04/01/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
AcidSpit95 Wrote:
Who is Khrome? confused

Keith Wrote:
Who's Khrome?

I'm new to the site, cannot find the feature that makes a link. Maybe somebody else can help me out here

About Me

Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

04/01/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
04/01/2015 06:38 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:

Is this supposed to mean something? I don't get it.
04/01/2015 07:28 PM (UTC)
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality
04/01/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins
04/02/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


04/02/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
When Tremors popularity began to grow didn't most people treat it as nothing but a joke as well? Look at him now.

All I'm saying is that sure, right now Khrome seems like nothing but a joke, but give him a vocal enough fan base and you never know what could happen.
04/02/2015 01:36 AM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


We all know of the earth’s structure and the fact that the inner most core is made up of liquid metal. The liquid metal (Magma in this case) forms the core of the earth.


Image credit: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2011/09/28/why-does-the-earth-have-a-liqu/

Magma is hot molten mobile rock. Igneous rocks form when magma cools and solidifies. Magmas come out of active volcanoes as lavas. The most abundant magma is a melt of silicate composition and this can carry suspended crystals and gases which bubble out in air.

Many lavas are vesicular (have cavities), indicating former gas bubbles which escaped from within the magma as it erupted at the surface. Some 99% of all gases in lavas are water vapour. Other gases that bubble out at the surface include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, boron, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. In some lava lakes, gases come out as invisible, colourless and odourless gas bursts and may kill many people and animals.

TLDR Basically liquid metal has acidic properties to begin with lol. #liquidmetalwins
04/02/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


We all know of the earth’s structure and the fact that the inner most core is made up of liquid metal. The liquid metal (Magma in this case) forms the core of the earth.


Image credit: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2011/09/28/why-does-the-earth-have-a-liqu/

Magma is hot molten mobile rock. Igneous rocks form when magma cools and solidifies. Magmas come out of active volcanoes as lavas. The most abundant magma is a melt of silicate composition and this can carry suspended crystals and gases which bubble out in air.

Many lavas are vesicular (have cavities), indicating former gas bubbles which escaped from within the magma as it erupted at the surface. Some 99% of all gases in lavas are water vapour. Other gases that bubble out at the surface include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, boron, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. In some lava lakes, gases come out as invisible, colourless and odourless gas bursts and may kill many people and animals.

TLDR Basically liquid metal has acidic properties to begin with lol. #liquidmetalwins

#1. The earths core is only partially liquid. It is solid at its center.

#2. Liquid metal / Magma / Lava does not exhibit corrosive properties like acid does. It does however, burn, crush, displace, etc.

#3. Even if liquid metal did exhibit acidic properties, it still doesn't change the FACT that it is dissolved by acid.

#4. Is your Khrome character made of Lava? Because if he is, there's not much chrome there.

#5. If your Khrome character is made of some sort of alloy, or mercury, he/she would be susceptible to such things as electricity, wind, rain, cold, heat, gravity, errosion, corrosion, etc.

Your character is not invincible. Mother nature ALWAYS wins. If you want to argue that, go right ahead.

About Me


04/02/2015 02:35 AM (UTC)
As an MK, fan I feel bad saying this but who is khrome?
04/02/2015 02:37 AM (UTC)
oneworld Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:

Is this supposed to mean something? I don't get it.

Nice try, Hank. Back to the fashion hole from whence you crawled.
04/02/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


We all know of the earth’s structure and the fact that the inner most core is made up of liquid metal. The liquid metal (Magma in this case) forms the core of the earth.


Image credit: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2011/09/28/why-does-the-earth-have-a-liqu/

Magma is hot molten mobile rock. Igneous rocks form when magma cools and solidifies. Magmas come out of active volcanoes as lavas. The most abundant magma is a melt of silicate composition and this can carry suspended crystals and gases which bubble out in air.

Many lavas are vesicular (have cavities), indicating former gas bubbles which escaped from within the magma as it erupted at the surface. Some 99% of all gases in lavas are water vapour. Other gases that bubble out at the surface include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, boron, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. In some lava lakes, gases come out as invisible, colourless and odourless gas bursts and may kill many people and animals.

TLDR Basically liquid metal has acidic properties to begin with lol. #liquidmetalwins

#1. The earths core is only partially liquid. It is solid at its center.

#2. Liquid metal / Magma / Lava does not exhibit corrosive properties like acid does. It does however, burn, crush, displace, etc.

#3. Even if liquid metal did exhibit acidic properties, it still doesn't change the FACT that it is dissolved by acid.

#4. Is your Khrome character made of Lava? Because if he is, there's not much chrome there.

#5. If your Khrome character is made of some sort of alloy, or mercury, he/she would be susceptible to such things as electricity, wind, rain, cold, heat, gravity, errosion, corrosion, etc.

