Should Tanya use her boomerang or Kobu Jutsu for MK10
posted12/20/2013 01:42 AM (UTC)by
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04/16/2006 07:34 PM (UTC)
Ever since Deception Tanya became a surprise favorite of mine in the MK world

I'm not really sure why, her specials were average enough as were her fatalities and the main thing I remembered about her from MK4 was her boomerang, which was oddly removed for her comeback in deception,

But I really liked the makeover they gave her and I liked her story, plus I found her a solid fighter...

I'm really curious to see how she evolves in future games,
I'd be happy with an almost copy and paste job in regards her design for MK10 as I thought she looked great, but I think I'd rather they gave her, her boomerang back (pardon the pun)

Some characters in Mk (Kabal, Kitana and Kenshi), use weapons that are are such a big part of who they are, while other characters kind of had weapons forced upon them in the 3d era (did anyone really think Ermac was an axe wielder? or Sindel needed that staff thing?)

I think Tanya lies somewhere in the middle and if we can class her as part of the female ninjas (which I think we can) I think she needs a weapon to become a stronger part of her identity. I know jade uses a three pronged boomerang but I think the more traditional Australian design is different enough to be shared, and Tanya could use it as a short range weapon as well (as she did in MK4)

I didn't hate the weapons they gave her in deception and I think they could work if they decided to work Tanya in that direction,


10/16/2013 08:58 PM (UTC)
I'd rather have her not have any weapons at all and just focus on her specials.
10/16/2013 11:49 PM (UTC)
I think her boomerang should be a special. It has a certain touch of personality to it that reminds me of Kitana's fans, Mileena's sais, and Jade's "boomerang" (which is really more of a giant throwing star. I like that Tanya's looks like an authentic big wooden Aussie boomerang)

I also dearly hope that her fireballs look purple like black magic the way they did in MK4 rather than orange like normal fire like in Deception. She's supposed to be learning sorcery from Quan Chi or something like that, not a fire-person like Liu or Scorpion.

And most importantly, I hope Tanya has the move where she sits on your shoulders and twists to break your neck, because that one move was the thing that made her most memorable to me when she was introduced and I was SUPER pissed it was gone in Deception. It just feels like in MKD she had so much less personality and had become generic and pointless.

The thing that struck me about her in MK4 was that she seemed like the type to try and kill people by using sex appeal and seduction, like there was that crotch-in-your-face move, plus her story had the slightest hints of "I'm so jealous of the princess, I'm gonna try and steal her boyfriend before I betray him and the team and reveal I'm actually working for Shinnok."

Being the "seductive" one is a trait that Mileena has kinda stolen from her but I think would work well for both of them because Mileena goes over the top with it as a means of taunting and creeping people out, whereas Tanya could actually succeed at it.
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10/21/2013 11:30 PM (UTC)
She will probably use both to make it an easy juggle move when doing a combo.
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10/22/2013 06:07 AM (UTC)
Never mind that kobujutsu isn't a weapon at all.

10/22/2013 03:49 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Never mind that kobujutsu isn't a weapon at all.

Who ever said it was? "aaaaahhhhshark" sure wasn't implying it. Perhaps you misinterpreted his discussion on how characters use a weapon as part of their fighting style (Kabal, Jade,...).

Tanya should incorporate her boomerang in her moves like Jade incorporates her razorang in hers.

...meaning just throw the damn thing as a special move and nothing else.

HOWEVER, seeing as how MK10 is most likely a recreation of MK4, perhaps weapon combat will return in some form?
10/22/2013 10:15 PM (UTC)
I hope they don't bring weapon combat back. Some characters just don't fit using a weapon, and the designers were stuck shoving weapons that don't fit them onto them just to fill the slot.

Tanya is definitely one of the ones where the bladed tonfas didn't really make sense for her, they just gave them to her 'cause she had to have something and they were like "Hey, have we ripped off every Soul Calibur character yet? We haven't done Talim? Shit, gotta squeeze her in there somewhere..."
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10/23/2013 02:41 PM (UTC)
I didn't like the tonfas...fireballs AND boomerang projectiles might be redundant so I would to a 2in1 and just make them fiery boomerangs type of thing...

I also support the mention that she needs the neck twist back in some form, her fatalities in MKD were completely generic.

