Should EVERY charcater in MKX trash talk while fighting?
posted08/10/2014 07:25 AM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

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03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
During the reveal of Raiden (awesome!) at EVO, I thought that Kotal Kahn going "Pray for the Kahn's mercy!" mid fight was sooooo badazz.

Now I know that this was already done in MK2011 with Kano's "No charge!",
Jade's "too easy!", Noob's menacing laughter and so on, but it appeared to be limited to only certain characters if I remember correctly.

That said would you guys like to see more of it? Should Scorpion say more than "Get over here!"? Should EVERY character have something slick to say?

My answer to these questions is YES YES YES! With a few exceptions of course.
(Like if Jason is a guest character, he should not say a word.)

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08/07/2014 05:39 AM (UTC)
Sure, I'm all in for this as long as its all random (like the TOASTY!! thing) as opposed to it happening after something is triggered (e.g. Noob throwing someone). Also, no cursing/swearing like "fuck" and such cause it doesn't belong in MK
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/07/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
Agreed. No cursing.
08/07/2014 05:54 AM (UTC)
Couldn't hurt, as long as (again) no swearing. In fact, that was what I liked about the X-Rays in MK9.
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08/07/2014 06:00 AM (UTC)
They do this sort of "flavor talk" in Injustice so I think it'd be fine for MKX as well. Adds some nice flair to the match.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/07/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
I don't like the idea because I could never hear what the hell the characters say in Injustice with the mix of music and punching sound effects and environment noises. It's the same with Street Fighter IV rival matches. They talk in the fight, but could never hear a damn thing.

I'm not saying I don't want it in, you guys could have it, but I'm just saying how I feel.

And supposedly there's taunts in the game. I'm sure you can search a thread for it, but apparently Cassie has a taunt that was indeed shown until interrupted by her opponent.

And fuck you all, Kano has to say "Bitch" again. smile

And to the person saying cursing doesn't fit MK.

There was no better awesome moments than hearing Scorpion shouting "Get the FUCK over here!" in Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks during the Scorpion boss battle. Also he says "Get over here, bitch!".
THAT, is bad ass.
08/07/2014 06:26 AM (UTC)
You forgot Mileena's "tasty", Smoke's "stay down", Stryker's "punk", etc wink Personally I loved them. It gave personality and uniqueness to the characters. Hope they don't go back to just gibberish again.
08/07/2014 08:18 AM (UTC)
I think taunt after certain moves or one ur life bar drops below a certain point the opponent/player should trash talk. just another little additive to make the game more awesome than what i think it is already
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08/07/2014 08:24 AM (UTC)
I'd rather they not.
08/07/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
Yes, I really love any form of talk during fights. Even taunts would be fun for me!
08/07/2014 09:11 AM (UTC)
I think trash-talking in matches is a cool way to put some personality into the fight, expecially if it changes depending on who you fight... However, as WeaponTheory said:

WeaponTheory Wrote:
I don't like the idea because I could never hear what the hell the characters say in Injustice with the mix of music and punching sound effects and environment noises. It's the same with Street Fighter IV rival matches. They talk in the fight, but could never hear a damn thing.

It's always been a problem to hear what they are actually saying! And sometimes when hit, they even get interrupted, so you only get half of what they are saying which is just so darn annoying.

Maybe just have the trash-talking in between the rounds, but still make them character unique.
08/07/2014 10:36 AM (UTC)
If there is an option to turn it off...
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08/07/2014 11:42 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
If there is an option to turn it off...

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08/07/2014 12:06 PM (UTC)
In Injustice, landing throws and/or specials / supers will prompt dialogue.

Part1 -

Catwoman, when finishing on a female opponent in Injustice will sometimes say "Love your shoes." How is this not awesome?
08/07/2014 12:11 PM (UTC)
I think certain match-ups should trigger trash talk. But I don't see EVERY single character talking trash. Like I can't see Liu Kang or Raiden talking shit during a fight.

Johnny and Cassie can definitely talk some shit though.
08/07/2014 12:19 PM (UTC)
I think it would be a great addition. If they keep it to as much dialogue in-game as MK9 i would not be disappointed but I would love to see them spice it up even more by adding dialogue after a certain percentage of damage from a combo instead of triggered from a certain move. Dialogue in mkx seems to be a focal point so I wouldnt be surprised if the grew the in-game dynamic.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/07/2014 02:27 PM (UTC)
It adds to the character, so bring it in. I liked it in MK9 and would be happy to see it return.