Your character is not invincible. Mother nature ALWAYS wins. If you want to argue that, go right ahead.


What does all this mean?
Chromium metal does not react with air or oxygen at room temperature.

Chromium metal does not react with water at room temperature.

Chromium reacts directly with fluorine, F2, at 400°C and 200-300 atmospheres to form chromium(VI) fluoride, CrF6. Under milder conditions, chromium(V) fluoride, CrF5, is formed. Under still milder conditions, chromium metal reacts with the halogens fluorine, F2, chlorine, Cl2, bromine, Br2, and iodine, I2, to form the corresponding trihalides chromium(III) fluoride, CrF3, chromium(III) chloride, CrCl3, chromium(III) bromide, CrBr3, or chromium(III) iodide, CrI3.

Chromium metal dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to form solutions containing the aquated Cr(II) ion together with hydrogen gas, H2. In practice, the Cr(II) is present as the complex ion [Cr(OH2)6]2+. Similar results are seen for sulphuric acid but pure samples of chromium may be resistant to attack. Chromium metal does not react with nitric acid, HNO3 and in fact is passivated.

About Me

04/02/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
People still think that Tremor petition did anything eh?
04/02/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:

Is this supposed to mean something? I don't get it.

Nice try, Hank. Back to the fashion hole from whence you crawled.

WTF!! Is hanky panky
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/02/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
People still think that Tremor petition did anything eh?

Unfortunately, yes.

Now even more so since Boon said in that recent interview that he was included because people kept clamoring for him. I believe he also mentioned the petition when saying that.
04/02/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


We all know of the earth’s structure and the fact that the inner most core is made up of liquid metal. The liquid metal (Magma in this case) forms the core of the earth.


Image credit: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2011/09/28/why-does-the-earth-have-a-liqu/

Magma is hot molten mobile rock. Igneous rocks form when magma cools and solidifies. Magmas come out of active volcanoes as lavas. The most abundant magma is a melt of silicate composition and this can carry suspended crystals and gases which bubble out in air.

Many lavas are vesicular (have cavities), indicating former gas bubbles which escaped from within the magma as it erupted at the surface. Some 99% of all gases in lavas are water vapour. Other gases that bubble out at the surface include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, boron, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. In some lava lakes, gases come out as invisible, colourless and odourless gas bursts and may kill many people and animals.

TLDR Basically liquid metal has acidic properties to begin with lol. #liquidmetalwins

#1. The earths core is only partially liquid. It is solid at its center.

#2. Liquid metal / Magma / Lava does not exhibit corrosive properties like acid does. It does however, burn, crush, displace, etc.

#3. Even if liquid metal did exhibit acidic properties, it still doesn't change the FACT that it is dissolved by acid.

#4. Is your Khrome character made of Lava? Because if he is, there's not much chrome there.

#5. If your Khrome character is made of some sort of alloy, or mercury, he/she would be susceptible to such things as electricity, wind, rain, cold, heat, gravity, errosion, corrosion, etc.

Your character is not invincible. Mother nature ALWAYS wins. If you want to argue that, go right ahead.


What does all this mean?
Chromium metal does not react with air or oxygen at room temperature.

Chromium metal does not react with water at room temperature.

Chromium reacts directly with fluorine, F2, at 400°C and 200-300 atmospheres to form chromium(VI) fluoride, CrF6. Under milder conditions, chromium(V) fluoride, CrF5, is formed. Under still milder conditions, chromium metal reacts with the halogens fluorine, F2, chlorine, Cl2, bromine, Br2, and iodine, I2, to form the corresponding trihalides chromium(III) fluoride, CrF3, chromium(III) chloride, CrCl3, chromium(III) bromide, CrBr3, or chromium(III) iodide, CrI3.

Chromium metal dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to form solutions containing the aquated Cr(II) ion together with hydrogen gas, H2. In practice, the Cr(II) is present as the complex ion [Cr(OH2)6]2+. Similar results are seen for sulphuric acid but pure samples of chromium may be resistant to attack. Chromium metal does not react with nitric acid, HNO3 and in fact is passivated.

You learned that from the "Teacher with a Masters Degree."

Hanky, baby, your online presence is about as subtle as Elton John's homosexuality. Your exact statements here come from the user "Khrome" on comic vine. That same user appears on Kamidogu, WBGames, MKSecrets, Gamefaqs, TestYourMight, MortalKombatUnited, Twitter, and for some reason SocialAnxietySupport.com.

Here, however, we called him Hanky_Panky1, or should I say we called YOU Hanky_Panky1. Your writing style is exactly the same, and you're supplying data you posted on other sites where you were known to be Hanky_Panky1.
04/02/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
People still think that Tremor petition did anything eh?

Unfortunately, yes.