10/23/2013 05:16 PM (UTC)
I quite like the idea of a fiery boomerang projectile for Tanya,

but I'd like them to include it in some of her combos as well,

Ultimately I'd like the boomerang to be for Tanya what the sais, fans and rods are for her companion female ninjas
10/23/2013 05:33 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure if boomerangs on fire is the way I'd go, but there's probably an easy way to creatively have both in her moveset without being redundant, like make the fireball some other function, the way in MK9, Sonya's Bike Kick is her X-Ray instead of a special move, or Johnny only does the Shadow Uppercut as a combo breaker and in the EX version of his Flash Kick.
10/23/2013 06:41 PM (UTC)
I'd rather have Tanya use her boomerang as I wasn't a fan of the bladed tonfa. I hate how Tanya is somewhat considered as a "female ninja" due to the Khameleon gameplay from MK: Armageddon. It makes sense for Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Frost, and Skarlet, but for Tanya, it just doesn't make sense. The idea of having her shoot a fireball as part of an ex special is not a bad idea.
10/23/2013 10:37 PM (UTC)
If you all want Tanya to have her boomerang make a comeback, how would you make it so that it's more distinguishable than Jade's boomerang? A fiery effect doesn't do that much to make it more distinguishable. Would it react differently? Would she throw more than just one? If it connects with her opponent, would it attack them differently than just hitting them and returning to Tanya?

I'd like to see more of a distinguishable effect to it rather than just "ooh it's on fire."
10/23/2013 11:19 PM (UTC)

@ Sub-Zero_7th

why do you think Tanya doesn't/shouldn't make the cut as one of the female ninjas? because she didn't ever wear a face mask?

Her MK4 appearance was a blatant attempt at a 3d version of the MK3 female ninja pallet swap with just a few minor differences,

@ Icebaby

I'd like to see her use the boomerang as a close range weapon as well as a projectile, and maybe come back to her similar to Batman's Batarangs in MK vs DC

Jade's boomerang as stated before is essentially a throwing star, and her signature weapon is a staff, her boomerang is just a projectile. And anyway, if Jade and Tanya are supposedly rivals, (though I always thought that was a bit one sided, Tanya didn't seem to notice Jade's hatred for her in Deception) it might be interesting to seem them both wield a similar weapon. I read a great fan fiction short story about how they trained together growing up and had a big falling out as teenagers

10/24/2013 12:37 AM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:

why do you think Tanya doesn't/shouldn't make the cut as one of the female ninjas? because she didn't ever wear a face mask?

Her MK4 appearance was a blatant attempt at a 3d version of the MK3 female ninja pallet swap with just a few minor differences,


Tanya, Reiko, and Jarek were all attempts to introduce new characters to the series. Kitana got pushed out for Tanya. Kano for Jarek... and Reiko? Eh, ... dunno. It's like they didn't learn their lesson from MK3 and tried to do a UMK3 by making MKG.

In my opinion, Kai was the only unique addition. However, I do like the special moves they gave Tanya and Reiko. That set them apart from that practical joke named Jarek.

Also, I wouldn't consider Tanya a female ninja. At all.
In fact, she should be redesigned to look nothing like a ninja or a $2 whore. Her back-story, special moves, and fatalities (from MK4) make her a great addition to the roster.
10/24/2013 01:47 AM (UTC)
Reiko was made from Noob Saibot.

Anyways...just because Tanya's MK4 self was made by recoloring what was going to be a Kitana model doesn't make her a ninja. Note that she was made from a Kitana that doesn't wear a mask and has none of Kitana's moves.

It's not just never wearing a mask either, it's the fact that she's never been an assassin. Kitana, Mileena, Jade, and Skarlet all did what a ninja does, kill people for their master. Jade, Skarlet, and Khameleon also have being hidden and stealthy going for them in the "act like a ninja" column.

Tanya's just a politician's daughter who got jealous of the princess and started colluding with Quan Chi to steal the throne. Considering the Quan Chi connection and the black magic fireballs, It'd be more accurate to consider her a sorceress-in-training than a ninja, really.
10/24/2013 02:37 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 and blacksaibot beat me to the explanation behind Tanya not being a "ninja" type character. She needs a good redesign, one that reflects her high status and an alternate that reflects her apprenticeship to Quan Chi. As for her boomerang, it should be the type that acts as both a projectile and a melee weapon as opposed to Jade's Razor-Rangs, which are just used as projectiles.
10/24/2013 08:48 PM (UTC)
Ok,You've convinced me she's not a ninja,

I dunno why I just still see her as the unofficial 4th female pallet swap.

