03/13/2012 11:15 PM (UTC)
Raiden has the power of teleportation, so he could have easily gotten out of the way of Liu Kang's attack. One really idiotic thing Raiden did in the story mode was try to get Quan Chi and the Netherrealm on his side against Shao Kahn, because Raiden should damn well know how treacherous Quan Chi is. If NRS is going to continue with a story for this series, its story writers need to step up to give the characters more depth and intelligence.
03/14/2012 10:13 AM (UTC)

I agree with you. Raiden himself would need to rethink about his whole behaviour this time around.

Well, wish Raiden doesn't really believe that the Elder Gods would ever punish Kahn if he did win. I really doubt it since they never did anything even at the time of MKA and just let every fighter kill everyone else, even Raiden and the earthrealm warriors.

I understand your point about that Far West type of situation Lastfighter. Sad. But you won't convince me that Raiden's been too sharp.

The merging of the realms? Well at the time of MK1 to MK3, it was forbidden but they had created that tournament in an attempt to prevent Kahn from doing that. I think this is after losing a number of them that earthrealm finally won, so i doubt the Elder would have punished kahn only for he would have won 1 more. Guess they banned Shinnok from their Heavens and that is about it.

That is in part why i wish Raiden won't keep relying on the Elder Gods and still go against their will. Because i don't trust them, or believe in them. Chars really need to have an intelligence of their own from now on and stop being driven only by that Mortal Kombat and their elders. i.e: Shujinko believed he was chosen by the Elder Gods only because a mysterious orb calling itself Damashi said so in MKD. So he ended waking Onaga. That almost erased earthrealm. I mean humans mostly but others really need to learn to ask a question or even say "No way."
03/15/2012 12:54 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Raiden has the power of teleportation, so he could have easily gotten out of the way of Liu Kang's attack. One really idiotic thing Raiden did in the story mode was try to get Quan Chi and the Netherrealm on his side against Shao Kahn, because Raiden should damn well know how treacherous Quan Chi is. If NRS is going to continue with a story for this series, its story writers need to step up to give the characters more depth and intelligence.

Ok, pal, take a loooong breath and take it easy.

Do not ever mix up Gameplay features, with story.
In the Resident Evil gameplay you can kill a zombie with 5-6 bullets. In the intros the zombies are invincible!!!! Mercs and spec-ops soldiers are killed, a complete civilian like Claire Redfiled survives!

Raiden just acted by instinct: instinctual reaction.
The one you use to quickly and immediatly turn the wheel of your car if you suddently see someone on the road.
Of course Raiden didn't enjoy killing Liu kang. That's the same reason why Stryker didn't shoot, Smoke didn't teleport as well during their fight against Sindel. They behaved intinctively, because you CAN'T plan every move you take.
It's life.
Sometimes you act, and then, after the damaged is dealt, you tell to youserlf: "Ouch, I had to to do that in a slightly different manner!"
he even says to Liu Kang "Forgive me!".

Raiden asked alliance with Quan Chi due to disperation and loss of faith in the Elder Gods. Not because he trusted him. he offers his own soul and the souls of the heroes as well, so Raiden gained Earths urvival, Quan Chi gained the souls. It was a fair bargain after all, ON THE PAPER
Problem is...Quan Chi already have their souls.
i can agree on the fact that "HOW" Quan Chi got their souls is a mistery and the way it is presented it looks like a non-sense, but every good story, to me, must have some "dark spots" or hidden sub-plots or unanswered questions to carry on for the sequel.

