Should Scorpions story be taken into a comical direction?
posted02/24/2012 04:09 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
NRS seems unwilling to develop Scorpion as a character by dropping the revenge schtick, and they have him go after main characters (Shujinko, Taven and the monks), sometimes randomly (the monks in MK:SM). If there is ever another spinoff starring a specific character (or characters), even if said character(s) have little to nothing to do with Scorpion, chances are he'd probably be included as a boss (or as an hidden character, or both), so that he always remain around in one way or another. And naturally, he'll be taken very seriously.

Keeping all of that in mind, should they really bother treating him as a legitimate character? If he's going to keep his vengeance gimmick, they might as well make it fun and have him going after random people for goofy reasons. They could start by finally letting him have his revenge against Quan Chi, only for Scorpion to discover it didn't bring him any peace. Having no purpose beyond revenge, Scorpion comes up with all sorts of rationalizations to hunt down some unlucky individuals, like say Johnny, Mokap and/or Bo Rai Cho for disgracing the art of kombat, or Kobra for accidently bumping into him.

Alternately, that whole storyline could be about someone else killing Quan Chi, leaving Scorpion angry to have had his kill stolen from him. Scorpion's thirst for revenge could see him go as far as trying to resurrect Quan Chi so he can kill him himself this time.

The thing is though, is that the first idea could work as a serious storyline too. Scorpion getting his revenge and struggling to find a new purpose.

So, what do you people think? What should be done with Scorpion's character in future games?
01/30/2012 08:00 PM (UTC)
The things you're suggesting here sort of tie into what I had suggested in my latest response to the thread asking if MK 2011's story should be a dream. I'm big on the story, characters, and overall mythology of this series, and I think it can truly be great. The works done by Kevin Tancharoen show the potential for MK's mythology to be great.

However, given the track record of how MK's story has been treated, especially with MK: Shaolin Monks' and MK 2011's stories, there seems to be an ability to tell a good story anymore. People like me aren't asking for something along the lines of something out of Shakespeare but rather a solid, coherent story. If NRS can't develop good, solid stories for the MK series, why not just make MK's mythology and characters completely goofy and silly?

The series has always had some element of cheesiness from its beginnings, so instead of trying to have a dark, serious atmosphere and mythology, just make it completely silly. They can do the series like the Naked Gun series. I mean, even a number of fatalities are cheesy in how they are done, from the visuals to the voices, so I can see this being a logical direction to go.

For Scorpion in particular, yes, he can easily be a joke who constantly tries to enact revenge, only to miserably fail, even going as far as to giving the other person a "thumb's up" for his ass being kicked.
01/30/2012 08:45 PM (UTC)
That thing about Scorpion resurecting Quan Chi himself only to have the chance to kill him with his own hands made me laught. But it's sad to say that the direction that Scorpion seems to have taken might eventually lead him to do exactly that.

It seems like Skarlet has something with Quan Chi from now on, so maybe Scorpion will find himself forced to find a new prey. No matter which character ends up caught up with Scorpion only for his will of revenge keeps driving him in the wrong directions, well i wish it won't last another ten years like what we are seing with Quan Chi.

I couldn't portrait Scorpion with a different storyline that dead set on revenge though. Making him a character that serves a higher character that has a higher purpose? Would make him even more silly.

Man, he desperately needs a break imo. Can't come up with something new and decent for him so yeah, no matter what direction he takes in the future it'll be welcome. Not saying it won't be silly and that it'll interest me.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

01/31/2012 12:42 AM (UTC)
I have a hard time seeing NRS turn their poster boy into a joke.

But I have thought of the idea that Scorpion finally gets his revenge and struggles for a new purpose. That could actually help give him a story of some sort.
01/31/2012 03:42 AM (UTC)
Honestly,Scorpion should have never been a poster child of MK,it is just unfortunate that his spear move became so iconic,which gave him boosts in geometrical progression.He is irrevelant to the main story and I always saw him as sub-plot to Sub-Zero's storyline. Without Sub-Zero,Scorpion is nothing and cannot offer anything refreshing besides this something constant revenge thing. You cannot say that about Sub-Zero,who flourished throughout MK series (at least original timeline) and developed his own path of assassin/rebel/Grandmaster/hero storyline. He could certainly live without Scorpion,especially he has so much drama with other characters like Noob,Sareena,Smoke,Frost,even Dark Raiden in case Sub-Zero decided to go against Thunder God's tyranny. I think NRS realised that by MK DA and just channeled Scorpion's "revenge" energy to Quan Chi,which is not original again and just boring.

I agree,MK Deception's story of Scorps was cool,but by doing it they also practically started to bury Scorpion. What else he can do besides revenge and work for bosses? Nothing,and PLEASE,he will NEVER work as a main hero,maybe some anti-hero type of guy,at MAXIMUM,but he is not gonna save Earthrealm on any day. Scorpion is a HELL SPAWN NINJA SPECTRE! I know there are lots of potential for developing his story so it stays away from Quan Chi and Sub-Zero,but I am doubting NRS writers' ability to do that...VERY MUCH DOUBT.
01/31/2012 08:43 AM (UTC)
I honestly don't know what to do with Scorpion.

I don't want him as a main hero. As if we haven't had him shoved down our throats enough already.

I don't want him to be a joke either really though.

Also his story as being vengeful and wanting revenge all of the time is growing tiresome. They really just need to refresh Scorpion in a bad way with something new. It's just a matter of what that is.
01/31/2012 02:34 PM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
I have a hard time seeing NRS turn their poster boy into a joke.