(OT. Are all the male pallet swaps considered ninjas? I suppose they are)

Due to this conversation I found myself looking at Tanya videos on youtube and came across this,

I was so disappointed when I finally played as Tanya in Deception

@1:30 lies Boon, pure lies!!!
10/24/2013 09:13 PM (UTC)
I like how the trading card video also shows her doing her fatality with a spear weapon, which makes the whole "it props them up when they lean over dead" animation make sense...but in the actual game, they changed her weapon to the tonfas but never changed the fatality, so it looks completely stupid because the tonfa's too small to prop the victim up.
And all the male ninjas are ninjas because they're masked assassins who hide in the shadows or come from a clan.
Note that Frost is a female ninja but she's never been a palette swap. Did Khameleon have a Frost move? I don't think she did.
10/24/2013 10:32 PM (UTC)
Tanya is just one of those characters that needs a big revamp to really shine. The bigger problem lies within the story telling and characterizations. They just come off as more simplified, and I can see Tanya falling into that. Her moves, aside from the boomerang and maybe even the drill kick, should reflect her apprenticeship under Quan Chi. Instead of the whole "female Kano" aspect, it'd be better off that Tanya's angle is that she simply takes pleasure in making other people miserable even though she herself comes from a high status.
10/25/2013 02:18 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Tanya is just one of those characters that needs a big revamp to really shine. The bigger problem lies within the story telling and characterizations. They just come off as more simplified, and I can see Tanya falling into that. Her moves, aside from the boomerang and maybe even the drill kick, should reflect her apprenticeship under Quan Chi. Instead of the whole "female Kano" aspect, it'd be better off that Tanya's angle is that she simply takes pleasure in making other people miserable even though she herself comes from a high status.

Tanya actually has quite a strong Story.

She is the reason Shinnok was able to conquer to Edenia. She gave up her own home, an entire realm, just to save her own ass. She is the epitome of treachery in Mortal Kombat. I think she should remain that way.

As for her moves, I think her leg work should be focused on more. I loved how she broke people's necks with their thighs in MK4. In fact, the majority of her special moves seems to be based around her legs, which is unique in MK. I think NRS should cater to this uniqueness and give her amazing leg moves.
10/25/2013 04:29 AM (UTC)
To be fair, it's a little difficult for her to have her old story when there is no Edenia for her father to be a politician in and no Kitana or Sindel for her to betray in the current timeline. She's probably some kind of slave or rebel in Outworld at the moment.
10/25/2013 08:39 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
To be fair, it's a little difficult for her to have her old story when there is no Edenia for her father to be a politician in and no Kitana or Sindel for her to betray in the current timeline. She's probably some kind of slave or rebel in Outworld at the moment.

Well, Edenia was freed from Outworld due to Kahn's defeat in the original time line. Check out the official MK4 comic. There's nothing to indicate that it wouldn't hold up true in this new time line. So to some degree, there should be an Edenia still.

True, Sindel and Kitana are "dead" and in the Netherrealm now, but that doesn't stop Tanya and her father from being in existence. In fact, the throne to Edenia is practically vacant now, making it probably very tempting for a politician's daughter to try and snatch up for herself through some kind of deal with Shinnok/Quan Chi.

Tanya's old story will just have to be re-imagined for the next Mortal Kombat. She just has no Queen or Princess on the throne to betray. However, she can still betray Edenia itself.
10/26/2013 05:42 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Well, Edenia was freed from Outworld due to Kahn's defeat in the original time line. Check out the official MK4 comic.

In MK2, 3, and 4, Edenia IS Outworld. "Outworld" was just a creepy sounding name people started calling Edenia after Kahn took over from Jerrod and made it a lifeless wasteland, it wasn't a merged world. In the MK4 comic, Kahn was believed dead and Sindel sat on his throne and ruled over the Living Forest and Cobalt Mines of Shokan and all those Outworld locations.

But Vogel wanted to keep using Outworld and say that the guy before Kahn wasn't Jerrod, it was "The legendary Dragon King", so Deadly Alliance retconned Edenia into a merger-victim that Kitana unmerged during MK3 by finding and smashing an orb just like Nitara does to free the Vampire Realm. And that's the way it's been ever since, to the point where now people assume Edenia was ALWAYS a separate realm merged with Outworld, and very few remember that the canon was ever any other way.

(Personally, I kinda miss the old way just because who names a planet "Outworld" at the onset of its creation? Out World. The world outside...of something. What it is outside of? That name only works if that's what OTHER worlds call it. It's like how "Orderrealm"'s real name is Seido. Outworld and Chaosrealm need real names.)