But maybe not only trash talk. Sometimes you get characters who are friends or lovers. They could say different things. No swaering please. Although I never can forget Scorpion's Get The Fuck Over Here!! from MKSM. It made me laugh!
08/07/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Also, no cursing/swearing like "fuck" and such cause it doesn't belong in MK

I dunno, it sounds kinda cool to hear it

But of course, not every time. It should be rare, like in the video.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/07/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
^Lol wow, Scorpion is my fav and I had no idea that he said this in MKSM and I played the heck out of that game.

Ok so maybe characters like Scorpion and Kano could swear once ina while as it fits those characters. Honestly though I can't think of any more fighters who would confused

08/07/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
^Lol wow, Scorpion is my fav and I had no idea that he said this in MKSM and I played the heck out of that game.

Ok so maybe characters like Scorpion and Kano could swear once ina while as it fits those characters. Honestly though I can't think of any more fighters who would confused

He also says, "Get the fuck over here," but I thought it wasn't as good as the bitch quote.
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Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/07/2014 04:43 PM (UTC)
Why no swearing? I'm pretty sure after receiving an attack that would be one of the first responses from a persons mouth before striking back. Well either that or GOSH darn it
08/07/2014 04:52 PM (UTC)
I could see why people don't want curse words.

Ever since high school, I found the word "fuck" lose its purpose on just how many times I've heard it be used. That word used to be like the "oh my god, you said the worst word ever" when I was little, now it's just a "meh" word. It gets overused a lot, and I guess that could be a reason why some don't want it in.

I don't mind if it's used sparingly, but not overused. As stated in my previous post, characters could swear but it's a rare thing to hear/see. That would be more of a perfect use for them than just blurting it out constantly.

But I honestly don't mind about the characters themselves trash talking. It makes the characters... kinda more human that way, if anyone can understand what I'm talking about. I mean, to just hear them say one little sentence at the beginning of the match is one thing, but then hearing grunts and screams throughout, kinda gets a little boring. I want to hear the characters say things to their opponent.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/07/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
^Lol wow, Scorpion is my fav and I had no idea that he said this in MKSM and I played the heck out of that game.

Ok so maybe characters like Scorpion and Kano could swear once ina while as it fits those characters. Honestly though I can't think of any more fighters who would confused

He also says, "Get the fuck over here," but I thought it wasn't as good as the bitch quote.

Yeah, the bitch quote is pretty hilarious. I don't think the other one would hit as hard. Pretty funny stuff though, had no idea. Ed Boon is something else lol
08/07/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
I don't get some people's mindset sometimes...

In a game full of violence, gore, murder, spines being ripped out, heads being torn off, hearts being torn out of the chest and whole bodies being completely massacred... you can't say swears? Because that's a big no-no?!

Excuse me one moment while I am laughing so hard my spleen hurts!




The whole violence versus nudity in games is one thing... Some people think it is alright to have excessive violence in a game, as long there won't be any nipples showing. I find that hysterically laughable!

But now people don't want curse words either?! But STILL find the excessive violence an okay thing???




Sorry, had to laugh again.
Anyways, you people need to re-evaluate your morality and ethical standpoints, because guess what! Nudity and swears are a HUNDRED times less harmful than any sort of violence!

- Sex is a good thing, the body is beautiful, nudity is natural!

- Yelling out curses and saying swears helps the anger you feel inside be expressed in a healthy way!

- Violence is NEVER A GOOD THING! Harming others to make yourself feel better is one of the worst things you can do, no matter where in the world you are.

However, oddly enough, we find entertainment in violence. In games, in movies, in sports... And as long it is contained within these media, we can get relief of our cravings for violence.

So violence in a videogame such as Mortal Kombat is fair game... but if you sincerely think that nudity and swears aren't... then there's something wrong with you.


Sorry for this little rant of mine.
My point is, put in as many swears as you like. Put in as many fucks, shits, asses and cunts in there as you like. It is alot more harmless than what's already in the game.

Just to be clear though, to those who are readying their counter-arguements; no, I never suggested to turn Mortal Kombat into a porn game where they should fuck one another up against the screen. There's a whole other genre for that. But the nudity already in the game is harmless.

Scantly clad women and muscular men showing their chests are titillating and are there to make the game aesthetically pleasing and to attract people into buy the game. However, this is a fighting game, not a fuck-simulator, and there are other places to get that kind of stimulation.
08/07/2014 06:01 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure the want for lack of cursing is due to so many MK character being inhuman. It would be really weird for Shang, or Goro or Ermac, Kitana, etc. to be throwing F bombs since they aren't even from this planet. Then characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc. who aren't really native English speakers should probably steer away from "Fuck" too, just for different reasons.

Basically, I think only the characters that makes sense to curse should, such as Jax, Sonya, Kano, Johnny, Kabal, Stryker, etc. If it makes sense for that to be in their vocabulary, then fine. But no "Fuck" words from Raiden. That would just be bizarre.
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