Well, when they were Midway, they had already turned Scorpion into a joke. Just look at him in MK: Shaolin Monks and MK: Armageddon.

McHotcakes Wrote:
But I have thought of the idea that Scorpion finally gets his revenge and struggles for a new purpose. That could actually help give him a story of some sort.

That's actually what Paragon and I were trying to do for the story we were working on. The idea is that Scorpion's new direction would be to find peace in the afterlife with his family. We were planning to have him interact with Noob Saibot, learn of his former identity as Bi-Han and put a stop to him as a means of taking responsibility for helping to create a great evil.

Even though Scorpion is a ninja specter and was an assassin in his human life, he was also a man who wanted to provide the best for his wife and son. For there to be purpose in Scorpion's story, I feel that trying to find inner peace would make sense. That doesn't mean that he necessarily has to be a good guy, but you can only do revenge for so long.
02/04/2012 07:27 AM (UTC)
Scorpion's story should be taken in ANY other direction than it has since the first game. It's the same over and over again, so I would be happy to see some changes being made in his storyline.
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02/05/2012 07:17 PM (UTC)
No, it would make him lame.

It seems like in his MK2 and UMK3 ending's, he was trying to redeem himself by protecting the younger Sub-Zero as payment for killing his brother.

I thought about it but maybe Scorpion would like peace and redemption for once. I thought of an idea basically for his ending for the next MK, he defeated Shinnok and killed Quan Chi for good (I'm sick of the revenge storyline never being closed) avenging his family and clan. But however he misses his family and is wandering the Netherealm. I noticed it seems like he is remorseful for his past life in MK9 and doesn't like being in Hell. Rayden (or Fujin) and the Elder Gods give Scorpion a chance to be with his family and clan. He could leave his hellspawn body and be remade to enter the Heavens on one condition... he must protect and save a life as payment for his past life as an assassin taking lives. When it's done, he can be with them.

The battle in both endings for Scorpion and Sub Zero in MK 4 would still happen, but Sareena would show Scorpion what really happened.

Scorpion's task is to protect the younger Sub-Zero as a nod to his MK 2 ending to end the Scorpion/Sub Zero rivarly. I think Scorpion would tell Kuai about what his brother was really like (regardless if he's a cyborg, human or a cyborg/human hybrid.)

In other characters, I think Sub Zero regardless if he stays a cyborg or gets made into a hybrid like Cyrax's ending in MK Gold would be the one who helps Cyrax get his humanity back with the help of a former Lin Kuei who worked on the Cyber project instead of Sonya and Jax seeing how Jax is dead now and Sonya has gone AWOL.

That's one idea I had.
02/06/2012 05:03 AM (UTC)
What he was in Deception was one of the better stories that Scorpion had, other than that, nothing.

I thought that making him the champion of the Elder Gods was an interesting new happening with his character, but of course, Armageddon came after and we get a huge fuck up right afterwards, leaving that story in the dust.

Just, stop making him be some kind of character who's out to avenge everything. He's been doing so for twenty years now, it's getting pretty old.
02/06/2012 02:29 PM (UTC)
I'd say after Sub-Zero is resurrected from the Netherrealm by Sareena, Sub-Zero will hunt down Scorpion once again for killing his brother and trying to find a reason.

Both ninjas soon learned that it was Quan Chi responsible for both of their lives. Scorpion, however, doesn't know Noob Saibot is Bi-Han/Sub-Zero.

Since Scorpion tries to hunt down Quan Chi, Skarlet gets in his way due to her trying to avenge her fallen master, Shao Kahn. Both fought each other to see who deserves the chance to kill Quan Chi. Both are in a tie.

Scorpion and Quan Chi have a chance to fight then Skarlet intervenes. Scorpion almost had the chance.... until Noob gets in his way again. Noob then reveals himself as Bi-Han, the original Sub-Zero who Hasashi killed in the tournament.

Scorpion tries to apologize for what he did and the realization of the truth. But Noob said it was too late to forgive.

I think Scorpion should focus on Noob Saibot if he ever stops seeking revenge... maybe redemption to reunite himself with his family & clan.
02/06/2012 02:57 PM (UTC)
I don't think Scorpion would be apologetic for killing Bi-Han, because Bi-Han did kill him in cold blood. Bi-Han's success in retrieving the Map of Elements from the Shaolin Temple led to the deaths of Scorpion's family and clan. Also, Bi-Han is proud to be Noob Saibot, so in a way, he might even be grateful to Scorpion.
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02/18/2012 04:26 AM (UTC)
Well Scorpion would have killed Sub Zero if he won due to their clan rivalry and on the same mission.
02/18/2012 03:26 PM (UTC)
Well if it was a straight-up fight to the end, yeah, Scorpion would cut down an enemy, sure. But the thing is, when Sub killed Scorp, it wasn't just fight-fight-fight-deathblow. At the end, Scorpion dropped to his knees and begged Sub to let him live. And I bet Scorpion would say that if the roles were reversed, and an enemy begged to him, he'd show mercy.

Whether or not that's true...well there's no way to be sure since that's not how things played out. But it seems like the big difference between them personality-wise is that Bi-Han is merciless and he's just really a jerk at heart who likes killing, whereas Hanzo became a ninja just to pay the bills and put food on the table for his family and he was a less ruthless dude.
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Sig by TheCypher
02/24/2012 04:09 AM (UTC)
Interesting. I'd love to see the hell spawn seeking purpose after his vengeance.

Someone tweet this shit to Tobias and co.
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