The next MK game could redeem and give a sense to some of the storyline's mistakes.
It's a chance that NRS should not waste. to DistraughtOverlord: You made some interesting points, and I'm gonna agree with some of'em wholeheartly. The "Current" Raiden trusted The Elder Gods. i don't know if he did the right thing.A rebellion from the E.G by Raiden could be an interesting plot-twist in the future games. But still, if Shao kahn is defeated in the end, is all because of the Elder Gods, last time I've checked Raiden was all messy and got his butts kicked hard by the Emperor. The Elders even healed him and allowed him to defeat Kahn. Besides, everyone that goes against the Elder Gods' will get fuc*ed up badly. Daegon, Kira & Kobra (in their non-canon endings in MK Armageddon), Onaga,Shinnok, Scorpion(canon story)...just to cite few of them. MORAL OF THE STORY: don't mess with the Elder Gods.
03/16/2012 02:57 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Do not ever mix up Gameplay features, with story. In the Resident Evil gameplay you can kill a zombie with 5-6 bullets. In the intros the zombies are invincible!!!! Mercs and spec-ops soldiers are killed, a complete civilian like Claire Redfiled survives!

Um, ok...? That wasn't my intention.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Of course Raiden didn't enjoy killing Liu kang.

What the hell are you talking about?

lastfighter89 Wrote:
That's the same reason why Stryker didn't shoot, Smoke didn't teleport as well during their fight against Sindel. They behaved intinctively, because you CAN'T plan every move you take.
It's life.
Sometimes you act, and then, after the damaged is dealt, you tell to youserlf: "Ouch, I had to to do that in a slightly different manner!"
he even says to Liu Kang "Forgive me!".

That's a load of crap. I can understand if a character makes a mistake, but the characters could have done a lot better even in a situation like that. That whole scene was and still is so sloppy, but at least Nightwolf used his brain unlike the other heroes. Raiden teleports in both the game and in the story mode, and he could have reacted much better than that. But hey, I know what they were trying to go for in terms of the story.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Raiden asked alliance with Quan Chi due to disperation and loss of faith in the Elder Gods. Not because he trusted him. he offers his own soul and the souls of the heroes as well, so Raiden gained Earths urvival, Quan Chi gained the souls.

I know why Raiden asked for an alliance with Quan Chi, but like I said, Raiden should damn well know that Quan Chi isn't to be trusted. You said that it's not about Raiden trusting him, but what I'm trying to get at is that Raiden should know not to turn to someone like Quan Chi for assistance.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
The next MK game could redeem and give a sense to some of the storyline's mistakes.

It COULD, but that's not likely if we're getting the kind of quality that we've been getting for the actual storytelling. I still feel that the series' potential is still there. If they're going to bother with doing a story mode, they can still do a chapter format, but not one character per chapter. The key thing is the thought process, the overall mentality of how to go about certain things. It seems as if for the series, there are some ideas that are great on paper but not so great in execution, such as the usage of multiple fighting styles in MKDA-MKA.

What I want is to get the different character perspectives in each story, from heroes, villains, and others. That would help set the series' story in the right direction, imo. With Johnny Cage and Sonya as survivors, it would be great to get some good insight into their characters and how they handle the situations they are faced with.
About Me

"I know this is not a very popular idea. You don't hear it too often any more ... but it's the truth. I have taken drugs before and ... I had a real good time. Sorry. Didn't murder anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't rob anybody, didn't beat anybody, didn't lose – hmm – one fucking job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry. Now, where's my commercial?" - Bill Hicks...another dead hero.

03/16/2012 05:26 AM (UTC)
They could do character chapters but have the ability to select which character to use, and then you get their point of view of the invasion.

Say I select Scorpion, I play through his chapter like MK9 but a little bit longer. I go through Scorpion's tale of revenge (of course tongue) and his run ins with Sub Zero, Noob and what not (don't wanna create to much hypothetical crap) before his final confrontation with Quan Chi.

Then say I wanna play as Sub Zero. I see his story fleshed out as going from a cyborg minion of Quan Chi, reconciling with Scorp, being aided and 'restored' by a rebelling Sareena and then refusing to leave until Smoke has been helped (who has been corrupted by the Netherealm and transformed into his true demon form).

This way, stories intertwine with each other and we don't get characters becoming irrelevant "after their chapters have finished", for we can play whoever's story in whatever order we want. We get similar/same situations but in another's POV.

