, and great power or nobility to themselves (depending on alleagance)
04/30/2006 12:53 PM (UTC)
Not bad, Ember Joe smile
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04/30/2006 05:53 PM (UTC)
Merging Outworld with the Netherealm? That's an awesome idea man! I'm not sure about all the parts of realms getting merged (Afterealm), but I definitely like the idea of consolidating some of the realms. Three sounds good to me too.

Good ideas!
05/01/2006 11:50 PM (UTC)

Okay, I spent a long time on this, appointing your ideas and philosophies . . . So don’t be rough, it can be modified, but I think it’s a masterpiece for a first try, enjoy!

Captain Insano
Height: 6’5
Weight: 216 lbs
Weapon: Pirate Cutlass
Fighting Styles: Rogue and Drunken Fist (taught by Shao Kahn)

One day, in the deepest dark part of Outworld, I was roaming in the plains of Outworld. It was a regular day, and I was just a poor nomad, and had some worthy skills enough to be called a rouge. As always when I roamed in the forest, I was tormented by the Tarkata and their thirst for blood. While trying to escape the Tarkatan horde, I was cornered just outside Shao Kahn's palace and forced to fight for my life. I would always run from them and lose them until another day. This time there, I battled Baraka and his companions, and beat them down into a pool of blood. As I was settling a score with the Tarkata, Shao Kahn saw the feud, and was pleased. My roguish skills caught the eye of a immortal emperor, and it took to much of his delight. He gave me a chance to fight in the honor of his royalty or die from disobeying, and how could I refuse? After all, he was the emperor, and he had great wisdom. I said, "yes your highness." I decided to prove my loyalty to him (it was what he desired). He gave me the order to invade Edenia and slaughter the people of that realm, I took Sindel and Kitana prisoners and had them under the torture of Mileena and Tanya. I killed all that lived in that realm, with the help of Shao Kahn’s chosen militia. The only who lived there now where the dying Queen and Princess. When I returned, Shao Kahn paid me a tribute by building me a ship, that was bigger and more evil than the Nethership. I then requested that his chosen militia were to be my crew. And then I named my self Captain in the loyalty of Shao Kahn. The ship could be teleported to any realm on a work of magic. Shao Kahn then called me and my crew, his pirate fleet of fear. Then it hit me, I was a pirate. My roguish skills finally paid off, and my nomad days were over. After being an immigrant to the realm, coming from the realm of Chaos and learning the way of Chaos from Havik himself, maybe that’s why Shao Kahn was so pleased with me, I was his entertainment, and I enjoyed being his servant to enlightenment. I then teleported to Earthrealm, and Shao Khan gave me orders to spread his name across the realms. After we docked on the shores, we met a mercenary of the Black Dragon clan, a leader named Kano. He first threatened to kill me, until he realized he was ridiculously outnumbered. So then he gave me a proposition, to pay his life debt. He gave me 1200 Gold koins. It then came to my knowledge that the Red Dragon was near by, and they hired a spy named Noob Saibot, the information came from a Black Dragon member. The Red Dragon then became informed of the deal that Kano and I had made. My crew and I followed the trail that the spy left, and came to the leader of the Red Dragon. He offered to pay twice what Kano payed me if we launced a twin assault on the Black Dragon clan. He then paid by a shiny ruby koin to start off the raid. We raided back to Kano, taking the Red Dragon leader with us as well as the Red Dragon clan, killing anyone who got in the way. Finally we arrived and this time Kano was prepared for such a situation. A battle raged on, between my crew and the Black Dragon as well as the Red Dragon. My crew was able to fight off the Black Dragon members, and the blood bath was over, for there my crew lay dead with the deceased Black Dragon members and the Red Dragon clan had retreated (half of them). The only ones left standing were Kano and I and a wounded Red Dragon leader, who fled after the feud. I fought Kano in Mortal Kombat and defeated him, wounding him with a cutlass stab to the leg. He fled through the portal and now resides somewhere in the realm of Outworld, trying to get Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as allies. I went back to Shao Kahn, and he was most pleased with my work. Raiden made an oath that Shao Kahn and I would pay for this treachery in Earthrealm (not caring for the two clans but for the innocent lives lost during the battle). Now the Red and Black Dragon clans along with Kano himself became my foes and Shao Kahn’s as well (especially the Red Dragon clan, because of the 2400 Gold koin debt that the leader promised I would get if I put together an assault on the Black Dragon). I was the emperor’s right hand man, and a servant to his call. Shao Kahn then taught me more advanced tactics in Mortal Kombat, and a little bit of the Black Arts. Shao Kahn then became my master. It was my purpose in life to serve Shao Kahn . . . I was born of piracy. Well Crispy Dragon you guessed it buddy, I was going to add it but I forgot, this all takes place after MK4 and a little bit before MK Deadly Alliance. Good Job!grin
RaisnCain Ok first off this doesn't belong in this thread but in the new races thread or even it's own thread now that it is a substantial effort on a new character. But hey i will still give you my opinion on your koncept.

