12/06/2006 01:13 AM (UTC)
no, i think they're doing overall a great job, but need to stop rushing out games anually; i people can't wait for a new MK game, buy a Wii and get MK:A, or download old MK games on it.furious
12/06/2006 04:12 PM (UTC)
No. I dont get the hype. Armageddon was all it should of been. Here was the purpose....

62 Characters, and you get to fight! Amazing!

We ate it up, it lived up, stop whining.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

12/07/2006 02:09 AM (UTC)
Yes, this franchise would do well in different hands.
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
12/07/2006 04:47 AM (UTC)
I'm of the opinion that fresh input (storywise) is needed. Having one or two writers come in and try to regain the continuity that was once present and infuse the series with new dynamic characters would help a great deal.

I also feel, that a number of people from this site, Check, Danadbab and mastermalone to come to mind, should be allowed to advance test the game both off and online since it's clear that the air cancel glitch and broken KAK combos were missed. They fixed nearly all of the junk from MKD, but whiffed on what MKA has. Am I saying that a lot of the online players have no confidence what so ever in less than a COMPLETE thorough testing of everything from KAK to Air Combos? All you need to do is read the threads.

And the all so infamous phrase (said in many ways), "We ran out of time", needs to be resolved. Let the team take their time with the game. I'd be willing to wait 3+ years just as long as everything's as perfect or near perfect as it needs to be.

Now if Midway will allow for all of this to happen, then that'd be cool in the gang and quite a few fans might regain the faith that they've lost in the series. But if not, well... I'm sure there'd be someone that would love to be a new home to MK.

Eh... who knows. *shrugs*

12/07/2006 05:10 AM (UTC)
They should still stay with Midway. I think they still have the potential to make MK what it use to be and maybe even better.
12/12/2006 04:02 AM (UTC)
Lol. You are young for sure. It's not all about graphics. Graphics is only on the 4th place after storyline, fighting system, original and cool characters. But if EA would buy Midway, then you can say farewell to MK. Remember what EA did for example with Thrill Kill when they bought Paradox company. The game was cool in that time and 100% ready but EA never released it for one simple thing: Blood and Gore. So in my opinion EA is not the right choice. Namco also is not the best choice for MK because tell me one good Blood & Gore game from namco. It could only have chance with capcom because they already have the Resident Evil so I think they could Make MK nice as well.

^^^^^^^^I'm more mature than you think buddy. My youth has nothing to do with my opinions/knowledge of video games. I'm 17, not some 12 year old who doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyways, MK would be better off with EA. Capcom maybe, but Capcom is known for survival horrors. I.E. Resident Evil or Devil May Cry, so to speak. All the fighting franchises I've seen from Capcom usually are "button mashing" games which Mortal Kombat is not. At least MKDA, MKD, and MKA aren't. Either way let's just hope MK8 or whatever it's going to be called is much better than MKA.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

12/12/2006 07:42 AM (UTC)
G_gamer07 Wrote:
Lol. You are young for sure. It's not all about graphics. Graphics is only on the 4th place after storyline, fighting system, original and cool characters. But if EA would buy Midway, then you can say farewell to MK. Remember what EA did for example with Thrill Kill when they bought Paradox company. The game was cool in that time and 100% ready but EA never released it for one simple thing: Blood and Gore. So in my opinion EA is not the right choice. Namco also is not the best choice for MK because tell me one good Blood & Gore game from namco. It could only have chance with capcom because they already have the Resident Evil so I think they could Make MK nice as well.

^^^^^^^^I'm more mature than you think buddy. My youth has nothing to do with my opinions/knowledge of video games. I'm 17, not some 12 year old who doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyways, MK would be better off with EA. Capcom maybe, but Capcom is known for survival horrors. I.E. Resident Evil or Devil May Cry, so to speak. All the fighting franchises I've seen from Capcom usually are "button mashing" games which Mortal Kombat is not. At least MKDA, MKD, and MKA aren't. Either way let's just hope MK8 or whatever it's going to be called is much better than MKA.

So....Street Fighter 3: Third Strike is a button masher? News to me.
12/14/2006 05:00 AM (UTC)
I'm just saying a number of fighting games from Capcom are button mashing games. I'm not sure about your Street Fighter 3: Third Strike since I've never played it.
SUB-ZERO The First
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12/22/2006 10:56 AM (UTC)
Man. I don't care if others will blame mi now, but in my opinion the best MK story of all is definetly the story of MK4 and MKM:SZ. It's so f*ckin original and cool. Now this was done by Tobias.
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12/22/2006 04:00 PM (UTC)
It is Boon's team that makes the game, Midway just distributes it. Midway does have a minor hand in things for promotion and they can give Boon's team some assistance if it is in their contract, but otherwise it's Boon's team.
12/26/2006 07:55 PM (UTC)
I think they should because Midway (Ed Boon) is becoming way too sexist towards the females.

When someone goes out to battle, do they go out in their g-string?

Fucking Ed ridicules the females excessively and I'm sick of it. If Midway wants to objectify the females, then they should at least objectify some of the males too. Johnny Cage has been a handsome shirtless slut since day 1, I think it's time we get to see his ass jiggling during kombat too...