I can think of a few problems with this, but nothing that couldn't be fixed with some intelligent thinking (gotta be honest, this is just a stoned passing thought that I needed to post).
03/19/2012 04:38 PM (UTC)
Kontinue the story mode its awesomegringringringringringringringringringrin
03/19/2012 04:41 PM (UTC)
and liu kanag just injuredgringringringringringringrin
03/25/2012 08:26 AM (UTC)
OK so sorry to bring back up but Im new to the forums and need o share my ideas lol

Anyway I have to say love MK always have, even with their DC flop still a fan,. Story mode was good liked it, but it kinda lacked the full MK storyline for me. Playing as ONLY the good guys was kinda lame, i felt that the way the story ,mode was set up was ok but could be rebuffed. IMO i would love to see a game like Heavy Rain where the game progresses based on your gameplay, i would love this for a non-canon MK game, take a break from the story to determine what would happen if you lost certain matches so you get a certain amount of Rematches to get in the groove, 1 rematch tahtsts all, say Kung ended up winning instead. anyway im getting side tracked and that could serve as a "what if" mode aside from the non canon arcade endings.

So back to MK 10. I think that with the death of certain warriors people need to fill in I want to see
Kenshi as canon now,

Kai must reemerge, but now he will represent the white lotus and shaolin and be the new hero.

Somehow Cyber sub and smoke need to revert back to their classic forms, original sub and cyber smoke

Kabal's respirator is restored saving him, but his quick trip to netherrealm changed him causing him to be neutral and reviving the new improved Black Dragon Clan, but agrees to help Raiden in honor of Stryker.

Kobra reinvented and Tremor made playable cause for a great Black Dragon clan, sorry kira got replaced

On that note, Skarlet returns!! paves the way for possible Mileena Skarlet duo.

With Shao Kahn gone someone has to feel the void, Baraka heres your chance because he and Mileena rule Outworld. They cast out Kano for being Earthrealm born but keep alliance with Lin Keui who have a new machine, Cyber SMoke anyone? he returns after "dying" to be reanimaed with the nano technology.

Kano helps Quan Chi and becomes a powerful general for Netherrealm and allies with ehem Reiko and the two become huge threats in the Netherrealm war

Shinnok is the boss

Edenia is all jacked up and Rain is left in charge for Mileena's forces but a resistance is starting up and the edenians need a leader, a King, or Queen, maybe a Princess? how bout the spirits of all three? How? Ermac is hearing the souls inside him Jerod is taking over Ermac is now leading Edenian forces, possible Rain Ermac fight.

HOw did I fail to mention franchise player Scorpion? because the Scorpion Sub-zero rivalry has been reborn and this time its more vengeful. Scorpion has learned the truth of his clans death, its jus that a powerful spectre wants revenge for his death, Scorpion and Noob become hated enemies.

Kai did not come alone, Bo' rai'cho has come to fight and train Kai, Cage, and Sonya, for one of them will be the new Earthrrealm hero

*Spoiler* Sonya will have her hands tied with kano and Reiko
Kai has to deal with the Tarkatan Couple
so......Cage by default (to raidens disappointment) must prove he is Earthrrealms new hero, by rallying the troops, finishing reijo, who becomes a big role, and defeating Quan chi, who gets gragged off by a vengeful spirit (not playable) Tsung.

While all this occurs a shady, scary, even reaper looking character hides in the shadows and has a hand in teh edenian resistance, nethrrealm invasion, and the sole survivor of a nethrrealm realm merge. Chaos is consumed by the netherrelm as Havik plays a "quan chi' snake like role. Looking past MK 10 setting up a further installment, as long as MK10 works, Havik kills a hero (bo'rai'cho) in order to perform a spell like he did in deception, (WTFdidhejustfreeKahnfromtheElderGods moment)

New Roster:


- Scorpion-NE
- Noob Saibot N
- Cyber Smoke- I wish-N
- Cyrax-O
- Sektor-O
- Raiden-E
- Johnny Cage-E
- Mileena-O
- Baraka-O
- Kenshi-E
- Skarlett-O
- Quan Chi-N
- Rain-ON
- Ermac-E
- Reptile-O
- Kai-E
- Sonya-E
- Kano-N
- Kobra-E/N
- Tremor-E
- Kabal-E
- Havik-N

