Should a new company take over Mortal Kombat?
posted08/15/2007 05:30 AM (UTC)by
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09/17/2006 04:35 PM (UTC)
I think Namco should take over.They Made the Tekken and Soul Calibur series.Which are really good games.I think Namco would take MK to a new direction.
11/15/2006 02:15 AM (UTC)
true but those two game series arent close to the brutal action in mortal kombat so if they took over it would become softer.
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11/15/2006 03:49 AM (UTC)
No. For the simple reason that we don't want it to go in a new direction.
What hard core MK fans want is a return to the extremely fast paced, bloody, and brutal games that they grew up on.
11/15/2006 05:09 PM (UTC)
They should oust jhon vogel. Boon should definatly hang up the hat. Midway just needs a new crew perhaps some people who arent totally biast.
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11/15/2006 11:16 PM (UTC)
If MK is owned from bigger company,
it would be very very positive thing to happen.
But the Makers of the original MK must make it
- otherwise it won't be MK.

Keep booN and the Mk Team ! Midway or whateverTHEFUCK is not important (or is it?).
11/17/2006 05:17 PM (UTC)
Midway sucks. It's just the concept of mortal kombat that is good.
11/18/2006 06:50 AM (UTC)
this is my opinion...midway and the mk team would be great if they would just listen to the fans more and stop being so childish. yeah the comedic scenes from the past were ok like cooking with scorpion and the toasty guy but come on...when will the mk team actually get serious and make a kick ass game??im not saying mk7 isnt good but it lacks alot and was obviously rushed?? as for all the controversy over codes and bios an whatever...that is just a part of a new mk release....there will always be someone not happy with something,there will always be someone spreading rumors and there will always be the annoying fans that want more and wont stop with fantasies(for instance the ones obsessed with khameleon).but if midway and the team dont take the right measures...i am down with a company switch....maybe thq or square
11/22/2006 05:02 AM (UTC)
only if midway was bought out by another company and the same team still worked on it but with a bigger budget.
11/23/2006 06:07 AM (UTC)
yeah, that would be great , a bigger company with a bigger budget would certainly mean a way better game , I still can't believe I only played MKA for about 25 hours max. It has all the fighters , but damn It could have been so more exciting , I played it mainly in Konquest , went 2 times through it to get all relics, then I tried most of the fighters , but there's just not enough deph to them. A lot of cool classic arenas that were remade in Deception are not even there and are replaced by boring arenas from konquest , without deathtraps or even other areas in it, yellow lines you know.
11/23/2006 08:00 AM (UTC)
If Namco owned MK, all I can say is WOW! MK would be badass!
11/24/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)
MK_The_Pit Wrote:
If Namco owned MK, all I can say is WOW! MK would be badass!
it would be to much like soul calibur

don't get me wrong SC is a great game but doing that would work very well
11/24/2006 09:29 PM (UTC)
Because it's a proven fact that games get better when the creators leave... COME ON! If you think MK sucks now (Which it doesn't, It's just not the best fighter anymore) think about what it'll be like when a whole new team takes over. We saw what happen when John came on (Which is bound to happen when you add new people) Think about it with a whole new team.

It’s the fact that they have a sense of humor that makes them unique. Rain? What other series has a ninja in honor to the prince. It’s not their attitude or even the story (Which should be overhauled because it’s such a long running series and plot holes and stuff are bound to appear). It’s the fact that they’ve needed a new fighting engine sense after Deadly Alliance.
11/25/2006 09:39 PM (UTC)
New company? Yes.

Namco? Maybe.

New crew? Definately not.

Although John Vogel definately needs to take over as Creative Director.
11/26/2006 05:09 AM (UTC)
No Vogel should be shown the door, he is the one mostly responsible for storylines right? look at MKA
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11/26/2006 11:47 AM (UTC)
Midway wont give up MK cuz its probly one of the best things they got. what they need to do is hire a few new young guys that arent really obsessed w/ one character. they should be pretty young (like college grads) they could have like a college wide poll to find the best candidates for it
SUB-ZERO The First
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I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

11/26/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
Wanna good MK? Bring back John Tobias and it will be done. He is the one who created the whole storyline for MK and he's the one who created Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Goro, Kung Lao, Sonja, Kano, Raiden and all the main characters. If you look at MKDA, MKD and MKA you will see that only the original characters from Tobias are the dominants. All the others are uninportant. There isn't any cool new character from Vogel which could contend with Tobias's chars. So my opinion is to bring back John Tobias and the glory of classic MK storyline. And one more thing. With MKSM they craped up MK2 storyline bigtime. They should leave the MK2 story and not touch it. PS: MK is already not original since Tobias left the team.
11/26/2006 04:47 PM (UTC)
bringing back tobias would be a good START...
11/27/2006 05:28 AM (UTC)
Vogel > Tobias.

Vogel has done so much for the MK storyline since Tobias left. You guys know that MK4 sucked ass. Don't deny it. The character designs, the story, the endings... everything.

Tell me, who would you prefer? Jarek (Kano rip-off version), or Mavado? Kai or Kenshi? Tanya or Nitara? Reiko or Drahmin? Those characters all sucked until their redesigns in MKD/MKA, and that's why they weren't included until now.

Besides, if they still had Tobias, we would be stuck with another 8 ninjas to last us another 10 years.