Now even more so since Boon said in that recent interview that he was included because people kept clamoring for him. I believe he also mentioned the petition when saying that.

Mortal Kombat X Added Tremor Due to Fan Demand - IGN News
04/02/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
Answer to the thread question: No.
04/02/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


We all know of the earth’s structure and the fact that the inner most core is made up of liquid metal. The liquid metal (Magma in this case) forms the core of the earth.


Image credit: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2011/09/28/why-does-the-earth-have-a-liqu/

Magma is hot molten mobile rock. Igneous rocks form when magma cools and solidifies. Magmas come out of active volcanoes as lavas. The most abundant magma is a melt of silicate composition and this can carry suspended crystals and gases which bubble out in air.

Many lavas are vesicular (have cavities), indicating former gas bubbles which escaped from within the magma as it erupted at the surface. Some 99% of all gases in lavas are water vapour. Other gases that bubble out at the surface include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, boron, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. In some lava lakes, gases come out as invisible, colourless and odourless gas bursts and may kill many people and animals.

TLDR Basically liquid metal has acidic properties to begin with lol. #liquidmetalwins

#1. The earths core is only partially liquid. It is solid at its center.

#2. Liquid metal / Magma / Lava does not exhibit corrosive properties like acid does. It does however, burn, crush, displace, etc.

#3. Even if liquid metal did exhibit acidic properties, it still doesn't change the FACT that it is dissolved by acid.

#4. Is your Khrome character made of Lava? Because if he is, there's not much chrome there.

#5. If your Khrome character is made of some sort of alloy, or mercury, he/she would be susceptible to such things as electricity, wind, rain, cold, heat, gravity, errosion, corrosion, etc.

Your character is not invincible. Mother nature ALWAYS wins. If you want to argue that, go right ahead.


What does all this mean?
Chromium metal does not react with air or oxygen at room temperature.

Chromium metal does not react with water at room temperature.

Chromium reacts directly with fluorine, F2, at 400°C and 200-300 atmospheres to form chromium(VI) fluoride, CrF6. Under milder conditions, chromium(V) fluoride, CrF5, is formed. Under still milder conditions, chromium metal reacts with the halogens fluorine, F2, chlorine, Cl2, bromine, Br2, and iodine, I2, to form the corresponding trihalides chromium(III) fluoride, CrF3, chromium(III) chloride, CrCl3, chromium(III) bromide, CrBr3, or chromium(III) iodide, CrI3.

Chromium metal dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to form solutions containing the aquated Cr(II) ion together with hydrogen gas, H2. In practice, the Cr(II) is present as the complex ion [Cr(OH2)6]2+. Similar results are seen for sulphuric acid but pure samples of chromium may be resistant to attack. Chromium metal does not react with nitric acid, HNO3 and in fact is passivated.

You learned that from the "Teacher with a Masters Degree."

Hanky, baby, your online presence is about as subtle as Elton John's homosexuality. Your exact statements here come from the user "Khrome" on comic vine. That same user appears on Kamidogu, WBGames, MKSecrets, Gamefaqs, TestYourMight, MortalKombatUnited, Twitter, and for some reason SocialAnxietySupport.com.

Here, however, we called him Hanky_Panky1, or should I say we called YOU Hanky_Panky1. Your writing style is exactly the same, and you're supplying data you posted on other sites where you were known to be Hanky_Panky1.

Okay I'll come clean, I was paid to promote Khrome's agenda by user known as 'khrome'.
04/02/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
oneworld Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
People still think that Tremor petition did anything eh?

Unfortunately, yes.

Now even more so since Boon said in that recent interview that he was included because people kept clamoring for him. I believe he also mentioned the petition when saying that.

Mortal Kombat X Added Tremor Due to Fan Demand - IGN News

Even if that were true, the "fans" of Khrome are a legion of Hanky_Panky accounts. You think a dozen Twitter accounts with stock photos as profile pictures who are constantly retweeting Khrome crap is, in any way, fooling anyone?
About Me

04/02/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
Funny story. So when HankyPanky was banned here he managed to find a home at TYM for a while and went heavy into campaigning for Khrome. Even so far as to creating a giant PM convo and tagging known NRS dev's that also freqeunt TYM. One of those happened to be Lead Designer Paulo Garcia who, upon learning about his inclusion in the PM, had this to say:

"cool, i have a new goal in life to make sure nothing related to the word khrome is ever in any game I work on. Also someone plz remove me from this conversation list."

So, I wouldn't hold your breathe for Khrome there guy.

PS. HankyPanky/Khrome is banned on TYM now too so it makes sense that he's slumming around again lol.
04/02/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
oneworld Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
oneworld Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Extreme heat boils liquid metal and turns it into a gas. Extreme cold freezes liquid metal. Some acids dissolve liquid metal. #KhromeLosesFatality

Nice try but it is not good to deceive people with only half the story.

