should MK7 more realstic or less realistic?
posted08/27/2005 03:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/14/2004 02:31 AM (UTC)
a lot of people are talking about the gameplay in MK being broken, so do you think MK should be more realisic and brutal or be as wild as the gamer's imagination

Realistic/Brutal Gameplay would Include:
- emphsis on holds (how often do you see ground holds such as pins in MK compared to seeing real fight?)
-No meaningless projectiles( does the game even explain how mortals like johnny cage can shoot fireballs?)
-More damaging weapons( when some one gets chopped with a sword in MK there is blood but no part of the body is visably severed and a sword is barely stronger than a punch)
-realistic contact with moves( no oponents flying 10 feet in the air when uppercutted)
-No juggles( in the air MK characters act more like volleyballs than a humans)
-characters show damage in behavor(how come an MK character can be beat within an inch of their life and still do 360s in the air)

Wild/unrealistic gameplay would include:
-advanced super moves( characters can release huge projectile and dial combos to do a huge amount of damage)
-Air Combo(hit an oponent numerus times in mid air)
-Huge combos( what's wrong with a 50 hit combo?)
-bigger jumps( ever noticed how fighting game characters)
- super speed and agilty (why do digitized characters have to follow our laws of physics why not have matrix style moves)
- skyscraper bosses( what could be more fun than fighting( or being) a 500 foot boss!?!)

08/27/2005 03:54 AM (UTC)
Even if MK were to be more realistic, it can still be broken.

Anyway, MK should always have a nice balance of realistic and non-realistic elements in terms of look, feel and play.

The martial arts styles should stay but they need to be more accurate with the moves and some of the stances. Also, there needs to be more moves and depth to the styles to give them something more. Certain characters like Jax could specialize in power and close-range attacks with a Muay Thai/Sambo mix while characters like Smoke could be more on the speed and long-ranged side with Mi Tzu. I guess in terms of fighting with the martial arts styles, that should be realistic. When it comes to things like projectiles and juggling, that stuff should stay. I wouldn't want it to go overboard in terms of non-realistic stuff like in those capcom fighting games, but MK definitely needs quite a bit of that supernatural feel to it.
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