(I know Vogel isn't in charge of the character designs, but he is in charge of their stories. Steve Beran/Herman Sanchez/Luis Mangubat are the main guys for character design.
11/28/2006 08:33 AM (UTC)
Might be a good idea to get another company.

From what I've read, the mk team is constantly on a tight schedule when designing their games. Midway needs them to produce games quicker than they would probably like to because mortal kombat is basically all Midway has going for them. Having a new company would allow them not to rush to create a game every single year.

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Vogel > Tobias.

Vogel has done so much for the MK storyline since Tobias left. You guys know that MK4 sucked ass. Don't deny it. The character designs, the story, the endings... everything.

Tell me, who would you prefer? Jarek (Kano rip-off version), or Mavado? Kai or Kenshi? Tanya or Nitara? Reiko or Drahmin? Those characters all sucked until their redesigns in MKD/MKA, and that's why they weren't included until now.

Besides, if they still had Tobias, we would be stuck with another 8 ninjas to last us another 10 years.

(I know Vogel isn't in charge of the character designs, but he is in charge of their stories. Steve Beran/Herman Sanchez/Luis Mangubat are the main guys for character design.

I liked the MK4 storyline, it’s almost biblical in the way that Shinnok turns against the fellow elder gods. I won’t go into it, but I noticed a lot of similarities.

With the character development, circumstances are different now; technology has become advanced. It is so much easier now to portray exactly what you want.

I think Tobias did a great job, laying some great storyline groundwork. No disrespect to the current team, they’ve picked up where Tobias left off and added some good additions as well.
11/28/2006 09:15 AM (UTC)
Mk 4 had a great storyline because it tied in with MKMSZ. Things started to get really crappy with MKDA-MKA. They need to bring back the old fighting system with air combat.
11/28/2006 01:43 PM (UTC)
There seems to be two answers to this really.

For Storyline: The answer is no. Deadly Alliance was a much needed reboot of the series. Up till Armageddon the storyline was interesting. (I don't like the whole two demi god sons must fight to decide the future of all of the fighters) Building the Dragon King through Deadly Alliance and then building the One Being through Deception showed that there was something greater at work than Mortal Kombat and it was good. I would rather Armageddon have been a true sequel to Deception rather than MK: Sextology. Bring back some of the missing characters that reappeared in Armageddon.

For Gameplay: Two answers here: I would love to see what Namco or Sega would do with the franchise. Scale back on the number of buttons perhaps? But what ever it would be the gameplay would be balanced.

Then again the hype behind MK8 (?) has made me interested. Lets wait and see if that's any good.

To be fair on Tobias and MK4 wasn't:
Jarek meant to be Kano, Reiko meant to be Noob Saibot, Tanya meant to be Kitana? Kai was dull though.

So its a bit yes and no for me.
11/29/2006 02:06 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat should be run by EA Games. They're the ones who made Def Jam: Fight for NY. Plus they're associated with the movie production company THX. That's why EA Game's games have awesome graphics, sound, etc. grin
SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

12/04/2006 11:33 PM (UTC)
G_gamer07 Wrote:
Mortal Kombat should be run by EA Games. They're the ones who made Def Jam: Fight for NY. Plus they're associated with the movie production company THX. That's why EA Game's games have awesome graphics, sound, etc. grin

Lol. You are young for sure. It's not all about graphics. Graphics is only on the 4th place after storyline, fighting system, original and cool characters. But if EA would buy Midway, then you can say farewell to MK. Remember what EA did for example with Thrill Kill when they bought Paradox company. The game was cool in that time and 100% ready but EA never released it for one simple thing: Blood and Gore. So in my opinion EA is not the right choice. Namco also is not the best choice for MK because tell me one good Blood & Gore game from namco. It could only have chance with capcom because they already have the Resident Evil so I think they could Make MK nice as well.

About Tobias. The MK is his desert. He created it. Only person who is respeactable beside him is Forden for the original songs. These two persons are MK. Boon and others are only code developers, programers. Nothing more. Anybody could repleace Boon and others but not Forden and Tobias. They are MK and the fact is this. But Forden cannot create characters and storyline just like Tobias could not create The songs for MK. The sad thing is that in MKD and MKA most of the songs are created by newbies and not by Forden. This is very perceptible.

Tobias, Forden => MK, irretrievable
Others => developers, expendable
12/05/2006 12:28 AM (UTC)
[SUB-ZERO Wrote:
Only person who is respeactable beside him is Forden for the original songs. These two persons are MK.

John Vogel, Steve Beran, Carlos Pesina, and Tony Goskie have been around nearly as long as Forden. As much as the music is important in MK, it's not nearly as important as story/character design, which is what the guys I listed do.

Forden has done only a few compositions over the past 4 years. The rest of have been done by newbies, yet they are just as good as previous MK tunes. Vince Pontarelli I could see being the main music guy for future MKs.

I wish people would stop dissing the new MK team. They're doing great. Things are a lot different than they were 14 years ago. MK1 had 4 guys on the team. MKA had over 50.
12/05/2006 10:57 PM (UTC)
After the let down known as armageddon, i think MK should be taking over by another companie. But not by Namco or capcom or any of those other cartoonish fighting game companies. I would like to see Vogel and a couple of the others still help out with Story ect. But i think we need a new company. I mean, how long has it been since we had a fully completed 100% done MK game? Never. Midway announces a release date even before the game is done.
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