God I hate Ed now.
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12/26/2006 09:59 PM (UTC)
Unfortunately fighting games are majorily played by males. Look at Dead or Alive. As for realistic attire to be fighting in. Try a Tuxedo! Johnny Cage wears one and as an actor I've had to do stunts in a tuxedo, it is quite restrictive in a good fitting tuxedo.

As for the G-strings, I can see humans caring about fighting in them, but not demons like Sareena. I was so happy when I saw a FULLY CLOTHED Ashrah. Of course when I first saw her, I thought it was only because they turned Raiden into a woman.
12/26/2006 10:56 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
Yes, this franchise would do well in different hands.

Highly paid by Jack Thompson.
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12/26/2006 11:38 PM (UTC)
Midway started Mortal Kombat and they should stick with it
SUB-ZERO The First
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I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

06/26/2007 03:00 AM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Midway started Mortal Kombat and they should stick with it

John Tobias and Ed Boon started MK. They should stop the MK franchise after Tobias left the Midway. Tobias was the main guy, not Boon. Tobias created the characters and the MK storyline, Boon was only a programmer.
06/26/2007 03:25 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I think they should because Midway (Ed Boon) is becoming way too sexist towards the females.

When someone goes out to battle, do they go out in their g-string?

Fucking Ed ridicules the females excessively and I'm sick of it. If Midway wants to objectify the females, then they should at least objectify some of the males too. Johnny Cage has been a handsome shirtless slut since day 1, I think it's time we get to see his ass jiggling during kombat too...

God I hate Ed now.

what you just said i am bowing down to you with the whole sexist thing. i finally found someone else so believes this.

i agree with you 100%

i would personally add to what i beleive, yes it's about time someone buys out midway and takes over mortal kombat completely. ever since Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat sucked.

here's my list:

1. Game gets too old, too fast

video game companies have been doing this in their games now which features more unlockables. Mortal Kombat does that too, but what, only unlocks clothing that we've already seen in previous games? that's not interesting, that's boring. oh and pictures of the cast. oh, what am i suppose to do with a picture of ed boon? stare at those monsterous eyebrows of his?

2. "We run out of time!"

This excuse has been using this excuse since Deadly Alliance, I have yet to hear any other game companies said that they ran out of time to finish up on their video games that they create. either you make the damn thing or you don't finish it. that's my rule in making things.

3. Sexism

What i personall beleive and what queensindel beleives in, that these creators have been sexists. there are few female characters, no female sub-bosses and bosses (and i'm not including adventure games) no female heroes, (Sonya was suppose to be the hero of SF but it got scratched... hmm i wonder why?) what's the big deal here people? but yet they try to make it not clear to us by making the girls have jiggly features. many of you have said this and i cannot understand why you men get so excited over a poloygonal, fictional character. girls can do a lot of things that men can do, i mean for heaven's sake, when have you seen a man playing as peter pan in a play? find me where a man is playing peter pan in a play and i'll go see it, other than that... i stated my point.

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06/29/2007 10:29 PM (UTC)
On the subject of Mk being handed to a studio with more cash, you do realise that Midway is owned by National Amusements, which also owns Viacom and CBS. So i think they do okay for money, the main problem is midway always want them to rush the product of either they just dont work hard and fast enough.
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06/30/2007 12:24 AM (UTC)
macdaddy41 Wrote:
No. I dont get the hype. Armageddon was all it should of been. Here was the purpose....

62 Characters, and you get to fight! Amazing!

We ate it up, it lived up, stop whining.
What are you talking about stop whining?The game was horrible.Sixty two characters that weren't balanced.Whats with the gameplay too.There was air combat,breakers,parries,which Ed clearly got the parry idea from Street Fighter.The gameplay was also stiff and has been since MKDA.Just look at Tekken and Soul Calibur.Thats why so many people that love fighting games turn their back on the MK series.winkDon't get me wrong,I love MK but your saying like the MK series are the best fighting games.
06/30/2007 02:49 AM (UTC)
Wow, if Capcom really bought the rights for MK, we are looking at a future SF vs MK, whoa wow
SUB-ZERO The First
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I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

08/07/2007 09:41 PM (UTC)
LitoJ Wrote:
Wow, if Capcom really bought the rights for MK, we are looking at a future SF vs MK, whoa wow

I don't think this will ever happen. SF is anime based and MK is not. They simply can't put those two in one game.
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08/08/2007 08:19 AM (UTC)
I think 2K Sport's could nab it. They use incredible visual's aswell.
08/08/2007 12:19 PM (UTC)
[SUB-ZERO Wrote:
LitoJ Wrote:
Wow, if Capcom really bought the rights for MK, we are looking at a future SF vs MK, whoa wow

I don't think this will ever happen. SF is anime based and MK is not. They simply can't put those two in one game.

While I agree with you that MK Vs SF will never happen. I do think a slight modification of art style for the two series (not unlike the Capcom Vs SNK games) would mean it would be possible for the two series to mix together nicely.

I do like how after so many months has passed since the question was asked and no one has said Dead or Alive maker Tecmo. It just makes me smile.
08/14/2007 10:21 PM (UTC)
i think THQ and yukes would do a great job theyve been doing wrestling games and so far there awsome
08/14/2007 11:54 PM (UTC)
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
08/15/2007 05:30 AM (UTC)
2K? Errrr... I don't think that would work out too well.

And sadly, this thread has been bumped.

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