Liquids become gases by evaporating.
Gases become liquids by condensing.

While changing state, materials (liquid metal) can take in or put out heat energy without changing temperature. #liquidmetalwins

confused Really? Thermal dynamics and elemental characteristics are your arguments for a characters inclusion? I can get down with this. Here we go!

Nitric acid,sulfuric acid and aqua regia dissolve liquid metal and turn it into nitrate, sulfate and chloride salts respectively. So, that being said ..... #ReptileWinsFatality!!!!


We all know of the earth’s structure and the fact that the inner most core is made up of liquid metal. The liquid metal (Magma in this case) forms the core of the earth.


Image credit: http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2011/09/28/why-does-the-earth-have-a-liqu/

Magma is hot molten mobile rock. Igneous rocks form when magma cools and solidifies. Magmas come out of active volcanoes as lavas. The most abundant magma is a melt of silicate composition and this can carry suspended crystals and gases which bubble out in air.

Many lavas are vesicular (have cavities), indicating former gas bubbles which escaped from within the magma as it erupted at the surface. Some 99% of all gases in lavas are water vapour. Other gases that bubble out at the surface include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, boron, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. In some lava lakes, gases come out as invisible, colourless and odourless gas bursts and may kill many people and animals.

TLDR Basically liquid metal has acidic properties to begin with lol. #liquidmetalwins

#1. The earths core is only partially liquid. It is solid at its center.

#2. Liquid metal / Magma / Lava does not exhibit corrosive properties like acid does. It does however, burn, crush, displace, etc.

#3. Even if liquid metal did exhibit acidic properties, it still doesn't change the FACT that it is dissolved by acid.

#4. Is your Khrome character made of Lava? Because if he is, there's not much chrome there.

#5. If your Khrome character is made of some sort of alloy, or mercury, he/she would be susceptible to such things as electricity, wind, rain, cold, heat, gravity, errosion, corrosion, etc.

Your character is not invincible. Mother nature ALWAYS wins. If you want to argue that, go right ahead.


What does all this mean?
Chromium metal does not react with air or oxygen at room temperature.

Chromium metal does not react with water at room temperature.

Chromium reacts directly with fluorine, F2, at 400°C and 200-300 atmospheres to form chromium(VI) fluoride, CrF6. Under milder conditions, chromium(V) fluoride, CrF5, is formed. Under still milder conditions, chromium metal reacts with the halogens fluorine, F2, chlorine, Cl2, bromine, Br2, and iodine, I2, to form the corresponding trihalides chromium(III) fluoride, CrF3, chromium(III) chloride, CrCl3, chromium(III) bromide, CrBr3, or chromium(III) iodide, CrI3.

Chromium metal dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to form solutions containing the aquated Cr(II) ion together with hydrogen gas, H2. In practice, the Cr(II) is present as the complex ion [Cr(OH2)6]2+. Similar results are seen for sulphuric acid but pure samples of chromium may be resistant to attack. Chromium metal does not react with nitric acid, HNO3 and in fact is passivated.

You learned that from the "Teacher with a Masters Degree."

Hanky, baby, your online presence is about as subtle as Elton John's homosexuality. Your exact statements here come from the user "Khrome" on comic vine. That same user appears on Kamidogu, WBGames, MKSecrets, Gamefaqs, TestYourMight, MortalKombatUnited, Twitter, and for some reason SocialAnxietySupport.com.

Here, however, we called him Hanky_Panky1, or should I say we called YOU Hanky_Panky1. Your writing style is exactly the same, and you're supplying data you posted on other sites where you were known to be Hanky_Panky1.

Okay I'll come clean, I was paid to promote Khrome's agenda by user known as 'khrome'.

Even though I think it is truly Hank trying to hide his shame, that statement makes this thread paid solicitation. /Thread
About Me

Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

04/02/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
Not this fucking shit again... Why doesn't this Khrome BS just die already?
About Me

ain't nobody got time fo sigs

04/02/2015 03:04 AM (UTC)
No, fuck NO

04/02/2015 03:05 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Funny story. So when HankyPanky was banned here he managed to find a home at TYM for a while and went heavy into campaigning for Khrome. Even so far as to creating a giant PM convo and tagging known NRS dev's that also freqeunt TYM. One of those happened to be Lead Designer Paulo Garcia who, upon learning about his inclusion in the PM, had this to say:

"cool, i have a new goal in life to make sure nothing related to the word khrome is ever in any game I work on. Also someone plz remove me from this conversation list."

So, I wouldn't hold your breathe for Khrome there guy.

PS. HankyPanky/Khrome is banned on TYM now too so it makes sense that he's slumming around again lol.

He's an old man and could get fired any time as that's what happens to people his age #Fact
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