E=Earth/Edenia-10(+1) (Kobra excluded)^Double agent^

Non-Playable (bosses)
Nethrrealm Demon
*all Netherrealm bosses

Non-PLayable apperances/mentions

Liu Kang
Shao Kahn
Kung Lao

* or one from previous list( Fans choice) hve a bracket
Shang Tsung

Klassic Ninja (Scorpion,Ermac,Rain, Reptile, Noob)
Human Cyborgs(Sektor, Cyrax)
Bald Kano
'Cyber' Kabal
Klassic Mileena and Skarlet

What do you think?

03/25/2012 11:40 AM (UTC)
Too many MK9 returning chars. I might be wrong but many seems to be dead if i eliminate Raiden, Sonya, Johnny, Quan Chi. Why would Kabal get out of the Netherealm with no good reason as to how he did and join the good guys only in the sake of Stryker? He was a bad guy when he was first introduced and was still this time.

^^ Not bad for a story but meh. Kenshi needs to be canon of course and have a full story for himself. Shang Tsung is dead so it will probably be different for him now if he's more than a DLC character but him along with.

Nitara mostly.
Li Mei
Bo Rai Cho

I think those all need and deserve to have a full story for themselves. Others too but they're the easiest to write or rewrite about from my own perspective.

I'm kind of tired of hearing and seing the same stuff over again and even though some chars like Scorpion and Raiden need to come back to avoid commercial failure i'll mostly be waiting til Nitara and Kenshi come up as the chars they deserved to be since they arrived.

So forget about the oldest grudges for a time and start over when the last good stuff about storymode was promising.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/25/2012 11:04 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry, but I'm no longer on the whole story bandwagon. I was always a fan of the story but after the past few games and not to mention the overbearing bitching and moaning about this game's story, I'm just fucking tired to be frank.

Story Mode in this game was lame infinity. They need to do something new or something different because finishing story mode almost became like a chore rather than a pleasure.

Or maybe they should stop trying to put EVERYONE in the damn story mode, but only those that are paramount. Doing that and giving nicely detailed bios would be pleasing enough for me.
03/26/2012 01:22 PM (UTC)
i like the storymodes/conquest i mean mabey your right how they shouldnt put all the characters in it but what would that do to the roster

and i dont get why you guys complain about story mode so much the earlier games had no story and depending on who you won with would alter the story

and looking back arent you the slightest bit glad you got to see an mk storygringringringrin
03/26/2012 03:32 PM (UTC)

Because criticizing is easy and fun? I don't think it would hurt too much to leave the dead guys out for a game or two to start working on the other part of the roster instead of being forced to use Scorpion. Still, he MUST be introduced since i play with him. But having him as a bad guy and one of the only evil you were forced to use in storymode?

The mode in itself ain't so bad. But as i said, i don't have any idea to make Scorpion better than he is currently in terms of his story or purpose. Fujin, Kai or Raiden will most likely be the heroes for the next game, without forgetting Johnny and Sonya. Soz. But sacrificing the rest of the roster or having a short, dumb presence for them to the profit of Scorpion once again? Meh.

Story was not so good. It is not made to be first class of course but there are rasons for how much ppl complain imo.

03/26/2012 06:17 PM (UTC)
your right complaining is fun but if u dont know when to quit you make it go all together

just look at star wars for examplegringringringrin
03/27/2012 01:20 AM (UTC)
Yea just spit balling I agree with the fact that they need new blood, I would love to see tremor or belokk get a chance at MK life. Looking at the story and looking back at the original instances it seems they just pieced together the original with minor adjustments and a massacre to pass off some story. I would love to see new rivalries and alliances. Raiden was an idiot in this one and didn't think out his actions. Still love MK but I want to see More smileconfused
05/11/2012 08:34 AM (UTC)
Story mode was one of the strongest aspects of the game! it was extremely well recieved by critics and the general public (maybe a few fans were pissed for pedantic reasons) but I'd much reather have movie-like cut scenes telling an epic story rather than aimlessly wander around in Konquest mode, i really enjoyed learning more about my favourite characters and even the kombatants I never really appreciated before where developed and bought to life in story mode, story mode is EPIC!!
05/11/2012 09:12 PM (UTC)
I'd go with....

