Should the realms of Order and/or Chaos be involved?
posted06/15/2014 03:35 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I hope that the story will not be yet another war between Earth and Outworld, with a little Hell thrown into the mix, or Earth and Outworld vs the Netherrealm. I feel the addition of Seido and the Chaos realm spiced things up a bit, and it'd be a shame if they were ignored again.

Not only should they be involved, but they should be their own players, not just extra allies for one of the "main" realms.
06/14/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
I'd like that. Havik and Hotaru were awesome, imo, and I'd like to see them return.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/14/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
Honestly I think the only character we'll get representing Oder and Chaos will be Havik. He his a favorite among fans and he seems to be well like by NRS so he has that advantage. Plus the whole ripples through time sounds like the perfect chaos for him to help spread.
06/14/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
The inclusion of new realms was one of my favorite parts of Deception, and I liked Hotaru and Havik. If they found a cool way to include them into the story I'd like it.
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06/14/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
I actually think that Ferra/Torr could be from the Chaos realm. They kinda look as such.
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06/15/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
Absolutely! Havik and Hotaru. Yes, yes, YES!
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06/15/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
Personally, I found Order and Chaos the most uninspired, thoughtless, most lazy ideas the devs have come up so far. I think I would have prefered if they at least came up with decent names for the realms. But now it's just like "Hey guys, we need to come up with new realms for our story. How about one that's all about law and order, and one that's the complete opposite. I wonder what we should call them."

So for me, it's a big NO. I don't mind seeing characters from those realms return, but at least rework the concept of both realms. Make them more interesting, instead of making it seem like they were thought up in a few minutes.

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06/15/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
Siroj Wrote:
Personally, I found Order and Chaos the most uninspired, thoughtless, most lazy ideas the devs have come up so far. I think I would have prefered if they at least came up with decent names for the realms. But now it's just like "Hey guys, we need to come up with new realms for our story. How about one that's all about law and order, and one that's the complete opposite. I wonder what we should call them."

So for me, it's a big NO. I don't mind seeing characters from those realms return, but at least rework the concept of both realms. Make them more interesting, instead of making it seem like they were thought up in a few minutes.

Funny. I remember Outworld being the same thing, early on. Things get fleshed out and depth gets added. The only real representation or moments of great importance was within MKD Konquest as Shujinko.

I think Chaos/Seido have insane potential to tie into many existing and new MK characters.
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06/15/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
If they do...(and I hope they do, I actually liked Seido and Chaos realm)...I hope it gets ALOT more strange in Chaos realm. Seido was ok the way it was...all symmetrical and everything? But I was a little disappointed at how un-chaotic the Chaos realm was.

We should get so many perceptual games played on us in that realm that it should almost be frustrating. An illusion here, a maze over there...upside down stair case, the "big SMALL room"

06/15/2014 02:06 AM (UTC)
My biggest problem with those 2 realms is that they lacked... elaborated/logical foundations.

I can understand Outworld and Edenia as their own worlds and netherealm has its explanation too.

But these order/chaos realms... orderrealm is a world where EVERYTHING is supposed to be about order, armony and symetry... there is no way you keep a whole world like that when people can think and as we see they have plenty of terrorists rebelling against that... that's something that should've happened from the very beginning and we have proof that the world's habitants aren't mentally set to accept that so the name orderealm isn't accurate (Seido as a name of a world where you find an organizatiob devoted to put order on things makes more sense).

Chaosrealm is even worse. You simply can't have a world where everyone's decissions are always based on chaos. You don't evolve and function as a society and you don't survive if everything depends on random acts. Killing or not just because, with no reason and even AGAINST reason... this can be an individual trait, but a world can't function if everyone is mentally set to act that way.

Humans have free will and the capacity of having their own ideas (and it has been shown that's the case in those realms too) so a world based on PERFECT order and simetry as a whole is just not possible unless made by and of robots. And you need logical paths of action and some organizatiom for a society to function so a world based on pure chaos and random acts as a whole isn't going anywhere.

I'd take them more seriously if they were just organizations trying to spread an ideal or influence as that's possible and people would be there because that's how their heads see things, but as worlds neither of them makes sense at all. Even Havik with his acts of randomness had plans which basically means following a path and he had followers which means accepting a hierarchy.
06/15/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
If there is a way to include them where it makes sense, and it also gives more depth about these realms, I would be really happy.

Because at the end of the day, Hotaru was a such a freaking awesome looking character and I'd like for him to return. Was one of a few things I liked about Deception.
06/15/2014 02:19 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
If there is a way to include them where it makes sense, and it also gives more depth about these realms, I would be really happy.

Because at the end of the day, Hotaru was a such a freaking awesome looking character and I'd like for him to return. Was one of a few things I liked about Deception.

I liked his look but considering from where he comes, he looks as generic as Baraka compared with other tarkatas. Characters that are exactly the same as their group and could be replaced by random individuals without any impact on their abilities. That's what was lacking for me to give something to the character that made him unique. His alt was a regular soldier appareance.

That and what I said before makes me root more for a seidan trained Johnny Cage than any known character from that realm as visually it would be as cool (his ending design is awesome) and wouldn't look "generic" or lacking unique traits.
06/15/2014 03:10 AM (UTC)
As others have said, the thing about Seido and Chaosrealm has to do with a concept that doesn't seem to reflect what we've been presented with.

I would have assumed that Seido would have had a hivemind society or a populace of machines, and Chaosrealm would have had mutants or other disfigured patrons. Instead we are given a very humanistic population for both.

On the other side of that very same coin, their primary representatives -look- like good representations of the realms. Havik looks like he's not really alive nor dead, with his face falling off of himself, and Hotaru has a very militaristic, cleancut appearance to himself.
06/15/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
yeah maybe after sektor is defeated he starts up a mini clan of cyborgs in order realm.......

but yeah they should be filled with robots, clones and micro chipped humans.......something you can always hit the reset button.....
06/15/2014 03:35 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd like that. Havik and Hotaru were awesome, imo, and I'd like to see them return.
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