So anyway, in the MK9 timeline, Edenia and Outworld are still merged, killing Kahn would not automatically free it. You have to deliberately free the realm with magic or orb-smashing. And while Tanya and her Father would still exist, there's no way a member of the EDENIAN royal court ever had a political position in Shao Kahn's kingdom (unless they were some kind of evil traitor to their own people, in which case, they wouldn't have been in Sindel's court after Kahn's defeat, would they?), that's why I say Tanya is probably either a slave or a member of the Edenian rebellion right now instead, rather than a noble. Meanwhile, the now-vacant throne of Outworld probably belongs to Shao Kahn's heir, Mileena...if there's not just a civil war being fought over it.
I mean, they could always start MK10 with the reveal that offscreen after MK9, someone freed Edenia...but then wouldn't Rain or Tanya take the throne already and have no reason to side with Quan and Shinnok?
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10/27/2013 02:35 PM (UTC)
I imagine in the current timeline Tanya is already working with Shinnok/Quan Chi etc.

I think her story is mostly fine but what she really needs is some gameplay personality. I like her bladed tonfa weapons actually or rather I like the look of them. Very threatening and menacing and kind of sinister just like her. I like the idea of her being kind of sorcerer-y considering in MKD they kind of built her up as a knowledgeable character she probably knows lots of dark arts or whatever and MK doesn't really have a witch type of character.

Not really feeling her boomerang. Jade already has her razorrangs and while they aren't exactly the same thing I think they're just a little too similar. I can't imagine her using a boomerang as a melee weapon either. It'd have to be pretty big right?
10/27/2013 02:43 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
Well, Edenia was freed from Outworld due to Kahn's defeat in the original time line. Check out the official MK4 comic.

In MK2, 3, and 4, Edenia IS Outworld. "Outworld" was just a creepy sounding name people started calling Edenia after Kahn took over from Jerrod and made it a lifeless wasteland, it wasn't a merged world. In the MK4 comic, Kahn was believed dead and Sindel sat on his throne and ruled over the Living Forest and Cobalt Mines of Shokan and all those Outworld locations.
But Vogel wanted to keep using Outworld and say that the guy before Kahn wasn't Jerrod, it was "The legendary Dragon King", so Deadly Alliance retconned Edenia into a merger-victim that Kitana unmerged during MK3 by finding and smashing an orb just like Nitara does to free the Vampire Realm. And that's the way it's been ever since, to the point where now people assume Edenia was ALWAYS a separate realm merged with Outworld, and very few remember that the canon was ever any other way.

(Personally, I kinda miss the old way just because who names a planet "Outworld" at the onset of its creation? Out World. The world outside...of something. What it is outside of? That name only works if that's what OTHER worlds call it. It's like how "Orderrealm"'s real name is Seido. Outworld and Chaosrealm need real names.)
So anyway, in the MK9 timeline, Edenia and Outworld are still merged, killing Kahn would not automatically free it. You have to deliberately free the realm with magic or orb-smashing. And while Tanya and her Father would still exist, there's no way a member of the EDENIAN royal court ever had a political position in Shao Kahn's kingdom (unless they were some kind of evil traitor to their own people, in which case, they wouldn't have been in Sindel's court after Kahn's defeat, would they?), that's why I say Tanya is probably either a slave or a member of the Edenian rebellion right now instead, rather than a noble. Meanwhile, the now-vacant throne of Outworld probably belongs to Shao Kahn's heir, Mileena...if there's not just a civil war being fought over it.

I mean, they could always start MK10 with the reveal that offscreen after MK9, someone freed Edenia...but then wouldn't Rain or Tanya take the throne already and have no reason to side with Quan and Shinnok?

Thanks for clearing that up. I completely forgot the old canon from Tobais.

I wasn't trying to imply Tanya and her father have a political position in Kahn's Empire. I meant within the remnants of the Edenian people. Kind of like Princess Leia and her [foster] parents from Star Wars (but don't let the word princess imply I think Tanya is of any royal heritage to a throne).

I always thought Tanya betrayed Edenia because Shinnok ultimately wanted Earthrealm, and Edenia would be the spoils of war that Tanya would scoop up for helping them. I can't think of any other reason for her wanting to do that. But yeah, now that the throne is up for grabs, she has no reason to betray anyone. She can just fight Rain, Taven, and Mileena over it? We'll see how things play out.

EDIT: I do have to ask one thing though. If originally Outworld was once Edenia, what of Reptile's race? What "realm" did they belong to? Originally Edenia too? I can't remember at what point Zaterra was invented. (something tells me reptile's race originally belonged to Earthrealm and were the ones almost destroyed by the war with Shinnok, hinting at the extinction of the dinosaurs, and they fled to Outworld/Edenia........... but I could be wrong). *sigh* ... come back Tobais.
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