Liu Kang: Awakened from his unconsciousness by Shinnok & Quan Chi. They didn't control him easily due to him having a pure heart. They only blinded him with false memories of Raiden. Liu goes neutral.

Kai: Takes over that he'll be the new hero & champion.

Reiko & Mileena: The new emperor of Outworld, but Mileena also becomes an empress.

- Scorpion - N
- Sub-Zero - G
- Kai - G
- Reiko - E
- Tanya - E
- Li Mei - G
- Bo'Rai Cho - G
- Ashrah - E/G
- Mavado - E
- Tremor - E
- Sareena G
- Kenshi -G
- Skarlet - E
- Rain - E
- Shinnok -E

- J. Cage - G
- Sonya - G
- Smoke - G
- Cyrax- G
- Sektor - E
- Reptile - N
- Ermac - G
- Noob Saibot - E
- Kitana - E/G
- Mileena - E/N
- Jade - G
- Liu Kang - N/G
- Fujin - G
- Raiden - G/N/E
- Kano - E
- Baraka - E

- Nitara
- Jax - E
- Kabal - E
- Stryker - E
- Kung Lao - E

- Sindel
- Shang Tsung

New Characters to add to the roster with new elements

G - Good
N - Neutral
E - Evil
05/13/2012 03:59 AM (UTC)
I liked the story mode and found it far superior to Konquests (including the best of which was the MKDA), for one simple reason, many developed characters and the story just did not show one.

The scenario chapters show centered on characters see as the best way and also the more the better. However can actually improve some things, make the story longer, complex, full of conspiracies and more custscenes is one of those ways is something else to show the point is to make playable villains or give them important scenes (and at least two wins against these important characters, is only the beating, imprisoning or even killing them in some cases, but in this case is actually more interesting that each character for each one and not that many die for one to one - even if Sindel has increased its powers with the great power of Shang Tsung).

Four to Six Fight relevant per character (in the traditional way in Story Mode is ideal) would be very welcome but somehow he could face multiple minor characters as in the MKA Konquest. Another point and that the next Mortal Kombat seems to lead the way is the "good guys" quarreling with each other more (in number of battles) than with the forces of Shinnok, with so many hard feelings that exist, the distrust of Earthrealm and Outworld each other and problems within each kingdom.

Another important point is that the cast should reflect the need of the story and the story not be formed around a pre-chosen cast. I see no need for new characters (maybe with a few exceptions, but all having been cited or representing some force that does not have a character participating in the main cast, but the group is important in the history of the game). In addition to not ignore the impact of any event of this game, or forget the old affiliations were not changed by this History Mode. So I do not want this game to most of the deaths are reversed and those that are, are not so easy. And the idea of ​​appearing as slaves Quan Chi is not only repetitive and illogical, since that would be seen by Shinnok as an act of treachery of his servant, and Shinnok not really need most of them and turn them back with free will and not as slaves.And enjoy every hook MK9.

Still would like to see the entire cast removed in the previous game (even with that excuse in the MKX Ultimate, but without much impact on history).
05/13/2012 05:41 AM (UTC)
They should keep the story mode, with all of the cutscenes and fights in tact. The thing that needs to change is the chapter oriented storytelling. A lot of characters were given filler fights when they could have had fights later on or earlier in the story.
05/13/2012 01:48 PM (UTC)
i prefer to have those games separated. 2 good reasons why i want the fighting and story games separated.

first, we don't have to wait a long time to see something new about MK :)
second, so they ain't forced to do something just because they have to.

fighting game, epic cinematic endings that last 5 minutes per character. improved krypt etc.

story game, similar to shaolin monks but bigger and better.

EDIT, maybe its also better if the story based game were made by a different studio than NRS or atleast have the previous guy's that worked on MK: shaolin monks, work on the story based games.
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