On the whole this is your best work to date, very well thought out with alot more substance to it and quite the interesting read. however i still have a few probs with it though.

Firstly why would you lead the Tarkata to Shao-Khans fortress? that statement just seems out of place, you could instead say whilst trying to escape the Tarkatan horde i was cornered just outside Shao Khan's palace and forced to fight for my life..

Next you say Shao Kahn gave you a plead to join his honour of his royalty, Shao Khan never pleads and if he ever gives anyone a choice its a choice between death or doing as he says.

After your chracter becomes a pirate, you wrote that he was given strict orders to kill the Red/Black dragon clans this makes void all else you have written after it because Shao Khan would not let your pirate so openly disobey his orders. You can instead write that Shao Khan gave you orders to spread his name across the realms, and you ended up in Earthrealm facing the two clans.

If Kano was outnumbered he wouldn't ask you to prove your loyalty to him but instead prove his loyalty to your pirate or at lest have something that your pirate desires (koins as you've said later on) to pay for his life and to hire temporarily to do his bidding. Then instead of killing all the Red clan members you can find out that they had a spy that informed them of the deal and they were prepeared to pay twice as much if you would ally with them and launch a twin assault against the Black dragon clan. (it would increase the bloodshed wink)

One question that i have to ask is where does this fit into the whole MK timeline, from what i can guess its after MK4 but before MKDA, cna you clear this up for me.

Thats all i've got to say dude, it's a real improvement over the first and theres alot of cool ideas in it, especially how he went from rogue to pirate and being Shao-Khans right hand man was also pissing off the Thunder God. Notice how i didn't say to change your story that much? Means I like it and the idea on the whole works, theres just the few changes I listed above that don't necessarily have to be added.

I give it a 4/5 and I am looking forward to any future bios you might have in mind keep it up dude. grin

CrispyDragon EDIT: Well RaisnCain i see you edited your post and managed to incorporate my tips into, thanks for thinking they were good enough for it wink. The story now makes alot more sense and has earned a 4.5/5 from me (i hardly ever give 5/5 so don't worry about it). Can't wait to see the next race and bio you come up with, keep up the good work grin
05/08/2006 11:57 PM (UTC)
I think that there should be a realm of the One Being, in which he has been residing for quite some time, that would be different without a
05/11/2006 01:06 AM (UTC)
Not to mention, there should be a realm called Labyrinth, where it was built by Shao Kahn to hide a Minotaur that no one was to know of . . . plus, you could have it so huge to where it would be realm size, in which a lot of mysteries are unlocked, and the Minotaur being the biggest mystery, and really hard to find, that would be freakking sweeet! wink
05/12/2006 01:40 PM (UTC)
This thread has gone on long enough, soon I will place a new realms request thread in the Fan Submission forum taking ideas from this thread and placing them into the new thread in the Fan Submission forum;


05/17/2006 02:23 AM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:



Let me just grab the key...

Thread locked.
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