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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/07/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
However, this is a fighting game, not a fuck-simulator, and there are other places to get that kind of stimulation.

I lol'd.

Icebaby Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
Also, no cursing/swearing like "fuck" and such cause it doesn't belong in MK

I dunno, it sounds kinda cool to hear it

But of course, not every time. It should be rare, like in the video.

So glad you posted that. I loved that little easter egg.

All for the swearing, but for the appropriate characters. Raiden saying "awww shit" or "Fuck these mortals". However hilarious, I just wouldn't be able to take the character seriously. If that's what they're going for, I can dig it, but if they're putting any effort into the story and bios then it would just throw me off.
08/07/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
A little off topic, but you know, as long as we're talking about swearing in MK, I always thought it would be hilarious if, after watching his amulet crack for the second or third time during Storymode, Raiden just lost his shit and threw the amulet to the ground in a sudden fit of rage, shouting "Godfuckingdamnit!" lol

What I would have done in his position, anyway. grin
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/07/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
A little off topic, but you know, as long as we're talking about swearing in MK, I always thought it would be hilarious if, after watching his amulet crack for the second or third time during Storymode, Raiden just lost his shit and threw the amulet to the ground in a sudden fit of rage, shouting "Godfuckingdamnit!" lol

What I would have done in his position, anyway. grin

This would be very ironic being that he is a god himself lol


IMO it wouldn't be a morality issue but more like a franchise issue. MK is known for it's violence and is in fact responsible for the ESRB rating system, it's why we all love MK.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know but my point is we shouldn't turn MK into Game of Thrones with all of the sex and swearing on top of the killing just because society now allows it 20 years later. It's very unnecessary at this point and it's just not MK.

Now if this was done out of the gate, that would be a different story.
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08/07/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
Like whatuknowaboutMK? said, this isn't a morality issue. It's not like I'll be offended if Scorpion starts cursing. There's just nothing WOW about it. Maybe if you're 15. What's the use of it? Just in case he hasn't proven he's a badass, here is a little swearing for ya?

I much rather hear Liu Kang say "You will taste your own blood" than "I'm going to fist-fuck the shit out of your ass!"
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08/07/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
I've got a godamm mother fucking problem with mother fuckers using bullshit profanity for mother fucking emphasis.

Also...MK is M rated so the inclusion of profanity in general is fine. My only criticism is if certain characters would swear at each other uncharacteristically.
Like...if Liu Kang said "Nice fucking hat douchebag!" when squaring off with Kung Lao.
08/07/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
I suspected you guys would take it the wrong way. It's always one extremity to another.

Profanity and nudity, as well as violence, shouldn't be censored.
However, that doesn't mean they should put it in every single shot.

See the difference?
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/08/2014 02:40 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I suspected you guys would take it the wrong way. It's always one extremity to another.

Profanity and nudity, as well as violence, shouldn't be censored.
However, that doesn't mean they should put it in every single shot.

See the difference?

Ok now this I agree with ;)
08/09/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind dialogue during fights. But they'd need to give the characters has many lines as they could, because the dialogue could get tedious rather quickly.

I find it annoying when fighting bosses in certain games that they repeat the exact same lines over and over again. Johnny shouldn't be repeating "You got Caged!" but then again, it'd fit his obnoxious nature to do that. So okay, we could have a few exceptions. But more serious lines must not be repeated too often, if at all. Imagine if Arnie said "I'll be back" five times during the same Terminator movie.

Trash talking during fights is something that you should be able to turn off if you want.

On the issue of profanity, I don't care. They wouldn't be charateristic of Outworlders like Kintaro, but giving them just a very few, and rarely spoken profanity-ladden lines would be okay just to shock players. With human characters like Stryker or Sonya, so long as NRS doesn't go overboard, then I'm fine with profanity.

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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

08/09/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
To those who complained about not being able to hear the voices over the sound effects and music: There is a volume balancing menu in all of these games? I remember turning down the SFX and upping the music in MK9.

I like the idea of characters trash talking after dealing out certain amounts of damage in a combo. As for the swearing, I agree that it can fit very well for those characters who would swear, like Cage, Stryker, Sonya, Kano, Kabal, Jax, human Cyrax... maaaybe even Shao Kahn. But I actually found the 'fucks' and 'bitches' a little out of place for Scorpion in MKSM. Sounded a little too street for an undead Japanese ninja.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

08/10/2014 07:25 AM (UTC)
Am I the only one here who watches Dashie's MK videos? There is an example of what it would be like to have characters trash talking regularly.
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