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the demon general has arrived.

04/24/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
Well it it did go to next gen then I won't be able to get MK10 for i don't know how long until I actually have enough money.
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04/26/2014 05:41 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't 'hold-back' MK to release cross-generationally.

A port for earlier gens wouldn't be 'shitty' fyi hank.

Personally i'd like it to be on all of them to include as many potential customers as possible, and i don't plan on buying any more consoles. So for that reason alone if it isn't released on earlier consoles i'll miss out, and so will many others.
04/26/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
It wouldn't 'hold-back' MK to release cross-generationally.

A port for earlier gens wouldn't be 'shitty' fyi hank.

Personally i'd like it to be on all of them to include as many potential customers as possible, and i don't plan on buying any more consoles. So for that reason alone if it isn't released on earlier consoles i'll miss out, and so will many others.

04/26/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
It wouldn't 'hold-back' MK to release cross-generationally.

Except it would. Go ahead, look at Arkham Origins and then look at Arkham Knight when it's finished. Next-gen makes a big difference. If NRS has to develop both the next-gen and current gen versions of the game, I guarantee there will be scale backs. That's just a fact. Nevermind the fact next-gen is easier to develop for, let's stick to current gen where devs have hit the wall of limitations.

And again, you can say a port wouldn't be shitty but it'll be a watered down version of the next-gen game. Won't look as good, won't run as smooth. When they could just as easily put the money they were going to use to port it to making the next-gen version better.
04/26/2014 06:10 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
PickleMendip Wrote:
It wouldn't 'hold-back' MK to release cross-generationally.

Except it would. Go ahead, look at Arkham Origins and then look at Arkham Knight when it's finished. Next-gen makes a big difference. If NRS has to develop both the next-gen and current gen versions of the game, I guarantee there will be scale backs. That's just a fact. Nevermind the fact next-gen is easier to develop for, let's stick to current gen where devs have hit the wall of limitations.

And again, you can say a port wouldn't be shitty but it'll be a watered down version of the next-gen game. Won't look as good, won't run as smooth. When they could just as easily put the money they were going to use to port it to making the next-gen version better.

Why can't people say they want to see it for both consoles? Is it that much of a problem with you?

I've seen Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes been played on both consoles and there's hardly a difference between the two consoles I saw. Sure, the graphics weren't completely there for the PS3, but for me, I don't care for that. The game played smoothly, can't find anything to bitch about. And hey, Phantom Pain is coming out for both consoles, so look, games are still being developed for these systems. It's not like they've made an official announcement to put a halt on all development for these consoles yet.

Let people want to see it for both consoles. Clearly you don't and it's obvious, but does every person who wants to see it for both consoles need to see your reasons when you made it clear back on the first page? I'm sure people who say they want to see this understands what it takes to make it for both consoles, otherwise they wouldn't be saying that.
04/26/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
PickleMendip Wrote:
It wouldn't 'hold-back' MK to release cross-generationally.

Except it would. Go ahead, look at Arkham Origins and then look at Arkham Knight when it's finished. Next-gen makes a big difference. If NRS has to develop both the next-gen and current gen versions of the game, I guarantee there will be scale backs. That's just a fact. Nevermind the fact next-gen is easier to develop for, let's stick to current gen where devs have hit the wall of limitations.

And again, you can say a port wouldn't be shitty but it'll be a watered down version of the next-gen game. Won't look as good, won't run as smooth. When they could just as easily put the money they were going to use to port it to making the next-gen version better.

Why can't people say they want to see it for both consoles? Is it that much of a problem with you?

That's not my problem. My problem is when someone says a port wouldn't hold MK back when it would. That's just not true.

I'm so happy you brought up Metal Gear, because it's only going to further validate my point. You wanna know why there's not much difference in graphics and performance between next and current gen versions? Because it was developed with current gen in mind. Which means next-gen versions had to scale back to meet the limitations of current gen. If MGS was strictly a next gen exclusive, it would look and feel a whole lot different compared to current gen.

04/26/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
This is a matter of quality or quantity. NRS could really pave the way for quality future fighting games if they go for quality and develop it purely for next-gen. Let's think a few years ahead. The way I see it is MK11 or whatever NRS does after this will be in a few years. That means there's plenty of time for customers to buy PS4 and/or Xbox One.
Yes Next gen only please.
My op.
05/05/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
“Just philosophically,” Boon said, “I don’t think we could take the approach of doing the same thing but adding new characters in our next Mortal Kombat game. We definitely want to do something new with it, we feel we have to introduce something into the mix.”

Boon is also wary of launching a follow-up on existing hardware as this makes it harder to innovate, “If you introduce another edition of your game on the same console, you cannot provide a radically different experience. I’m sure, if we were to do a new Mortal Kombat game on next generation systems, I think we would be able to provide dramatically different experiences.”

Speaking with CVG, NetherRealm’s Ed Boon explained the need for change if and when the studio continues the Mortal Kombat franchise.

Sounds good. Batman Arkham is doing the same thing.
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05/09/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
My point was 'not quite as good' =/= 'shit'.

I don't really know what you mean by "innovate" unless you mean 'excuse to be elitist and exclusionary'.

What exactly can be progressed? The controller is the same in this gen and next (except for Wii U, but that doesn't count for this particular instance). HD Graphics? Yep, already got that. Online play? Yep, already got that too (even though i can't use that). What more could you want? Kinect fatalities?
05/09/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
That wasn't written by me. That's an extract from the site jeez some people...
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